Establishing A Martial Arts School: Starting From The Crisis Of The Human Race By Fooling Classmates

Chapter 93 The Seal Is Broken, Rush Out (Big Chapter For Subscription)

"what happened?"

"Those damned guys, are they out again?"

"My God, who can help us!"

"Oh my God!"

"God, has God come to the world again?"

In the land of Yingjiang, countless people spoke in panic.

No one thought that the previous scene would explode again in less than a year.

And everyone can feel that this time is probably more serious than the last time.

do not know why.

I don't know what to feel.

But everyone can clearly feel that a dark cloud has completely shrouded their hearts, making them unable to extricate themselves, as if they have completely fallen into an abyss.

But very quickly, this shock stopped completely.

Unlike before, this time there was no violent damage.

However, where the Black Palace is located, it is impossible to calm down at this moment.

The violent earthquake caused them to project all the satellites to the king.

And in this kind of projection.

They saw it.

I saw a huge crack.

And in the crack, monster-like existences are rushing out from the crack crazily.

That's right, a monster.

These monsters have a human-like upright body, but they are covered with elder hairs, with scarlet pupils, or wolf heads, or tiger heads.

Just seeing it makes people feel scalp numb.

"Hahaha, the core land, our wolf clan is here!"

Excited syllables spread to the entire surrounding, with strange syllables.

But even if it's just a feeling, everyone can understand what they mean.

"Stop them!"

"Damn, what the hell are these!"

"Downgrade the army, hurry up!"

"Can't let them out!"

Horrified voices came from the black palace.

At this moment, everyone felt the seriousness of the situation.

Although they didn't know what was going on at this time, nor did they know where these monsters came from, but they instinctively told them not to let these monsters in, otherwise the whole Eagle Sauce might be destroyed.

The order was given swiftly.

The mobilization of the eagle sauce troops one by one was almost extremely smooth.

In less than three hours, the entire Eagle Sauce's troops were completely mobilized.

First, a division of tens of thousands of people went to the place where they were.

Subsequently, several divisions followed closely.

It's just that when they arrived, those monsters seemed to be about to break through the almost thin fragments of time and space.

Fortunately, under the modern system.

Some things are done quickly.

Such as blockade, and siege.

About an hour later, more than 20,000 people from three divisions had gathered here.

A huge army blocked the entire surrounding area.

It's just this kind of encirclement. When seeing the terrifying monster in front of them, everyone's heart sank.

For these Yingjiang soldiers in the constant pressure world, there is a thick layer of dark clouds in their hearts.

The figures in front of the huge defense line made everyone's breathing stagnant at this moment.

"Bump, bump!"

It was the sound of footsteps on the ground, but no matter who it was at this time, the figure couldn't help but retreat.


Someone made a sound, but it was a strong swallowing of saliva.

It's not that he is not calm. Although the Eagle Sauce soldiers are constantly ridiculed, it is undeniable that their combat effectiveness is one of the best in the world.

However, this moment is not a question of fighting but that what they are facing is not human at all.

Huge cannon fire roared.

The terrifying power poured out.

But even a thin barrier blocked everything.

The creatures inside were not damaged in any way.

"Hahaha, there is no guardian envoy W.!"

"The core land belongs to my wolf clan!"

An excited voice came from the film, and the scarlet eyes of a giant werewolf were full of hope and excited.

The troops that attacked this time seemed to have many other species.

But these are actually just cannon fodder.

The first layer of artillery fire is the outermost undead, followed by other races.

The purpose is to see if there are still guardian envoys in the outside world.

On the other side of Shenzhou, is it true that what Akali said has fallen?

Judging from the current results, this seems to be the case.

They have been attacking the barrier for a long time. If it was five hundred years ago, no, even if it was only three hundred years ago, the guards would probably have arrived.

If the guardian envoy can't solve it, people from Shenzhou will quickly come to suppress the impact.

Even the existence of these shocks will be buried.

But now, a few hours have passed, but everything is the same as before, without the slightest change.

The result seems to be imminent.

However, the wolves still suppressed their hearts amidst the excitement.

In his memory, it is not that the human race has never done it, lured them out, and then killed them in one fell swoop.

Although under normal circumstances the human race would not do this kind of thing.

After all, this is also harmful to the core land.

But this time, there may be some accidents.

Eyes observed everything around.

At the same time, try to see if more and stronger power can come to the past.

Channels are limited.

This kind of limitation is also very obvious, especially for Gaopin Practitioner.

Now the human race can enter the Catacombs through the passage, but if the Catacombs want to enter the human world, it is somewhat difficult to reverse the operation.

Gopin Practitioner can't even pass through at all.

Unless they have a special way to bypass.

And this is obviously not owned by the world of seventh-rank space-time fragments.

"Isn't it true?"

The voice of self-talk opened, and this figure couldn't help but shook his head.

"Can't attack, that strange membrane blocks the power of artillery fire!"

"Wait until they come out!"

"Request the higher-ups to mobilize more powerful fire support!"

In Yingjiang's headquarters, voices sounded one after another, eagerly carrying a sense of tension.

Covered by unlimited artillery fire just now.

Almost useless.

All are not fools.

They all understand that that layer of film is a barrier, a barrier that stops those monsters, and it also blocks them.

Before the film is broken, they cannot attack those monsters.

But waiting is undoubtedly the most difficult thing.

Especially after watching the horror step by step.

That kind of psychological pressure is also something that I don't usually have at all.


Someone swallowed forcibly.

Sweat didn't know when it soaked the backs of the Yingjiang soldiers.

The hand holding the weapon was also trembling constantly.

But obviously, no matter how they reacted or how their hearts vibrated.

The shock continues.

Terrifying monsters constantly collide with the sky and the earth.

And in this case.



A huge roar echoed throughout the surrounding area.

At this moment, the ground is shaking, and the sky is trembling at this moment.

Where the crack was, on the film, a deeper crack began to appear.

I don't know how long it has been.

Maybe for a moment, maybe for a long time.

Because time becomes meaningless at this moment.

Until, when the heart almost jumped out of the throat.


A clear voice suddenly sounded.

The next moment, everyone's pupils shrink instantly.

And the thin barrier in front seemed to persist until the last moment.


Amidst the loud noise, it shattered suddenly.

At the next moment, terrifying monsters roared and rushed out of it.

In the front row are those monsters that look like zombies.

Lines of sight converge.

His face was full of viscous blood, a big mouth that was about to be pulled to the back of his cheeks, and there was a small piece of unfinished teeth hanging from his mouth, or his own blood, scarlet body Falling from the surrounding ticks.


The gigantic monster-like mouth made a sound, but it roared like a wild beast. Its eyes were intertwined, and it was even more visible that those gray eyes, like the belly of a dead fish, stared at this side and stretched out its blood-stained hands. , walking unsteadily towards them.



A hurried voice came from the station.

The next moment, the already tense strings are tightened again at this moment.


The gunfire everywhere opened fire in an instant.

First there was the sound of gunfire, the fire snake was flying, and the sound of bumping gunshots instantly rang out to one side.

The seven zombie-like existences were quickly shattered by the terrifying firepower.

However, at this moment, everyone was neither relaxed nor excited, because these torn monsters stood up again and rushed towards them, and the number behind them was still increasing.

This time, it was no longer seven, but dozens, hundreds, or even thousands.

"The first strike of artillery fire!"

"Armored vehicles are ready at any time!"

"Also inform the military and government that we need ammunition support!"



The huge roar shook the entire eardrum.

However, the zombies couldn't be defeated at all, and soon some of the Eagle Sauce soldiers discovered that Own's body began to show symptoms such as itching.

Many people even feel that their consciousness is hazy.


Suddenly, among the eagle sauce soldiers, a soldier let out a low growl sound like a zombie, and bit directly at his companion next to him, and this bite kicked off the prelude to the infection

The virus is spreading.

The dangers of this world are unimaginable.

And that's not the point.

Those orcs hiding behind the undead are even more terrifying.

Their figures can jump tens of meters high in a vertical leap, and they can directly drag the helicopter down.

It is even enough to stare at the artillery fire and move forward.

The defense line of tens of thousands of people only lasted for less than ten minutes before it completely collapsed.

Facing the enemy that could not be resisted at all, everyone couldn't help replaying the previous scene again.

No, at this moment they are more terrifying than what they encountered before.

Those existences before did not actually carry out large-scale massacres, but only destroyed everything around them.

But now these monsters rushing out are slaughtering everything around them with impunity.

That crazy carnage.

Let the social order be completely chaotic.

And it is inevitable chaos.

Those monsters subverted all their cognition.

If the previous Akha made them feel gods and devils, then at this moment, these alien races only give them The Underworld and Satan.

In contrast, the Akha people are too kind.

And these

It is the devil who really came from The Underworld.

The entire society began to experience violent turmoil, and at the same time, Yingjiang's government was almost going completely crazy.

"Stop, block!"

"fuck, what the hell are you doing?"

"Taxpayers' money feeds you with nothing, I don't care how many methods you use, it can't spread anymore."

(Made's) "Pentagonal..."

Roaring voices came from the black palace, and there was deep despair.

Whitebeard feels that he may be the most unlucky president in history, and the previous events have already made his position shaky. If the world is not undergoing major changes, I am afraid he

The whole thing needs to be replaced.

But it hasn't stabilized for a few days, and then such a big thing happened again.

The monster in the picture made his three views subverted again.

If the previous Akha tribe made him understand that human beings can be so powerful, then this time it made him understand that the whole world really has more than just human beings.

If possible, he felt that it was best not to be in this damned position for the rest of his life, or even to live in this damned eagle sauce place.

His life is in China.

Too bad there is no option.

At this moment, he had to face the scene in front of him.

Eyes bloodshot.

This time, he didn't hesitate again.

"The Catacombs!"

"Are they the creatures in the Catacombs?"

"Damn it, nuke!"

"Give me a nuke!"

In desperation and panic, he issued an order, and this time, no one could stop this order, because conventional weapons really couldn't deal with such a monster.

Perhaps, only the ultimate weapon of mankind has a glimmer of hope.

As for the consequences, is it the consequences that the whole Eagle Sauce is about to fall?

(I really don't know if one party is in love, the two parties are destined to have no results, is it really necessary to continue a person's love, I sent her back from Hunan to Hebei for three thousand miles

, but after I came back, I hardly took the initiative to send me a message. There is a high probability that I am the so-called dog licking. ).

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