Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1232: arrival

Gongsun is a decisive person. She made a decision in her heart and began to do it without hesitation. He assassinated the King of the Eagle and put an end to the current chaos. For the people of this land, even if it costs life And why not.

Even since ancient times, no assassin has been able to successfully assassinate an emperor.

If others can't, she wants to be the first. As long as you calculate with intent, you may not have a chance of success.

With this mortal belief, Aunt Gongsun left. Go to the King of the Eagles alone.

Here, the Assassin.

Live, then return, die, return soul! !!


On the day of the expedition, leaving Yizhou began, and a total of more than ten days passed.

Not far from a huge island, a sky boat is constantly approaching.

"Your Majesty, according to the coordinates indicated on the chart, the destination in front of us this time, that is, Tianying Island, is not as good as ours in terms of size, but it is also about a third, which is definitely fertile. Land. "

Jia Yan looked at the chart and said with a smile.

By then, in more than ten days, three large islands have been traversed in succession, and there are a large number of deserted isolated islands that are relatively barren and relatively small. However, these isolated islands can be called islands. Naturally, there are also large areas that can accommodate a fairy city . In the face of such an isolated island, as long as it is found, it is not hesitant to arrange an immortal city on the isolated island, and use the immortal city as the foundation to incorporate the surrounding waters into the influence of the rule of the Great Yi Dynasty.

Such islands have encountered more than two dozens along the way. These fairy cities have just fallen, and the fairy city is still in a state of being abandoned. Even so, Yi Tianxing can still clearly feel that the national movement of the Great Yi Dynasty is constantly increasing. Although the immortal city has just been established, it is still included in the territory of Dayi.

With the expansion of territories, luck naturally emerged.

This luck comes from the earth, from the sea.

On land, the air transport derived from the territory in the territory is ground transport. In the sea, the air transport derived from the sea is also called sea transport, also called water transport. Even in the eyes of many monks, the sea-derived air transport is still summarized in the ground transport.

In the case of constantly arranging the fairy cities like Yi Tianxing, almost a large area of ​​the sea was included in the territory of the Great Yi Dynasty. The first thing that changed was Yi Tianxing's body's destiny map, the emperor's royal dragon map.

The Jiangshan clubs in the Royal Dragon Map are constantly skyrocketing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. In it, the patterns of the sea area emerge, and the power of the Jiangshan clubs continues to warm up and train the life map. Almost every moment, you can feel that the life map is changing. Yuan Shen is transforming. Simultaneously. The speed of the Enlightenment Avenue Law has greatly increased, and the speed of coagulating Daoxing crystallization has been greatly increased on the spot.

To ensure the conduct of the body.

During these ten days alone, the original way of doing things for more than 600 years can be guaranteed, even reaching 730 years.

Virtually, Daoxing made great progress.

I have become more and more aware of my own avenue. The realization of his own way of Heaven Emperor has been transformed by leaps and bounds. The way of Yunchao is the way of Tiandi. The strengthening of the Yun Dynasty can promote one's deeper understanding of the emperor's way.

This is complementary.

Moreover, this is only the benefit brought by the expansion of the territory at the beginning, and in the follow-up, there are a steady stream of benefits.

"The back-feeding brought by the expansion of the territory of Xinjiang, the speed of increase in the blessings of the National Games of the Great Yi Dynasty. There are also sacred Taoism treasures such as Hongmeng Ziqi and Wudao Bodhi, which are sufficient to ensure that my cultivation can achieve a breakthrough in the shortest time. It ’s not difficult to go through the three disasters and reach the second calamity. ”

Yi Tianxing never worried about his breakthrough in the realm of cultivation.

Instead, there is always heart to suppress.

Not to make the foundation unstable, but to settle for a little more.

This is in itself a benefit due to the Lord of the Yun Dynasty.

Of course, Yi Tianxing does not refuse to cultivate himself to become stronger. Especially during expeditions, the stronger the better.

"Tianying Island, Mr. Zhuge, you may see some mystery from it."

Yi Tianxing calmly looked at Tianying Island. There is no doubt that this is an extremely vast land. Seriously, it may not be smaller than the territory of the former China. If it is an island, it is only relative to the entire eternal world and relative to the Hanhai waters. Otherwise, if you put it anywhere, it will be a large area of ​​land. Can accommodate thousands of souls to reproduce in them.

"Please look at Rong Weichen."

Zhuge Liang smiled calmly and said calmly.

Looking up at Tianying Island, there seems to be a mysterious mysterious light flashing in my eyes, and I can see the mysterious gossip figure appearing in my eyes. In the eyes of other monks, Tianying Island is naturally no different, but in his eyes, it seems that he can see a lot of luck rising up into the sky, confined in the void.

There are Jackie Chan dragons, Jackie Chan snakes, ichthyosaurs, and various meteorology, dragons and tigers. It can be seen that the forces on Tianying Island are condensed, and there are hidden forces hiding.

It can be seen that there is a sky full of qi. Peerless sword, tearing vacuum. There is a Buddha standing in the void, the light of the Buddha is shining, and the holiness is extremely incomparable.

"Mr. Zhuge can see something."

Yi Tianxing asked after Zhuge Liang retracted his gaze.

"This Tianying Island is not simple. In the central location, there are black dragons. In terms of weather, that area should be the place where the King of the Eagles is located. That is the weather of the King. However, in the King of the Eagles Adjacent to the court is a Buddhist monk's sectarian power. This force has an extraordinary weather and is not inferior to the Yun Dynasty. There are other existences. At least, that day, the King of the Eagles did not completely unify the entire land. "

Zhuge Liang said slowly.

This way of looking at Qi, even for him, cannot be easily carried out, nor can it be peeped for a long time. This kind of peeping also needs to withstand the backlash from various air transports. Once it cannot be resisted, the mind will be severely hit on the spot.

Therefore, many monks, even if they have the ability to watch fortune, can't easily see it. If you are not careful, you will damage your luck.

"It seems that Tianying Island is really unusual."

Yi Tianxing said with a smile: "But the more so, the more we will win this Tianying Island. Thoroughly discuss and incorporate it into the rule of Dayi."

"Keep going, go directly to Tianying Island, find an open space by the sea, and lay the foundation first."

The army continued to move forward, very fast, at the speed of the sky boat, but for a moment, it was close to the coast. The location where they chose to log in Yi Tianxing looked like a huge beach plain.

There are aliens on the plain.

A large tribe can be seen around. And this tribe is obviously not a human race, or rather a completely normal human race. They have a very similar appearance to humans, but on them, or on the skin surface, you can see that there are layers of fine scales, which look very similar to fish scales.

Really, this is the fish scale.

It is said that this is a new race born of the combination of human and fish. In the mouths of other races, they are called mermaids, and they themselves are called Jinlin tribe, which means that the golden scale is a thing in the pool, and the meaning of the dragon changes when encountering the storm.

I have to say that these Jinlins are really amazing.

Because of the blood veins of the fish, the body is more scaly, so for water, it has a natural and powerful talent. Very close to the water, once in the water, it is as easy as breathing. You can dive in the water for a long time without worrying about breathing. The scales on your body can naturally draw oxygen from the water. Not only will the combat effectiveness in the water not be affected in the slightest, but it will also be able to exert far more than normal combat capabilities.

At the same time, the appearance of some people can also survive on land. However, if they leave the water for a long time, they will feel uncomfortable. Therefore, the Jinlin people generally do not live far away from the water. , Are near the water's edge, where there are rivers, and where the sea is. In order to make them happy physically and mentally.

The nature of the Jinlin tribe is not too cruel. Communicating is also an easier race.

In humanoid races, they are more friendly to human races. Generally, no conflict will occur. Of course, if you really want to kill, the Jinlin tribe will not be afraid, especially near the water. The killing is even more powerful. Born water warrior.

Of course, to be counted, it is still a branch of the human race.

This Jinlin tribe is called Qianqian tribe.

More than fifty blue sky boats appeared in front of the coast. With the power of the thousand fantasy tribes, it was impossible to see them unless their eyes were really blind. There are a lot of people in this thousand fantasy tribe, and the total number can reach more than 100,000. Similarly, the tribe's own army,, is about 30,000. Of course, if it is in a critical moment, it can be used by the entire people. Demonstrated powerful combat power.

The appearance of the sky boat caused the thousand fantasy tribe to be instantly alerted.

Boom boom! !!

A large number of Murloc troops appeared.

Without Warframes, the scales on them are the best Warframes, their defensive power is amazing, and they can continue to grow with their own strength and become more tough. The weapon in his hand is very strange. It is a slender bone sword. If you look at it carefully, it seems that it is a huge fish roaring. The fish bones in the body have evolved, and there are fishbone on it.

This kind of weapon is called a fishbone sword in the Golden Scale family. In the water, it can have a powerful water-dividing force. Moreover, the fishbone on the sword can exert a powerful destructive force at a critical moment. Once it is pierced into the body, it can completely tear a huge piece of flesh when pulled out.

A burly Jinlin man stepped out of the tribe, wearing a crown made of fish bones on his head, and wearing it on the head was very weird.

This is the patriarch of this tribe named Huan Lin.

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