Escape From Konoha

Chapter 851 Three Points

The western part of the Country of Fire is adjacent to the territory of the Country of Rain.

As the samurai refused to help each other and Kirigakure turned against them, even though there were still some Alliance ninjas who persisted in resisting to the end, a considerable number of them began to panic after seeing the huge gap in strength.

After all, resisting will only lead to death. If you use expedient measures, you may still have a chance.

Under Mifune's lobbying, the fifth alliance's will to fight can be said to have been completely lost, and the camp was completely taken over by the ninjas and reinforced soldiers of the Demon Country.

But in the midst of this, several squadrons of the Fifth Wing, dominated by Kumogakure ninjas, were breaking through.

They did not want to surrender, nor did they accept surrender. They were all stubborn and militant elements in the Alliance army. After the disagreement of will, they immediately took their companions with the same idea and quickly prepared and attacked.

For these die-hards, the Thunder Light Regiment, in cooperation with its Ghost Country Assault Force, naturally launched a pursuit and kill.

However, as the leader, Qianno did not take the initiative to attack, but stayed and took charge.

After all, with such a large number of surrendered members of the Alliance Army, if there is any trouble, it will cause a lot of problems.

She didn't want a good situation to go wrong because of a moment of carelessness.

Therefore, the pursuit task was handed over to deputy Feng Xin.

She stayed behind to avoid unrest among the surrendered personnel.

Even if they surrender, Qianno doesn't believe that everyone in the fifth regiment has lost the will to fight. Maybe he planned to pretend to surrender and then take the opportunity to cause a commotion and cause trouble for her.

Under such circumstances, she, the leader of the Thunder Light Regiment, naturally cannot act rashly. She must keep a close eye on these people and extinguish their resistance.

Only when all of them are locked in special shackles and their chakra sealed can they leave peacefully.

With the surrender of these people, maybe she can become one of the people who contributed the most to the Kingdom of Ghosts in this war.

After all, annihilating the enemy is a situation that only occurs as a last resort, which also means that the Kingdom of Ghosts also needs to increase casualties. If most of the Alliance ninjas can be surrendered, and then gradually form their own combat power and labor force, the credit will undoubtedly be much greater than simply destroying the enemy.

As for how to conquer their bodies and minds, that's not her job.

"Miss Chino seems to be in a good mood."

Now staying with Qianno, except for a few Jonin from the Kingdom of Demons wearing heavy chakra armor, only Mifune, a samurai from the Kingdom of Iron, was left.

As a neutral person, he also called on the samurai at this time to assist the ninjas in the country of ghosts to manage the surrendered personnel, and to monitor whether the ninjas in the country of ghosts mistreated prisoners.

After all, he spent a lot of effort to surrender the ninjas of the fifth regiment. If he could not guarantee their lives, he would undoubtedly be trampling on his credibility as a samurai. At that time, we can only lead this group of warriors to fight the Kingdom of Ghosts to the bitter end and make our determination clear through death.

"Of course, after all, recruiting so many Alliance ninjas at once is a huge achievement. With such merit, not only can you jump up a few levels in the position, but you can also apply to practice various secret and forbidden arts. Enrich your own strength.”

For ninjas, strength is almost the same as power.

Although it is not absolute, for example, there are ninjas who are not good at fighting and fighting, but for most ninjas, if they want to be promoted in their positions, strong strength is an indispensable part.

Especially for the top military officials, the minimum requirement for strength is to be an elite ninja among jounin.

Precisely because the power of the top management is huge, the conditions for the selection of top management are also more stringent.

In addition to personal character, daily interpersonal relationships, family harmony, and criminal records, etc., which need to be strictly controlled, the three comprehensive strengths of ninja, tai, phantom, etc. are also mandatory requirements for cadre assessment.

Maybe if she goes back this time, with her achievements over the years and a few more years of experience, she will be able to occupy a seat in the highest military conference room and become one of the big figures who stirred up the turmoil in the ninja world.

Thinking of that scene, Qianno couldn't help but feel a little excited.

The leader of the Lightning Regiment may look majestic, and his direct boss is also the top leader of the military, but in the final analysis he is just a 'pawn' running around doing errands and doing dirty work.


Mifune, who was not very clear about the areas of authority of the Demon Country's military, only responded briefly.

What he cared about was whether Qianno would go back on his word and wave the butcher knife in his hand when the fifth regiment surrendered.

He chose to follow Qianno at this time just to confirm this immediately and then monitor Qianno's every move.

Even if Qianno suddenly attacks, he has the confidence to counterattack the opponent instantly.

No matter how fast the ninjutsu is, it still needs seals, and his sword is indispensable.

At this distance, with sword skills, I can't say that I can defeat Qianno 100%, but I am sure that I can die together with the opponent.

"Don't worry, Mifune-dono, don't always look neurotic. Although I am not an orthodox graduate of a ninja school, I have participated in the crash course training, and I graduated with outstanding results in the top ten of that class. ...We are ninjas who have received civilized education. If we kill prisoners at will, we will have to go to military court. And in terms of value, the living are worth more than the dead."

Of course, the premise is that these captives can be controlled.

If it cannot be controlled, there will be another result.

And it just so happens that the Kingdom of Ghosts has such confidence and strength.

But having said that, Mifune still seems to have his own way, at least until the result is determined, he will not let down his guard.

After Qianno saw it, he just shook his head secretly.

In fact, this was fine, as she was quite afraid of the strength of such a general from the Kingdom of Iron.

Like most ninjas who are good at ninjutsu, she doesn't like and hates ninjas who attack close to the face.

Especially a samurai like Mifune, who is an expert in close combat. Once she gets close, even she will feel troubled.

"Speaking of which, the Alliance Army is gone, and the ninja world in the future is likely to change according to the ideas of our Kingdom of Demons. How will the Kingdom of Iron deal with itself by then?"

Chino looked at Mifune curiously.

"That is something the daimyo needs to consider. As vassals, we warriors only need to obey orders."

Mifune answered without thinking.

"It seems that Mifune-dono doesn't know how to protect yourself through tact."

Qianno chuckled.

Perhaps the samurai of the Iron Kingdom are very tough, especially the samurai group headed by Mifune, who are not afraid of life and death.

But as far as she knew, the great name of the Iron Kingdom was not a wise and sage king. Like the daimyo of most countries, he is a political creature through and through. In the past, as a neutral country, its position vacillated between the Demon Country and the Five Traditional Powers.

If the ball is kicked to such a big name, it is also self-evident what choice the Iron Country will make.

Just as Qianno continued to want to say something, he sensed something and suddenly looked up at the sky.

Mifune also looked at the sky. He did not have Qianno's perception, but relied on a special intuition to feel his skin trembling.

That is the direction of the Rain Country.

The huge light was like a sky-reaching light pillar, penetrating the heaven and the earth.

Then a storm suddenly came, the grass and trees bent, and the trees tilted in exaggerated postures.

The ninjas were fine, but many of the enhanced soldiers were blown away.

This storm came and went quickly, quickly blowing through the camp and sweeping towards the land further away.



Qianno and Mifune looked at each other and couldn't help but fell silent.

Although the strength of the two of them is difficult to find rivals in the ninja world.

However, when he felt the bone-chilling chill in the wind, it was like being stared at by a giant beast from the abyss. At that moment, his blood almost froze, and cold sweat could not help but flow out on his forehead.

Most of the ninjas were also shocked by this sudden aura, and it took them a long time to come back to their senses. They looked at each other in confusion.

They were completely unable to understand where this strong wind was blowing from.

Being stared at for a moment and then briefly losing consciousness is beyond their understanding of the world itself.

"A bunch of monsters."

Qianno naturally knew where this unnatural strong wind came from. This strong wind contained two different chakras, one of which she was familiar with.

Although somewhat deteriorated, it was still identifiable.

She leads the Thorn Team and is known as the "Monster Princess" with the strongest combat power in the Kingdom of Ghosts within the military.

"Are you mistaken? This is not the territory of the Kingdom of Rain. Isn't the territory of a country enough for people like them to deal with?"

Qianno took a deep breath and gave orders to the jonin behind him.

"The whole army retreats. Except for the necessary supplies and prisoners, leave everything else behind and leave here as quickly as possible."

The aftermath of the battle has spread here, which means that this place may become a battlefield at any time.

Qianno didn't dare to bet on whether the opponent would open the battlefield here, so she had to do something.


Several Jonin hurried down and gave Qianno's instructions.

Mifune also ordered the samurai to cooperate and evacuate the place as quickly as possible.

The borders of the Fire Country are no longer safe.

Sasuke looked directly into the emotionless eyes of the Ten-Tails, and his scalp suddenly went numb.

Without hesitation, he directly controlled the Crow Tengu warrior to draw his blade and fly backwards, and hastily distanced himself from the Ten-Tails.

Although there was no hostility on the Ten-Tails' body, just by being close there, Sasuke felt a very strange throbbing that made his heart beat faster and his blood flow back.

Even his Eternal Eye became a little hot.

"What a complete monster. It didn't even leave a mark..."

Sasuke looked at the Ten-Tails' neck, where it had been slashed by the Crow Tengu, but there were no scars on the skin.

That blow was enough to destroy a mountain, but the result left him bitter. He would be lying if he said he wasn't discouraged.

Looking at the huge Ten-Tails, Sasuke felt like he had no idea what to do for the first time.

How to defeat such a monster?

They are also tailed beasts, and the power of the Ten-Tails has reached another dimension, and it is not on the same level as the ninjas at all.

Just when Sasuke was hesitating about his next move, the chaotic energy in the sky finally calmed down.

The riot lasted for more than ten minutes before his perception returned to normal.

Two huge chakra reactions appeared in Senjutsu's perception. Although both of their auras were sluggish, Sasuke knew that their lives were not in danger.

In the still smoke and dust, the fierce sounds of battle could be heard.

The two figures were like meteors flying across the starry sky. Every time they came into contact, large sparks erupted, causing the atmosphere to billow and create a thunderous roar.

All that was left of Nagato's body was a pair of black trousers, and there were many holes in the trousers caused by the battle. Although the exposed upper body was covered with scars, he still looked strong.

The Samsara Eye, which shines with the color of forbidden magic, is cold and clear, dyed with a light purple color, and has a sense of power that directly hits the heart.

The air around him was bent by gravity, forming an airtight shield, which bounced off fireballs like heavy rain and exploded in the air.

Opposite him, Yiji looked no better.

Most of the windbreaker-like coat was worn out in the battle and became tattered. Only some strips of cloth were left hanging on the shoulders, exposing the navel-baring black tights underneath. As for this tight-fitting suit, the waist area was scratched and torn.

The lower body is a pair of black shorts that are also worn. The black knee socks have many long slits and holes, large and small, and the exposed leg skin can be vaguely seen.

She gasped heavily, her shoulders began to shake slightly, and a drop of blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

Blocking the explosion of the Ten-Tailed Beast Tama, even though it was not at the core, it also wiped out a lot of her chakra.

Although natural energy can be extracted from nature without worrying about loss, chakra cannot. The birth of chakra is based on the physical and spiritual energy of the human body.

Once these two energies are exhausted, chakra cannot be produced.

At that time, if you continue to extract it by force, you will die suddenly on the spot.

Wiping away the blood from the corners of her mouth with her fingers, Ichiji's eyes began to deviate from Nagato and turned to the Ten-Tails below, who was like an old monk in trance.

Sensing that Kazuki's gaze began to shift, Nagato's expression tightened.

At this time, the Ten-Tails has completed its evolution and reached the third stage.

Both the body and the chakra inside are in a state of perfect balance.

Of course, there is also a fourth state, which is the sacred tree.

However, Nagato does not need the Ten-Tails to evolve to that point, nor does he need the Infinite Tsukuyomi to control the world.

All he wants is the power of the Ten-Tails itself, in order to gain the invincible power to rule the ninja world.

"It looks like that thing has completed its transformation. What, why don't you go pick the fruit?"

Yi Ji forced a smile from her face.

"It's the same thing if I get rid of you and then devour you. Because I have the advantage of having the Samsara Eye!"

As he spoke, Nagato let out a long breath, clasped his hands together, and then dispersed them.

"Earth Explosion Sky Star!"

Several finger-sized black balls were thrown into the sky.

The moment his palms parted, Ichiki launched an attack.

The rotating magatama turned into a hollow round wheel, flying out like a shooting star.


The explosion occurred from the middle of the atmosphere, deflecting the black balls from their original orbit.

Let the suction generated be dispersed directly without causing any threat.

After all, the gravitational pull of a single black ball is no longer painful to Yiji.

Nagato did not continue the confrontation, but instead leaned down and dived towards the earth, his target being the Ten-Tails.

He talked about killing Ichiki and then absorbing the Ten-Tails, but he knew that was impossible.

He continued to fight with Yi Ji, but in the end, both sides suffered losses.

What's more, there is Sasuke next to him who is suppressing Kazuhime. Only by absorbing the Ten-Tails can he have a chance to turn defeat into victory.

The Earth Explosive Sky Star was released not to block Yiji, but to buy herself more time.

Naturally, Kazuhime would not let Nagato's idea succeed.

The chakra wings fluttered fiercely and followed Nagato.

Nagato continued to compress the repulsive force under his feet and then detonated it to speed up and distance himself from Ichiki.

Although doing so will cause some damage to your body, you can no longer care about it at this time.

"Don't even think about it!"

Sasuke drove the purple Crow Tengu warrior and rushed over. Thunder bloomed all over his body, speeding up the progress of the Crow Tengu warrior.

The two swords struck, but before the blade could reach it, the thunder swept out first, and the chirping of thousands of birds stimulated the eardrums.

Nagato glanced at it, and golden chains appeared from behind, shooting out like bullets, locking the two swords and the body of the Crow Tengu warrior, suppressing the Crow Tengu's movements.

Nagato landed on top of the Ten-Tails' head.

Seeing this, Sasuke lifted the Susanoo and let those golden chains lock into the air.

Sasuke fell from a high altitude and landed on the Ten-Tails. He pulled out the Kusanagi sword from his waist, took three steps and two steps, and flashed in front of Nagato in one breath. The sword blade gathered thunder and lightning, emitting a symphony of birdsong.

"Shinra Tenzheng!"

There was a buzzing tremolo in the air.

Sasuke was caught off guard, the Kusanagi sword flew out of his hand and flew into the air, and his whole body rolled backwards.

Although the injury was not serious, his body shape was inevitably sluggish.

In the air, Ichiji's figure turned quickly and took the Kusanagi sword flying into the sky.

Then he turned his body in the helpless air and slashed out with the long sword. The blade itself let out a trembling cry and made a clear cracking sound.

The sword light swept out.

An arm was thrown into the air with blood on it.

The extended sword light made a straight cut on the ground. At a glance, it seemed to be connected to the end of the world, dividing the entire land into two halves.

Nagato ignored the left shoulder of the severed arm, and did not even frown. With his remaining right arm, he pressed his palm on the back of the Ten-Tails covered with wooden thorns. In his samsara eyes, a conspicuous red flash flashed. Light.

"Be mine, Ten-Tails!"

The Ten-Tails, who was sitting quietly like a monk, opened his mouth slightly, and the flesh and blood on his back turned into a fluid substance, flowing towards Nagato's arm.

Seeing this scene, I felt unprecedented strength filling my body. My lost left arm was also recovering quickly, and my skin became pale.

This unparalleled rich energy gave Nagato a sense of joy of being reborn, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"This is it! It's finally time to ascend the throne of God! Come on! I will be the savior of this hopeless world——"


A beam of light penetrated Nagato's body.

His words stopped abruptly and his body stiffened.

"We'll talk in our sleep after we wake up."

Sasuke's voice sounded suddenly.

Behind him, the half body of the Crow Tengu warrior was suspended, holding a flaming lightsaber in his right hand. It was this sword that passed through Nagato's body.

"That guy Itachi, will he cause trouble to me even if he dies..."

As Nagato said these words, his body melted into the butter and was swallowed up by the flaming lightsaber.

The flaming lightsaber began to shrink and became its normal length.

Ichiki landed on the Ten-Tails' back and looked at Sasuke.

"Is that the spiritual weapon Ten Fist Sword? I didn't expect it to be so powerful."

"It's his own fault for being careless, which allowed me to take advantage of him. What should I do with this big guy next?"

Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief and asked Kazuki.

"This thing seems to have no intelligence, and its temper has completely stabilized. But leaving it here is not an option. Let's suck it up quickly, and then go help the old man and the others. It is really hard for them to go to the battlefield at such an age. "

Yiji said so.

"In this case, I also..."

Sasuke was about to speak when his expression suddenly changed.

The ten-fist sword that shrank back into the Crow Tengu warrior's hand suddenly made a trembling sound, and the flames on the blade beat restlessly.

An extremely violent chakra spurted out from the inside of the Ten Fist Sword.

"What's going on? This chakra is..."

"Idiot, throw away that sword!"

Ichiji shouted.

The ten-fist sword burning with flames was thrown into the air by Sasuke.

The sword twisted in the air, and when it twisted to the extreme, a clicking sound could be clearly heard.

The flames exploded, and there were a large number of glowing fragments, like scattered flaming meteors, flying to the distant earth.

A figure emerged from the flames, with long blood-red hair flying wildly, and a pair of samsara eyes that were as cold as ice and snow.

The skin around him had some unknown deterioration, and a white substance like scales began to spread on Nagato's body.

"Ten Fist Sword, unexpectedly..."

Sasuke stared at Nagato in the sky with wide pupils, a look of disbelief on his face.

Nagato ignored it and just made seals with his hands.

As if being hypnotized, the Ten-Tails opened his mouth wider, and spit out a torrent of flesh and blood from his mouth. It was the appearance of chakra condensed into a solid form, and it enveloped Nagato's body.

In the eyes of Ichihime and Sasuke, the Ten-Tails' body began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's too late to stop it, so I have no choice but to do this!"

Ichiji knew that it would be useless to attack Nagato now. As long as the connection between Nagato's Samsara Eye and the Ten-Tails cannot be interrupted, Nagato cannot be killed. If you have that time, it is better to attack from other areas.

After making a decision, Ichiji also quickly made hand seal movements. All the chakra in her body rushed into the Ten-Tails' body and began to plunder the Ten-Tails' flesh and blood, causing the Ten-Tails' flesh and blood to also turn into a torrent and pour into her own body. .

The aura of the Ten-Tails was completely stable, not as wild and uncontrollable as before, which saved a lot of trouble.

Moreover, when her chakra began to connect with the Ten-Tails, she always felt as comfortable as a fish in water.

Sasuke looked at Nagato and Kazuhime, both of whom were racing against time to share the Ten-Tails, completely ignoring his presence. This made Sasuke feel very uncomfortable, as if he was the only one left out.

Heartbroken, he also lowered his head and looked at the Ten-Tails' body.

But his body stiffened again.

He suddenly remembered something, he didn't know how to seal.

No, it should be said that he will not be able to seal the powerful sealing technique of tailed beast level chakra.

After all, sealing techniques also have levels. Ordinary sealing techniques will disintegrate themselves just by contact with the tailed beast.

- Let me do it.

The cold voice in his head made Sasuke stunned.

Immediately, his body trembled, and Sasuke's eternal eyes, which were originally full of youth and vitality, became deep and vicissitudes of life.

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