Establishing A Martial Arts School: Starting From The Crisis Of The Human Race By Fooling Classmates

Chapter 84: Everyone In China Knows Kung Fu (Big Chapter For Subscription)

The mountain road was stained with blood at some point.



The world didn't hold up in the end.

It completely collapsed amidst the loud noise, and the sharp sword intent spread into nothingness and projected into Ye Xiaotian's heart.

I don't know how long it took, and I don't know how long it lasted.

When Ye Xiaotian only felt his own body tremble, then a terrifying power burst out instantly, and majestic Qi and blood swept the entire surrounding.

But the Killing intent and Devilish Qi that came around that year quickly became restrained.

However, this is only restrained.

There is still a red color in Ye Xiaotian's eyes.

Obviously, that ferocious air did not disappear, it was just hidden.

"fourth rank!"

Exhaling slightly turbid air, The next moment Ye Xiaocai found that his figure had returned to Jiangnan Martial Arts University.

Everything around remains the same.

It's just that at this moment, he felt a sense of trance.

And such a scene happened to countless people.

Hundreds of people entered the space-time fragments one by one, either in teams or alone.

Regardless of how they act.

The survival of another world is far more difficult than everyone imagined. Even if they have obtained some guarantees, it is impossible to completely ignore them, but there are still casualties.

However, compared to the first time, Jiang Chen found it hard to accept, and he has gradually gotten used to it at this moment.

The life of Wuhan University has not changed much to the outside world.

And the outside world.

With continuous promotion and substantial support from Yanguo, Martial Dao directly rose to a new level of popularity, or in other words, Martial Dao became the hottest topic of discussion in the entire society.

Everyone is pursuing Martial Dao, and everyone is paying attention to Martial Dao.

And such heat, how can countries not pay attention.

At first everyone thought that Yan Guo was crazy. After all, if he hadn't been crazy, he probably wouldn't be in such a twitch.

However, no one thought that Yan Guo's "brain twitch" would continue until now, with no sign of ending at all, and instead getting worse.

As I said before, it was Koryo Island that first reacted.

Since it borders China, they naturally felt the changes in Yan Kingdom, or rather, they knew everything about Yan Kingdom soon. 260

And it is different from other countries who think that Yanguo has brain tics.

The two countries quickly discovered the particularity of this.

And when they secretly obtained the Body Tempering method from Yan Kingdom, they were shocked to find that these Martial Dao Body Tempering turned out to be real.


"Baga, it's been a year, and you still don't know the three Wuhan universities, and you have lost the face of Dafusang!"

An angry voice sounded in the cabinet, the words of the mustache.

But at this moment, all the figures below couldn't help lowering their heads.

The infiltration of Yan Kingdom is already extremely difficult, let alone now.

As the Yan Kingdom began to blockade, it was difficult for spies from other countries to intervene, and the strength of the Practitioner also made it possible to clearly detect some clues that were originally difficult to find

It is naturally difficult to go deep now.

"Ten days, I'll give you another ten days. If you still can't give me a satisfactory answer, you can go and apologize to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Mustache's rage came with a growl.

Layers of cold sweat were already breaking out on everyone's backs, but at this time, they couldn't care less.

I can only bite the bullet and respond.

"In addition, send me people to enter Yan Country, and go there in the name of friendly interviews!"

"It's best to get our students into their schools."

"No, can't you rely on their methods, you are all a bunch of stupid pigs.

Mustache seemed to think of something, and spoke again.

And this time, it undoubtedly made other people's eyes shine.

"Understood, sir!"

"We'll do it right away!"

One after another excited voices spoke.

Fusang acted quickly.

And it is not only Fusang who has this kind of action, the same is true for Goryeo.

Compared with East Asia, which has some understanding, the rest of the world is completely unable to sit still in the ignorance, and they even began to fight among themselves.

It was unbearable for them to watch the Chinese market go away rapidly.

Originally, they fought against Yan Country together because they knew that Yan Country could not play together without everyone, but now that Yan Country really stopped playing, these people undoubtedly found it hard to accept.

The protest at the beginning, and the lowering of the stance in the back.

Up to now, internal strife has begun to arise within them.

It's just obvious that no matter what they do, they can't insert it at this time.

Under such circumstances, these countries undoubtedly became a little angry again, and there seemed to be a sense of tension.

It's just that they still have a hesitation at this moment, that is, the current Yan Kingdom is not the Yan Kingdom more than a hundred years ago, and it will not be so easy for them to open the door of this ancient Eastern Empire.

In other words, the price paid may be greater than imagined.

Let them hesitate, but also make them tangled.

And when hesitant and entangled, more information spread to the world, and everyone was dumbfounded.

It was originally just one of the most common extracurricular activities in Yanguo High School.

But the content of the inter-class activities made everyone unable to hold back, or it made all the gringos open their mouths.

In the picture, there is a young man leaping five or six meters high.

There was also a young man clenching his fist and bombarding him, causing pieces of blue bricks to shatter.

What's more, some people were able to reach a height of more than ten meters in an instant several times while flying in the air.

There was still qi and blood surging, and the objects in his hands came out like sharp swords.

"The metamorphosis from the distant eastern empire, have you seen it? Maybe you think it's a special effect, or a miscellaneous note. No, gentlemen and ladies, this is not a special effect, nor is it a miscellaneous note. This is just an ordinary high school martial arts It's just a science course, today we will take you into a brand new Yan Kingdom, a Yan Kingdom that you have never known before.

Accompanied by the host's fluent "English", it instantly attracted the attention of countless people.

In fact, the Western world has not paid much attention to the information of Yan Kingdom since a Hundred Year ago, or they care more about the black materials of Yan Kingdom. This kind of malicious smearing is undoubtedly from everyone in the West.

The East is often described as mysterious and witchcraft.

And this is not a good word, but a synonym for backwardness and barbarism.

It's just this video, but they couldn't recover at all, and their eyes were completely attracted.

The unbelievable scenes in the picture, the teenagers who look like special people, are so attractive to these people.

And the host's commentary with shocking words became the biggest catalyst.

"Mysterious East, allow me to use the word mysterious again. I know that this is not a good word for most eagle saucers, but I really can only use this word. About a year ago, Yan The country announced a proposal that was opposed by the whole country, abolishing "English" and adding martial arts. implemented."

"They reduced the original curriculum, and turned all the liberal arts and sciences into liberal arts. Yes, you are not mistaken, gentlemen, all (bafc) have become liberal arts, and martial arts has become independent. Every fourth-grade student Students must participate in the study of martial arts, this is a kind of martial arts, "gongfu" Do you know, Bruce Lee, this is a mysterious existence from the ancient East, it is simply incredible, it can make human life leap and change, like this."

The video is long and the commentary is equally long.

And in this very long video, countless foreigners have seen the unbelievable scenes.

For example, those students who are like supermen, and the college entrance examination that just passed.

All of this amazed them and attracted their attention, making these people take advantage of the opportunity and even let out exclamations from time to time.

"My God, is this true?"

"God, how is this possible, this must be a joke.

"Karin, come and see, come and see!"

"Ah, Mr. Tang, you also said that you Yan people can "gongfu" from time to time, look, those students can, Mr. Tang, Mr. Tang!"

"Ah, I really want to go to Yan Kingdom, I want to learn "gongfu".

"My God, in this era, is there still someone with such a low-end scam?"

"This is obviously special effects and editing. I have to say that the special effects are really rubbish!"

"Tom, this is so stupid."

On the Internet, one after another voices were mixed, and many foreigners were completely caught up in it.

Of course, there is also a lot of ridicule in this.

For a time, heated discussions continued on the Internet.

Just compared to their heated discussions.

The foreigners in Yan Kingdom have truly felt the changes in Yan Kingdom, but what makes them desperate is that none of these foreigners can participate in martial arts studies.

Unless he has become a Yan country.

And this undoubtedly makes them difficult to accept.

Even a lot of conflicts broke out in many places.

But now it's clear that Yan Kingdom doesn't need them at all.

This kind of thing was quickly suppressed. Under such circumstances, these foreigners could only leave indignantly, or try their best to participate in martial arts studies.

Body Tempering method is not very difficult to get.

In other words, this is almost a half-open secret.

Since it is necessary to evolve the entire civilization, it is naturally impossible for Jiang Chen to completely cherish himself.

He assisted the development of the Yan Kingdom, but it was okay if some things leaked out.

For example, the basic Body Tempering method.

Although everyone is practicing the basic Body Tempering method, this method is enough to cultivate the existence of the ninth-grade Realm, and it is not so basic.

Just because you can cultivate to the ninth grade Realm doesn't mean you can really reach it.

Among them, talent and resources are extremely important.

And because he is from Yan country, the Cultivation Technique given by the system is more suitable for people from Yan country to cultivate. In comparison, it is not that people from other countries cannot practice, but the speed is much slower.

In this case, there is even less need to consider the issue of leakage or not.

If it weren't for the relatively stable development, Jiang Chen might have already spread the basic Body Tempering method to the whole world at this time.

Now this kind of natural outflow is of course also possible.

It is relatively easy for these foreigners to obtain it, but without state subsidies, it is undoubtedly extremely difficult to rely solely on own cultivation.

You must know that because of having a high-level real estate, Yan Country has certain subsidies for the major primary schools, and this subsidy is not small. It can provide Demonic Beasts meat once a month, although it is only a month, and the provided The portion is small, but this is Demonic Beasts meat, and it is given continuously. In this case, the blessing to practice is obvious.

It is naturally impossible to practice alone, let alone Demonic Beasts meat, it is food with sufficient energy

It's all hard.

As for the foreigners, with the reform of the Yan Kingdom, they are no longer as good looking as before, and even gradually began to fall from the upper class to the lower class.

In this way, it almost fell into a vicious circle.

And in this case, these people had to find a way out.

A live broadcast Life is undoubtedly a good choice.

It's just different from before, this time they are no longer broadcasting live broadcasts by themselves, and the audience is no longer Yan Guo people, and it's not like they can master the wealth code just by shouting "I love Yan Guo"


They chose the audience to be their compatriots in the past, and the content of the live broadcast is of course the life of Yan Kingdom.

And this is undoubtedly a very good choice.

At least for them at this moment.

Their former compatriots, from being dismissive at the beginning, to ridiculing, to being gradually attracted, to the eyes shining in the back, and amidst these emotional changes, his popularity has also increased.

Increase rapidly, and income also increases rapidly.

And with the help of these incomes, they can finally let their children start to practice, even if the practice is very slow, at least it is incomparable with Yan people of the same age, but this is not important,

For them, this is enough joy, even if they are killed, they don't want to go back.

The situation can be said to have completely changed.

(The third update, there will be more to come, beg for support!).

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