Escape From Konoha

Chapter 498 The Place of the Soul (1)

"The opponent is Gaara from Sand Hidden Village. I feel that it will be a hard fight for Naruto."

Looking at Naruto and Gaara who were already walking towards the competition field, Kakashi kept his gaze locked on Naruto, touched his chin, and after thinking about it, expressed his inner worries.

Although Naruto has gone through the special training of Jiraiya these days, and even mastered the art of psychic, able to summon the toad from Mt. Miaogi, and started to learn the spiral pill, but the time is still too short.

If you want to rely on these tricks, you want to defeat Gaara. In Kakashi's view, it is a bit unrealistic.

Unless it's channeling the power of the Nine-Tails.

But channeling too much Nine-Tails power will make Naruto fall into a runaway state and lose control.

At that time, the Ghost Country, as the organizer, will have to terminate the competition and intervene to deal with the matter.

Kakashi only hoped that this situation would not happen, otherwise, Naruto could only stop here.

"Indeed, the opponent's sand-controlling ninjutsu integrates offense and defense, and the range of the technique is huge. It may not be easy to rely on the number of shadow clones to win."

Sasuke, whose body had already recovered, stood up from the ground. Although he hadn't fully recovered, he could barely do it if he continued to fight.

However, now was not the time to worry about Naruto.

Because after this game, it was his turn to appear again.

The opponent is a priestess from the kingdom of ghosts. It is estimated that it will be difficult to win in this state. In other words, it is simply impossible to do.

Until now, Sasuke couldn't think of a better way to survive the second round.

He wished Naruto could hold on longer so he could get more rest.

Even if he could hold on for one more minute, it would be a good thing for him, as he could recover a little more energy and chakra.

"If you really have to force it, it doesn't matter if you give up next time. In your current state, you are not suitable to play."

Kakashi glanced at Sasuke and could see that Sasuke was in very bad physical condition at this time.

Even after Sakura's treatment, he was just barely able to handle a simple battle.

"I don't want to stop at this place, Kakashi."

Sasuke responded with a smile, completely ignoring his physical condition and whether he was allowed to cope with high-intensity battles.

"You are still so strong."

Kakashi sighed, seeing that Sasuke had made up his mind, he stopped dissuading Sasuke and turned his attention to Naruto again.

In terms of potential, the opponent might even surpass Sasuke.

Especially the power of Kyuubi, if he can turn it into his own, he can become a top ninja in the ninja world.

As long as there is such a possibility, no one dares to underestimate the terrifying power in Naruto's body.

"The opponent is a ninja from Konoha, Gaara probably won't hurt the killer."

Compared to Kakashi's emotion, Sunagakure was worried that Gaara would kill everyone in the competition.

Markey sighed, with a look of worry on his face, and replied: "It's hard to say, if he goes berserk, he won't care about any covenant or non-covenant matters. And this final can be said to be a strong one." Like clouds, Gaara can no longer control the murderous thoughts in his heart. I am really worried that he will cause irreparable disasters in the game. "

"Then what should we do?"

"If that time really comes, we can only let Lord Kazekage take action."

Markie said ashamedly.

It's shameful to say that when faced with the rampaging Gaara, as an elite Jounin of Sunagakure, he didn't have much confidence in suppressing him.

As a guardian and guidance jounin, it can be said that he is unqualified.

After hearing this, Kankuro's face showed the same obvious worry as Maki.

Thinking of the scene when Gaara went berserk, Kankuro couldn't help but shudder.

It was obviously a hot weather, but he felt very cold and had no warmth at all.

Naruto and Gaara walked to the playing field and stood facing each other, looking at each other.

Onigashima Shinobu looked around at the two of them, scratching his head in distress.

The two jinchūriki were arranged to fight together. This match was a bit too scary.

If he goes berserk, this level of barrier will not be able to withstand it. If an emergency occurs, we can only expect the big shots in the audience to handle it personally.

This is no longer something that a jounin can handle.

When he thought of this, Onigashima Shinobi felt that standing inside the barrier suddenly made him feel less safe.

Because if the chakra in the two people's bodies starts to run rampant, he, the examiner, will be the first to be unlucky.

"Is everything ready?"

Onigashima Shinobu subconsciously took a step back, as if he was on guard against something, very alert.

"I am ready."

Naruto held up the forehead protector on his forehead and showed an excited smile, apparently very confident in his own strength.

Gaara crossed his hands on his chest, his eyes revealed a coldness, he didn't speak, and responded with silence.

"Then, let the game begin!"

After saying this, Onigashima Ninja used the teleportation technique to retreat to the edge of the field.

If something went wrong, he would immediately escape from the barrier and reach a safe area.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

After Onigashima Ninja announced the start of the game, Naruto immediately formed a seal, and with a puff of smoke, more than a dozen shadow clones that looked exactly like Naruto rushed out of the smoke.

More than a dozen shadow clones started to attack from the two wings. Instead of rushing up at the beginning, they surrounded Gaara in a circle, and then the shadow clones rushed up, took out Kunai, and outflanked and attacked from all directions.

Gaara maintained a cold posture with his hands crossed in front of his chest. When Naruto's shadow clones started to riot, the sand in the gourd behind him also started to riot at the same moment, gushing out of the gourd quickly, and immediately The clouds drifted away.

The kunai poked into the sand, feeling like it was piercing the extremely hard steel.

Moreover, a powerful counter-shock force came from it, knocking back several shadow clones and rolling them away.

"Damn it! It's such hard sand!"

The several Naruto clones that were thrown out were just rolled over, but the injury was not deep, so they were lucky to survive. Looking at the sand surrounding Gaara, they grinned and felt sincerely unhappy.

The way the other party stood motionless made Naruto feel extremely insulted, as if he had been looked down upon.

"Shadow clone is such a boring ninjutsu."

Gaara's green eyes with cold murderous intent glanced at the shadow clones around him and spoke indifferently.

Although there was no contempt in his eyes, there was contempt in Gaara's voice.

He thought that this match would end more easily than expected and advance to the next round.

Compared with Naruto, he wants to fight the witch in the kingdom of ghosts.

However, it's coming soon.

As long as he wins this battle, if nothing unexpected happens, the miko named Wu Zhi from the Kingdom of Ghosts will also advance, and then she can have a real battle with her opponent.

For this reason, he has to ensure that his Chakra is sufficient, and there can be no accidents before that.

Only the blood of the strong can make you excited!

"Don't worry, Mom, you'll get the delicious blood soon. It's just a pre-dinner dessert now..."

Gaara put his hand down and pressed his forehead, trying hard to restrain something. A low voice came out of his mouth, and he smiled in horror.

"Uh, Mom?"

Naruto blinked, swallowed, and shivered unnaturally.

Gaara looked like he was talking to someone, but in the barrier of the venue, apart from the two of them and the examiner, there was no fourth person present.

Who is Gaara talking to?

Thinking of this, all the hairs on Naruto's body stood up. For him who had been afraid of ghosts since he was a child, a shadow of fear suddenly fell over his heart.

Shaking his head, Naruto tried his best to dispel this inexplicable feeling of panic. The most important thing now was to win this game.

Besides, how could such unclean things appear in broad daylight?

The other party must be bluffing.

After saying that, the shadow clones around him rushed up again, preparing to break through the sand protecting Gaara with their numerical advantage.

Gaara's cold eyes glanced over, and his hands immediately formed seals.


The powerful whirlwind swept up the sand and dust, blowing it around Gaara like a sandstorm.

Mixed in it were tiny sand balls the size of fingers, flying out like bullets in a fire.

Bang bang bang——

Sand balls like bullets penetrated Naruto's many shadow clones mercilessly, and the sound of shadow clones exploding and disappearing was heard constantly.


Gaara narrowed his eyes and looked at all the shadow clones that had disappeared. There was no one around, even Naruto had disappeared.

Are they all shadow clones?

Thinking of this, Gaara noticed something and immediately raised his head.

The fists falling from the sky got bigger and bigger in his eyes, and Naruto attacked him from the sky.

The surrounding sand automatically gathered towards Gaara's head, forming a hard shield wall.


The fist hit the hard sand wall, and a large amount of sand flew away, including the blood that spattered from the broken skin on Naruto's fist.

Naruto gritted his teeth and glared at Gaara fiercely.

Unexpectedly, even with all his strength, he still couldn't break the sand wall. It was like an indestructible steel plate. When he hit it with his fist, his bones seemed to be cracked.

It's a little unusually hard.

"You are weak."

There was no trace of panic on Gaara's face. Looking at Naruto who was so close, the unwillingness and unyieldingness in the other person's eyes were clearly shown in his eyes.

Later, he came to this conclusion about Naruto.

We've obviously made it to the finals, but if it's this level, it's not even a warm-up.

It was much worse than the Bai I met in the first round.

At least against Shiro, he basically used all the means except Shukaku, but he still won with great reluctance and luck.

But Naruto was too weak.

All he knew was that letting the shadow clones swarm him was like a child's play.

"I don't want to destroy the friendship between the allies. It's better for you to surrender as soon as possible. I have no interest in you."

Gaara said again.

Such a guy doesn't have the slightest sense of accomplishment even if he kills.

What's more, if you really do that, your situation will become more delicate.

Before the murderous thoughts surged in his heart, he hoped that Naruto would give up as soon as possible.

"You panda eyes, don't look down on people here!"

Naruto once again increased the strength on his fist, as if he could make a cracking sound of bones.


The fist passed through the sand wall and hit Gaara hard in the face.

Gaara's eyes widened slightly, and then his body rolled out, and the sand around him moved with it, protecting Gaara's surroundings every step of the way.


Naruto looked at his bloody fist and cursed himself for being reckless and shouldn't have accepted such an obvious provocation.

Gaara slowly stood up from the ground and touched his face. An inconspicuous crack appeared on it, and then disappeared.

"You are so weak and pathetic, then let me choose an ending for you."

Being hit by a fragile ninja like Naruto, Gaara's anger and murderous intent were boiling in his heart, and he stared at Naruto.

"Huh, that's exactly what I meant! Now I finally feel a little more motivated!"

Naruto formed seals with his hands again, releasing powerful chakra.

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

In a series of white smoke from the explosion, countless Narutos flew out, rushing towards Gaara one after another.

Compared with the number of shadow clones before, the number of shadow clones at this moment has exceeded the scope of normal shadow clones.

This guy! Gaara was surprised.

He knew the shadow clone technique, it was a very advanced B-level ninjutsu.

Generally used to test the enemy's situation and collect intelligence.

It is very rare for a shadow clone to be thrown into battle like Naruto.

Moreover, so many shadow clones were created at once. Gaara immediately noticed the fact that the other party's chakra was only slightly stronger than his!

Gaara's eyes became serious and cold.

There were about thirty people in Naruto's shadow clones who rushed up this time.

This number is already quite exaggerated.

Manpower sprang up from all directions, and Sha Sha, who was already stretched thin, had no time to defend against so many shadow clones.

Often, as soon as one side resists, the shadow clone on the other side suddenly rushes forward.

If it weren't for the instantaneous technique, Gaara would have been hit by the shadow clone's fist many times.

Too many people! Gaara secretly felt that it was getting tricky.

Even though they were miscellaneous fish, they were still ninjas after all. This number already made him feel troublesome.

"Quicksand waterfall!"

Gaara looked at the shadow clones that kept rushing up, and he immediately squatted down and slammed his hands on the floor.


The ground shook violently.

The ground behind him suddenly cracked open, turning into a torrent of sand that rushed into the sky, and then swooped down to the ground in one go.

A panicked cry came from Naruto's shadow avatar, looking at the sand waves swarming towards him like a tsunami, he forgot to resist for a while, as if the soles of his feet had taken root and he couldn't move.


The earth and the surrounding barrier walls were shaking violently.

The entire ground was covered with sand, and it was impossible to see what the original playing field looked like, forming a small desert.

With a sound of swiping, a black shadow jumped out from the sand layer, it was Naruto's extremely embarrassed figure, spitting sand out of his mouth.

"It's really difficult."

Looking at Naruto who came out of the sand and was not defeated by the sea of ​​sand, Gaara frowned.

So, Gaara raised his arm, and a hand of sand emerged and grabbed Naruto.

After Naruto landed, he ran quickly, dodging Sand Hand's attack.

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

A large number of shadow clones reappeared, and Naruto's body was also mixed in, and they began to disperse in all directions, making Gaara wonder which one was the body for a while.

At this moment, a Naruto bit his finger, began to make a mudra, and then pressed his mudra towards the ground.

"Psychic art!"


After the white smoke dissipated, a water-blue toad covered with lumps appeared.

The volume is slightly larger than that of an adult, and as soon as it appeared, it moved its mouth and spit towards Gaara's position.

A water polo with a diameter of half a meter was fired from the toad's mouth like a cannonball, and came straight towards Gaara.


The conscious sand quickly formed a shield wall to defend.

The water polo, which is also as heavy as steel, concentrated the sand wall fiercely, directly breaking a big hole in it, and the water flow mixed with the sand and splashed.

Gaara was startled, and hurriedly backed away. He didn't expect that the psychic beast summoned by the other party would use such a powerful water escape, which could directly penetrate the sand wall.


As he backed away, two hands suddenly emerged from under the sand and grabbed his ankles.

A head also emerged from the sand, giggling and saying, "I've caught you now!"


Gaara was secretly annoyed, and when he saw countless shadow clones of Naruto flying around him, he immediately felt something bad.

After forming seals with both hands, the sand on the ground began to roll like waves, interfering with the movements of these shadow clones.


Naruto's angry voice came from behind, and Gaara turned around in surprise.

"Let you try Konoha's ultimate taijutsu technique taught to me by Kakashi-sensei—Millennium Kill!"


Kunai stabbed in.

On the audience stage, some women blushed and covered their faces, but they could peek through the gaps between their fingers to see the scene on the playing field.

Kakashi also felt that the eyes of some people around him were looking at him, which was filled with a subtle feeling. His face became slightly unnatural, and he covered his face in distress.

"Really, just use it, don't say I taught you it."

Gaara, who was the person involved, felt an extremely hot shock, gushing from the back to the lower abdomen, and then straight to his brain, causing his face to twist in pain.

Gaara didn't have time to think about this, because he saw Naruto jumping back suddenly, and on Kunai's ring handle, a detonating charm was burning, on the verge of exploding.

The sand on the ground began to vibrate uneasily.

Accompanied by an explosion and the screams covered by the explosion, countless sands began to gather towards Gaara's position like a tide, and surrounded him tightly, forming a huge sand ball, which made people see Not sure what happened inside.

Naruto saw some blood stains left on the sand, and knew that although Gaara finally pulled out the Kunai from that place, he did not completely escape the explosive attack of the detonating talisman.

"What a tenacious guy. He was bleeding from the back and still kept fighting."

At this time, Gaara, who was wrapped in a sand ball, was filled with humiliation and violent murderous intent, and this murderous intent went straight towards Naruto.

Low, suppressed sounds of pain kept coming out of his mouth.

"I'm hurt, mom... I'm hurt... I want to kill him... kill him... I must kill him..."

At first, he could barely control the desire to kill in his mind, but when he thought of the place where he was injured, the desire to kill could no longer be restrained and erupted like a volcano.

"Don't hide in the turtle shell, come out!"

Naruto yelled outside, letting his shadow clone rush forward, attack the maracas, and pull Gaara out of it.

Just when many shadow clones were about to approach the sand ball, a dark hole suddenly appeared on the sand ball, revealing the boundless and deep darkness inside.


Before realizing what was going on, a thick black shadow swept out from the black hole, blowing up sand and dust, and the shadow clone that rushed up made a series of explosion sounds and disappeared.

"Then, what is that!?"

Naruto's eyes widened, and he saw the thick black figure emerging from the black hole. An unprecedented terrifying pressure directly pressed on his shoulders, making his body sank uncontrollably, and he couldn't help but want to surrender and kneel down.

Chakra filled with evil aura overflowed from the huge sand ball, floating toward the sky like bubbles.

This evil chakra made Naruto's body agitated, and a strange but familiar feeling flooded his heart.

——The ninjas on the stage above the audience were all serious.

They naturally knew what was coming out of the sand ball hole, especially the sand hidden ninja, whose eyes were even more clouded, as if recalling something that frightened them.

"Has the Chakra of the Tailed Beast started to leak? Kazekage-sama, if the situation gets out of control, I will ask someone to stop this match."

Baishi's expression froze slightly. Although he was not afraid of the power of the tailed beast, if the power of the tailed beast really went berserk, it would be quite troublesome to deal with.

"I also have the same idea. Although it is not a problem to let people play Juli, but if Gaara goes berserk and loses his mind, the match should be stopped."

Luo Sha nodded seriously.

The prerequisite for Jinchuriki to participate in the Chunin Exam is that the Chakra of the Tailed Beast can be controlled.

If it exceeds Jinchuriki's own control and causes the tailed beast Chakra to go berserk, then naturally there is no way to continue the game.

In Gaara's current situation, only a part of his chakra has leaked out, and this level is still within the controllable range of the jinchūriki.

But if it continues without control, it will only be a matter of time before you lose your mind.

"But, is there no problem with the barrier?"

Rosa asked.

Baishi nodded and said: "No problem, the strength of this enchantment can be compared with that of the Four Purple Flame Formation, even if it is a complete tailed beast, it can persist for a while."

After speaking, Shiraishi turned his gaze back to the venue.

It's just that this time his eyes are not on Gaara who is gradually losing control, but on Naruto.

He is looking forward to what method Naruto will use next to face this difficult battle.

Let me see what you left in him, Minato. Baishi thought in his heart.

In order to arrange the two jinchūriki in this game, he has wasted a lot of effort, and now it is time to bear fruit.

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