Escape From Konoha

Chapter 243 Suspicion

In the huge conference room, there were about dozens of jounin gathered here.

There were a total of four people sitting at the front, facing dozens of jounin.

The Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The consultant moved to Koharu and Mito Menyan.

Danzo Shimura, the leader of the Roots.

Due to the unexpected incident and Danzo's decision to kill first and then act later, Hiruzen, as the Hokage, had to quickly return from the Hyuga clan to preside over the Jonin meeting here.

However, hosting the Jonin meeting at this time was not Hiruzen's original intention.

Seeing that the Hyuga clan has reached an agreement, as long as the body of Hyuga Hizashi is called out and replaced by Hyuuga Hizashi, the relationship between Konoha and Kumogakure can be avoided, and the war can be avoided.

According to the news brought back by the Anbu, a Jounin team of Konoha ninjas stationed on the eastern border of the Land of Fire clashed with a team of Kumogakure during a routine patrol. As a result, the Jounin in the team and three A subordinate, a chuunin, unfortunately died in the line of duty.

At this critical moment when the armistice agreement was signed with Kumogakure, various conflicts occurred again and again, which continued to disturb Hiruzen's mind.

He sat there, glanced at Danzo next to him intentionally or unintentionally, and sighed softly in his heart.

Although there is no actual evidence, there is probably the shadow of Danzo's existence behind this incident.

As the main war faction in Konoha, Danzo, although he had not made any suggestions in previous meetings, must have been dissatisfied with the way the peace talks with Kumogakure resolved the war.

If it was based on this dissatisfaction and to achieve a certain purpose, it was indeed just right for Danzo to launch an attack at this time.

"Regarding the fact that Mizuno Jonin's team and three members were killed by Kumogakure ninjas, this is no longer a question of whether we are willing to negotiate peace, but Kumogakure's lack of sincerity. Not only did he use rogue methods to force the Hyuga clan , and at this time, they are still harassing the border of the Land of Fire and attacking and killing our Jounin of Konoha. In response to this incident, regarding the peace negotiation solution proposed in the last meeting, I suggest that it be abolished directly. If Kumogakure is determined If you want to start a war and refuse to sign the armistice agreement, then fight them until they are willing to sign!"

Danzo, who was sitting in the front row, had a cold voice and a tough attitude of resolutely fighting.

Mizuno Jounin was the Konoha Jounin who was killed by Kumogakure at the border.

The three chuunin who accompanied him also died in the line of duty.

Danzo's statement is also agreed upon by most of the war-fighting ninjas.

Although they don't like Danzo, the high-level elder who always likes to design schemes in the dark, they have to agree with his point of view at the moment.

Kumogakure went too far, not only coercing the Hyuga clan in a shameless way, but also harassing the border at this moment, causing one of their Konoha jounin and three chuunin to die in the line of duty.

Pai Shangnin, who originally disagreed with the peace talks, now has a firmer and stronger desire to fight Yunyin to the end.

Nothing less than death, they do not believe that every ninja in Yunyin is not afraid of death.

Konoha is not afraid of causing trouble.

The long-standing soft policy has also made their hearts stir.

Even the policy towards the Three Generations of Hokage began to be dissatisfied.

If the Fourth Hokage was in power, he would probably have led them to directly attack the hinterland of the Land of Thunder, forcing the Fourth Hokage to sign an armistice agreement in person.

"I agree with Elder Danzo's suggestion. Let's ignore the Hyuga clan. It was originally Kumogakure who wanted to steal Hyuga's Byakugan. Then he insisted on killing him. Now that Mizuno Jonin died in the line of duty, we cannot let Kumogakure do what he does. ”

"Yeah, Yun Yin is too deceitful. It's not them who are going to hold us accountable now, it's us who are going to hold Yun Yin accountable."

Many jounin also agreed with Danzo's plan.

Yun Yin's continuous persecution had already made them intolerable, and they were worried that they had no place to vent their anger.

"There are many doubts about this matter. Why Mizuno Jonin's team clashed with Kumogakure ninjas requires careful investigation before making a judgment."

Hiruzen also expressed his opinion.

He really didn't want to see someone's secretly smug expression.

"That is to say, Master Hokage, do you still plan to resolve this incident through peace talks?"

A jounin spoke up and asked.

This question can be said to be heart-breaking.

"No, I just want to say that since the incident has happened, it is also very important to find out the truth behind it. As for the peace talks with Yunyin..."

Hiruzen knew that at this time, once he said that he would continue to deal with Kumogakure with a gentle policy of peace talks, then the number of jounin supporting Danzo would probably increase sharply after this incident.

This is something he doesn't want to see.

The power territory at the root is already huge enough.

If Danzo's roots touch the sunlight on the ground, it will be enough to pose a fatal threat to him, Hokage.

But Danzo has been reclusive for the past few years, and he has never been given a chance to use the topic to his advantage.

The real reason why he wanted to investigate this matter was not to compromise with Kumogakure, but to find evidence of Danzo's behind-the-scenes activities.

Including personnel transfers within the root department, a thorough investigation is also carried out.

"Let's do this for now. Continue to send two thousand more ninjas to garrison at the eastern border to prevent Kumogakure. At the same time, I will also contact Kumogakure's Fourth Raikage through letters and ask Kumogakure to hand over the ninjas who committed the crime to Kumogakure. Leaf disposal.”

The main war faction is currently so powerful that it is the Hokage's job to control their emotions.

Although continuing the war with Kumogakure can indeed effectively vent the anger in their hearts...but what happens after that?

Simply venting anger is the most meaningless thing.

Konoha has been fighting continuously for many years, and the consumption of various resources, as well as casualties, have long been imminent problems.

The daimyo is also urging to end the war as soon as possible, and it can't be consumed anymore.

This is a matter that ninjas can ignore, but he, Hokage, cannot but be responsible.

This is why he hopes that the Hyuga Clan can compromise on this.

The internal consumption is serious, and the root and tail cannot be lost. The daimyo has sent people to warn many times that the war cannot continue.

Compromising all the balance points is what he, the third Hokage, tried his best to do.

Therefore, it is necessary to satisfy the fighting desire of the main combat faction to a certain extent, but you can't talk to death, as if you want to fight Yun Yin to the death.

This is the most important.

Sure enough, upon hearing Hizan's arrangement, the Jonin of the main battle faction calmed down somewhat, thinking about the gains and losses involved.

Of course they understand that wars cannot be fought if they want to.

Their heads were hot for a while, and they just wanted to vent their depression in their hearts. They just couldn't understand Yun Yin's ugly face like a villain.

"How should we deal with the Hyuga clan's affairs?"

A jounin asked again.

"To refute this unreasonable request, we, Konoha, are now holding Yunyin accountable, not them holding us accountable."

Hiruzen answered simply.

At this time, any compromise would mean the failure of Hokage.

Hiruzen could see this.

The main combat factions do not want the Hyuga clan to make sacrifices for this.

The status of the Hyuga clan in Konoha is self-evident. On the battlefield, they are Konoha's best eyes, allowing Konoha ninjas to ignore all conspiracies and calculations on the battlefield.

If Kumogakure wants to hold the Hyuga clan accountable, then Konoha can also hold Kumogakure responsible for killing their Konoha Mizuno Jounin, delaying each other and completely confusing the matter.

Regarding this, a rather calm voice suddenly sounded from among the Jonin:

"If this is the case, then international public opinion should be occupied as soon as possible, and this matter should be magnified to catch people's attention first."

About thirty years old, with two scars on his face, his eyes are full of wisdom.

The jonin who spoke was none other than Nara Shikaku.

His words can be said to awaken the dreamer.

Indeed, this matter should be well publicized, allowing Konoha to occupy the commanding heights of public opinion and condemn Kumogakure.

The reason why Kumogakure can manipulate the Hyuga clan at will is because when Konoha was still thinking about what to do, they had already told the story after confusing right and wrong, which created public pressure that was unfavorable to Konoha.

Even some villagers in Konoha believed it to be true. He believes that the village should hand over the murderer of the Hyuga clan to Kumogakure, and cannot drag down the entire Konoha because of one person. After all, it was the ninjas of the Hyuga clan who did something wrong first. He killed the leader of the envoy sent by Kumogakure to Konoha, and it was natural for him to be executed.

Therefore, it is very important to get a head start.

They are just treating others in their own way.

Just as Hiruzen was about to answer, Danzo next to him had already answered first:

"I have already arranged this matter before the meeting. Are there any questions?"

"there is none left."

Shikaku replied without changing his expression.

At first, he was still guessing who in Konoha had the courage to secretly plan this matter.

Looking at it now, there is no need to doubt it.

The Mizuno Jonin who died in the line of duty was probably a hidden member of the Roots.

So I sacrificed myself without hesitation.

But it is no longer important what the facts are. What is important is how Konoha wants to package this fact to create public pressure on Kumogakure.

Although he didn't like Danzo's usual behavior, he had to say that Danzo did a very good job this time.

There is no solution to this problem.

"Damn Konoha, for using such a despicable method!"

The desk made of solid wood was smashed to pieces, and a large number of documents fell to every corner of the room like a goddess scattering flowers.

The fourth generation Raikage's body has been condensed with a thick layer of thunder escape armor, entangled with thunder and lightning.

The hair on the top of his head stood upside down, obviously he was extremely angry.

The jounin secretary Azabu Yi looked helplessly at this scene and just sighed softly.

To say that they are despicable, they can only be considered half-hearted.

Importantly, this is the eighth time this month that I have to change my desk.

If this continues, all my salary as a Raikage will be deducted.

To be honest, as the leader of the Ninja Village, it is extremely inappropriate to get angry easily.

However, thinking about the past actions of the Raikage, and considering that most of the Kumogakure ninjas are muscular warriors... Azabui sighed even more sadly.

"Start the war! Start the war with Konoha immediately! I want to go to the front line in person!"

The Fourth Raikage is in a state of subtle loss of control.

Azabu Yi couldn't stand it any longer and immediately stopped him: "Please don't do this, Raikage-sama. There are rumors going around that it was our Kumogakure who killed the Mizuno Jonin of Konoha for no reason. It's too much. If the reputation goes down, It will affect the usual entrusted tasks."

"Damn Konoha! This is definitely not the method of the Third Hiruzen!"

Although Azabu Yi managed to regain his composure, the Fourth Raikage still felt furious.

It is believed that such a method cannot come from the hands of the third Hokage.

That old man is not so insidious.

"It doesn't matter whose method it is, what matters now is how to end this matter."

Ma Buyi rubbed his sore eyebrows.

She didn't expect Konoha to fight back in such a way.

"What else can I do, tell the truth about the matter!"

The Fourth Raikage said this.

Kumogakure took the initiative to attack and kill Konoha's Jounin named Mizuno, which was completely false.

It was obviously the Konoha ninja named Mizuno, who led three chunin and rushed into the Kumogakure position desperately, killing dozens of Kumogakure ninjas who had no time to react.

Among them, two jounin were killed by Kumogakure.

There, the Kumogakure ninja lost his cool due to anger and committed manslaughter.

"The effect is minimal. Thinking about our previous public opinion war against the Hyuga clan, it is very important to get a head start. Even if we later release the truth, more people will only think that we are covering up our own faults and responsibilities, creating a bad impression. Many villagers in the village have appealed before, demanding that the Kumogakure ninjas who killed Konoha ninjas for no reason publicly apologize to Konoha and try to avoid war. They also hope that the Raikage-sama will write a letter of apology to reflect on his inability to control his subordinates. mistake"


The Fourth Raikage almost wanted to vomit blood after hearing this.

But because of this, he was able to calm down, even though the expression on his face was very gloomy.

Seeing the Fourth Raikage calm down, Azabui finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then we can only leave it to the mercy of Konoha? Can't we make a fuss about the Hyuga clan?"

The Fourth Raikage asked with a frown.

"Of course you can, but Konoha can also shirk it and ask us to hand over the Kumogakure ninja who killed Konoha Mizuno Jounin. In exchange, they can let the Hyuga clan surrender."

Konoha will definitely do this, Azabu Yi can be sure of it.

The Third Hokage's gentleness also had its limits.

She didn't think it would be a good thing for Kumogakure to let things stay in the stage of gossiping endlessly.

In the end, Kumogakure will get nothing in the end.

For now, Kumogakure can no longer put pressure on Konoha.

The original truth of the matter is not important. What is important is that Konoha and Kumogakure are tied at this time.

Kumogakure controls the Hyuga clan, and Konoha controls the pain point of the Kumogakure ninja killing the Konoha jounin. If both sides attack each other's weaknesses, they will only get a lose-lose result.

"Convene a Jonin meeting immediately. No matter what the outcome is, we must come up with a reasonable charter."

The Fourth Raikage waved his hand and sighed helplessly.


Azano nodded and walked out of the Raikage's office holding a stack of documents.

"That is to say, don't I need to give Yunyin an explanation now?"

In the meeting room of the Hyuga clan, Hizashi looked slightly shocked.

The clan elder in front of him nodded seriously and said to him: "Yes, Hokage-sama has made another decision. You survived, Hizashi."

Mizuno Jonin was killed by the Kumogakure ninja. This incident has spread within Konoha. Many people are filled with righteous indignation, and the voice of the main battle is getting louder and louder.

Based on this situation, even the Hokage could not suppress such voices and could only slowly channel them.

Thanks to the voice of the main war faction occupying the majority, the Hyuga clan does not have to answer to Kumogakure, and Hizashi naturally does not need to become the substitute of his brother Hyuga Hizashi to ease the conflict between Konoha and Kumogakure.

After hearing what the clan elder said, Hizashi didn't know what his mood was at this time.

Happy, grateful, or both.

If he could survive, he would not want to die.

He still has his own family, his son Ning wants to be educated, and he still has a lot of life to live in the future.

But sometimes, such as when the clan is in trouble, the branch cannot escape its responsibility to protect the clan.

Therefore, whether it was voluntary or forced, his death was a way to avoid war and protect the clan.

But in the end, Hinata is only a part of Konoha.

As a substitute for his brother Rizu, there is no silent oppression from the village's senior officials.

After all, when the village's top leaders come to the Hyuga clan, they only come to look for the clan, and the ninjas who separate the families can only make suggestions to the Hyuga clan, but cannot make decisions.

In terms of personality, the separated family is also a 'slave' whose freedom has been restricted by the clan. The idea of ​​dividing the family is precisely what the clan and the village leaders are fundamentally unwilling to pay attention to.

The separated ninja cannot be viewed as a complete 'person'.

Therefore, while he was grateful to have survived, Hizashi also felt a kind of sadness in his heart.

He somewhat understood those ninjas who defected from their families and villages to follow Hyuga Ayane for freedom.

They want to be a complete 'person', not a tool without their own freedom of thought and personality.

"Do you feel lucky?"

The clan elder asked with a smile.

He was originally unwilling to use this method to calm Yunyin's anger.

After all, Hizashi is also a ninja who bears the title of Hinata.

The Hyuga clan has never encountered such humiliation since its establishment, and it was necessary to sacrifice the lives of the clan members to quell the war.

But now is already a new era of one country, one village.

No matter how brilliant the ninja clan is, they still have to act according to the rules of the village.

It is not easy for Hinata to retain some traditions from ancient times.

"If it doesn't happen, then it's impossible. No one wants to die if they can live."

Rizai gave a wry smile.

The clan elder nodded and took out a letter from his arms.

"Master Rizu asked me to bring you your last words, which are no longer needed. Because of Master Rizu's obstruction, we still don't know the contents of the letter, including Master Rizu himself, who has not opened it. Now, you Take care of it yourself."

The patriarch said.


Hizashi murmured, took the envelope with complicated eyes, and stuffed it into his arms.

When you get back, find a place to burn this letter.

Indeed, this letter is no longer needed.

"There is one more thing I want to ask you for confirmation."

After handing the letter to Hizashi, the clan elder stared at Hizashi's face seriously, looking at him extremely seriously.


Hizashi was confused by the clan elder's sudden serious attitude. He didn't know what the clan elder wanted to ask him for confirmation.

"Yes, for proof."

The clan elder's expression of a matter of life and death made Hizashi feel that things were not simple.

"Elder, please explain. I will definitely tell you what you know."

"Well, let me explain directly that someone in the branch family has contacted Danzo."

As soon as the clan elder opened his mouth, he revealed such explosive information, making Hizashi sit there extremely stiff.

"Separate Danzo?"

Because this news had such a big jump, it took a while for Rizha to react.

"That's right. Lord Hokage has already found out that a team from Danzo's roots sneaked out of the village. Shortly afterwards, a border conflict broke out. A jounin and three chunin in the village were killed by the clouds. Hidden surprise attack."

"What does this mean? You don't think that people from separate families would dare to act like this without the order of the clan?"

A trace of anger arose in Hizashi's heart, but it didn't show on his face.

Since joining Konoha, the Hyuga clan has never had the experience of actively asking for power, and it has also been completely banned by the clan.

"The timing of Danzo's action was too coincidental, and, as far as I know, the Separation... a few guys suddenly disappeared for a while a while ago. I don't know where they went or what they did."

The elders of the clan stared carefully at Hizashi's somewhat angry face, trying to find something in it.

"Without the instructions of the Zong family, the people who split the family would not do this!"

Hizashi still insisted on his point of view.

Although his life could be said to have been saved by Danzo, the fact was that he and Danzo had nothing to do with each other.

The people of the branch family are also restricted by the clan. Even if he takes the initiative to contact Danzo, Danzo will not be able to do any transactions with the people of the branch family.

If someone from the Zong family came into contact with Danzo, the meaning would be different.

Compared with the separation of families, the Zong family should be suspected more.

"So, was Hyuga Ayane's defection ordered by the clan?"

The clan elder's expression became very dangerous.

Rizai was speechless.

"However, Danzo is originally the main militant faction in the village. It is reasonable that he does not want to negotiate peace with Kumogakure."

"But now Hokage-sama thinks that we, the Hyuga clan, are secretly supporting the development of the roots, so he asked Danzo to rescue our clan and save the face of the Hyuga clan."

The clan elder's eyes were like sharp knives piercing Hizashi's body.

"This is completely false!"

"It's not an important matter. What's important is that Hinata has been suspected by the Hokage. The root will be a serious blow to the Hokage next. You go and warn the old guys in the branch family not to make mistakes, and don't Doing such a stupid thing is disgraceful to the family."

The clan elder took out a piece of paper with dozens of names written on it.

The people with these names are all ninjas from the branch of the Hyuga clan, and some of them are elders of the branch in high positions.

"Your next task is to monitor the movements of these people. In exchange for this, your son Neji can come to the Zong family to learn more advanced soft fist."


Hizashi's face was gloomy and his hands were clenched into fists.

I really wanted to punch this clan elder in the face with my fist, but in the end I restrained myself.

Because the clan elder and his elder brother Hinata are not enough, the other party will not show mercy to him, nor will he indulge his willfulness.

It didn't matter that he was alone, Neji couldn't be implicated.

"I will keep an eye on them, but if they have no problems, I need an apology from the Zong family."

Hizashi stared hard at the old face of the clan leader. This old face seemed particularly disgusting to him.

The elder of the clan didn't pay attention to Hizashi's look. After thinking for a short time, he nodded.

"If they really have no problem, I will personally apologize to everyone in the branch family at the clan meeting. I shouldn't doubt my own clan members like this."

With the clan elder's assurance, Hizashi left the seat with an ugly expression and walked out of the house.

The clan elders didn't care about Hizashi's attitude.

Compared with the troubles that may arise from the separation of the family and Danzo, the first thing to do now is to dispel the Hokage's suspicion of Hinata.

In Konoha, once the Hokage becomes suspicious, things will become difficult.

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