Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1438: Interception

For the casting of the Phoenix Nest, it is the biggest problem that any branch of the Phoenix family must pay attention to. Generally speaking, it is the top priority. Therefore, when choosing a station, one is to look for the Indus spirit tree, and the other is To find out if there is black phoenix, and if not, you must choose a suitable place and plant the seeds of black phoenix.

Of course, it is generally not necessary. The sycamore tree and the black gold pennisetum are associated with each other.

There is one kind, and that's no accident, you can definitely find another.

You can see that the phoenix nest in front of it is really huge, and at a glance, it gives people an invisible shock.

Among the phoenix nests.

It can be seen that the space inside is huge. It looks as if it is an independent world of caves. There are clematis everywhere, which is very close to the Phoenix.

Inside, there is a palace.

In the palace, you can clearly see that a graceful and honorable woman wearing a colorful phoenix stands inside, with supreme majesty on her body, that is a majesty as a king, people can see, even involuntarily give birth to a A nasty idea. This one seems to be the king in the vein of Hanhai Phoenix. On the side, a woman in a red palace dress stood proudly.

What does this girl say, she has an inexplicable attraction. It gives a feeling of flame, touches the heart, and can't help but be involuntarily, and the figure is extremely hot. People can't help feeling a dry and hot feeling.

She is the longest princess of the Phoenix tribe.

She is named the red lotus, but in fact, she is also a alien in the phoenix. When she is born, she is red, but it is not a red flame, but a peach red. According to legend, it was born in response to the red lotus star's life.

What is the red star.

The red star, in all myths and legends, is a lucky star, the main marriage and other happy events.

In the past, the description of the love between men and women was expressed by the red star movement, which shows that the mutual understanding of the minds is already a good thing.

After the birth of the red pupa, it can be said that the red pupa's natural gas brought great distress. Usually, it can't be in contact with other people of the opposite sex. Otherwise, it will be affected by the red pupa emitted from the body. Cause unnecessary trouble. Therefore, for a long time, Hung Hom has rarely been out of contact with the opposite sex.

The choice of Hung Hom this time as the object of marriage is naturally also due to its reasons.

"Hung Hom, this time you went to Dayi to marry. It may have been a chance. The" Hung Hom Sutra "you cultivated is one of the most powerful methods. However, after reaching a certain level, you must use the method of dual cultivation. Cultivate, otherwise, the red qi riot will not be able to be recovered, and it will inevitably go into fire. Now, you have stayed in the realm of law for a long time, and you must unite the two gods. This is your way. This is what you have to bear. The nature of the red tadpole is naturally not ordinary people. According to the calculation, your chance is the emperor of the dynasty dynasty. When the ambassador of the dynasty came to propose a marriage, the red tadpole in your body had a vision, which is God's will. "

The Phoenix Queen slowly said, "My Phoenix clan does not need you to marry in exchange for benefits. After you marry in the Great Yi, you can practice with peace of mind. If you are happy, you will stay. If you feel uncomfortable, then you will return. My Phoenix clan, since ancient times Since then, it is not weaker than people. "

In words, a deep pride was revealed. This pride comes from the bones.

The nobility of the Phoenix family is soaring above nine days. Disdain the Quartet.

Among the three races, there is no doubt that the Phoenix is ​​the proudest.

"I see, mother, I won't be ashamed of the tribe."

Hung Hoo playfully smiled.

A lively and optimistic character can be felt in her. Seems very playful. However, there is also a longing for the future. It seems good to marry the owner of Dayi.

"Be prepared, the third day of March is the day of your marriage."


As time passed, the eternal calendar came to the third day of March, the twelfth year.

this day. I only saw that from the Qilin Mountain, a team started to start, a gorgeous shuttle car pulled by Tianma and broke in the direction of the Dayi Dynasty. Accompanied by a group of tiger and wolf soldiers, the tiger and wolf soldiers are elites created by the Kirin family. Each one is burly, even if it is transformed, it is powerful and powerful.

Carrying a large number of dowry.

In this marriage, Dayi gave a generous gift. Naturally, the Kirin tribe also unceremoniously gave a peach and gave a generous dowry. There was no extra move, and a team set out.

At their speed, they can reach the border of the Da Yi Dynasty in the shortest time.

at the same time.

In the Indus forest, the Phoenix family's send-off team, this time, a team of Qingying troops. The number is not large, only three thousand, but the strength is not weak at all. Also brought a large number of dowry. No matter the tribe of dragons, phoenixes and unicorns, no one is a race lacking treasures. The good things in the clan are countless. The collection of treasures by the three races is absolutely beyond ordinary people's imagination.

After the two send-off teams set off. However, two teams, one on the south of Dayi and one on the north.

The news appeared in Hanhailong Palace the first time.

"Acting according to plan, the king does not want to see them reach the Da Yi dynasty safely. I want to keep them from seeing the Iron Blood Great Wall. As far as possible to bring back alive, the king feels that it is good for them to marry in the Dragon Palace.

A command came naturally from the Dragon Palace.

No doubt this represents the will of the Dragon King.


The two teams marched fast, unknowingly, less than 100,000 miles from the Great Yi Dynasty.

In the Hanhai boundary, there is an island called Hump Island. The shape of this island looks like a camel's hump. On the island, there are desert oasis and a large number of camels live in it. There are not many resources here, and there are not many races. The desert itself is an unsuitable living environment for many races.

"This island is very interesting."

Mo Xue peeked out from the cart to look at the island, and looking down from the sky, it was like an ancient camel walking in the sea. I couldn't help uttering an admiration.

Rumble! !!

And at this moment.

It can be heard that in the sea in front, there is a sudden roar, as if there is a terrible force raging on the bottom of the sea, and a wave of waves is set off on the spot. As high as a thousand feet, thousands of feet agitated, bringing great shock. Such a picture is not one place, but a glance at the front, everywhere.


A famous tiger and wolf army soldier immediately issued a break to drink, quickly formed a circle in the air, and firmly guarded the car. Gaze sharply around. Instinctively felt the dangerous breath of strong thunder.

And at the next moment, you can see the waves rolling along with the waves. Huge figures floated in the sea.


Immediately afterwards, a terrifying roar came, and the sound looked like a dragon but not a dragon, and a beast but not a beast, and looked closely. It can be seen that a huge beast emerged from the sea and stood on a huge wave of thousands of feet. Moreover, its appearance is very stingy. It looks like a huge catfish, but it has been mutated, with scales all over it. It looks like dragon scales. The tail behind it has become slender, and it is shocked by a barb of bark. It looks like a dragon tail, and it looks like a monster's body, which gives people tremendous oppression. The words on his head are completely different from the catfish. It looks like the head of a dragon, and has a single horn. It is huge, thousands of feet in size. On both sides of the body, it seemed strange that they became two dragon wings.

This is a dragon-type sea beast with a dragon bloodline that has undergone mutations-King of Dragons.

At a glance, this dragon king is definitely not a mess. When it appeared, a fifth-tier top coercion swept through the tide.

"Dragons breed sea beasts. They are dragons."

As Mo Xue witnessed, her eyes and pupils were frozen, and in an instant, she had guessed that this was absolutely inseparable from the Dragon family. It is even possible that it was directly assigned by the Dragon clan, and appeared here to prevent himself from going to Dayi. This is not intended to make marriage successful.

"General Black Tiger, inform Dayi, and ask Dayi to send troops to guard."

Mo Xue said in a deep voice.

And did not completely lose the square inch. It is the first time to make arrangements. Qilin Mountain is now farther than the Dayi Dynasty. Notifying Da Yi is the best way.

"Yes, a fire signal."

General Black Tiger immediately ordered.

brush! !!

A sharp cracking sound came from.

Only saw that a tiger and wolf officer quickly spurred a signal firework. This firework is an invention of Dayi, which imitates the beacon, plus the fireworks are fused into one and cast. Once released, the beacon can be described. As a signal, it is separated by 18,000 miles. . Respond quickly.

boom! !!

It can be seen that the torch fireworks burst into the sky and suddenly exploded in the void. At the moment of explosion, the entire void completely appeared in countless red light, as if it were a huge cloud of fire, and the void seemed to be burning.

The rendering is gorgeous.

Just then ~ ~ can see the waves rolling. Densely, countless sea beasts, madly emerged from the sea. All kinds of sea beasts, each of them are huge in size, exposing the savage light and gas in their eyes. It seems to choose people and eat.

After converging together, the seawater was spurred on the spot, causing huge waves to swell, superimposed together, and directly turned into a great tsunami. Numerous sea beasts, rolling in with the tsunami, swept past the location where Mo Xue was.

Bang Bang! !!

There was a blast in the sea, and a spear of water condensed from the sea burst out, densely blasting towards Mo Xue and the tiger and wolf army.

"Protect the princess."

General Black Tiger issued a drink.

Roar! !!

Immediately, he rolled straight and turned into a huge black tiger, with a body size of at least a thousand feet, a wicked body, and a mouthful of tigers filled the void like thunder.

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