Fear comes from the unknown.

And when the figure disappeared, greed undoubtedly replaced the previous fear.

A large number of monsters began to pour into the land of America.

And because of the previous punch, countless cracks appear on the entire continent of America. In these cracks, monsters from that world are swarming towards the whole world.

These monsters did not see the previous scene.

Naturally, I don't care about these.

"Student Jiang Chen!"

Su Yaqin spoke softly, with a look of worry in her expression.

But she also knew that she couldn't help much at this time.

With him only at the fifth rank level, whether he can protect himself this time is still a question.

"Zhongpin Practitioner will make every effort to wipe out the existence of Zhongpin, and lower the third rank to cooperate!"

"Immediately evacuate below the second rank."

Teacher Chen arranged quickly.

And after his words fell, the battle began immediately.

On one side is Mo Wu, as well as the students and mentors of Jiangnan Wu University.

Each of these people is undoubtedly an elite, the weakest is the existence of the second rank Realm, and the strongest has reached the peak of the sixth rank besides Mr. Chen's seventh rank "even stepped into the seventh rank with only one foot threshold.

For example, Tang Feng.

Moreover, there are as many as three people of Tang Feng's kind.

On one side are monsters rushing out from the Otherworld.

These monsters are undoubtedly very powerful.

However, there are some uneven levels.

The strong ones have already reached the sixth rank level, while the weak ones have not even reached the first rank.

Space-time fragments, compared to the complete world, do have various incredible advantages.

Like restrictions.

The strongest in a complete world has limitations.

Just like the Mowu Catacombs before, the strongest among them is the seventh-rank level, and it is impossible to jump out of the eighth-rank level, but space-time fragments can appear, and even the ninth-rank level appears.

Even if this kind of appearance is the collision of many coincidences.

But it appears, it really appears.

This is also the advantage of space-time fragments.

But space-time fragments also have his weaknesses.

That is his strength, and the number is destined to be less than that of the sound world.

In the Catacombs of the Demon City, there are dozens of Demonic Beasts at the seventh-rank level, and there are more than a dozen demonic beasts at the peak of the seventh-rank. It is almost impossible for space-time fragments to appear.

Now in this space-time fragment, the strongest is the seventh-rank peak, and there are only five of them.

Plus the previous one is six.

In contrast, it can be said that it is a world of difference.

And because of this, this is the right stage.

If it really is a whole world that has rushed out and is still so perverted, then they don't have to play.

Probably the whole land of eagle sauce may have to collapse completely.

And that's not what Jiang Chen wants.

A stage he needs, not to shatter the whole world.

Right now.

His figure took away those high-quality Practitioners,

The students of Mowu, the students of Jiangnan Wuda University, and the instructors of the two schools just happened to block the next monster. This battle is enough for them to complete the transformation, and there may be unimaginable gains.

Practitioner, fight with the sky, fight with the earth, and fight with people.

Only in this way can the Practitioner's strength be continuously improved and eventually reach a higher level.

Just like Jiang Chen.

If it weren't for his previous battle in the Catacombs of the Demon City, it would not be so easy for him to enter the eighth rank even without the bonus of practice.

That battle directly sublimated him.

It also fully improved his strength.

This moment is also their opportunity.





Mixed with one after another voices, the terrifying monsters were excited, carnival, and wantonly destroying the entire surroundings.

And the moment when they collide with each other.

The battle broke out in an instant.

Terrible energy and blood rushed to the sky, stirring up the entire situation.

This moment is reflected in the whole world.

It also appeared in everyone's eyes.

Many people couldn't help holding their breath.

Staring fixedly at the picture, or looking for the disappearing figure in the midst of difficulties.

No one is a fool. When the figure disappears, everyone will understand that the most important thing is over there.

Over there, if that one wins, then all problems will not be a problem, but if that one loses, the whole earth may be doomed after today.

And this is not acceptable to them (babh).

It's just that, apparently, no one can find it.

in space.

Compared with the hustle and bustle of the earth this year, the entire space is undoubtedly relatively calm. Except for the huge changes that occurred a year ago, the entire situation has not changed in any way.

It's just the boredom of space, so people in the three space stations are still talking about the previous things.

"God, this must be God."

"God is Oriental!"


"Nothing is impossible, you didn't read the message from below!"

"By the way, and last time, such a big meteorite was actually solved!"

In the space station, one after another chatted with each other.

It's just that at this moment, he inadvertently looked to the outside world.

But it's okay if you don't look at it. When you look at it, the astronaut's expression suddenly widened, and his pupils contracted violently.

"That, that!"

He opened his mouth, but after a few words, he still couldn't blurt out the content, as if he was completely stuck.

"What happened to Smith, don't tell me you saw God!"

The companion spoke with a teasing voice.

"That, that!"

"Come here!"

"I, I seem to really see God!"

Smith spoke with a stammer.

And this time, the other people present couldn't help being stunned.

"God, you can't joke."

"Could it be!"

The two talked, but soon some of them seemed to realize that their pupils shrank suddenly, and then the figure ran over quickly.

"What's wrong?"

The remaining people were a little dazed and couldn't react for a while, but they still walked over.

It's just that when they walked over, everyone's eyes widened again.

Because in the picture, in the vast space, one after another figures appeared there out of thin air.

There is obviously no air in the space, and there is no bearing, but those figures stand intact, even the deadly radiation has no effect on them.

And that familiar figure almost made them instantly recognize that it was the Easterner who had resisted the meteorite before.

"God, that must be God!"

"God has come again!"

Smith muttered to himself, and fanaticism appeared in his eyes.

The same is true for the other two space stations at this moment.

At Da Maozi's place, several old Maozi's bodies were almost attached to it.

On the other side, where Yan Kingdom is located, it is only slightly better, and they are even more excited, because this god-like existence is really similar to them.

But obviously, no matter how calm he is.

When I saw the whole picture clearly, I couldn't calm down.

Because beside Jiang Chen, there are actually a group of werewolves who look like Tathagata from novels and myths.

The ferocious head, the terrifying breath, even though it seemed like a long distance, even with space suits blocking it, they also felt a biting cold.

"This is!"

"Is God fighting the Devil!"

"Werewolves, there really are werewolves in this world!"

"damn it!"

"My God, day will win!"

Amidst the voices, the figures fluctuated incomparably at this moment.

No matter where it is.

But in the gathering of their eyes, the sound could not be transmitted in the vacuum, but at this time, the sound naturally came out, and it resounded in the whole surrounding instantly.

"Damn it, you took us out of there!"

"You will pay for your stupidity!"

A cold voice came from the mouth of a werewolf, but at this moment his body was trembling uncontrollably.

Even if the number on their side is obviously much higher.

But at this moment, he still trembled a little.

Even other existences are not much better.

Although it was only for a moment, they were taken away without any resistance. This method and this powerful person made them feel instinctive fear.

Only Sigismund felt shame and anger.

Once again shot.

The power of the ninth rank is completely blooming, and the space lights up at this moment.

Jiang Chen shook his right hand.

The blood quickly gathered, and a long knife appeared directly.

That day when he was fighting in the real estate of the Modu, his long knife was broken and hadn't been mended yet, so naturally he could only use the Blood Qi to transform it into a knife. For him to reach this step, this is naturally a small problem among the small problems question.

The vacuum was broken at this moment.

However, compared to Earth, the battle here is naturally more stable.

With the power of the ninth rank, even the aftermath of the First World War would be enough to turn the entire earth upside down. Even if the second stage space was not broken, the entire earth would likely be completely shattered.

Jiang Chen may not care about the land of Yingjiang, but he cannot care about the earth.

So he directly took these existences to the outside of the starry sky.

Even if the entire starry sky is shattered, it will not affect the earth.

Of course there is nothing to worry about.

Not to mention, they who are only ninth rank can't break the star core, and the space in the starry sky is relatively stable. Outside of the first stage space, even Jiang Chen can hardly break the second stage space

Nature is enough.

And among the three major space stations.

All eyes.

A battle erupts from Tathagata's mythology.

The terrifying power shattered the space, and with every gesture, it seemed that there was a First Stage heavy calendar area spreading out.

There are monsters coming with meteorites.

And that figure just waved his hand, the meteorite shattered, and the monster retreated.

The two huge phantoms in the center are constantly colliding.

Every time there is a collision, there is a sound of explosion.

Every impact caused violent movements in the entire space.

"Call the ground! 17

"Call the ground!"


"Please get in touch now!"

In the space station, one after another voices reached below.

At first, no one noticed below. Everyone was watching the battle in the America continent, and they were also looking for the figure of Jiang Chen and others, trying to find the trajectory of their battle.

But it's obviously futile.

And the emergency link in space rang again and again.

Until Yingjiang, finally couldn't bear to connect.

everyone's eyes

All of a sudden was attracted.

Because at this moment in space, an unimaginable battle broke out, and in the picture, the entire outer sky was completely disrupted by that terrifying force.

Even the trajectory of many Planets has changed.

The power of the ninth rank is no less than that of an immortal, and that kind of strength is far beyond the scope of everyone's comprehension.

And when they see clearly.

It was suddenly discovered that it was Jiang Chen and others who had disappeared.

It's just that these people didn't appear anywhere on the earth, but directly appeared in space, and they have already started to collide together.

"Space, how did they do it."

"Also, why is there sound in space!"


"Such power is probably enough to destroy the earth!"

"Practitioner, Practitioner, is it really so powerful?"

The words came out in a murmur, with endless shock, impact, and deep horror in the words.

No one thought of the battle in space.

And when it really happened, the shock in their hearts was that huge.

If it was just some subversion before, then at this moment, science has completely changed, and many known theories have major problems.

Of course this is not what matters at this moment.

It is a battle in the starry sky.

It seems to respond to everyone's thoughts.

The battle has been in a crushing state.

Even if there are five werewolves joining, there is still a big gap in strength between them, even if Sigismund tried his best to stop it, the price of Jiang Chen relying on Qingshan a few times is still the same.

The two werewolves were completely buried.

And without the two ends, the rest will undoubtedly be more difficult.

He was not an opponent at all, and fell into complete passivity and suppression in an instant.

(The second update, there will be another update next, and the fourth update will resume tomorrow, I see it!).

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