Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 986: Li Yan

[Second, there is no need to wait. Go out temporarily to deal with some private affairs. If you owe it, you will make it up next month. 】

Candidates have outstanding accomplishments in woodworking and have demonstrated high abilities in the corresponding fields.

Some candidates have a powerful ability in Xing prison, seeing that the people in the city have no law to rely on, they have begun to broaden ancient and modern times, and compiled the law of criminal law. Let the folk customs in the city clear, no one dares to cross the thunder pond easily.

Those who know soldiers are training soldiers and recruiting troops. He built his ancient city like a copper wall and an iron wall. It is unbreakable and fights with beasts and monsters. He is very brave and protects the people in the ancient city.

However, there are also soldiers who talk on the paper. When they really put it into practice, they suddenly felt blank and completely unorganized, and they did n’t know where to start. Not only was the city chaotic, but they could n’t resist the enemy. They were eventually destroyed by the beast The people in the entire city were destroyed together, and the blood flowed into the river.

Such candidates are naturally excluded from the virtual space at the moment of death. Naturally, their grades do not need much, they cannot resist foreign enemies, their cities are destroyed, and their talents are not displayed. Whether it is enlightenment, agriculture, Xing prison, business, military affairs, The fortifications, medical services, government administration, people's livelihood, etc. are all poor. no doubt. Such candidates are not eligible to be the mainstay of Dayi.

Eliminated at the first level.

Naturally, even if there are achievements, there is no doubt that the results are definitely not beautiful. In the ranks of being eliminated.

During the trial, the people of a city were completely destroyed by you, blood flowed into the river, who in the Dayi Dynasty dared to let you take up an important position, and no subject can score more than six points. In any field, nothing can be created. Or just continue to be ordinary people and practice carefully.

In virtual space. In the case where Starnet deliberately spends a lot of mental energy, the ratio of time to the outside world is different. Here, for three years, the world only needs one day for the world, this deficit. Even if it is an illusory world, the resources consumed by it will be massive. If it were not for the imperial examinations, Yi Tianxing would definitely not allow such waste.

After all, the resources consumed to reverse the flow rate of heaven and earth are huge.

But for these candidates, this is a great fortune. It's three years longer than others, and three years of experience. This is often the most important time for a genius.

It may take off.

During these three years, every change in the virtual world has been recorded by Xingwang, and it has been seen by examiners such as Cai Yan.

In the first year, a large number of candidates have been eliminated.

This is inevitable. After all, it is impossible for anyone to be a wizard of the world.

Unknowingly, the three-year time is almost reached in the virtual space, and it is about to reach the prescribed time.

Over the past three years, drastic changes have taken place in this imperial examination world.

Many candidates take advantage of these three years to allow themselves to settle.

At this moment, in an ancient city, Jinyun City, it can be seen that a middle-aged man is in the city's main house, writing a case and writing a fuss, but every word is carefully, carefully, and carefully.

When the last word fell on the paper, suddenly, we could see that a thick layer of talent and light appeared on the entire book.

The middle-aged man also exhaled a long breath and looked at the books in front of him, showing a smile of joy from his heart. Yangtian laughed and said, "Okay, it took three years, and I finally compiled a complete code. With this code, the Dayi Dynasty will definitely become more complete, with laws to rely on, and to Xing. Verdict. Regardless of this imperial examination, as long as this code is completed, I can be considered a great helper for Da Yi. "

The middle-aged man could not help but burst into ecstasy.

This joy comes from the heart.

The Da Yi dynasty is different from the ordinary dynasty. Many laws can control ordinary people, restrain the desires of ordinary people, but they cannot restrain monks, they can't restrain people's hearts. Therefore, many previous laws were, to a certain extent, anachronistic to the Dayi Dynasty. Therefore, although Dayi was established so far, many courtiers wanted to destiny the corresponding laws of Dayi. Some courtiers are not good at these aspects.

There are many difficulties to be destined for compilation. Coupled with all sorts of things happening, there is hardly any free time. In the end, it has been stranded until now. To write the law, it must be postponed for some time.

What is the law. The law is a web, a shackle.

A web of desire, a yoke of hearts and desires. It is precisely because of this shackle that morality is produced. Etiquette is born. A sharp sword hanging above all beings. Will fall at any time, and cut off his head.

The code compiled by Li Yan is a code that can be applied to the Dayi Dynasty. Perhaps some of the provisions in the law still need to be changed or even carefully considered. However, the problems are not big and can be caused by specific circumstances Make the appropriate changes.

At this moment, a divine light descended from the sky and appeared directly at the position of Li Zhi, enveloping that code.

A voice descended from the sky, appeared in the heavens and the earth, and even appeared in the entire imperial examination space.

"The examinee Li Ye, after three years, compiled a Codex, which can be used by monks and applied to the Da Yi dynasty. For the entire Da Yi, the achievements are made in the society and the community. One subject, full marks, 10 points. Educate 8 points. "

An invisible sky sound passed to every candidate's ear.

The code is naturally related to Xing prison, but once completed, it will also be of great help to enlightenment. Enlightenment is carried out within the scope of the law, and it is the human heart. The law can lock hearts. Many disciplines are themselves one and two, and two and one are related.

"A good code is indeed the mainstay of the Fajia. Well-known figures in the compilation of the code are indeed not comparable to others. Well, well, well, with this code, my law can be It was perfected in the shortest time, and eventually it was implemented. "

After the code was completed, it disappeared with the divine light. When it appeared again, it was already in the hands of Yi Tianxing.

It can be seen that this code seems to be very different. It has begun to glow with magical light, completely shrouded in talent, full of the power of laws and regulations.

Looking carefully, Yi Tianxing nodded secretly.

This is indeed a rule of law applicable to the entire practice of civilization.

Yi Tianxing saw and felt very satisfied. This was indeed a compensation for a shortcoming of the Dayi Dynasty.

In the same way, there is already a fixed number of who Li Zhi is.

It is possible to compile such a code, and for the law, for the various changes of the Dayi dynasty, combined with the decisive tricks, only celebrities in the legal family can do this. Li Yan.

Li Xuan was a native of Wei Guoyi during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. It can be said to be a political reformer in the history of China. An important representative of the Legalists. Former Wei Wenhou Xiang, presided over the reform.

Moreover, not only the talents in the criminal law, but also the extraordinary talents in other aspects. In those years, economically, the policies of "best effort" and "goodwill" were encouraged to encourage farmers to cultivate intensively and increase yields. Let the official buy the surplus grain at a fair price in the good years, and sell it at a fair price in the bad years, at the same price; advocate sowing multiple food crops at the same time to prevent disasters. The political implementation of the rule of law, the abolition of the aristocracy and the system of the Shiqing Shilu system, rewarding the people of the meritorious country, making Wei the country in the early Warring States period.

At the same time, he compiled the laws of various countries at that time and compiled the "Law Book", which was the first relatively complete code in the history of China, and it can be said to be the first to create history.

The significance is inestimable.

The laws of later generations are almost always derived from this law. More or less greatly affected.

"Congratulations, King, with the birth of this code, my Dayi will surely become more organized. There are laws to follow. Let Dayi expand its path and remove another obstacle."

Huang Chengyan said with a smile.

The importance of the law is beyond doubt.

Among them, the first role is to "determinate division and stop disputes", that is, to clarify ownership of things. One of the legalists was careful when he arrived at it and made a very simple metaphor: "One rabbit walks, and hundreds of people chase it. The rabbits stay in the market, but they don't care. If you don't want rabbits, you can't argue." Means, one Rabbits run, many people go after them, but for so many rabbits in the market, they don't even look. It's not that you don't want rabbits ~ ~ but that the ownership has been determined and you can no longer compete for it, otherwise you will violate the law and be punished.

The second role is to "rejoice the horror of violence", that is, to encourage people to fight for merit and make those who are lawless feel fear. The ultimate goal of Xing Gong is to make the country rich and powerful and win the war of annexation.

Former dynasty rules and regulations seemed a little rough for a dynasty.

"Well, open up the dynasty, and embark on the path of spiritual practice. The dynasty that was created was the cultivation of civilization. The law is naturally not the ordinary law, but the rule of heaven. After this imperial examination, the talents of legalists were brought together and combined with my For the specific situation of Yi, taking this code as the core foundation, we must compile the Tianzhu belonging to our Great Yi dynasty. Under the Tianzhu, everyone who belongs to Dayi must abide by it. The Tianzhu should not be violated. "

Yi Tianxing's eyes flashed a strange color, and a decisive voice came out of his mouth.

The law of the dynasty is naturally not so simple. That ’s the connection of air and luck. Once the rule is made, it ’s not so easy to change it. It can even be said that once the rule is made, it is difficult to change it. It can be added, but it is difficult to erase, unless it is the owner of Yun Chao. Take the shot, because the sky bar itself is connected with the air transport, and it becomes a rule to integrate into it. Sky rules.

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