Escape From Konoha

Chapter 103 Undercurrent

"Lord Hokage, this is a reward order issued from Kusagakure Village."

The ANBU ninja used the teleportation technique to appear in the office of the Hokage Building, and immediately placed the intelligence documents in his hands on the table in front of the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen for him to see.

Hiruzen had already learned about the terrorist attack on Kusakure Village through ANBU channels. However, there were still many doubts about it, including why Kusakure Village was attacked and the identity of the attacker.

In the previous question, ANBU had been dispatched to conduct a secret investigation to find the reason for the attack on Kusakure Village.

Regarding the last question about the identity of the attacker, Hiruzen looked at the girl dressed as a miko who appeared in the document. She was around sixteen years old and had an unfamiliar face. She was neither a ninja in the Ninja Village system nor had she appeared in the underground black market before. A girl in strange clothes whose identity is completely unknown.

Able to use powerful wind release ninjutsu, like the third generation Tsuchikage of Iwagakure Village, he has the ability to fly freely in the sky.

However, the Third Tsuchikage used Earth Release. The secret of this girl in a miko costume's flight is that it is not difficult to see that her flying ability should be in the Wind Release.

In addition to this strangely dressed miko girl, there is also a non-humanoid, dark beast that resembles a psychic beast.

It is small in size, about the same size as a pet cat at home. It can use long-range attack lightning escape, and can cooperate with the flying miko to carry out falling lightning attacks from the sky.

It was this one person and one beast that left the numerous ninjas in Kusakure Village helpless and embarrassed.

Not long after the attack on Kusakuin Village, the amount of the reward for this man and beast appeared on the underground black market.

Because of her special flying ninjutsu, the girl in the miko uniform can also use the large-area destructive wind escape ninjutsu, which is extremely dangerous and has a bounty of 55 million taels.

The young psychic beast, which is completely black, has a bounty of 15 million taels, and a total bounty of 70 million taels.

Even without investigation, you know that at this moment, bounty hunters in the underground black market have begun to take action, hoping to get the reward of up to 70 million taels for the head of this man and beast.

"Has the investigation into the cause of the attack on Caoyin Village been clear?"

Hiruzen asked the ANBU ninja.

It was impossible for Kusakure Village to be attacked for no reason. Whether the powerful ninjutsu was coveted or someone was indirectly offended, these were things that Hiruzen was more concerned about.

"Sorry, Hokage-sama, this matter is still under investigation, but I believe there will be a result soon."

"Is that so? Continue to pursue the investigation and be sure to find out the reason why Caoyin Village was attacked."

Hiruzen felt that this matter was not simple. During non-war periods, these small country ninja villages were attacked from the front. This was the first time that this had happened.

Even a small country ninja village like Kusakure has a military power that not everyone can provoke.

What Hiruzen was worried about was that someone was controlling the situation behind the scenes.


The ANBU ninja bowed respectfully.

After the ANBU ninjas retreated, Hiruzen pondered deeply.

On the surface, this matter has nothing to do with Konoha, but the Country of Grass where the Kusanagi Village is located is very close to the Country of Fire. Just in case, the attack on the Kusanagi Village must be further investigated.

Through this incident, he saw the essence of a ninja that was riddled with holes and undercurrents.

Since the last Ninja World War, although the situation in various countries was stable on the surface, Hiruzen knew very well that the Ninja Villages in various countries were trying to make peace on the surface, but secretly they were accumulating strength.

Among them, Sunagakure and Kumogakure are the most popular.

Needless to say, the third generation of Raikage inherited the fighting ideas of the previous generations of Raikage. Under his leadership, Kumogakure Village has always attached great importance to the development of the military field.

In the last Ninja World War, although Kumogakure did not appear, Hiruzen had always placed a ninja force at the border between the Country of Fire and the Country of Yu in order to prevent the Kumogakure Village from being raided. Hiruzen was extremely afraid of the Third Raikage, who was known as the strongest shield and spear.

It is said that it can engage in hand-to-hand combat with tailed beasts using only its physical body, which is truly horrifying.

The Third Kazekage of Sunagakure is the youngest among the contemporary Five Kages, but he is very ambitious. His military development in recent years is not far behind that of Kumogakure Village.

On the other hand, in Konoha, members of the Hyuga clan have disappeared, and their lives and deaths are now unknown. It is suspected that they were attacked by Kirigakure ninjas and robbed their Byakugan.

After the White Fang incident, external deterrence declined.

The root of Uchiha and Danzo is like fire and water, which is an important reason why it is difficult for senior officials to negotiate with the Uchiha clan.

And whether it was giving up Uchiha or giving up Danzo, it was something Hiruzen didn't want to see.

Without Danzo's roots, his ANBU alone is not enough to check the powerful power of the Uchiha clan.

He maintains a stable balance among these forces, but it is not surprising when this balance is broken.

The only thing worthy of praise is that great progress has been made in medical education. Tsunade has trained batches of medical ninjas in the ninja school, and spared no effort in providing funds and welfare.

Now that it has been officially put into the team mode, the sacrifice rate of the Jonin team that has been performing missions in the past two years has been greatly reduced.

The attack on Kusakure Village this time revealed the fact that there was an undercurrent in the ninja world, and the fig leaf of peace on the surface of the ninja world was torn away.

Looking out the window faintly, the tranquility was broken. How long can the next peace be maintained?

Hiruzen looked at the peaceful Konoha and gradually felt powerless.

"Anyway, are you making too much noise this time?"

That was what Liuli said to Shiraishi after returning from a mission.

Such a big thing as the attack on Kusagakure Village has now spread completely throughout the ninja world.

During the attack, Kusakure Village was said to have lost nearly dozens of ninjas and hundreds of others injured.

Although civilians were not affected, important facilities were blown up and reduced to nothing, causing heavy losses.

"To be honest, I didn't expect the two of them to make such a big fuss. Rather, they are stronger than I expected."

Shiraishi smiled helplessly. Generally speaking, various accidents would happen to planned things, causing them to be inconsistent with expectations.

And whether this kind of accident develops in a good direction or in a bad direction is difficult to control.

However, as far as this incident is concerned, although it has aroused the hostility of Caoyin Village, it also proves that the strength of the two clones, Tianyu Nu and Raiming Maru, should be developing in a better direction.

In the future, if you need to break through the defense of the Ninja Village, you may not be able to use similar means to achieve your goals.

After all, the ability to fly is enough to give many ninjas a headache.

As far as Shiraishi knows, there are very few ninjas who have the ability to fly in the ninja world, and ninjutsu has a limited range. No matter what form of battle it is, occupying the sky is equivalent to occupying a natural advantage. You can advance, attack, retreat, or defend.

If they had fought against the Kusagakure ninjas on land from the beginning, then Tian Yunv and Raimeimaru would not have seemed so relaxed.

"The remnants of the Uzumaki clan have basically been arranged. Now there are forty-seven people who have migrated to the Kingdom of Demons from all over the world. This is a very huge potential stock. If the talents of each of them can be released, There is basically nothing to worry about in the Kingdom of Ghosts."

Shiraishi made this judgment.

The common characteristics of people of this family are that they have chakra that surpasses ordinary people, and have extremely huge vitality, which is very consistent with the natural energy system. There are many paths for future development, and they can cultivate talents in many special fields for the organization.

"No matter what, be careful. The affairs of the Uzumaki clan are very sensitive. If someone discovers it, it will easily attract the prying eyes of some people."

"Of course I understand this kind of thing. Don't worry, I have sent people to arrange for them to live in the underground space of the headquarters. Their daily training and daily life are basically settled there, eliminating the possibility of meeting outsiders."

What's more, there are many sentient ninjas and white-eyed ninjas at the headquarters, so there is no need to worry about detection and security.

After the attack on Kusakuin Village, Shiraishi also asked Tianyu Nu and Raimeimaru to sit there, making up for the lack of high-end combat power there.

I believe that the strength of the two of them, combined with the manpower at the headquarters, is enough to deal with most emergencies.

And as time goes by, when the survivors of the Uzumaki clan are cultivated into the backbone of the organization, there will be no need to worry too much about their safety.

According to speculation, it was during the Ninja World War at that time. The five major countries were all focused on the battlefield and would never focus most of their attention on a marginal neutral country like the Demon Country.

Seeing Shiraishi's careful arrangements, Liuli didn't say anything worried.

It was just because the incident this time was so big that I couldn't help but give Shiraishi a few words of warning.

"One more thing, my body is used to this kind of bracelet. Is there a higher level limiter?"

Liuli took off the chakra limiting bracelet on his hand and threw it in front of Shiraishi, asking him to replace it with a chakra limiter with stronger limiting capabilities.

"So fast?"

Shiraishi's face was slightly surprised. He remembered that it took Liuli more than half a month to overcome the first limiter.

However, after the second limiter was worn and paired with the first limiter, the chakra restriction increased several times. According to Shiraishi's original expectation, it would take another month or two for Ruri to overcome the two Chakra binding brought by the limiter.

I didn't expect it to end so many days early.

"Maybe it's because I've been practicing senjutsu recently, and I feel that my Sharingan sense has come to an end, and further up, I can only develop towards the Mangekyo Sharingan."

After practicing the immortal skills, Liuli could feel that her eye power was further improved.

In the Sharingan realm of the three magatama states, she has reached the end.

If the Sharingan still has untapped power, it can only be the higher level Mangekyō Sharingan.

"The Mangekyō Sharingan? That legendary eye? Speaking of which, does that kind of thing really exist?"

When Shiraishi heard Ruri talking about the Mangekyo Sharingan, he couldn't help but think of the Uchiha clan books that Ruri had provided him before, which recorded some things about the Mangekyo Sharingan.

The supreme pupil technique in the legend of the Uchiha clan, however, since the defeat of Uchiha Madara, the Mangekyo Sharingan has completely become a legend. No one in the Uchiha clan has opened these legendary eyes.

"That's not a legend. I can feel that there is definitely a higher level of power above the ordinary Sharingan."

Liuli said affirmatively.

"But how to turn it on?"

Shiraishi asked the key.

Regardless of whether the Mangekyō Sharingan is a legend or a real eye technique, if it is not turned on, it is the same as nothing.

Shiraishi knew very little about these eyes, and it was impossible for him to use Sharingan ninjas to conduct human research. Otherwise, he could analyze whether there was a stronger power hidden in the Sharingan.

"I think it may be the same as the ordinary Sharingan, which requires strong emotional stimulation to open the eyes."

Because in the beginning, her Sharingan was promoted to the three magatama form step by step.

And reaching the three magatama form is equivalent to reaching the end of the ordinary Sharingan.

A year ago, Ruri was not sure that her Sharingan was the strongest among Uchiha, but now she is absolutely confident that no one in the family can surpass her in the application of Sharingan.

Soon after, Liuli left, Baishi's face was calm.

There is no need to worry about the chakra limiter, but the Mangekyō Sharingan...

Shiraishi couldn't help but think of the unknown Sharingan he encountered last year. A ninja who could control that level of eye power was definitely not an unknown person in the ninja world.

In other words, is that really the eye power that a three-magatama-level Sharingan can control?

Even though Ruri has now practiced senjutsu, her pupil power has exceeded the limit of the Three Magatama Sharingan. However, compared with the two, Shiraishi still feels that the power of Ruri's Three Magatama Sharingan is even worse.

It seems that there are still many ulterior secrets hidden in the Uchiha clan.

Just when Shiraishi was about to return to the laboratory, General Tu emerged from the ground.

It took out a scroll from its body and placed it in front of Shiraishi.

Shiraishi had a surprised look on his face, but he still picked up the scroll, opened it, and read the contents.

There is only one thing mentioned above -

Sunagakure and Iwagakure secretly purchased a large amount of medical supplies from Shionka Company, and were suspected of entering the stage of war preparation.

"I didn't expect that there are remnants of the Uzumaki clan hidden inside Kusakure Village."

In a dark environment, Danzo said this after receiving the intelligence documents submitted by his subordinates.

Half a month has passed since the attack on Caoyin Village.

During this period, the focus of the shinobi villages from all over the world was focused on Kusagakure. Unsurprisingly, Konoha's Anbu and Roots also focused their attention on Kusugakure, trying to find out the reasons behind the attack on Kusugakure.

Even though Caoyin Village tried its best to conceal it, based on some clues, the investigators at the root found some suspicious places and confirmed that there were remnants of the Uzumaki clan in Caoyin Village.

However, following the attack, the remnants of the Uzumaki clan mysteriously disappeared from Kusakure Village and are currently missing.

Danzo narrowed his eyes slightly as he held the reward list with the portraits of Tian Yunv and Thunder Maru on it.

Did they attack Kusagakure Village for the remnants of the Uzumaki clan?

First, they attacked Ghost Lantern City, made bait, and mobilized the troops of Caoyin Village towards Ghost Lantern City.

Then they quickly launched an attack on Caoyin Village. Caoyin Village, with its troops dispersed, was helpless in the face of the enemy's air attack.

On the day after the attack, Kusagakure Village counted the losses and found that the remnants of the Uzumaki clan in the village were missing. The Kusagakure ninja who guarded them also had their traces wiped away and disappeared from the world.

This is the rough result deduced by the root investigators. Although there may be discrepancies in some places during the process, these are the main lines of events.

"Danzo-sama, do you want to immediately launch an investigation into the remnants of the Uzumaki clan?"

the root ninja asked.

"No need. Since the other party has done such a thing, he must have taken this into consideration. If we investigate now, we will most likely get nothing and waste our energy. Compared with tracking down the whereabouts of these Uzumaki clan remnants, right now The most important thing is to guard against the Uchiha clan."

Danzo shook his head.

The people who attacked Caoyin Village had a well-planned plan. Before the attack, the attackers had already laid out their retreat route.

A lot of time has been wasted investigating the cause of the attack on Caoyin Village. At this time, it is completely too late to conduct an investigation.

"Yes." The root ninja lowered his head, and then thought of something and said: "But Mr. Danzo, our people can't get close to Uchiha Ruri at all. All the people who have secretly monitored her in the past have not heard back so far. Life and death I don’t know.”

Although I really want to share the pressure with Danzo, the leader, the scary guy who monitors Uchiha Ruri has already lost many root ninjas who are good at lurking.

If this continues, it will be meaningless to continue to dispatch professional ninjas in the lurking field. It will only lose the power of the roots.

After all, there was one person who was sent out before, and his hidden ability could not even be detected by sensory ninjutsu. However, even for such a professional latent ninja, the mission still ended in failure.

Either dead or captured and imprisoned, otherwise it would be impossible for no information to be sent back until now.

Naturally, this kind of thing cannot be reported to the Hokage. The Nebe secretly monitors the members of the Uchiha clan without any order. Even if they are killed, it is the Hokage who is at fault, and it is the Nebe himself who suffers.

"If I had gotten rid of her earlier at all costs..."

Danzo, who was sitting on the seat, felt that things were difficult.

Even if it's too late to regret now, that little girl from the Uchiha clan has grown to the point where she can't do anything about her roots.

To get rid of her secretly, I'm afraid at least several jounin and a dozen chuunin would need to join forces and lay a dragnet in advance.

And now he can't even control the other person's whereabouts and schedule. It's really difficult to set a trap for her like he did a few years ago.

"I'm very sorry, Danzo-sama."

"This has nothing to do with you. The current situation between the Roots and the Uchiha clan is exactly the balance that the Sandaime hopes to see, and this balance will harm the village sooner or later. Therefore, people from this clan must not be taken lightly. "

Danzo made this judgment.

In his eyes, the balancing strategy that Hiruzen has always pursued is just a product of compromise with the Uchiha clan.

Although this balance ensured the stability of Konoha to a certain extent, it also caused Konoha to lose many opportunities to become stronger.

Sure enough, he is the most suitable person to be Hokage.

Thinking of this, a trace of nostalgia flashed in Danzo's eyes.

A single thought at that time caused him to miss the position of Hokage, and from then on he could only become a root buried deep in the darkness of Konoha.

Looking back now, this is what I regret the most.

And now, this is the moment for him to use the power of his roots to save Konoha again.

The Country of Wind, Sand Hidden Village.

In an inconspicuous conference room, all the senior Sunagakure jounin including the Third Kazekage were gathered.

Along with the consultants Chiyo and his brother, they are also among them, serving as the third-generation Kazekage's right and left deputies.

"Everyone, I have decided to launch an attack on Konoha in the Land of Fire next year."

At the beginning of the meeting, the Third Kazekage got straight to the point.

After hearing these words, none of the surrounding high-ranking jounin showed any surprise.

If you think about it carefully, Sunagakure Village has been secretly accumulating strength since the last ninja war, laying the groundwork for the third ninja war that they will personally trigger soon.

It was only expected that the Third Kazekage would bring up this matter at this time.

In order to warm up the Third Ninja World War that will be held soon, the last Ninja World War resulted in the sacrifice of Konoha's elite Jonin Kato Dan. At that time, Sunagakure and the others were already planning.

Just last year, Konoha White Fang also committed suicide due to Konoha's high-level mistakes. Konoha's high-end combat power suffered heavy losses at this time, and it was a God-given opportunity.

The Third Hokage needs to stay in Konoha to defend the other ninja villages and cannot be easily mobilized.

The only high-end combat power that Konoha can mobilize on the battlefield at this moment is the Konoha Sannin.

Although the Konoha Sannin also performed well in the last ninja war, the three of them jointly blocked the attack of the Sunagakure troops led by their Kazekage.

But in the later stage, the Sannin began to weaken. If Konoha White Fang hadn't penetrated into the hinterland of Sunagakure's position to disrupt, Sunagakure would have succeeded last time.

But now, Konoha no longer has the second Konoha White Fang. On the frontal battlefield, with their Kazekage-sama here, what does the Sannin mean?

"Master Kazekage, when is the specific time to attack Konoha?"

One jounin couldn't help but ask.

The general plan was very clear to the high-ranking Jonin present. The only thing that needed to be discussed now was when was the best time to attack Konoha.

"I have discussed with Elder Chiyo and Elder Ebizo in advance and believe that February next year is the best time. In the second month of the new year, Konoha will be caught off guard."

After the Third Kazekage said this, senior advisors Chiyo and Ebizou sat in their seats with calm expressions on their faces, obviously agreeing with the Third Kazekage's point of view.

The remaining senior jounin looked at each other. Although a small number of them had reservations, since the three most influential people among the senior management had already voted on their opinions, it must be a certainty to attack Konoha next February.

"Elder Chiyo, I leave it to you to prepare the supplies."

The Third Kazekage stood up from his seat and gave instructions to the advisor Chiyo beside him.

"Leave this matter to me, Sandaime. I have asked people to cooperate with Shionka Company and ask them to provide us with a large amount of medical supplies for Sunagakure."

Chiyo nodded in agreement.

Because the march is in winter, even at the end of winter, the combat effectiveness may be affected by the cold weather. After all, the climate of the Kingdom of Fire is very different from that of the Kingdom of Wind.

Not to mention heating props for winter, all kinds of medical supplies must be prepared in advance.

Although Ziyuanhua Company is a new pharmaceutical company, its power cannot be underestimated.

In addition, their branch pharmacy has received an excellent response in Sunagakure Village, and its research and development capabilities in the medical field are commendable. The civilians and ninjas of Sunagakure are also very positive about its price and effectiveness, and it is relatively close to the people.

Moreover, this company represents the official body of the neutral country Ghost Country, which is why Chiyo trusts it.

Neutral countries do not participate in the Ninja World War, nor will they be involved in the Ninja World War. The Ghost Country will never leak secrets, unless they want to experience whether the blades of Sunagakure Village are sharp enough.

"Then, Elder Ebizo, please leave Iwagakure."

If you want to take advantage of the Fire Country, Sunagakure alone will not be able to do it, but it may not be possible if you add Iwagakure.

As early as a year ago, he had secretly sent someone to contact Iwagakure's third generation Tsuchikage Onoki, and asked Ebizo to go to Iwagakure at this time. This was just to strengthen Sunagakure's determination and to officially launch full cooperation with Iwagakure to share the fire. This delicious meal from the country.

The Third Kazekage looked out the window excitedly, which was the direction of Konoha, the Country of Fire.

Without Konoha White Fang, the Sannin alone would never be able to stop the combined forces of Sunagakure and Iwagakure.

This time, they Sunagakure will win!

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