A few hours were not long, and the end was soon reached, and with the end, a large number of undead began to appear in sight.



Huge artillery fire burst out.

The battle broke out instantly at this moment.

On one side is a large number of undead, densely packed and I don't know how many there are.

On one side is the most elite army armed with modern weapons.

Cannon fire and flames swept across.

A large number of undead were torn apart, but on the army side, Sun Hao couldn't help but frowned.

"Not right!"

When he muttered to himself, Sun Hao's frown deepened.


"Firepower, it seems wrong!"

Among the special forces, Leng Feng also spoke in a deep voice.

In fact, it wasn't just the two of them at this moment, as long as a veteran clearly felt that the situation was unusual.

Firepower, their firepower seems to have weakened a lot.

This kind of weakening is not in quantity, but in power.

The power of their thermal weapons seems to have been reduced. This time, they were fully prepared, and the most powerful firepower was prepared for the entire surrounding area, but it did not reach the level they wanted.

The power of the weapon seems to have been cut off a part abruptly.

"Could it be?"

Suddenly Sun Hao thought of the words he heard from Ye Xiaotian before.

Hot weapons will be invalid when they enter the burrow, and it is still useful because there are humans stationed in the city.

However, Ye Xiaotian didn't seem to say that thermal weapons are completely effective.

Obviously, after entering the crypt, the effect of the mission is weakened.

"damn it!"

Thinking of this, Sun Hao couldn't help cursing inwardly, his face also became extremely ugly at this moment, the weakening of the effect of the thermal weapon, it can be said that he clearly felt the threat of the crypt.

If the undead giant just surprised him, he wasn't too worried.

After all, although the missiles were not resolved, they were just conventional missiles. The Yan Kingdom had stronger power and more terrifying weapons, so it naturally had a way to deal with it.

But now, the effect of thermal weapons is really weakening, and this is still in the so-called human race stationed in the city. If they really enter the burrow completely, what will the result be? Layers of cold sweat seeped out.

However, it was obvious that no matter how much his mood fluctuated.

The battle continues.

In the distance, Tang Feng's figure directly encountered five fourth rank and a dozen third rank undead giants.

Every punch and every blow made the entire surrounding earth tremble, and the terrifying power even shook in all directions.

Even though the undead giant had nearly twenty heads, facing Tang Feng who was fully armed, he still had no ability to resist, and was quickly defeated.

If it weren't for the chance of being reborn, these undead could be completely eliminated by Tang Feng with just a few breaths.

As for Ye Xiaotian, he and Su Yaqin are on the same side. There are also a large number of undead giants in front of them, but the level is generally only a second-level.

But enough speed.

The Cultivation Base of the two is improving rapidly under such circumstances.

And this battle lasted for a whole day, it actually is not that it took so long for Tang Feng to deal with the twenty undead giants.

In fact, after only a few minutes, those undead giants were completely eliminated.

It's just that even if it was solved, Tang Feng didn't choose to help, but watched quietly.

Ye Xiaotian and Su Yaqin have been fighting.

The constant battles honed their Martial Dao and at the same time continuously improved their blood.

After a few hours, Ye Xiaotian successfully stepped into the second rank level, and Su Yaqin made rapid progress in the second rank level. In a short period of time, she had already reached the peak of the second rank and began to move towards the third rank.

On Sun Hao's side, he was constantly pouring artillery fire.

Although the power of the thermal weapon has dropped by an unknown amount, it can't withstand the carpet-like coverage. Even the reduced power is enough to sweep these low-level undead.

The blood moon in the space-time fragments has not changed in the slightest.

If it weren't for the soldiers who went out to report, no one might know that the time has entered the second day.

When the last undead in front fell down, all the soldiers were almost exhausted to the ground. The high-intensity firing made them a little unbearable, especially when facing this kind of monster. It's even more so.

"it is finally over!"

Leng Feng sat down on the ground, and Long Xiaoyun couldn't help closing his eyes beside him.

The other members of the Special Forces around had almost the same reaction.

And even more so with other soldiers.

If it was an ordinary war, it would be a child's play for them, but after all, this was undead, and it was still an Otherworld, plus they had fought once before, which made them reach their limits both physically and mentally.

However, when Leng Feng raised his head and subconsciously looked into the distance, his pupils couldn't help shrinking, and the two figures there didn't seem to have changed much.

Even talking and laughing.

"They are monsters!"

Leng Feng couldn't help complaining.

They used hot weapons, and the opponent was cold weapons. As a result, they were all exhausted and paralyzed, but those two little brats didn't have anything to do.

This made him a little suspicious of life.


(Fourth update, more to come!)

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