Establishing A Martial Arts School: Starting From The Crisis Of The Human Race By Fooling Classmates

Chapter 73 Maybe The Historical Myth Is True (Big Chapter Please Subscribe)

At this moment, there is only one center in the world, and that is the most central figure in a white Tang suit. Ah Xing's expression is calm, without any waves.

And below him.

All Demonic Beasts are gone.

Bright red blood rained down in the sky.

And below, the heads of Demonic Beasts had only broken flesh and blood, and the bright red blood turned into a brook and flowed all around.

this moment.

Countless people looked up and stared blankly at the sky.

Even Mowu's instructors and students are like this.

The same is true of other soldiers.

At this moment, their minds don't know how to move.

The urgency and danger just now seemed so unreal like in a dream.

But the bloody scene around them clearly told them that all this was true.

The terrifying tide of Demonic Beasts, and the head of powerful Demonic Beasts were wiped out by the white Tang suit figure in the sky with one hand.

That mighty golden giant palm.

The coercion that covered the sky was almost deeply imprinted in everyone's minds.

The figure in the sky gradually became equal to deification.

In the headquarters.

I don't know how long it was silent.

A wry smile appeared on the expression of the old man for a long time.

"I finally understand why Wuhan University has the ability to deal with the crisis!"

The voice of self-talk opened, and the words were sighed.

Just like what he said, the old man really understood at this moment why Wuhan University said it had a chance.

Facing the crisis of the Three Thousand Worlds, even he who is at the top of the Zijin Pavilion feels a deep sense of powerlessness and despair. If it weren't for the hope that Wuhan University still has, the old man might have completely given up.

But in fact, he has never understood where Wuhan University's confidence lies.

In the face of this kind of crisis, even if it is just confidence, it is actually very difficult to have.

Especially in their previous view, when the three major martial arts universities were a bit powerless to guard the three major caves, the peace talks faced the coming of the Sankai Catacombs.

But at this moment the old man understood.

I totally understand.

Three thousand worlds may indeed be dangerous enough.

But if one person is enough to shock a world, three thousand worlds are nothing more than three thousand people.

This point, Turen didn't think about it before.

It's also hard to imagine.

In this materialistic world, individual power is limited, and in most cases it is necessary to rely on the power of the group.

Only in this way can something be done.

Suppressing a world by one person, even after seeing the power of the Great Master Practitioner, the old man didn't think about it.

But now, Ah Xing made a move.

Don't know how many Demonic Beasts.

Tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of Demonic Beasts were wiped out in an instant.

This scene was too shocking and shocking, and finally the old man woke up suddenly.

He, or the current world is different from before after all, Practitioner's strength is far stronger than they imagined.

That one, he already knew before, is the dean of Mowu Martial Dao Academy, whose identity is similar to that of Huang Jing, and whose strength is an eighth-rank practitioner.

That's right, it's only the Eighth Stage Practitioner.

But only Ah Xing, a Practitioner of the Eighth Grade Realm, can do such a scene.

It's hard to imagine what level it will reach after reaching the Ninth Grade Realm.

It may not be impossible for one person to suppress a world.

Or it's entirely possible.

As for Wuhan University, the three Wuhan universities, and the latest Jiangnan Wuhan University has also been established close to Hundred Year's time. In Hundred Year's time, if it is said that there is no Ninth Grade Realm Practitioner, the old man does not believe it, and it is impossible.

Even in the past few hundred years, it is still unknown how many ninth-rank Realm Practitioners Wuhan University has cultivated.

Three thousand definitely not.

After all, if there is a 3,009-rank Practitioner, Wuhan University may not have to worry so much.

But even without three thousand.

I believe it should also have a very impressive value.

Moreover, Wuhan University may have a way to allow Practitioners to quickly enter the high-ranking class. Only in this way can Wuhan University have the confidence to deal with the next terrible crisis.

"It seems that after all we underestimated Wuhan University''!"

There was a wry smile in the old man's words.

Just like what he said, he really underestimated it. Even after the previous incident in the capital, he changed his view again, but he still didn't have a high enough opinion.

The strength of Wuhan University is far beyond imagination.

After all, what they have come into contact with so far is only the tip of the iceberg.

Let's not talk about other things, the principal of Wuhan University, whether it is the principal of Jiangnan Wuhan University or the principal of Mowu, they are not in full contact.

Although Principal Mowu came to the door before.

But that was not a formal contact at all.

And how strong these two are, is still unknown.

More importantly, regardless of the president of Wuhan University, the former students of Wuhan University are also a big problem.

You must know that the biggest heritage of any school is not the active students and mentors, but the former students. This is the case in the real world, and Wuhan University believes that it is the same.

Didn't think about it that much before, that's because there wasn't much information.

Nowadays, when burrows appear one after another, it is not difficult for the old man to imagine that those students are likely to be in the burrows.

It is even possible to suppress the burrows everywhere.

And once these powers are displayed, the old man believes that it will be so terrifying that it will make him tremble.

And in the ups and downs of the old man.

in the sky.

It also ended at this moment.

"Dean, be more gentle next time, these are all resources, and now you've overwhelmed them all!"

A mentor next to him spoke with distress.

"That, that, sorry, I used too much force, pay attention next time, pay attention next time."

Hearing the distressed words of accusation from the teacher next to him, Ah Xing was embarrassed.

The previous coldness disappeared completely at once.

"Next time, next time, Dean, tell me, how many times have you done it!"

Next, a soldier looked dumbfounded at the Practitioner who was like a god before him, who was trained like a grandson, and could only keep bowing his head and admitting his mistake.

The Martial Master has long been used to it.

Even one by one can't help being funny.

After the two had been fighting for a while, Ah Xing turned to the headquarters with a straight face.

The old man was already waiting there.

"Thank you Dean for taking action, the strength of Dean is indeed earth-shattering!"

The old man spoke with admiration, and looked at the person in front of him. Compared with the principal who couldn't see through at all, the dean in front of him seemed to be able to see clearly.

Dressed in a simple white Tang suit, he was clean and capable.

Looks like an ordinary middle-aged uncle.

But the old man understood the terrifying power contained in this ordinary body.

"Sir, I'm really sorry this time. Except for a little accident, the Grandmaster Practitioner guarding this cave was surrounded and killed, which caused the attack of Demonic Beasts.

"We, Mowu, are willing to bear all the losses caused. Please forgive me, sir."

Ah Xing spoke with an apologetic voice.

As for his content, of course it is a story fabricated by Jiang Chen.

This burrow, in Jiang Chen's fabrication, was because the mentor guarded by Mowu was besieged and killed, which caused the burrow to impact the territory of the human race.

As for whether it will be worn out, Jiang Chen is not worried at all.

He has already found out that that place is the place of Demonic Beasts, and the language is completely different. Although some dragon languages ​​may make people understand the meaning, they cannot communicate.

Because of the relationship between the world and the earth, it is impossible to communicate with each other.

And once the fighting continues, the hatred between each other will grow stronger, and the only problem will quietly disappear by then.

Even if when the time comes, some people really go to the old accounts with brains, the worst is that the human race is only guarding the entrance and has not attracted the attention of other people. It is normal not to know.

Anyway, there are many reasons to explain.

As for now, Mowu needs such a reason to explain everything.

"The dean is serious. It is my responsibility to guard the human race. I have to thank the teachers and students of Wuhan University!"

"However, Dean, I have something to ask, I wonder if the dean can agree?"

The old man straightened his expression and spoke cautiously, but his words changed quickly and he hesitated.

"Oh, I don't know what it is. If it can be done, I, Xing, will definitely do my best."

Listening to the old man's words, Ah Xing also nodded seriously and asked.

"It's like this. I'm also willing to share some for Wuhan University. Regarding the matter of the caves, whether my Yan Kingdom can participate in one or two. If you don't mind, we can do the same as Jiangnan Wuhan University."

After hearing Ah Xing's answer, the old man breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly spoke.

It seemed that he was afraid of being rejected, so he couldn't help bringing up the matter of Jiangnan Wuda.

"The Vault?"

"Sir, do you know that Shao Xin's crypt is just a guard crypt, and it can even be said to be one of the shattered crypts. Its danger is very low. Although the undead are somewhat special, the strongest is only the fourth rank. , there won’t be any major problems, but here in Mowu, most of the suppressions are complete crypts, and the weakest is the world just now, this seventh-level world, and it is complete. The danger in it, I am afraid........!"

Ah Xing was silent for a moment, and slowly spoke amidst the old man's somewhat disappointed expression.

`The old man understands, but the time given to us is not much, our country of Yan must seize every opportunity, and hope that the principal will be fulfilled, and we can bear the consequences!"

Ah Xing's words after the silence made the old man rekindle hope, his expression was serious again, and his voice also spoke with incomparable seriousness.

"How about this!"

"If you don't mind, sir, you can follow our Wuhan University to move. Maybe it's a good thing for us to have your help."

Ah Xing pondered for a while, looked at the surrounding soldiers again, and then seemed to have decided on something, and then slowly opened his mouth.

"Thank you Dean!"

The old man's expression completely turned into joy.

The old man who has experienced the burrow once knows how beneficial the burrow is.

Now that Yan Kingdom had finally come into contact with a crypt again, the old man was not willing to give up at all.

And his luck, or Yan Guo's luck is indeed good, Mowu Martial Dao Dean did not refuse their request, but agreed.

Although there are bound to be certain requirements, compared to these, the others are obviously not so important.

At least for the old man, for Yan Guo.

"By the way, sir, you can collect these flesh and blood. They are still very useful for the Body Tempering of the third rank under Martial Dao. This is much better than the spirit of the undead."

After the talk, Ah Xing seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help adding another sentence.

And this sentence moved the old man's heart, and then he noticed the mess everywhere, and quickly thanked him.

In this regard, Ah Xing undoubtedly helped someone (Zhao Zhaohao).

These flesh and blood shattered into countless pieces, which may not be very useful for Mowu, but needless to say, for Yan Kingdom, the huge base number represents the need for huge resources.

At present, there are no major problems with these resources, that is because there are reserves

problems, coupled with large-scale foreign acquisitions.

But even so, there are some signs of being unable to hold on. It is conceivable how much this kind of consumption is.

Yan Kingdom is not willing to give up any resources.

Not to mention that there are definitely a lot of resources this time, among which there are high-grade Demonic Beasts, and one high-grade Demonic Beast is almost worth tens of thousands of ordinary Demonic Beasts.

The night gradually passed.

The battlefield immediately began to be cleaned up.

In mid-air, no one noticed that Jiang Chen's figure slowly stood up, watching this scene quietly.

He undoubtedly wrote the whole play.

Judging from the current situation, he can be said to be extremely satisfied with the whole script.

All goals have been achieved.

A bigger stage, a bigger drama, Catacombs, Yan Kingdom, Mowu, each of them has entered their own role, whether it is active or passive monster.

This almost completed all the arrangements he had originally envisioned.

Let Yanguo further understand the power of the Practitioner, strengthen information for Yanguo, and further launch the Catacombs.

The old man may not know that even if he doesn't want it, Jiang Chen is ready to contribute to this world.

After all, it is not good for him to keep this world, but Yan Kingdom can make the most of it.

(Dazhang begs to subscribe, the fourth update, to be honest, I have not updated too much, I beg for support, please!).

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