Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1877: Zheng Family

"Li You, Zhang Tong, Lu Guo, Feng You, Nie Yuanting, Zhu Ziyuan, Liu Qing, Huang Jiuzhou, Sun Fei, nine of you are the outstanding disciples I have selected this time. In Zongheng College, a few of you are also Outstanding, second to none, this time in the Caribbean, our purpose has been very clear before, to persuade the major islands, the forces on land, especially the human race, to exert their respective talents. Can you stand out and stand out, It depends on your own capabilities. "Mao Sui looked at the top talents among the nine vertical and horizontal colleges in front of him, but it was also full of expectations, but, again, he needed to evaluate and test with real tasks.

At home, the most important thing is courage, eloquence, and vision. The ultimate goal is to make the other party identify with themselves, trust themselves, and even achieve their ultimate goal. This is the most important.

The results of persuasion can be divided into: hostility, indifference, ordinary, friendly, trust, obedience.

What can be done depends on how their respective talents are learned. It is the most important thing whether the three-inch non-rotten tongue can play to its extreme and play its due role.

"Please be assured that the dean, we are all ready. This time, we must give a perfect answer."

Li You said confidently.

"Yes, the Caribbean Sea. Before we came, we already knew about it. The dean also analyzed it personally. The whole sea area, because of the pirate rampant, the races of the races on the islands of all continents are all hates, and, Whenever there is development, they will be attacked and plundered by pirates. Without a stable and stable environment, civilization cannot grow and develop smoothly. Therefore, even if there is a force, its strength cannot be too high. "

Zhang Tong said.

"The bitter pirates have been around for a long time, and their level of strength is not high. I am afraid that the highest level is just the level of the dynasty. Even most of them are only cities and tribes as their sphere of influence. At best, they are scattered sand. The living environment and tranquility are relatively harsh. When the pirates plundered, they couldn't help it. With my current reputation, as long as the purpose is explained, it is enough to make most of the ethnic forces immediately reconciled. The difficulty of persuasion is greatly reduced. In such a favorable situation, if we still cannot Achieving the goal, then the orthotics we have in these years can also be regarded as white studies. "

Liu Qing said with a smile.

Between the eyebrows, we can see that everyone is confident.

Dayi's promotion to the Holy Trinity, with its prestigious reputation, is unparalleled in the world, its external deterrence, and its attractiveness to hundreds of people in the human race, which are beyond imagination. Not many people can resist it. For Zongjia, this is the greatest confidence. What they need to do is to take advantage of this already existing advantage, exert it as much as possible, and even extend it to the maximum extent, so that they can achieve their goals.

Zongjia also has unique magical powers.

A clever tongue is like a spring. Win the strong with the weak and win the hearts of the people.

These are the unique magical powers created by Zongjia. These magical powers can enable them to be at ease in any occasion. With three-inch tongues, they can withstand thousands of troops, and can combine the weak and the strong. , Can make people feel involuntary in their words, a sense of trust. It doesn't seem to be intentional at all. Quietly, lobbying has been completed.

"Very well, you already have the greatest advantage. If you still can't achieve results, you have been too disappointed in these years." Mao Suiyuan nodded, then said: "Everyone acts separately, and I will also be with you Separately, in this way, one can be faster, and the other can increase efficiency. Among you, judge the level. After you, there are other students from the vertical and horizontal colleges. The Caribbean sea is where you show your talents. On the stage, I look forward to your respective performance. "

Speaking, Mao Sui had already boarded a sky boat by himself, breaking the waves in one direction.

"We must not embarrass us."

Zhang Tongren saw that his heart was secretly determined.


"I want to let the vertical and horizontal scholars truly become famous in the Caribbean realm, and show their momentum in all directions." Mao Sui glanced at the nine outstanding students who began to spread to the surroundings. The rise of the vertical and horizontal scholars began from them. . In the Great Change, there is no teaching and no class, and a hundred schools of contention are the best stage for all factions to show their talents. The only thing you need to care about is whether you can play it.

"Now, Target, Coconut Island, Zheng Family."

Coconut Island.

In the King Coconut City, it is already night, but the city is still lively. You can see everywhere in the city that there are thick pillars of seawater glass. Inside the pillars are hollow, and inside, there is only one that glows. The jellyfish is constantly swimming. The light emitted by the jellyfish is not dazzling, but is very soft. It can completely light up the surrounding area and make the city almost the same as the day. However, the color of the jellyfish is different, and the light is different. Looks very dreamy.

It's amazing.

In the city, the guards are also quite rigorous. It can be seen that there are constant soldiers patrolling back and forth, and there are also a large number of soldiers defending on the city wall. At a glance, I know that it is the elite who has seen blood.

In the city, in the main palace.

At this moment, I can see that in the hall, Zheng Zhilong and Zheng Chenggong are sitting together, and there are some Zheng family around them. In these years, Zheng Zhilong is not indifferent to marry his wife, but he is not a minority. Zheng Chenggong is not the only one, and there are many people beside him, namely Chengg Cheng-jen, Chengg-de Cheng, and Cheng-yin Cheng. One by one, they are not too young. They have followed the Zheng family's fleet to conduct business on the sea. They have done a lot of plunder.

Speaking of Zheng Zhilong, his sons are really good. All of them can be regarded as good talents. Being able to help with each other can be called right and left. Otherwise, it will not be able to maintain this foundation on Coconut Island.

"According to reliable news, Dayi is afraid to expand. In the external world, there are only four major areas. The first is that you are all grown up now. Now it is about the future of my Zheng family. Any ideas you have, you can speak freely. "

Zheng Zhilong looked at the four capable mules in front of him for a while.

The impact of this day ’s move is too big. The Zheng family is in the middle, so it is difficult to decide. After all, the Zheng family is not a true good man, it is a black and white mixed, it is a maritime merchant and a pirate. Whether Da Yi is surrendering or resisting, he has no idea. If he surrenders, how Da Yi will treat the Zheng family is really uneasy.

"A newspaper, a middle-aged man came out of the city and asked the teenager to pass on the post."

A soldier quickly came to the city's mansion and handed a placard to Zheng Zhilong.

"By the way, middle-aged."

Zheng Zhilong heard that there was a hint of curiosity on his face, and then he took over the post and opened it. The face suddenly changed, and he stood up from the chair on the spot and said loudly, "Please, open the gate Please come in. No, success. You must meet in person at the gate of the city. There must be no neglect. "

"Come down and let people prepare the banquet and take out all the precious ingredients and wine. I will entertain the guests."

Zheng Zhilong did not hesitate to order.

Suddenly, the whole city's main house jumped for a while, and it moved completely. Zheng Chenggong had quickly rushed to meet the city gate.

"Father, who is the visitor? It deserves his father's attention."

Zheng Chengren asked curiously.

"Dayi visitors."

Zheng Zhilong took a deep breath and said slowly.


Zheng Chengren and others were all shocked and felt a little nervous. At this time, it was not easy for Da Yi people to come here.

In my uncle's mood, it was not long before I saw a figure appearing in the city's mansion.

Rao is Zheng Zhilong. The market they have seen can be said to be quite rich, and their experience is amazing. At this moment, they still feel an invisible pressure from the other side. This deterrent comes from his identity, and he is trained for strength. .

The visitor was not someone else, it was Mao Sui.

"Zheng Chengzhu, you know, your Zheng family is about to face a calamity."

When Mao Sui saw Zheng Zhilong, he didn't show his face, and he opened his mouth and uttered a broken drink. In the voice, it seemed that it contained some invisible power, which directly struck the hearts of everyone present, and even the entire heart could not help but suddenly stop beating. I want to feel choking.

"What does Mr. Mao say?"

Zheng Zhilong heard, a hint of dignity on his face, he asked in a deep voice.

"My secret agent ~ ~ has now entered the Caribbean Sea. According to the rumors, your Zheng family seems to be a pirate."

"Before that, hundreds of millions of pirates in the Caribbean launched an attack on the Great Wall of China at the same time. This time, the Holy King was angry and issued a decree personally. Every pirate wherever he went, all pirates were killed without amnesty. , Absolutely no pirates are allowed. "

Mao Sui said word by word.

"Mr. Mao, please understand that my Zheng family is not a pirate, and has nothing to do with the group of pirates who have attacked Dayi. Our Zheng family's fleet is just a merchant ship on the sea. The so-called pirate thing is completely a child. No need, no nonsense. Mr. Mao must not be trusted. "

Zheng Zhilong heard that his heart sank even more. At the time, the billions of pirates attacked the Iron Blood Great Wall together. He had also watched it from a distance. He had witnessed even the billions of pirate alliances without breaking through the walls and killing Dayi. Within the territory, he was instead promoted to the Holy Trinity. Between the backhands, the pirate army was defeated and fled. The picture was awakened at midnight every day. What I fear most now is that the identity of the pirates of the Zheng family was known to Dayi and spread. If it provokes the surrender, the Zheng family cannot possibly have the ability to resist. It will be destroyed in an instant.

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