Escape From Konoha

Chapter 84: Rumors Are Scary

Konoha 41, April.

It has been almost a whole year since the original Shuo Mao team disintegrated.

Shiraishi was one year older.

There is basically nothing to say about organizational matters, and they are developing steadily, because they are in the stage of primitive accumulation, and they are cautious in everything they do.

The location of the operation is also some small countries, and it will not easily involve the scope of the five major countries.

Because of the leader Baishi who taught by example and precept, everyone in the organization is well versed in this way. In terms of concealment, it can be said that they are better than blue.

Solving the caged bird and recruiting a Jonin subordinate like Hinata Shingo will also be of great help to the organization.

Although it is impossible to show their faces outside, the task of guarding the headquarters of the organization is also a top priority.

After all, Shiraishi is very worried about that strange white creature, which is very similar to the earth general's ability, can move quickly in the task object, and the general perception ninjutsu cannot perceive their existence.

With the assistance of Baiyan, this problem can be avoided.

After all, no matter how stealthy it is, it is integrated with the earth, and it uses the body to move. Baiyan, who can see the essence clearly, far surpasses the perception ninja in terms of observation ability.

And Shiraishi made a detailed comparison between the list of branch ninjas provided by Hinata Shingo and the list of branch ninjas provided by Ayane.

He found that among the Hyuga branches, the proportion of ninjas who were dissatisfied with the clan was different from what he expected.

Some of them have completely surrendered to the clan, while some are on the sidelines and are not firm in their will, but most of the time they are inclined to the clan's decision.

The rest are split family ninjas who are dissatisfied with or very hostile to the clan. There are not few such split ninjas, but they are not too many.

Shiraishi has no plan to contact these people now.

There are too many people, the greater the possibility of being exposed, and he doesn't want to be targeted by Konoha now.

This may be very low, but also to prevent it from happening.

Anyway, Konoha is not bad, maybe you can find some useful seedlings.

The research on celestial arts is also progressing relatively well. According to statistics, after these months of hard work, the probability of success has increased by a few percentage points again.

For the rest of the time, Shiraishi still lives as a qualified Konoha ninja, doing research at home and working as a teaching assistant at school.

As a Konoha ninja, he is still rooted.

It's just that when I went to the security team, I met Ruri more often.

Of course, it's pure dating.

Around mid-April, Shiraishi walked briskly on Konoha Street.

It can be seen that he is in a good mood now.

It's not just because today is Saturday, you don't have to go to the ninja school to be a teaching assistant, and you have the freedom to control your time.

"Yo, Kakashi, long time no see."

Shiraishi saw a familiar figure from the back on the street.

A boy with silvery white hair.

He wore a mask on his face, and on his back was a white tooth dagger that was exactly the same as that used by Shuo Mao.

This kid still adores his father so much.

"Isn't this Senior Ninja Shiraishi? What advice do you have?"

Kakashi turned around, and replied in a neutral tone, without too many ups and downs in tone.

"When did you learn this tone of voice with Liuli?"

Shiraishi put his hand on Kakashi's head and ravaged his silver-white hair, messing it up before stopping.

"What are you doing?"

"Revenge for what you said just now. You are really annoying, you little brat, and you don't look like Teacher Shuo Mao at all."

Baishi said frankly.

"So, what's the matter with me? I don't believe it's just a chance encounter."

The Kakashi kid has imitated the tone of an adult's speech, holding a recent best-selling book in his hand, and he should have been reading it with relish while walking before.

He put the book into the ninja bag, and straightened the hair messed up by Shiraishi.

"How's the life of a ninja?"

He didn't explain his reason for coming, but cared about Kakashi's feelings after becoming a Genin.

"What else can I do? The tasks are very simple, and there is basically nothing to worry about."

Kakashi thought for a while, and expressed his thoughts very straightforwardly.

"You really are not humble at all."

Shiraishi patted Kakashi on the shoulder.

"Senior should also explain his purpose."

"Is Teacher Shuo Mao at home?"

"No, he's out on a mission, and he should be back in a few days."

"What a pity."

Shiraishi sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"Today is my day of great joy."

Kakashi looked at Shiraishi puzzled.

"Are you going to get married? Who is the partner? Senior Liuli or Senior Ayane?"


"Isn't it?"

"Of course not, why would you think of this?"

"Senior's words are too misleading."

Kakashi said helplessly.

Shiraishi had no choice but to take out a piece of paper from the ninja bag, which was a letter of appointment signed by Hokage himself.

"See, starting today, I'm also the Chunin in the village."

Looking at the complacent Shiraishi, Kakashi also knew where his joy came from.

Should this be something to be happy about?

Shouldn't it be sad?

Those who are in the same team as you are already Jnin. This hurtful sentence still didn't come out of Kakashi's mouth.

"From today onwards, I am your superior."

Shiraishi said so.

Kakashi sighed helplessly again, and took out a letter of appointment in a similar style from his ninja bag.

"Sorry, senior, I don't want to hit you. Just this morning, I became a Chunin."


Shiraishi's smile froze on his face.

Then, he noticed something and looked at Kakashi in surprise.

"Wait, Kakashi, are you only six years old this year? Are you a Chunin?"

There must be something wrong here.

Only six years old.

At the age of six, Shiraishi himself had just entered ninja school.

Although Kakashi entered school at the age of four, which is regarded as an early education, but it took one year to successfully graduate from the ninja school at the age of five, which is already the first time in Konoha's history.

Now another year has passed, and he became a Chunin?

Shiraishi knew that Kakashi's strength surpassed those of his peers, but becoming a Chunin is not just based on strength, it is the position of a squad leader in a team.

Qualified psychological quality and excellent leadership skills are the top priorities.

"It was signed by Hokage-sama himself. Senior Shiraishi thinks it is fake, so I have nothing to say."

"Oh, I wanted to show off."

Thinking that I became a Chunin at the age of seventeen, and Kakashi did this at the age of six...

Well, I feel a little sorry for myself.

"As expected of Teacher Shuo Mao's child, it seems that I can't treat you as a kid in the future."

Shiraishi laughed with emotion.

Kakashi was also a little happy when he heard Shiraishi's praise, especially if he did not live up to his father's reputation.

"The senior came to find me..."

"Congratulate me for becoming a Chunin, but now you should also celebrate your becoming a Chunin, Kakashi."


Just knew it was so.

However, just becoming a Chunin, what is there to celebrate?

But no matter what the other party said, he was also one of his father's former subordinates, and he could chat with each other when they met. The relationship can be said to be relatively good, so Kakashi nodded in agreement.

Follow Shiraishi to the familiar barbecue restaurant.

Ruri and Tsunade were sitting there waiting, and next to Tsunade, there was a cute girl with short black hair, a little older than Kakashi.

"Is Ayane-senpai not here?"

Kakashi didn't see Ayane's figure, so he couldn't help feeling puzzled.

"She can't come today because of something, but it's fine when the gift arrives."

"It's a pity that we can't see the wonderful battle."

Kakashi said this.

Bai Shipi laughed heartily, regretting bringing this brat here.

It's exactly the same as when I was a child, not cute at all.

"Hi, Tsunade Shinobu."

Kakashi paid Tsunade respect before sitting down.

"I'll wait for you guys, but isn't that guy Shuo Mo here?"

Tsunade didn't see Sakumo, so he asked aloud.

"He's on a mission outside," Kakashi replied.

As he spoke, he looked at the girl next to Tsunade.

"Who is this……"

"This is Jingyin, it can be regarded as a relative of mine."

Tsunade introduced with a smile.

Because today is the big day for Shiraishi to become a Chunin, it is a little inappropriate to bring a couple of relatives and friends here, but she is worried that Jingyin will be alone at home, so she brings them here for a meal.

Kakashi nodded to the girl named Shizune, who also nodded with a smile.

"Speaking of which, today is not only the day when I became a Chunin, but also the day when Kakashi became a Chunin."

Shiraishi laughed after sitting down.

After hearing this, everyone looked at Kakashi in amazement, especially Shizune, who had just graduated from ninja school, and this boy who looked a few years younger than her was already a Chunin.

"It's really long-winded."

Kakashi, who didn't want to attract attention at all, saw that everyone's eyes were focused on him, so he could only pretend to be indifferent and look away.

Fortunately, everyone knows that Kakashi is a genius, and his father is the famous Konoha Hakuto. It is unbelievable to become a chunin at the age of six, but since it is allowed by Hokage, it means that Kakashi is a qualified chuunin. Forbearance, there is no black box operation.

"Young people nowadays are really getting more and more scary."

Tsunade glanced at Ruri sitting next to Shiraishi, feeling a lot of pressure on himself.

Look at Kakashi again, although he is young and immature, he already has the demeanor of his father Konoha Shirato, even better than his father when he was a child...

What a lot of talent. Tsunade is happy for the future prosperity of the village, but when he thinks about his current situation, he feels a little depressed.

"Tsunade-sensei, what's wrong?"

Seeing that Tsunade was in a bad mood, Shiraishi was a little puzzled.

"Ah, no, it's just a little emotional."

Realizing his gaffe, Tsunade also quickly adjusted his mentality from the loss.

"Suddenly I feel a little ashamed to celebrate you becoming a Chunin today. Kakashi has been a Chunin since he was six years old."

At this moment, Liuli said.

"But Liuli, when you were six years old, weren't you also a student of the ninja school like me?"

Shiraishi said this.

Then Shiraishi's face turned blue.

"Senior Shiraishi, are you alright?"

Kakashi glanced at the blue-faced Shiraishi, caring for him.

"Don't worry about adults' affairs, children."

Shiraishi knew that Kakashi was asking this on purpose.

This kid is too nasty.

When leaving Konoha in the future, give him some color to see.

Two days later, Shiraishi became a Chunin affair, except for people with good relations, basically no one paid attention to it.

On the contrary, Kakashi became a Chunin when he was only six years old, and he was gradually known by the people in the village, thinking that the tiger father has no dogs.

Because of this, Kakashi became the child of other people's family in the mouth of many parents.

After that, Shiraishi also gave up the idea of ​​being serious with Kakashi. If he didn't show his real strength, it would definitely be impossible to compare with Kakashi in terms of the speed of ninja level promotion.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Kakashi was indeed one of the most talented ninjas he had ever seen.

After all, he is an adult and cannot be seen like a child.

——It has not been a few days since the days returned to normal, and that happened when Shiraishi was on his way to the guard.

"Have you heard? It seems that the mission failed..."

"Yeah, it's shameful that a ninja like him would give up the mission..."

"It turns out that he is only at this level..."

"This kind of person is not worthy of being a ninja at all..."

Among the people who communicated, there were civilians and ninjas. They gathered together, as if they were talking carefully.

Baishi just glanced at them and didn't pay attention.

Just a few steps away, I saw the Uchiha ninja of the security team walking over in a hurry from another street.

Seeing the guards coming, these civilians and ninjas immediately stopped talking and looked at the Uchiha ninjas of the guards nervously.

The people in the security team just stared at these people coldly, and didn't say anything.

Is everyone in the security team dispatched? Bai Shi, who didn't think it was a big deal at first, immediately noticed something was wrong.

General rumors will not be dealt with by the guards, unless it is a major incident.

Thinking of this, he was a little puzzled, so he quickly walked towards the guard building.

As soon as I got there, I saw a group of civilians and ninjas gathered in the lobby of the guard building. Liuli stood there with a cold face, making these people shudder.

The Uchiha ninjas in her team also looked unkind.

Seeing Baishi approaching, Liuli asked the members of the team to watch these people, and took Baishi to a corner by herself.

"What happened? There are some unknown rumors on the street for no reason, and the security team has arrested so many people here. Did something happen in the village?"

Shiraishi asked in bewilderment.

"do not you know?"

"I've been in the lab for the past two days, and I just came out today. What's going on?"

Baishi looked at Liuli, hoping she could explain.

Liuli took a deep breath, and said in a rare helpless and headache tone: "Teacher Shuo Mao is in trouble."


Shiraishi frowned.

Could Shuo Mao be in trouble?

Immediately thinking of some rumors I heard on the road before, I had a bad premonition in my heart.

"We don't know where the rumors came from. It just started this morning and spread throughout the village at a terrifying speed. The source has been found."

For the first time, Liuli felt troubled about this kind of thing.

"The reason?"

"Teacher Shuo Mao failed in his mission this time. It is said that he gave up the mission to save his companion."

Shiraishi was taken aback.

this one?

Although it was unbelievable for Shuo Mao to interrupt the mission, because that person's strength cannot be judged by common sense, but because of this kind of thing, rumors can spread to the whole village?

"Where are the high-ups, what did they explain?"

It is impossible to hide such a big matter from the top management.

The ninjas of the security team were dispatched on a large scale, how could the high-level officials not know.

"I don't know. There is no order from the high-level. We can only follow the rules of the security team and control those who seriously disturb the law and order."

"But doing so doesn't treat the symptoms at all."

"Yes, if the higher-ups are willing to explain what mission Mr. Shuo Mao is performing, and what the village has lost after the mission was interrupted, the situation will turn around. But now, the higher-ups have not stated anything to the outside world, and it is all up to the villagers' free imagination gone."


Shiraishi's face was a little ugly.

free imagination?

Shiraishi is unwilling to speculate on others with the greatest malice, but if such rumors continue to spread, the source of the matter will be ignored instead, and eventually become a murderous weapon in the hands of those who spread rumors.

That situation is really bad.

"No matter what, go see Teacher Shuo Mao first. He is not such a weak-willed person."

After thinking about it, Baishi went to Shuo Mao to find out the cause and effect of the incident, and see if he could find any turning point.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

Liuli nodded, planning to go to see Shuo Mao with Baishi.

Since the high-level people are indifferent, they have to find a way to solve it themselves.

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