Establishing A Martial Arts School: Starting From The Crisis Of The Human Race By Fooling Classmates

Chapter 95: Human Weapons Are Completely Ineffective (Big Chapter Please Subscribe)

Eagle sauce.

The fire continued to burn amidst the terrifying roar. In the black palace, the excitement and carnival continued, and the eyes of all the figures were shining.

Seems to see hope, but also seems to see everything.

Since nuclear bombs can solve everything, they don't need to be afraid.

Even if such power is bound to cause them heavy losses.

But so what, as long as it can be resolved, then everything is not a problem.

"Sir, in this nuclear bomb attack, the plate has been moved by 5cm, which may cause a local tsunami and storm!"

"In addition, the leaked radiation is almost impossible to eliminate within fifty years!"

"In addition, the link on the continent of America is in turmoil!"

In the black palace, a staff member tremblingly reported the consequences of the cleansing of the entire nuclear bomb, but obviously no one paid attention to him at all.

It's as if it doesn't exist at all.

Only he spoke again with trembling.

And such a scene happened in almost every country.

In this era, the Galactic system is almost highly developed. When there is a change in the land of eagle sauce, the whole world will soon know what is going on.

And in this case.

See the power of the nuclear bomb.

No country can help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The same is true for Fusang and Koryo, which are worthy of active action.

Even if they don't have nuclear weapons at this moment, it doesn't prevent them from rejoicing that this kind of human's strongest weapon is still useful.

Hairy bear.

There was a smile on the corner of the Great Emperor's mouth.

"It seems that in this era, we have to vigorously develop nuclear weapons!"

"By the way, Yan Country hasn't responded yet?"

As if thinking of something, the Great Emperor couldn't help but spoke again.


"Yan Country doesn't seem to want to communicate with the outside world!"

The secretary next to him spoke with a wry smile.

"It's really proud."

"But their arrogance will make them pay the price, we are blood brothers, Yan Kingdom is simply too ruthless!"

The Great Emperor took a sip of the red wine and spoke with a smile.

The voice of ridicule, but the secretary did not answer.

"Go, inform Yingjiang, and over there, it's time for us to talk. In this era, we also need to occupy a place."

A faint voice spoke.


The secretary quickly went down to notify.

And soon, several diplomatic notes were carried out among several countries that were originally impossible.

Xixi, Yingjiang, and Da Mao, who originally had the brains of a dog, came together at this moment.

Just haven't waited for them to act.




The huge tremor rose again, and at this moment the whole earth seemed to tremble. The next moment, in the eyes of everyone, in the middle of the terrifying explosion, a huge figure slowly appeared.

And that terrifying flame seemed to be suppressed in an instant.

"Hahaha, thank you so much, stupid human race, you actually helped me break the barrier!"

The excited voice came out of the werewolf's mouth, and the broken Chinese was immediately heard by everyone.

In this era, Chinese has already become one of the mainstream. Although it is not commonly used internationally, anyone present who is not an elite can naturally understand it! Even if they don’t understand, there will be simultaneous translation.

But just because I understand.

Coupled with the scene in front of them, everyone's pupils couldn't help but widen instantly.

"Well, what's that?"


"Is this really a god?"

There were exclamations of exclamation one after another, and in the black palace, the white beard who had just stood up sat down completely again, with a look of horror on his face.

Big hair.

Europe, one place after another, there are no exceptions at this time.

All have seen God.

No, maybe it should be called Satan in The Underworld.

At the center of the huge nuclear bomb explosion, under the terrifying power, a figure slowly appeared, and with his appearance, the whole world was shaking.

At the same time, the most terrifying weapon for human beings seems to have no effect at all at this time.

"Quick, quick!"

"Nuclear bomb, drop the nuclear bomb again immediately!"

Waking up suddenly, the words almost roared out.

Those were the words of Whitebeard.

And with his words, with previous experience, this time the nuclear bomb launch button was quickly pressed down.

And everywhere, in a state of confusion, deadly fire snakes sprayed out again.

This time, there were several rockets again, and they lifted off in an instant, rushing directly into the sky.

It's just that as the rocket rose into the sky, that huge figure gradually appeared, almost three meters tall, and his body was covered with gray body hair.


But no one can describe him as a human being.

Because his head is that of a wolf.

The scarlet pupils, the excitement filled the whole world.


"It's a werewolf!"

"Are all myths true?"

Someone muttered to himself.

"It's really an unforgettable core place. I, Volivo, finally set foot on this land. It's been five hundred years. You bloody humans have suppressed us for five hundred years.

Human race, are you ready to be eaten as blood?"

"Sapphire, come out for me!"

"Hahaha, forgot, Lan Yu, you can't get out anymore!"

The voice of laughter spoke.

Behind this giant wolf are countless werewolves who are one size smaller, and everyone's aura is equally terrifying.

"The core!"

"Human race, let's borrow money!"

"Five Hundred Years!"


"He, what did he say?"

"My God, this seems to be Chinese, why, these monsters speak Chinese!"

"Damn it, is this a conspiracy by the people of Yan Kingdom!"

"Definitely is!"

"Damn it, what on earth are the people of Yan Kingdom planning to do!"

Even though they shouldn't be thinking about these questions at this moment, when the werewolf's words came over, everyone's eyes couldn't help but hear these contents.

The werewolf's poor Chinese and the content brought in the words.

Let everyone be confused.

Can't even react.

The speed of the missile is undoubtedly extremely fast.

Especially now that Yingjiang's active nuclear bombs are even faster.

And in their horror, write in thought.

The nuclear bomb has rushed to the most central location.

In the tension and anticipation of everyone.

The next moment, countless people's eyes widened instantly.

Because, the supersonic missile, The next moment, was blocked by a hand.

"This, this is?"

The widened eyes were full of unconcealable horror.

And the scene that happened immediately after that made them feel their scalps tingle in an instant.

Because other missiles, once they entered the central area at this time, seemed to be suddenly slowed down, and then fell down completely like raindrops.

"You humans still like to rely on external objects."

"The foreign object is not yourself!"

Laughing loudly and opening his mouth, fierceness spread in the werewolf's eyes.


A terrifying breath rose from his body instantly.


The majestic qi and blood rushed to the sky, and just the qi and blood erupted, and the whole world began to sway in an instant, and there seemed to be a faint sign of instability.

The layers of space around the werewolf's body immediately shattered.


"Puff puff puff!"

One after another sound came out, within a radius of a hundred miles in an instant, the bodies of countless Yingjiang people burst into pieces in an instant, and bright red blood swayed across the entire world.

Then the blood turned into a long river and poured directly into the place where the werewolf was.

When the werewolves opened their mouths, the bright red liquid was directly poured into their mouths.

Such a scene, terrifying and bloody, immediately made many people's hearts and hands tremble.

"Devil, he's a Devil!"

"Damn it, God, come and save your people!"

"Satan, please allow my confession!"

The land of Yingjiang quickly fell into chaos.

Just one shot, undoubtedly shocked everyone deeply.

at the same time.

Yan country.

Jiangnan Wuhan University.

One after another voices in the class were discussing.

But this time they didn't make them wait too long, and the figure of the teacher came here very quickly.

"Come to think of it, you've also heard that something happened this time. The final assessment has been temporarily changed. This time the assessment content is only to prevent the burrow from invading.

A deep voice came from the teacher's mouth.

Immediately, everyone present couldn't help feeling tense.

"Vault invasion?"

0 looking for flowers......


Speaking with a doubtful voice, a famous student was a little at a loss.

"To stop the crypt invasion!"

"There was a little accident, the Akha guarding a burrow did not guard the burrow for some reason, and the local creatures rushed out.

"Now the entire continent of America is completely trapped among cave creatures!"

"Although Yingjiang used nuclear bombs, it only works against high-quality Practitioners!"

The teacher spoke.

Tell the whole situation.

And this moment, the people present suddenly stood up.


"Eagle sauce!"

"That teacher, can we not save him!"

"What are you talking about!"

"That's the human race, teacher Ying-chan, will they add more money?"

"Teacher, Gaopin Practitioner, we can't solve it either!"

One after another voices came up again, some people didn't want to rescue them, and some people were curious about the Akha tribe and what happened to that estate.

Some people even ask for extra money for eagle sauce.

Of course there are people who are worried.

After all, the highest level of their group is only fifth rank, and the lowest is only second rank. Facing the high-quality practitioners that may appear at any time, they are really useful.

"Don't worry, Gaopin Practitioner has someone who can deal with it!"

"This time our school will send out an eighth-rank Practitioner to lead the team, and Mowu will also have a seventh-rank Practitioner."

"As for not saving them, that's naturally not possible. Once the seal is completely broken, it will be a huge disaster for our entire human race.


The instructor explained softly.


"Teacher, what's going on at the Kyoto Martial Arts School, they seem to have never come out?!"

The instructor's words opened to explain, and everyone put them on the Practitioner of their own school in an instant. Of course, some people were curious about Kyoto Wuda. After all, Jiangnan Wuda and Mowu have produced people, so there is no reason why Kyoto Wuda should not do so.

"Kyoto Wuhan University, there are still things to do

It's just us and Mowu this time!"

The conversation gradually ends.

Soon it will be assembled.

Now there are more than 200 people in the whole sophomore year, plus the seniors of the third year, there are more than 300 people in total, and these people soon gathered in the martial arts arena.

Everyone's face couldn't help but take on a dignified look.

Among the crowd, the girl's eyes were filled with anticipation.

"Could it be you?"

The voice of talking to himself spoke, and that figure involuntarily sounded in his mind.

And it doesn't seem to disappoint them.

A figure really appeared on it.

Jiang Chen and Tang Feng walked over one after the other. Tang Feng slightly lowered his body by half, showing his respect for this high-quality practitioner, even if one of them is a student.

But after breaking through to the seventh rank, this identity and status naturally changed completely.

"Senior Jiang Chen!"

"Hiss, it turned out to be Senior Jiang Chen!"

"Damn it, do you want to be so serious, this is just Eagle Sauce, and Jiang Chen senior is dispatched!"

And the appearance of Jiang Chen instantly made the whole crowd completely overwhelmed. Excitement and excited voices filled the entire Martial arts arena.

The eyes of many students could not help but shine.

This is especially true for some female students.

In the past two years, Jiang Chen has almost given them a legend, a greatness, and even an incredible one.

Enter the seventh rank in two years, and enter the eighth rank in three years.

This is almost a miracle since the establishment of the martial arts school.

Although I don't know if there will be anyone who comes later, but there is no ancient person at all.

Maybe the Age of Mythology can be compared with it, but that was the Age of Mythology, which has long since disappeared into the long river of history, and there are only a few records in the records of the martial arts school.

Now Jiang Chen is a legend and a myth.

No one thought that this time the skit Practitioner would be led by Jiang Chen.

Except Su Yaqin, of course.

At this moment, a smile could not help but appear on the corner of her mouth.

And when the discussion gradually subsided, Tang Feng stepped forward and spoke with a serious expression.

"Students, this time the team will be led by me and your senior Jiang Chen. Since this time is an emergency, please remember that everything needs to be obeyed by us!"

(Sorry, the update has been a little unstable recently due to emotional matters, I will try my best to recover!).

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