Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1071: Law turmoil

"The fusion of the origins of the earth is only the first step. This step can even be said to be under the conscious guidance of the Tao, so the destructive force should be the slightest. Once the Tao begins to fuse the will of the heavens, it is inevitable. The control of the rules has weakened to the minimum. At that time, if a natural disaster is to happen, the damage may be even more terrible. "

甚至 "Even, this calamity does not know how long it will last. I am afraid that it may not end before the heavens fully integrate the will of the heavens. How long will the calamity last, how long will that calamity last."

There was a thought in Yi Yixing's mind.

No doubt, if this speculation is true, the entire eternal world will undergo an unprecedented test, the test is the viability of all life. It is almost impossible to suppress as easily as this time.

In fact, as guessed by Yi Tianxing, it is not a minority in the entire eternal world.

Instinctively felt that in the future, there would be a terrible disaster.

Howling! !!

The heavenly eye in the void is not hesitated by the thoughts of all beings on the eternal continent, only to see that a bright chain of laws and gods flashes from the heavenly eye, as if a tentacle is facing the surrounding The light ball quickly catches the bundle.

The light **** seem to consciously want to dodge and escape.

Faced with the capture from heaven, these light spheres obviously cannot make effective resistance. There are many weak, easily suppressed. The capture is tied to the chain of the law of God, and then, it is easily pulled to the heaven by the law of God. In the eyes, after swallowing and merging, it seemed that the light blooming on the whole heavenly eye seemed to become more dazzling, and even the size seemed to increase.

I can even feel a joyful breath from the eyes of heaven.

Howling! !!

Each rule of God chain became more rapid, constantly capturing the will of the heavens.

I just, these heavenly wills are not completely without resistance.

I can see that in the light sphere, there are directly flying a sword, chopping on the chain of the law of God, flying the chain of the law of God, and flying out a halberd, wantonly flying. A more powerful light ball flew a sword light, and even the law chain of God was cut and shattered. The picture looked terrible. Obviously, this is the constant conflict and constant collision between the heavens and the wills of the heavens.

Perhaps, the power of the heavens is enough to suppress any will of the heavens. However, to deal with all the wills of the heavens at the same time, the power is dispersed. Obviously, some powerful heavens will not be able to suppress the capture easily. Win and lose in the battle.

He did not have any will of the heavens, and he sat completely waiting for him.

Moreover, the wills of these heavens were obviously forced out by the power of the heavens, and even they could not escape, all **** in the void, apparently imprisoned and sealed by a powerful force. To seal so many wills of the heavens is also a tremendous pressure on the heavens. In essence, the power to capture the will of the heavens has naturally diminished.

Becomes weaker.

brush! !!

A layer of golden divine light bloomed in the empty space, followed by the will of countless heavens completely, followed by a flash of light, whether it was the eyes of heaven or those wills, naturally disappeared.

The original void was restored again.

The shocking cracks seem to disappear at this moment.

At least, with the naked eye, you can't see the difference at all.

Alas, then, in the void, there were flashes of light.

Scattered continuously towards the entire eternal world.

"what is that?"

"I feel that those streamers seem to contain immeasurable power, as if they are powerful laws."

I watched the countless streamers pierce through the void, and the countless monks were shocked. Feel the power clearly. It seems that there is an incredible fetish in every divine light.

"The law is a fetish born from the law."

Yi Yi Xing looked stunned.

In the void, under the eyes of innate yin and yang, it is possible to dimly penetrate the divine light, and see that the divine light is wrapped with various treasures, or divine objects, and each one emits a strong law breath. Obviously, non More unusual. You can even feel a spirituality, a strange breath of almost life on these gods.

It is a pity that these gods are too fast.

I was so fast that I couldn't take any action to stop it. I could only watch it, scattered all over the place, in all realms.

In the area where the Da Yi dynasty is located, you can also see that there is a light of God passing by, but I don't know where it fell, it is completely indistinguishable.

Alas, alas! !!

At the same time as the divine light fell, a huge wind wave came from the air, as if the wind was blowing on the body, sweeping a large area.

"It's cold, what kind of wind is this, how do I feel like it's suddenly winter?"

"Yeah, this cold wind seems a bit wrong. As a monk, even if it snows, you won't feel how cold it is, but this cold wind seems to blow directly into the flesh."

"The temperature is falling, and it is falling very fast. What the **** is going on."

In the Dayi dynasty, even if they were in Xiancheng, no hundreds of people clearly felt the change in temperature. It seems that with that cold wind blowing, the temperature has started to drop sharply.

In the blink of an eye, it has become as cold as winter.

The key point is that this chill has a very strong penetrating power for monks.

The bitter cold wind is by no means empty talk.

"Let ’s go ahead and let all the fairy cities prepare cold-proof materials. This time, I am afraid that a cold wave is coming, maybe a snow disaster will happen."

Bian Yitianxing took a deep breath, and frowned slightly, then said flatly.

"Well, depending on the temperature drop, the possibility of snow disaster is extremely high." Jiang Ni also said quickly.

The heavens are hidden, the will of the heavens is suppressed, and the final integration and evolution are completed. The control of the rules has been weakened to the extreme. This is undoubtedly a law turmoil. The artifacts born from the rules are scattered around. These things bring not only It's a fetish, but it's also a disaster. The power of the violent laws has a catastrophic and devastating effect on heaven and earth.

I can see in the cold wind.

Snow flakes fell from the sky.

This snow is without a doubt a completely uninvited guest. One after another, floating in the cold wind, each piece is the size of a goose feather, looks like white cotton. Overwhelmingly falling down.

I can see that in the wilderness, a layer of snow has appeared on the remaining ancient trees. In Fairy City, just a few breaths, the house was covered with a layer of white prison uniform. It seemed to completely bury all the pollution in the world, and the roar passed in the cold wind was even more infiltrating. The heart kept chilling.

Snow, snowstorm! !!

The blizzard swept the world relentlessly, with snowflakes and sharp blades piercing through the fragile hearts and piercing the icy bodies. There was no warmth before, but it became so indifferent and so relentless.

The wilderness that had been broken because of the earthquake before was suddenly covered with white snow, and a vast expanse covered everything. The broken mountains and rivers were completely buried in the white snow, which seemed to symbolize a new life.

"What a blizzard."

I watched for a moment and it turned into a vast world, Huang Chengyan and other faces couldn't help revealing a dignity.

Once this is really a snow disaster, the disaster caused by it will be absolutely huge. During the snow disaster, it will be more difficult to grow food and even hunt and kill beasts. Once the time is too long and the reserves are not enough, it will bring famine. This is the testament of a power. It is even a reserve of materials.

不好 "No, is this a snow disaster. If this continues, there will be major problems with the food resources in our tribe."

There are a large number of high-level members of alien tribes have changed their faces.

I feel the horror of natural disasters. Disasters do not directly cause damage to the heavens and the earth, but they are long-lasting, continuous damage, a powerful test of their own material reserves. Many tribes without a lot of materials have begun to cry in secret.

Understand that you cannot hunt or grow food. The materials consumed every day are extremely terrifying.

Xi is like the Dayi Dynasty. The materials consumed by a fairy city every day are astronomical figures.

According to a person's normal meal amount, at least one catty of food is needed in one day, and one million people in one day ~ ~ is one million catties of food. If you go on like this every day, you can imagine the consumption of materials. How huge.

It's really a car bucket.

能 If you can support it for a short time, over time, many alien tribes will inevitably be unable to support it. At that time, turmoil is bound to occur.

In the history of China in the past, grassland peoples often buckled their edges before winter in order to **** food and supplies from the Central Plains and support the long winter.

Is not only here in the Dayi Dynasty.

In other areas, in some places, the temperature suddenly rises rapidly and keeps increasing. Even, the temperature rose to a rather terrible level, there were plants and trees on the spot, and the water in the ground was continuously evaporating. The picture was like a volcano surging underground.

Dry, beginning to cover large areas.

Thousands of miles away, the terrible picture of drought is even more desperate.

In some realms, there is a strong wind blowing without warning. This strong wind is very violent. When it blows, it is like flying sand and stones, and the sky is dark. Even ordinary people have a feeling that they are not able to stand steadily. Swept away by the wind. Landed on the wall, leaving even traces on the wall. Frightening. I can't even open my eyes.

The destructive power of the wind disaster is not inferior to any natural disaster.

A variety of disasters continue to appear throughout the eternal world. Few places are safe havens.

He is like the end of the day.

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