Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1210: Treasure room

[I'm not feeling well. I turned on the air conditioner yesterday and caught a cold. I have no energy for a day. I don't need to wait for the second chapter. 】

The secret room was blocked in front of him, but there was a huge stone door. On the stone gate, the runes are staggered, and the traces are scattered. It looks old and mysterious.


There is only this secret room at the end of the road. Of course, if you are willing to wait, there may be new corridors around the corridor at any time. When you step in, you can naturally leave here, but if you encounter the secret room, why not Go in and see.

"According to previous reminders, this is a maze of death. There is a secret room. The secret room may be a normal ordinary secret room, it may be a death secret room full of death traps, and it may be a treasure room containing a lot of strange treasures. Treasures are stored. In any case, there is no reason to enter Baoshan and return empty-handed. "

Yi Tianxing came to the secret room. Reached out and pushed towards Shimen.

In the palm, a powerful force was poured out naturally. Even if it was not intentional, there were still millions of pounds of power issued. The entire stone gate was heavy, but it was still easily pushed away under this force.

The gate is open. Then stepped in.

On entering, a burst of pearly treasure appeared in front of her eyes.

Ordinary people see and spend their eyes seeing for the first time.

"This is the treasure room. Pearls, spar."

At first glance, in the closet, glittering pearlite was piled up. These spar, it can be clearly seen that the grade is not low, and it is shining with golden light. This is a gold-grade spar, which contains more pure energy and larger volume. The energy of the same size is ten times and one hundred times the gap. At the same size, a piece of bronze-grade spar can be compared with a hundred pieces of black iron-grade spar. Silver, then gold. There is no doubt that a gold-grade spar is equivalent to 10,000 black iron-grade spar.

This is the gap between grades.

The crystals in front of them are all gold-grade crystals. They are standard-cut crystals. In front of them, they are piled up like mountains. It is entirely conceivable that these crystals are an inestimable wealth. Real treasure. If it were obtained by ordinary monks, it would be enough to get rich overnight. Moreover, those pearls are not ordinary pearls, all of them are spiritual beads containing aura. These beads are huge, each of which has the size of a baby's fist and is placed in the night, which is a night pearl that emits light. The aura contained is very pure, and it is not inferior to gold-grade spar. Can be described as different.

The most amazing thing is that if the spirit beads are ground into powder and made into rouge gouache, they can be applied to the skin to make the skin moist, shiny, and more delicate and perfect. For female nuns, this is a rare treasure, and they are willing to pay enough for it.

These spirit beads are stored in a huge mouthful of bronze treasure chests. There are no less than ten large boxes. It is conceivable. How huge these are, it is definitely an inestimable wealth.

The most important thing is that it is still a treasure chest in the center of the closet.

In that treasure box, a light group flickered. This is clearly the light produced by Yibao.

In that treasure chest, there are heaven and earth different treasures, and, more than one, there are three light balls.

"These things belong to me now."

Yi Tianxing witnessed that his eyes lighted on the spot. Then, without hesitation, he made a decision, and ingested the crystals and spirit beads piled up in his hand, and sent them to the Hongmeng Tiandi Tower for the first time.

There is no place in this world that is safer than in Tiandi Tower.

brush! !!

However, just after packing up the spirit beads and spar, just when the other treasure chests were to be stowed, I suddenly saw that the other side of the secret room was suddenly red.

The secret room has four sides and four stone gates. That is to say, at least four passages can lead to this secret room. One of Yi Tianxing's entrances was previously, and the remaining three were able to enter and exit. He can come in, as can other monks.

Obviously, people are not here.

While breaking through the stone gate, I only saw that a tall figure swept through like a violent wind, and the horrible sword light had split his head and headed down, not even a thousandth of a second, and was chopped on his head. . It seemed to split the skull with one slash and split the body in half. Overbearing and brutal.

I can fully feel the breath of death from the knife. This is real death.

Without saying a word, life will be killed.

Yi Tianxing's response was not unpleasant, and Wan Fu shook in his hands. A Taomu flashed, and in a blink of an eye, the five-element mask condensed again, and the five-colored divine light surrounded the whole body, looking very different.

The five elements live side by side and endlessly. Completely connected into a whole.

The strong defense force has completely reached the level of the Yuanshen Realm.

boom! !!

This knife was chopped on the five-element hood. You can see that the five-color rays on the five-element hood flow, and numerous ripples are constantly generated. In addition, the light on the five-element hood is dim at a speed visible to the naked eye. It seems like it will burst in the next moment. At the same time, it can be seen that it is a blood-stained long knife with a dreadful appearance, with a terrible edge for choosing and eating.

Special materials such as the annihilation method are obviously incorporated into this sword. Moreover, the power contained in the sword is very overbearing. It was a bloodthirsty, a violent killing knife gathering on the blade.


Yi Tianxing uttered a voice. A flash of light flashed in his hand, Wan Fuyu disappeared immediately, and a war spear was already held in his hand. At the moment when the five-element mask was broken, the war spear had been directly bombarded on the blade.

boom! !!

In a huge roar, the blade was blocked, but immediately following, Yi Tianxing's pace continued to retreat backwards.


Two steps! !!

Three steps! !! !!

At each step, a deep mark is left on the ground.

"It's so strong, it's a terrifying physical force. This strength has reached tens of millions of pounds. Pure refining has been broken through four rounds of refining, and it must reach Huang Ding."

At this moment, in the collision, Yi Tianxing's physical power was completely suppressed and fell into the downwind. This was the crushing of pure physical power. Before, I had never encountered anyone who could crush him in physical strength. At this moment, I have to say that I encountered a race that truly dominated the physical body. The real fight is Tianjiao.

Counting one's self-refining qualifications truly belongs to the top, but it is definitely not the level of evil spirits. Like Li Yuanba, he can hate the sky for nothing and hate the ring. That's the real evil spirit.

With the practicer and the four-round cultivation, he can completely kill Yuan Shen. Even more scary. Close combat is enough to make any practitioner in fear and despair. Without the magic weapon of protection, it will be quite sad.

"However, the fight of the refiner is not determined by strength. Unless it is the strength of one party that can completely crush everything. Otherwise, strength is not the only criterion for determining victory."

Yi Tianxing was turning his thoughts quickly.

There is no doubt that if you fight, you not only need strength, but also need to look at magical powers, see your martial arts combat skills, and even the talents of fighting. The combination of various factors is the key to determining the ultimate victory.

For fighting talent, Yi Tianxing asked no less than anyone else.

After realizing that the power can't take the advantage, don't want to think about it. In the next moment, he reacts, the pace at his feet constantly changes, and a mighty force takes the opportunity to be introduced into the ground. At the same time, the war spear is waving out.

While stabbing, it can be seen that the spear tip of the war spear is always trembling, and it seems that in the next moment, a strange change will be made, making it impossible to capture its final intention. The current goal is Skull, but the next moment may be the heart.

That Shura is also a master of fighting. Naturally, I can feel the pressure transmitted from Yi Tianxing.

You know, the war spear contains not only physical strength, but also the power of heaven and earth in the tower of Hongmeng Tiandi. Even if you don't compare skills, you can still be equal in strength.

Ding Ding Ding! !!

The crisp clashes kept ringing. It can be seen that two figures fight fiercely. Body shape changes. The intensive knives opened and closed. Bronze war spears also erupted in spear shadows, and the strength of each blow made the entire secret room shake continuously and violently.

"Human race, you can't be a glimpse of a strong man like you. If you are such a proud man, if your war died, your human race will grieve inexplicably and give you the opportunity to register today. I will remember your name. "

After a fierce confrontation, he could see that the Shura Tianjiao retreated coldly for a distance. Look at Yi Tianxing. The people in front of him make him qualified to take it seriously.

The confrontation just now, if the strength is not enough, can't resist it, it will be slashed to death in the blink of an eye. Such strength is by no means unknown. Of course, to bear it, he didn't even give him the opportunity to speak. Kill again.

"Want to know my name, that depends on whether you can survive."

Yi Tianxing looked coldly at Shura in front of him.

Wearing a scarlet jersey, his face was stunned. After seeing it, ordinary people will definitely be scared on the spot. The Shura tribe does not mean that they look unsightly. The features of the five senses are not ugly, but they can be combined together, but they seem to be abnormally uncomfortable, making people feel ugly and weird, and they are naturally born. Do not enter.

At the same time, you can see that there are two sharp horns at the top of the head ~ ~ looks similar to ox horns. But it's far more stingy than horns.

"court death!!"

Luo Lie heard a cruel expression on his face.

There was a flash of blood on the body, and suddenly, you could see that two pairs of arms came up under the ribs. Looking closely, he has six arms.

Amazingly, the six-armed Shura, the blood king in Shura.

On the arm that appeared, there were other magic soldiers.

Shura Knife, Bonebreaker, Blood Spirit Sword, Exterminator Spear, Fulongsuo, Bloodshade Shield.

Every piece exudes amazing momentum.

This is the real fighting body of Luo Lie. That is the real Shura body.


After showing the real battle, Luo Lie screamed in his mouth, and has continued to kill Yi Tianxing.

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