Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1093: Dao Lin

"The dynasty of the Great Yi Dynasty has gone through hardships. Since the founding of the People ’s Republic of China, the people of Nei'an, the people of Li'an, and the enemy who have driven out beasts, have enabled the people of China to self-respect, not to be stigmatized, not affected by natural disasters, The demons in Yongye killed in blood and made a great achievement. It uplifted the power of my eternal world and defeated Zhang Ye ’s arrogance. He has hundreds of fairy cities, and he has over 500 million people living and working. "

"Everyone practices martial arts, and everyone is like a dragon. In the natural disasters, he cultivates grains and rice seeds that can withstand natural disasters and solve living materials."

"Only, the dynasty has been unable to meet the needs of Dayi, but the heavens and earth have changed, the heavens have retreated, and the sacrifice of heaven cannot be completed. Therefore, they offer sacrifices and hope that the avenue will come down, allowing me to be promoted as a dynasty.

Word by word, Cai Yan pours out with a unique rhythm. This is in respectfully please Avenue.

"I am the lord of the Dayi Dynasty, and respectfully invite the avenue to come."

Yi Tianxing bowed and walked towards the sacrifice rooftop.

He is the Lord of Yun Dynasty. No one can easily bear his worship. Ordinary monks will even break their lives because of this, and their luck will collapse. They cannot bear the worship of the Lord of Yun Dynasty. Standing on the sacrifice roof to worship in the sky, naturally there is an invisible power to pass to heaven.

"Congratulations, please!"

At this moment, millions of people in Xuanhuang City bowed down and worshiped, sending out a cry from their hearts. In the cry, there is the purest thought and willingness of everyone. Good hope.

This desire gathered like a tide on the festival roof.

Since ancient times, people who have won the hearts of the people have won the world. This is not an empty word. The people's mind represents public opinion, and it is the most sincere wish of the people. Desire is the most wonderful force between heaven and earth. It can change the heavens and earth and shake the mountains.

The entire ceremonial roof began to unknowingly glow, emitting a strange light, with runes flashing.

"Congratulations, please!"

At the same time, it is not just the people in Xuanhuang City, but the prayers issued by more than 500 million people at the same time throughout the Great Yi Dynasty. This vast number of people's wishes swept like a tide and poured in like a flood Offering in the sky.

In countless divine light, you can see that the three wonders on the altar are also glowing, and an inexplicable power seems to appear on the altar, so that these three wonders start to melt strangely and fly out of mysterious ones. Rune, branded into the ritual roof. Invisibly, the runes on the sacrifice roof seem to have some incredible transformation.

These wonders do not know what mystery is, but they are perfectly integrated into the sacrificial roof.

Unconsciously, it seems that the sacrifice to the rooftop has undergone some changes, it seems to be even more magnificent, and it seems to be able to link to an incredible existence.

"Respectfully please come down."

Many courtiers in Dayi bowed to worship.

This is based on the wishes of the people of the world. With the help of the rooftop sacrifice, they worship the avenue, hoping to invite the avenue to come here and come.

Among the boiling people's wishes, the sacrifice roof seems to have magical changes.

Above the sacrifice roof, there seems to be some mysterious, unspeakable great existence that is silent. It is just an invisible will, and it is not even revealed at all, even so. At the moment of emergence, the whole world was completely silent. You can see that the original snowstorm stopped inexplicably. It seems that natural disasters must retreat under this great will.

Moreover, on the sacrifice roof, which had only two levels, there was a third level, the first level was square, and the second level was circular. The strangely formed third level was triangular, with the angle of three talents. It is a point above the triangle, and that point, connected to it, is like a singularity at the top of the pyramid.

"It's really coming down."

Yi Tianxing's heart was also utterly indifferent. The will, even if it was only a trace, could feel that the vastness and majesty were not comparable to Tiandao. It can even be said that this will exists everywhere in the world. It is as if an invisible eye is staring at himself, as if everything about him is transparent in the presence of this will. In front of it, there is no secret at all.

This is the road.

Between heaven and earth, all the rules of Taoism are it, all belong to Tao.

The heavens are hidden, and the avenues are alive.

The Da Yi dynasty gathered the wishes of hundreds of millions of people, and then linked the avenue with wonders. In the end, it really made the avenue appear over Da Yi. There is no doubt that there are too many of them that cannot be copied. The most important thing is Tiandao. In a hidden state. Sacrifice to the sky can not respond, but above the heavenly road, there are also avenues. Under normal circumstances, naturally the avenues will not be alarmed. Only when the heavenly road is hidden, will there be a chance to make contact.

"Pray to the ground!"

Cai Yong also felt that the invisible avenue had already appeared, and a burst of excitement appeared in her heart. Knowing that if this time is successful, it will undoubtedly be a groundbreaking pioneering initiative.

"When the earth is worshipped, the earth conceives all things, and people stand on it, and the earth is the mother !!!"

Cai Yan said with a look of solemnity.

Yi Tianxing ascended the first floor of the sacrifice to worship on the first floor of the rooftop, this time worshipping, worshiping the earth to support the human race, so that the people can settle down, multiply and endlessly.

This time, the earth shook, and yellow air was everywhere in the territory of Dayi.

"Two days of worship, heaven is the father, heaven is healthy, and the people should strengthen themselves."

Cai Yan shouted again.

Yi Tianxing also stepped onto the second floor and bowed down again. The sky gives human beings the space to survive. Only when the human beings are strong can they reproduce. Pass on forever.

But this time, Tiandao did not respond.

The heaven that has been concealed obviously cannot appear at this time. There is no way to show any vision.

But this did not affect Yi Tianxing. This is in itself expected.

"Three worships. The avenue is crowned, the heavens and the earth are created, and the avenue is infinite. May the avenue have a hard time pitying my people and blessing my people's inheritance."

Cai Yan continued to preside.

Yi Tianxing stepped onto the third floor step by step. At the moment when he stepped on, he felt clearly that an invisible will above his head seemed to fall on himself, and unimaginable pressure naturally appeared on him, even if he was promoted to Yuan. Divine Realm, still felt as if the ants faced a vast ocean.

"The lord of our dynasty, Yi Tianxing, worships the Dadao today, and hopes for the mercy of the Dao. The dynasty's position is no longer able to carry the national transportation of the Great Yi. I hereby sacrifice to Dao and hope that the Dadao allows for promotion to the dynasty."

Yi Tianxing said slowly, word by word. As each word was spit out, I felt that the pressure on my body suddenly increased, the repair was inadequate, the will was not strong, and even the words could not be spoken. The entire body would be crushed and rolled down from the sacrificial roof.

Click! !!

With the sacrifice, a clear roar came in the void without warning. Seems to be a response from the avenue.

At this moment, Yi Tianxing instinctively felt that the shackles from the Da Yi dynasty seemed to be broken and the shackles were removed.

"Today, I am promoted to the dynasty."

Yi Tianxing was so pleased that he immediately stood on the sacrifice roof and made a shout.

"Promote dynasty, promote dynasty."

Hundreds of people in Xuanhuang City heard no one, and their eyes showed madness. The promotion of the dynasty to the dynasty is the promotion of the status of heaven. Accompanying it is naturally amazing.

For the people of the world, there will also be great benefits. In the dynasty, the luck that gathers will also benefit the world. It even affects their fortunes.

Similarly, before promotion, the first person to be promoted is Xuanhuang City.

As before, only when Xuanhuang City turns into a king city can it be qualified to start the country. Luck in the royal city, conceive in the dynasty. This is the heaven and earth position, and it cannot be too high or too low.

Once you cross the border, you will damage your luck.

Now to promote the dynasty, that dynasty must transform into an imperial city.

Only by owning the imperial city can you complete the transformation.

Obviously, the accumulation of Xuanhuang City has long been completely enough. With the continuous integration of Xuanhuang City, the true size of Xuanhuang City has been expanded several times compared with that year. Especially with the increasing number of ethnic people in the Dayi dynasty, the wider the coverage of the eternal currency, the massive willingness to consolidate from the money tree every day. Moreover, with the integration of the Eternal Well, the entire Xuanhuang City has been transformed, and the background has greatly increased to make up for the last short board. Already reached the extreme of Wang Cheng.

Without hesitation, glanced at the void and re-opened: "The avenue is up. Today, the master of Xuanhuang City is Yi Tianxing. I respectfully invite the avenue to listen. Xuanhuang City is the Great King City of Yi, with deep foundation. I hereby implore the permission of the avenue, and Xuanhuang City will be promoted to the imperial city.

This promotion of Xuanhuang City also directly pleaded with Dadao.

The avenue is now above Dayi, how could it be if we did not seize this opportunity.

What's more ~ ​​ ~ To transform from Tiandao Yunchao to Dadaoyunchao, the key lies in the imperial city. The imperial city grants permission to the avenue. Since then, Xuanhuang City has been marked with the avenue completely, and will be promoted again in the future. Heaven can't interfere easily.

This is the ultimate fundamental.


An unspeakable will appeared in Yi Tianxing's mind.

This sounds like a response from the avenue.

Click! !!

As the avenue responded, it was possible to see that a thick layer of dark clouds appeared out of thin air above Xuanhuang City. In the dark clouds, a thunderbolt of lightning was shuttled, emitting terrible coercion. As if to destroy everything under the thunderstorm.

"Heaven, this is thunder. For Xuanhuang City to transform, it must be tested by Heist. It is not only for Qi Yun, but also for Xuanhuang City itself."

At the moment when Jieyun appeared, an invisible message appeared naturally in his mind, making Yi Tianxing feel secretly in his heart.

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