Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 2025: King to King

"Attack." An outward-looking warrior, like a dead body, waved his blade and uttered a drink. Massive army of undead follow the charge and go out. He is truly one of the five black generals under the command of the exterminator, General of the Dead Blade. He is born with the ability to control the undead. In the infinite empire, he controls a top army of the undead. Fully under his control, the most terrible thing about the undead is that he is not afraid of death.

At the same time, I only saw that the other five black generals followed the drive to launch an attack.

Ebony throat, dark neighbors, black dwarfs, supergiants followed.

Almost every one of these five black fighters has the powerful combat power of the real spirit realm. Moreover, it seems that it is just a stone's throw from the Tao realm. It is possible to cross the limit and enter a new realm at any time.

Behind him, a huge army of giants followed.

Each of these giants is thousands of feet high, standing on the battlefield. As long as they see their figure, they can feel an indescribable pressure. The weapons in their hands are extremely huge and have huge hammers. There are terrifying tomahawks, huge iron chains, and large war spears. Each one looks extremely exaggerated and shocking. The air-effects emitted from the body virtually let the air shake violently.

Bang Bang! !!

Under their feet, the waves on the sea are exploding, bursting into waves, even the forces that imprison the sea cannot be fully offset by the giant's charge. The momentum is like the Foshan collapse tsunami, even if it is iron blood The faces of many soldiers on the Great Wall also changed greatly on the spot, feeling a terrible pressure that made people completely suffocated. The impact on the soul is really terrifying.

"Kill, whether it's a giant or not, as long as we dare to come, then we dare to kill. Poke the crossbow of God, aim at those giants, and give me a fierce bombardment."

"Sharpshooter, kill me these giants. They are close to the wall, the threat is too great, and they must not be left alone."

A violent attack erupted in the dense bed crossbow. One by one, the crossbow arrows swept wildly towards the giant army. The destructive power of the bed crossbow was conceivable. It was very powerful. In the case of infusion of true mana, the penetration force was even more Fearful, a large number of sharpshooters set up rune sniper rifles and aimed at the giants to shoot them.

There are those aimed at the heart and those aimed at the eyes.

It's aimed at the throat.

Whichever part is fragile, aim directly at that part. Strive to do it, even if you can't kill yourself in one shot, you have to be hit **** the spot.

Bang Bang! !!

You can hear a clear, crisp sound.

Sniper bullets cut through the sky.

puff! !!

A giant eye was hit by a sniper bomb. In one shot, the huge eyeball burst on the spot and burst into a mass of plasma. However, it did not completely kill the giant. It only caused the giant to make a painful roar. In his eyes, blood flowed like Note. Constantly gushing.

A crossbow fell on the heart, but it just pierced a layer of skin, without piercing the chest at all, piercing the heart.

Giants are inherently too powerful, and their defenses are beyond imagination. The general attack fell on the body, and even the skin could not be torn. Those bronze giants, silver giants, and their bodies were as hard as gold and iron, and they were integrated.

These giants did not mean to set foot on the keel ladder, and rushed towards the Iron Blood Great Wall.

Rumble! !!

A giant waving his magical soldier, as if opening up a world, directly bombarded the iron blood enchantment.

The entire enchantment trembled violently.

"The yin and yang annihilated the thunder and bombed them."

Thousands of yin and yang annihilation threw thunder from the city walls, fell among the giants, burst, and the power of horrible annihilation instantly covered a large number of giants. Various runes appeared on the giants, emitting the light of God. It can withstand thousands of yin, yang and thunderous explosions and explode at the same time. The giant was constantly unable to support it, and the body was smashed by the force of annihilation, and wailed.

"I do not kill for the sake of killing, but I fight for the future of the eternal world. The strong are born, the weak are dead, and the weak are not qualified to survive. This seat will give the weak to die and give the strong the glory. My life is destiny, my Meaning is God, go with the sky, destiny is in me. Sanctions !!! "

At this moment, I only saw that the tyrant suddenly raised the tyrant butcher knife, and in the backhand, he slashed down towards the Iron Blood Great Wall.

Destiny Tyrant Knife-Sanction! !!

My destiny is destiny, and my will is destiny. I sanction you on behalf of God.

A violent knife sent out from the tyrant's butcher knife madly, as if it could be heard that from the butcher knife, a terrible will of sanction was passed, and this sanction represented the will of the whole world. Under this will, he is just, and he has unlimited power.

The tyrant slaughter knife, coupled with the infinite power of infinite gloves, the entire butcher knife suddenly soared to tens of thousands of feet, chopped down, as if breaking the ground, the cold blade, flashing endless cold light, this knife split, the entire battlefield instantly lost All sounds, as if in heaven and earth, only this tyrant slaughter knife is left.

On the Iron Blood Great Wall, countless large soldiers, only felt that there was only this butcher knife in front of them. Facing the butcher knife, it was as if facing the judgment from heaven and the sanction from heaven. Under this sanction, there is no way to resist or to resist withstand. Even more unavoidable.

Under divine sanctions, we can only arbitrarily decide.

"No, this tyrant is terrible. This knife will die, it will die."

"What to do is that death is not terrible. I am afraid that death is worthless. To die in this way is really unwilling."

"Iron Blood Great Wall, I am afraid that the Iron Blood Great Wall will not be able to stop this sword. The Iron Blood Enchantment has weakened to the extreme. What should I do now? Is it true that my Great Wall of Iron Blood will be broken.

On the Great Wall, various thoughts constantly flashed into the minds of a great soldier.

What they feared was not death, but fear that the Iron Blood Great Wall would be broken. The consequences of that are really terrible.

Just then, suddenly, I saw that a powerful martial art really appeared in the heavens and the earth and turned into a lifelike golden pocket watch. On this pocket watch, the hour, minute, and second hands are moving, and at the moment they appear, all hands are stationary and stopped.

Heavenly Emperor's Hand-Time Pocket Watch! !!

With this martial arts superpower, we can see that the entire time in the battlefield was static, and the tyrant butcher knife that had been chopped down had an instantaneous speed decrease, as if from a sudden speed to a turtle walking slowly. But he was not completely still, and was still chopping forward. Unswervingly move forward.

But then, a silver-white sky gate appeared in the void, juxtaposed with the time pocket watch, or even merged directly.

Heavenly Emperor's Fortune Hand-Space Door! !!

The pocket watch of time merges with the gate of space, the power of space and time flows, and the power that makes space and time stand still suddenly increases. Time and space are blocked by layers, again slowing down the tyrant butcher knife.

"Awesome martial arts superpowers, but, because of this, they can't stop me. My life is destiny, and my meaning is God's will. Infinite blessing, space and time are for my use."

An annihilation flashed in the eyes of the annihilator, and then he stopped drinking. He could see that on the infinite gloves, the time gem and the space gem flashed at the same time. The time and space that was originally suppressed was instantly broken. He can still control time and space, but only two martial arts really mean it, and he can't stop him.

The breath on the tyrant's butcher knife soared instantly, and he politely chopped down towards the iron blood enchantment.

This knife is to split the Iron Blood Great Wall.


A quiet voice sounded in the void.

When the words fell, I suddenly saw that a huge six reincarnation disk appeared out of thin air.

Heavenly Emperor's Fortune Hand-Six Reincarnation.

Hongmeng Tiandi Tower-six reincarnation of heavenly artifacts.

The true meaning of martial arts is perfectly integrated with the six reincarnation disks. As soon as they appear, you can see that in the reincarnation disks, the six reincarnations are filled with endless reincarnation. As if you can see, in the reincarnation disk, thousands of people, endless beings, infinite souls emerge.

That great power can shake the world.

There was not even a trace of hesitation.

The six reincarnation disks have collided with the tyrant's butcher knife. In a loud roar, I only saw that two horrible wills were entangled, and the surrounding void was instantly smashed into fragments, and large pieces of distortion were broken. Completely presents a terrible scene of devastation.

The kind of judgment that ruled everything and the power of reincarnation madly confronted each other. The six reincarnation disks kept turning, and every revolution seemed to let that sword in the reincarnation, completely obliterating the will and power contained in it, all things in the world, all power, All buried in samsara.

I don't know how long it has been.

Maybe thousands of years ago, maybe a moment.

Time seems to lose its meaning at this moment.

The tyrant's butcher knife collapsed backwards, and six reincarnations flew into midair, disappearing out of thin air. UU Reading Books

Ang Ang Ang! !!

Dragon chants rang out, and a huge chariot appeared out of thin air. In front of the chariot, Taikoo Kowloon sent out endless dragon power to shock the Quartet.

A figure stood calmly on the chariot. A chaotic battle dragon cannon emerged, a majestic imperial majesty, filled with nature. The strong breath, even the Emperor of Heavenly Fire and the Emperor Jin Mao, who are also the lords of the Yun Dynasty, could not be presumed at all, like Haoyue and candlelight.

Gives a noticeable gap. Put your head down in vain.

"Da Yisheng Wang Yitianxing."

When Emperor Long saw it, his face suddenly showed a dignified color. I don't know who it is.

Yes, it is Yi Tianxing.

Witnessing the extermination of the tyrant, the power of the tyrant's butcher knife, even the Iron Blood Great Wall, could not be resisted, and naturally, he could not watch the Iron Blood Great Wall be broken. That way, the impact is really too great. And, since it's here, how can we not meet the leaders of the dynasty who can be called top powerhouses.

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