Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1726: 7 Rain of Love 6 Wind of Desire

Who is he? He is the ancestor of all evils born from evil spirits. He absorbs the seven emotions and the six desires in the heavens and the earth, and grows and transforms. He is a kind of instinctual ability to control people ’s hearts and control. Moreover, the life-knowledge opened up by itself, the supernatural powers bred by it. All are revealing strangeness and evil spirits. This country is full of evil spirits.

He is simply his home.

"Do you have a way to deal with this demon country."

胜 Chen Sheng Wu Guang heard and looked strangely in his eyes, and quickly asked.

"Humans and demons are one. Human nature is attacked by demons. There are killing, evil and other characteristics hidden in their blood. As long as they target their hearts, they want to break the serpent dynasty, but they just turn their hands. This kind of self-destruction How can this seat fail them? "

Yi Yitian said with a smile.

"Please also ask Daoyou to take action. This is a big problem for my people."

Jiang Jiang bowed and asked.

If there is a chance to collapse a country, it is naturally a joyous event.

"Don't worry, just go to the theatre."

Yi Yixian stood in front of the cherry blossom spiritual realm and suddenly uttered a voice: "Blow the wind!"

The words of the crickets fell, and I immediately saw that, in Sakura Prefecture, suddenly a strong wind rose. This wind, with a trace of black, is a black strange wind, coming from the void, sweeping down continuously. Black winds burst, almost instantaneously, across countless mountains and rivers, cities and towns were covered by this gust of wind. Such winds looked fierce, but did not show any signs of fierceness.

In this gust of wind, you can see that in the cities, the people of the serpent dynasty who had been transformed into demons had a strong eye.

There is a demon who turns into a pig's head, drools constantly, and can still tolerate himself. Now after a gust of wind blows, the appetite in his eyes completely erupts and expands infinitely in his heart.

吃 "Eat, I want to eat, meat, I want to eat meat. A lot of meat, all here is meat. I want to eat meat. This is the taste of food. So hungry, I want to eat these foods."

猪 The pig-headed demon suddenly yelled, and what he had in his mind was just a strong desire for food. Don't want to, just pounce on a demon with a dog's head. After holding it, he opened his mouth wide and tore off a large **** piece of meat from him. Swallow three mouthfuls, the corners of the mouth are full of blood, a mouthful of blood. It was really frightening and shuddering.

I eat! eat! eat! !!

At this moment, the pig-headed demon had no other thoughts. In his mind and blood, the only thoughts that existed were to eat and eat, to eat everything in front of him. In order to eat, even the dog-headed demon tore off his paw A piece of meat didn't feel the slightest, and still opened his mouth wide, devouring flesh and blood. That picture is really bloody, bloody, terrifying, terrifying.

I am really raw flesh.

There is also a fox demon, with a charming look, and a strong power naturally erupts. The surrounding demon are all drawn in. In the pink demon mist, there are sounds of erosion.

There was a wolf-headed demon, and an instant killing thought erupted, and he launched a crazy attack on the monsters around him. In the killing, he was completely cruel, regardless of his own security. All I know is crazy killing.

All kinds of demons immediately felt that they were constantly being excited. This outbreak had no sign of nothing, and did not make them feel anything abnormal. In them, all kinds of desires will be completely out of control for a while, and no one knows what will happen to them.

Chaos, complete chaos.

A large number of demons have been involuntarily plunged into chaos, enslaved and driven by their own nature.

Chaos is chaotic, there are chaotic pictures everywhere. The demon and the demon are fighting each other. All kinds are intertwined.

怎么 "How can this be? Although the demon was also unscrupulous, at least there is still a sense of reason, and it will only be used against people who are not demons. Now it is strange that even the demons themselves."

"This is the Taoist friend's shot. You motivated them."

Chen Sheng, Wu Guang, and others witnessed, one after another showing horror.

You must know that when you observe the entire Sakura Prefecture with the Sakura Spirit Realm and observe the Serpent dynasty for decades, nothing like this has happened. It does not appear in a fairy city, but in all the cities within the Serpent empire.

Yi Yixian did not explain.

This wind is naturally not an ordinary wind, but a wind called Liuyu. As soon as the wind moves, the desires of all sentient beings will be aroused and amplified, and in a silent and silent way, the rapid expansion will erupt. Naturally caused confusion.

Normal creatures will be motivated, not to mention the demons in these serpent dynasties, under the rapid amplification of desire, they are completely in control. It is natural to fall into chaos.

Twenty-six desires are seeing desire (visual), hearing desire (hearing), incense desire (olfactory sense), taste desire (taste sense), touch desire (touch sense), desire. Any desire in this will be infinitely amplified.

"Call for rain !!"

Yi Yixian did not hesitate, and uttered a voice again.

The voice just dropped. Suddenly, I saw that with the wind of six desires, I could see that in the sky, it started to rain. The rain is endless. Moreover, the rain turned out to be colorful, and it looked like an unusual dream.

I dropped it, fell, and fell on the beings in Sakura Prefecture. It naturally merged into the body and penetrated into the flesh. The rain was like an illusion and did not exist. Bathing in the rain, the entire serpent dynasty was completely in chaos. It could still resist the demon in its body, and it was completely defeated by the defense line in the heart and plunged into madness.

This rain is also not ordinary rain, but Qiqing rain. Seven emotions are divided into joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, terror, and surprise. This emotional power comes together to form the seven emotions rain, which can directly motivate all sentient beings' emotions.

I can see that there are countless demons, suddenly laughing ecstatically, seeming to achieve the best wish in my heart. There are countless demons with fear in their faces, killing frantically in fear, it seems to kill everything and slaughter everything that makes them feel fear.

The wind of six desires and the rain of seven emotions, combined with the two, bring an irresistible attack.

Killing, everywhere.

I died, spreading in cities.

I can see that all the demons are fighting and fighting, there is no reason at all, only instinct.

Huh! !!

In this picture, the faces of Jiang Yan, Ji Kang, and others have changed. Chen Sheng Wu Guang was even more frightened, terrible, it was really terrible, although they did not know what Yi Tianxie did, but in the Serpent Dynasty Changes are visible to the naked eye. It's all witnessed. It turned out that it was just a gust of wind and a rain that completely disrupted the serpent dynasty. Moreover, it is completely into chaos.

Wander in the serpent dynasty, the Hagi Castle.

Oda Nobunaga sat in the palace like a Supreme Master who controlled everything, but at this moment, his face turned wild and he looked at the void above his head.

In a layer of merit and auspicious clouds, a black dragon coiled up, exuding cold and evil eyes.

Qi Yun Dynasty repairs Qi Yun, condenses Qi, Qi is the fusion of merit and Qi Yun. Yun Yi, for the people in Yun Dynasty, makes the people stronger and more popular, and naturally has merit. The Serpent dynasty had demons as its nationals. natural. The benefits of these demons are the merits of the serpent dynasty, and the power of the demons is the power of the serpent. This is Yun Chao, his sin, and my merits.

The way of transporting dynasties is more egoistic.

At this moment, we can see that in the cloud of merit and virtue, the black dragon exuded a decadent breath, and seemed to utter a sorrowful sound, which originally condensed into a substantial body, seemed to begin to collapse and transform into illusion. Great changes have taken place. Luck is turbulent, and merit is turbulent.

不好 "Not good, the merits of Yunde Xiangyun are unstable, and the luck of the dragon is really unstable. How can this happen. It was still good before. How can this sudden change happen suddenly."

Nobunaga Oda's face turned wild. He never thought that the Serpent Dynasty would have such a huge change.


I have a secret report.

"My serpent dynasty and generals suddenly changed. Most of the generals began to kill me, regardless of the enemy, and were completely dominated. The army was in chaos, and a large number of generals died in the chaos and were seriously injured. . All the army, all in chaos. Many barracks have been turned into ruins and become a scene of purgatory. Terrible. "

"Her Majesty, in our dynasty, all the cities suddenly fell into chaos, all the people, all in chaos, couldn't escape, and the cities everywhere were already bleeding. It couldn't be stopped. It seemed that all of them were eroded by demons Mind. The casualties are extremely severe, and every moment a large number of people fall to their deaths. "

"Report, chaos in the palace ........."

A secret report ~ ~ appeared like a raindrop in front of Nobunaga Oda. All the information indicates that the entire serpent dynasty has fallen into unprecedented turmoil in an instant. Purgatory on earth.

These situations fully show that everyone is out of control and eroded and controlled by the demon.

"How can this be, why is this. It's impossible. You come out, what's going on in the black robe. This is the demon's mystery, which you gave us, saying there won't be any problems, why is it now? Case."

Oda Nobunaga was furious and could not help shouting.

After the death is over, this turmoil will plunge the entire snake dynasty into unprecedented heavy losses. The losses suffered are unimaginable. The destructive power cannot be increased.

"There is absolutely no problem with the method of the demon's body. This secret method was originally derived from a peak race in your era in the eternal world. It must be impossible for the powerful person to make a mistake."

The man in black robe appeared out of thin air and said directly.

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