Eternal Country

Chapter 156: Old beggar

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But weirdly, when people in the city looked at Chen Sheng and others, they had a kind of compassion, an expression as if they saw a dead person. Nothing moved. There was also no welcome, exclusive move. It's like seeing someone with the same expression as himself.

Chen Sheng frowned slightly, and his heart sank secretly. The atmosphere in Lushan City was so low, it was so depressed.

This is not normal, nothing is normal.

There were a lot of people in the city, but there was a look of lifelessness.

Many people sit directly on the house. A look of despair on his face.

"Lao Zhang, ask, why are the people in the city so deadly, without saying a word, is it because the food has been eaten?" After Chen Sheng frowned slightly, he grabbed an old man who had just got a bowl of porridge from the cauldron and said Asked.

"Afterlife, you shouldn't enter the city. After entering this Lushan city, you don't want to leave alive."

The old man drank the porridge in the bowl and drank it. Then he looked at Chen Sheng and the people behind him, and shook his head with a sigh. "You are not the first to enter the city. Many people came before from around Lushan City. But after coming in, you can never go out again. Are you not attacked by the beast and monster when you are close to Lushan City four or five miles away? "

"How do you know." A big man behind Chen Sheng asked in amazement.

Indeed, when they were near Lushan City, there were no beasts or monsters attacking them. They thought they were lucky and did not encounter any beasts. It now appears that things may not be what they were supposed to be.

"That's because those fierce beasts and monsters dare not approach Lushan City at all." The old man shook his head.

"That's not very good. Then the whole city should be very safe. How can everyone have this expression." Some people said puzzled.

"You think too simple. The reason why those beasts and monsters dare not approach is because here, there are more terrifying and terrifying monsters. Let those monsters all dare not enter the area of ​​Lushan City."

The old man's face showed fear, and his voice was shaking.

Chen Sheng was shocked and knew immediately that their troubles would be greater this time, and they might be more dangerous than before in the Huns' barracks.

"What monster is so powerful, I think there are more than 100,000 people in the city. Don't you be afraid that the monster will fail."

Someone said with some disbelief.

The population of this Lushan city is not small at all.

People can be seen everywhere, but most people's faces are in despair.

In addition, in the city, there are residents who originally existed in the city of Lushan, but also people who later gathered in the city. People from all dynasties and generations have different clothes and dresses. They can even see many people with short hair and urban clothes. It seems no different from modern people. But the despair and fear emanating from them were equally strong. Even for external changes, changes in their own situation, their ability to accept is worse than the ancients.

These are modern people from many fantasy worlds. Compared with the ancients, the number is only a small part.

Even if many modern people ask themselves that their thoughts are more advanced than the ancients, they have a fart.

But here, there is no electricity, no mobile phone, no firearms, even if standing on the commanding heights of thought, in the troubled times, they are facing fierce monsters and various dangers. You have eloquence, you have ambitions. But there is no strength, who do you go to Huyou.

In troubled times, the strong can dominate everything and have prestige. It's useless at all. Compared with strength, the ancient strong men are simply crushed than those white-collar workers who have already been in a sub-health state in the city.

Most of these people are unable to pick shoulders and legs.

Especially in Lushan City, it is like a nightmare.

"It can't be dealt with, there is no way to counter it. It's a monster."

When the old man heard it, his eyes showed fear.

The whole body trembled at the thought of the monster. The face returned to a dead gray color.

Obviously, there is no hope for escape at all.

"Let's take your fate. The monster has blocked the entire Lushan city. As long as someone dares to escape, he will be immediately eaten by that monster. And every day, that monster will choose humans from the city as blood food to devour. One day will die. Dozens of people, but as long as they do n’t run away, unless it ’s time for the monster to eat, there is no danger. There are granaries in the city, and the grain in the granaries can support for a long time as long as you save food. ”

The old man shook his head, then walked towards an open space, leaned against the wall, and stared blankly at the sky.

Chen Sheng and others heard an inexplicable fear and disbelief on their faces.

No one had thought of it. I was very happy to see a city before, and thought that there would be a place to land in the future. He was delivered to the monster himself.

"I don't believe that those words are shit, I don't believe that there are really any beast monsters that can trap the whole city. Can it still make people leave, are the monsters so smart? We are not peaceful. Come in. I'm going out and see if the monster knows. "

A common man following Chen Sheng burst out drinking.

Originally hunted and chased by fierce beasts, I was so angry that I got into the city and even encountered this situation, it suddenly broke out. Burning in anger, without even thinking about it, he turned and walked towards the gate of the previous city.

brush! !!

When he moved, the eyes of many people in the city couldn't help focusing on him.

Obviously, this move was unexpected. But there is another good news.

For some people, Chen Sheng's arrival was even a little bit happy, after all, the monster only eats a dozen people a day, and there are outsiders coming in. This kind of risk can be shared. Maybe it's not your turn. Maybe you can live a few more days, waiting for the turnaround.

The man was very fast, he went straight through the hole in the gate and came out of the gate. A look of leaving Lushan City.

brush! !!

But as soon as the man left the gate of the city and stepped on the outside land, he saw that the ground under the common person had cracked a dark hole without any warning, and even the reaction was too late, the man just dropped Go in. There was only a scream of screaming, and the original hole was blocked again by the soil and disappeared. The ground is still the ground.

The soil is still soil.

But a person disappeared so easily.

You know, that person can't live anymore.

Huh! !!

When Chen Sheng and others saw it, they could not help taking a breath on the spot. This kind of picture was really terrifying. A living man was buried in the ground like this and disappeared. Life is so fragile.

"See it. After you come in, don't even think about going out. It's death when you go out. You don't know what that monster is. Once you leave, the ground will suddenly crack, and people will be brought into the ground, never to return. coming."

The old man shook his head and sighed.

Not only is it outside the city, it is also not safe inside the city. Holes may appear on the ground at any time and devour people. Anyway, a dozen people are pulled into the ground like this every day and they die.

This situation has been going on for a long time.

"This is to raise the people in the city as pigs and sheep. When you are hungry, you come and catch a few to eat, and keep everyone from leaving. This city has been treated by the monster in the dark as fish on the chopping board. "

Chen Sheng's face was solemn.

He definitely doesn't want to die here in the mouth of a monster, he must escape, or kill that monster, it may be difficult to kill the monster, but he is absolutely unwilling to stay here waiting for death.

But to fight the fierce beast, Chen Sheng had no idea. Those monsters are too powerful, whether they are power or otherwise, they are too much beyond ordinary human beings, and they are fighting in the front. He is sure that he will die.

"If only there could be any way to become strong, there are fierce beasts in this world, why can't there be those who practice masters."

Chen Sheng smiled secretly.

When Chen Sheng secretly thought, thinking about strategies, suddenly, an old beggar in the city suddenly walked towards Chen Sheng. Looking at him, he grinned and showed his yellow teeth, and smiled, "This brother, it's amazing, it's amazing."

"Lao Zhang understands this."

Chen Sheng was awakened by his voice ~ ~ looked at the old beggar in front of him, and frowned. He was not driven because he was a beggar.

"Look at the little brother's head and horns, his luck is condensed, like a stick. Although it is dirty now, it has a lot to do. It will make you gain momentum and you will not be able to turn into a dragon pillar immediately. If you get good exercises, you ca n’t fly immediately. Once you fly to the sky. "

The old beggar looked at Chen Sheng with a smile.

"You old beggar, begging for the wrong person, we don't even have a grain of rice." Someone behind Chen Sheng yelled.

"Don't worry, listen to what the old man said." Chen Sheng reached out and stopped: "Although Sheng has the intention to do things for the people, this world is too difficult, and superior exercises cannot be found. How to cultivate and how to become stronger." In words, it was filled with emotion.

"This little brother doesn't need to worry, you see. This" A Hundred Calamities "can solve all your problems. With it, you can soar into the sky." The old beggar grinned and came up with a full-fledged look Said the exercises.

The glory of that exercise is extraordinary.

"I have no money."

Chen Sheng saw an infinite desire in his heart. Anxious to **** the exercises from the old beggar. But he didn't do it.

"What baby do you have? Take it out."

The old beggar said with a smile.

Eyes looked at Chen Shenghuai.

"I only have this bead. I don't know what's the use."

Chen Sheng took out a glass bead that didn't look up from his arms. But there are two golden pentagrams on it.

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