Eternal Country

Chapter 98: Shenhai Realm 3rd

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"Brother Yi, dare to ask what is the value of body exercises? Compared with qigong exercises," Yang Yanping asked suddenly.

"The practice of refining is very rare. Although the threshold is not high, the practice is too painful. Even if it is suitable for refining, it still has to bear the pain of slicing. Not much can be sustained. But at the same level In the middle, it is the most powerful. Qigong exercises are numerous and suitable for all practitioners. As long as they work hard, they will eventually have the opportunity to become monks. The most is the difference between talents and achievements. "

Yi Tianxing said calmly, and expressed his understanding of cultivation.

In his opinion, Yang Ye and even Yang Jiajun will inevitably become their own generals as long as they enter Xuanhuang Village. These will be known sooner or later, and moreover, Yang Yanding is the material of peerless warriors.

Such practitioners have a huge effect on the entire Xuanhuang Village.

"After joining Xuanhuang Village, you can go to choose the exercises in the army," Iron Blood Shaqi ", which is a practice method suitable for the generals. Of course, you can also choose other practice methods. The exercises suitable for soldiers are not in the minority. There are also top-notch exercises. However, they can no longer be obtained for free, you can accumulate merit, and then enter the Tibetan scripture hall for redemption. You can also exchange the classics of skill books that are not available in the Tibetan scripture hall. evaluation of."

Yi Tianxing smiled indifferently.

In words, point out without any traces. In the Tibetan scripture pavilion, there is a practice method more suitable for soldiers and soldiers, which is stronger than "Iron Blood". The foundation laid is stronger.

This is enough to plant a seed in their hearts.

In their capacity, if they had the opportunity, they would never want to practice the same exercises as ordinary soldiers. It is bound to choose more advanced techniques and skills.

When Yang Ye heard them, a touch of contemplation appeared on their faces. He also secretly yearned for the Tibetan scripture hall. I have a different idea in my heart.

After eating and drinking, the fatigue caused by a battle caused many people to start to fall asleep, cuddling by the fire, and leaning on each other to sleep like this. Successive changes, fear, sadness, Excitement, expectations of the future, and so on. The change of various emotions has put their spirits in a state of extreme limits. Relax now. Naturally, sleep easily.

In the village, only Yang Jiajun was still taking turns to guard.

Even if he had been bleeding and injured before, there is still no complaint, just doing what he should do silently.

Yi Tianxing also sat directly in the open space and entered the practice.

Yulong Tianjing is running, and the body is really flowing.

Most of the gastronomy eaten today is absorbed by the flesh, but the tempering of the flesh is also of great benefit to the practice of qi. The tempering of the flesh, the growth of the meridians, and nature, the heaven and earth vitality that can be sustained Even more amazing.

"Meridian channels have been widened."

In internal vision, Yi Tianxing can clearly feel that the meridian channels in the body have undergone transformation, have been widened silently, and become more tenacious. This is the benefit of refining. Therefore, on the basis of many monks, they will also practice some techniques of refining.

"The blood in the body is strong, and the amount of true qi I have accumulated before is already quite large. There is still a whole night now, and I can completely start to impact the Eight Classics. The breakthrough of the refining body can make this breakthrough process become It has no hidden dangers and will not affect its foundation. "

Yi Tianxing groaned secretly.

For other monks, after completing the development of the Twelve Sects and reaching the second peak of the Shenhai Realm, how can it take a period of time for the body to adapt to the growth of the Qi in the body and be familiar with the shuttle motion of the Qi in the meridians. A little bit of Zhenqi, warm the flesh and bones around the meridian. Let the body be allowed to pass through the explosion without any hidden dangers.

But these are not worth mentioning to him who has already become a cultivator, no matter how strong his energy, he can bear it.

"The first eight classic veins-Yang Weimai."

"Yang Wei Mai starts from the Golden Gate (Foot Sun Sutra), Yang Jiao (Foot Shao Yang Jing), Tongyu (Hand Taiyang Suspension), Tianyi (Hand Shao Yang Jing), Shoulder Well (Foot Shao Yang Jing), head Wei (Foyang Mingjing), Primal God, Yangbai, Head Weeping, Eye Window, Zhengying, Chengling, Brain, Fengchi (Foot Shaoyang Jing), Fengfu, Dumen (Du Mai), once Through them, you can connect the Meridian Channels of the Foot Sun Meridian, Foot Shaoyang Meridian, Hand Sun Meridian, and Hand Shao Yang Meridian to form a river channel. Connecting the Meridian Channels. But it is more difficult to punch the pulses. "

What are the eight strange meridians, that is, the twelve positive meridians that are originally irrelevant to each other, and are finally completely connected together. Melt into a complete meridian diagram.

If we say that the Twelve Canons are the existing meridian channels, they are just blocked by silt. Clearing the silt out will naturally open up. The eight meridians are strange, as if they are directly in two unrelated river channels. In the middle, a new river channel was dug out. This process of forcible development is naturally much more difficult than before.

There is no huge vitality, and it cannot be rushed.

"Imagine the" Pictures of the Four Seas Ancestor Dragons ", the spirit of true dragons, impacting the Jinmen acupoint."

Without hesitation, the Royal Dragon Heavenly Scriptures were operated, and under the control of the mind, the spirits of true dragons rushed forward and backward into the meridian channels of the foot sun meridian, and came to the Jinmen point forcibly.

In the process of this shock, there is a very strong sting.

This is in the meridian channel, once again opened up a branch tributary.

The body's true energy is continuously consumed, but at the same time it is consumed, there is a sense of vitality that quickly integrates into the body from the outside, replenishing and recovering its own consumption. Although it can't keep the same, it can guarantee the continuous strength.

Time is quietly passing.

In the sky, the bright moon hangs high, looming in the clouds from time to time.

Outside the village, from time to time, there were screams and killings of fierce beasts and monsters, and the movement of fighting each other was endless. Beasts and monsters are also fighting.

I do n’t know how long in the past, suddenly, sitting side by side, Yi Tianxing formed a whirlwind with no sign outside of him, and a burst of heaven and earth vitality quickly penetrated into the body, and the speed was twice as fast as before. more than.

"Yang Weimai has been completely developed and promoted to the third place in the promotion of Shenhai. Sure enough, even the Qi has to run faster, and the speed of absorbing heaven and earth has become faster." Yi Tianxing was secretly overjoyed.

Finally, it took a full night to make the true dragon spirit in the body almost exhausted, and it was very difficult to open up the Yang Wei pulse.

At this moment, we can see that a small meridian channel is derived from the foot sun meridian channel. The thickness of that channel is not as good as the twelve canons, but as the heaven and earth vitality shuttles in the meridian a little bit, it naturally absorbs the heaven and earth vitality. , Growing and becoming tougher.

The next step is the process of warming up. This newly cultivated meridian is thoroughly warmed up to be as broad, broad and tough as the twelve canons. This process is subtle and subtle, and you can also incorporate it with your own energy to quickly nurture. However, the process of raising the true temperature consumes a true dragon's breath, then it is really gone, and it will not be restored in the Shenhai, because that seed of true breath has been incorporated. Into nourishment.

"If there is an elixir that can warm the meridian, it will be able to make the new meridian grow and grow rapidly. But even then, there is nothing. I am a practitioner, and the huge blood in my body will nourish the new meridian by myself. Let meridian Rapid growth and transformation, far beyond ordinary monks. "

Yi Tianxing opened his eyes and looked at the rising sun in the East. He worked his exercises and sucked into the void. It seemed that a ray of purple air was sucked into the sky from the sky. This is Ziqi from the east.

As soon as this purple gas entered the body, it immediately penetrated into the new meridian. Let the newly born meridian river be thick and wide for a big moment.

Coming from the east, Ziqi represents endless vitality.

"It can actually absorb the purple gas coming from the east. It was not absorbed before. Is it not enough to repair, but why I can absorb it now is because of a breakthrough in the realm.

There was a hint of surprise in Yi Tianxing's eyebrows. UU Reading Book

He had also tried to absorb purple gas from the east before, but he could not feel it at all and could not absorb it. Now inadvertently sucked, but absorbed a ray. It also allows the new-born Yang Weimai to grow at a glance, saving a lot of time and energy.

Let the process of warming the meridians complete most of them at once.

"This is an unexpected joy, and we need to try again tomorrow to see if it can provoke purple gas."

Yi Tianxing groaned secretly.

"It's dawn, get up quickly, make a fire and cook, take out the wolf meat leftover from last night, and eat well. You'll be leaving here later."

"Yeah, I'm going to Xuanhuang Village soon. I don't know what it will be like. Is it really like Mr. Yi described. I don't know how far Xuanhuang Village is from here. Is there any danger along the way?"

A common man awakened, and immediately made a meal with Mali's fire.

In a blink of an eye, it was a spectacle.

"Mr. Yi, the villagers have begun to cook, everything in the village has been prepared, and the corpses of the soldiers were all converged and buried. Anytime you want to leave, you can. However, the migration route is safe."

Obviously, Yang Ye got up early and handled all the things in the village properly. Some of the used items have been collected by some means, and they can be taken away together after a while, while other debris can be discarded. If it cannot be discarded, naturally the people in the village will take it away. The number of people is extremely large, and it is naturally easy to bring something.

"When I came here yesterday, a path was opened directly from the jungle. It should not be deserted in just one night. It is not difficult to shuttle through it. There may be some dangers along the way, but Yang Jiajun and my guard should not What's going to happen. "Yi Tianxing said with a smile.

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