Establishing A Martial Arts School: Starting From The Crisis Of The Human Race By Fooling Classmates

Chapter 60 Seventh Grade, The Whole Country Is Shocked (Seeking The First Order!)

The appearance of the three illusory portals shook the entire capital. At this moment, countless people looked up and saw the three illusory portals, and they were discussing them.

A figure walked up step by step from the void in the distance.

The figure is small.

At first no one noticed.

But as the figure gradually ascended, the entire void was trembling, and on the three portals, there were infinite smooth drops, setting off that figure.

A figure exists together, but at this moment it has become the center of Kyoto, the center of heaven and earth.

"Well, what's that?"

Someone spoke with a trembling voice.

"It's a human!"

"This this!"

"That, that!"

Mixed with one after another voices, everyone's heart became extremely shocked at this moment.

He, what did they see.

A person is stepping on the void and going up-walking.

This, how is this possible.

However, no matter what they think, the figure is still going up, and the infinite brilliance shines on it, making the entire sky into a sea of ​​brilliance.

However, these brilliance did not hide the feeling of the figure at all, but made the figure appear even more stalwart.

There is a huge phantom vaguely on the body of the figure and it slowly takes shape.

"He has penetrated the Second Bridge of Heaven and Earth, and now he is beginning to completely manifest the gate of the Triple Burner."

Huang Jing muttered to himself in the void.

Yao Lao beside him also looked forward.

Beside the two, Tang Feng, Bai Ruoxi and other instructors were also present.

The purpose is naturally to "protect the law" for Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen's triple burner gate is extremely large, and it may not be easy to close it."

Tang Feng frowned.

He who has reached the peak of the sixth rank can be said to be the most aware of the difficulty of breaking through the seventh rank.

Through the second bridge of heaven and earth, Tang Feng can also realize the gate of the triple burner at this time, but he is not confident that he can completely close the gate of the triple burner, and if it cannot be completely closed, it also means that the breakthrough has failed.

Although it can be done step by step, this will inevitably lead to a decline in own strength, which Tang Feng cannot bear, so now he has no choice to break through to the seventh rank rashly.

Now seeing Jiang Chen's Triple Burner Gate, his brows can't help but twitch.

Compared with Jiang Chen's triple burner gate, it is much larger. If it were on his body, Tang Feng could hardly imagine how he would seal such a triple burner gate.

"Don't worry, since Jiang Chen chose to break through, he naturally has his own confidence.

Yao Lao smiled lightly.

Although the other mentors were worried, they still restrained their hearts.

As Yao Lao said, since Jiang Chen has the courage to break through, he naturally has his confidence. Now they can only bless and look forward to it.



The figure of Jiang Chen has already stepped on the sky thousands of meters away. At this moment, even the distant existence can clearly see the existence of Jiang Chen.

And at this moment, the phantom on Jiang Chen's body was completely solidified.

And above the sky, the dazzling gates of the triple burners were also completely condensed at this moment. The three gates seemed to run through the past and the present, standing between the sky and the earth, and a heavy and majestic aura rushed over.

At this moment, facing these three gates, everyone, no matter where they came from, felt a mountain of pressure.

"Is this the gate of the triple burner?"

"Illusion to Reality!"

In the Zijin Pavilion, an old man murmured softly.

But no one answered his words.

Everyone couldn't help staring at the void, looking at the figure that was slowly walking towards the sky.

And the blood on Jiang Chen's body became more and more terrifying.

In the gate of the triple energizer, the gate of qi and blood trembled violently, and the power of qi and blood was escaping into the whole world. At this moment, all the figures or animals around could only feel the warmth of own body. It seemed that his strength suddenly increased.

The human body has the gate of the triple burner. If the gate of the triple burner is not closed, the power will continue to escape.

Just like this moment, when Jiang Chen's qi and blood exploded to the extreme, it also meant that the power of qi and blood dissipated to the extreme, and it was even enough to affect the surrounding creatures.

Of course, Jiang Chen at this moment doesn't want to bless these people.

When his qi and blood exploded to the extreme, his eyes suddenly looked at the door of qi and blood.

"The Gate of Qi and Blood!"

"seal up!"

With a low voice, he opened his mouth, and the majestic Qi and blood turned into two palms that directly pressed towards the opened door of Qi and blood.

The power of Qi and blood swept across and completely covered everything. The huge portal trembled violently at this moment, but its tremors could not stop Jiang Chen's majestic power of Qi and blood after all.

With a practice acceleration of 600 times, even if Jiang Chen is also at the peak of sixth rank, he is much stronger and has a much more terrifying background than a general practitioner at the peak of sixth rank.

Closing the gate of qi and blood is extremely difficult for others, but for him it is almost a matter of course.


Amid the violent tremors, the door of qi and blood closed suddenly.

And the Qi and blood around him also suddenly surged at this moment.

And it's not over yet.

Because Jiang Chen's eyes were on the spiritual gate at this moment.

When you reach the sixth rank, you will understand the power of the spirit, and the door of the spirit naturally requires the power of the spirit to close it.

However, Mental Energy comes out from the spiritual gate. It is obviously difficult to seal the spiritual gate with the power of the spiritual gate, which is very different from Qi and blood.

The power of qi and blood is not generated from the door of qi and blood, but absorbed by the human body and the outside world, so it is naturally much more difficult.

However, this is also not a problem for Jiang Chen.

The majestic spiritual power swept across.

Amidst the roar, the spiritual door unexpectedly began to close quickly.


In just a moment, the spiritual door was completely closed, and the phantom on Jiang Chen's body also solidified in an instant, and it was the figure of Jiang Nong.

The closing of the spiritual door represents the complete manifestation of Mental Energy.

At this moment, Jiang Chen can be said to have stepped into the seventh-grade Realm with one foot.

Even enough to burst out the power of a seventh-rank Realm, the only gap may be vitality.

And when the phantom is completely solidified.

At this moment, Ye Xiaotian and Su Yaqin in the distance were completely stunned.

"Morning, son of the morning!"

Ye Xiaotian found that his lips interfered, his words became stammered at some point, and his expression became extremely exciting at this moment.

"It really is him!"

Su Yaqin was muttering to herself.

Although the eyes were shocked, they were more relieved.

At this moment, the scene from half a year ago rang in the girl's mind involuntarily.

"Student, let me tell you a secret?"

"What secret?"

"This is a secret that concerns the life and death of mankind."

"I said Jiang Chen, even if you failed the college entrance examination, it wouldn't be like this!"

At that time, he was speechless, looking at the young man who was talking nonsense in front of him.

In the words, there was even some helplessness.

She even felt that her classmate was out of her mind.

The burrow invaded, and the crisis of entering the stream.

I have read too many novels, but I am still too obsessed.

But after a surprise, she finally chose to join Jiangnan Wuhan University.

The experience of the next six months made the girl feel as if she was in a dream, and all kinds of incredible existences were constantly flickering.

And while he was experiencing all kinds of inconceivable things, he was also looking for that figure.

She wants to thank.

Thank you so much.

But half a year later, that figure seems to have never joined Jiangnan Wuda, and there is no trace at all.

In the end, the girl could only think that that one was eliminated.

After all, there were a lot of people eliminated that time, maybe the boy was eliminated that time.

In this regard, she was a little disappointed, and even went home several times to look for the boy, but the boy seemed to have disappeared, and she never found him.

Until today she heard the boy's name again.

One should not have the slightest intersection, perhaps just the existence of the same name.

But she couldn't help thinking of the boy again.

And it turned out that she was right.

It was really that boy, the boy who let her enter Jiangnan Wuhan University.

"Is it the friendship of classmates?"

"It's really a great favor from you!"

The voice of self-talk opened, the girl's expression carried a wry smile, and then a faint arc rippling from the corner of her mouth, it was a smile, and he didn't know why he was smiling.

0 Seeking flowers……………

Or laugh because you found the boy, or laugh when the boy appeared unexpectedly.

No one knows the girl's heart.

A huge phantom appeared in the sky.

The door of life flashed at the last moment, exuding infinite vitality at this moment, and the young man's expression seemed to be somewhat cautious.

In the sky, the footsteps moved again.

In everyone's shocking eyes, that huge phantom moved immediately, and gradually reached the last flash of the portal.

As Jiang Chen opened his hands, the huge phantom also opened his hands at this moment, and the hands of the two huge phantoms directly pressed the last door.

Under everyone's shocking eyes, the portal was slowly pushed and pulled towards the inside.

Facing the door of life, Jiang Chen did not choose to use the power of life to slowly close it.

He chose the simplest and most direct method, taking the power of blood and spirit plus the majestic vitality of his body as an opportunity to forcibly close the door of life directly.

This is undoubtedly the most dangerous behavior.

Once the door of life cannot be closed, the result may be the complete collapse of the other two doors.

You must know that compared to the gate of life, neither the gate of qi and blood nor the gate of spirit can be compared with it, and it can even be said that there is a huge gap.

However, this is also the fastest way.

Because at the time of breaking through the seventh rank, the power of blood, spirit, and power of life are intertwined. This is also the only opportunity. With this kind of opportunity, the power of blood and spirit can help close the door.



The void is constantly trembling, and the majestic vitality sweeps around, causing this unimaginable resistance.

The huge phantom trembled, and the space made an unbearable crackling sound.

However, even so, Jiang Chen remained motionless, and the history continued to scroll.



The world trembled suddenly, the last portal was completely closed, and Jiang Chen's aura also skyrocketed at this moment, and his phantom seemed to have completely moved from illusion to reality at this moment

It stands between the whole heaven and the earth.

At this moment, he can be regarded as having truly stepped into the seventh-rank realm.

Qi and blood, Mental Energy, and vitality have all completed a complete transformation.

At this moment, he could feel that he had the power to destroy everything in every gesture.

Slightly closing his eyes, in an instant most of the entire capital area has been presented in his mind.

"Is this the Divine Sense?"

The voice of muttering to himself spoke, and Jiang Chen couldn't help being delighted at this time.

But just when he carefully felt the power of his own breakthrough.

this moment.

Suddenly a voice sounded.

"Congratulations to senior Jiang Chen, breaking through the seventh rank and stepping into the realm of Great Master!"

The sound rose in an instant, shaking the entire capital. This was obviously a mid-level Realm Practitioner.

And with his opening.

Suddenly countless voices sounded at this moment.

"Congratulations to senior Jiang Chen, breaking through the seventh rank and stepping into the realm of Great Master!"

"Congratulations to senior Jiang Chen, breaking through the seventh rank and stepping into the realm of Great Master!"

"Congratulations to senior Jiang Chen, breaking through the seventh rank and stepping into the realm of Great Master!"

The sound after sound was like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, which immediately shook the entire Demon City.

And in the sky, at this moment, two figures suddenly appeared, two phantoms who were also stepping on the void, but were slowly walking towards Jiang Chen.

Huang Jing and Yao Lao couldn't help but smile on their faces at this moment.

A mighty voice followed closely behind.

"Haha, student Jiang Chen, you are indeed the top genius of Jiangnan Wuhan University. During the school period, the Great Master's realm, since the establishment of Wu Great Completion, can only be reached by 20 people. If you have achieved it in your sophomore year, it is even more impressive. None."

Huang Jing's laughing voice also resounded.

At this moment, the entire capital was completely silent, only the voice of the void echoed.

Originally, everyone was still shocked by the scene in the sky.

Now that this is suddenly done for them, everyone is dumbfounded.

Zijin Pavilion didn't respond immediately.


(4,000-word chapter, this is the third update, and there are still work to do next).

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