Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 2060: Fusu's request

When seeing Yi Tianxing sitting on the top, a strong pressure fell on him, even Lu Buwei, could not help but immediately develop a sense of awe, not dare to be reckless. It was as if I saw a godless emperor and a fairy emperor. The majesty is nothing worse than the first emperor. That kind of majesty can't be offended.

"The Great Qin Mission Fusu, Lv Buwei ........., I have seen Saint King Yi, Saint King Shengshou no border."

Fusu, Lu Buwei and other envoys met in unison.

Do not dare to be negligent in etiquette.

They represent the face of Emperor Qin of the Great Qin Dynasty, which naturally cannot be sloppy. If they are ashamed, they go back, but there will be no good results. This was also the face of Qin Shihuang Yingzheng.

"Every messenger is exempt from courtesy."

Yi Tianxing nodded and nodded.

"Thank you Saint King Yi."

Fusu waited at the same time to get up and say thanks.

"The name of Emperor Daqin Shi, the Holy King has been heard for a long time, such as Lei Guan ear, has been fascinated for a long time, but there are many boundaries between Daqin and my Dayi, the coordinates are unknown, it is difficult to cross the border, and now Daqin can come to my big It ’s easy to be happy. It ’s also a story of Fu Suzi ’s reputation. Now, at first sight, it turns out to be a generation of arrogance and extraordinary posture. ”Yi Tianxing nodded and said nodded.

"Thanks to the praises of Yi Sheng Wang, Fu Su is afraid to be a dare."

Fusu heard that there was a wave in his heart. After all, the one who said this, but the legendary Saint King of Yi, in today ’s eternal world, can be described as the first dynasty of the human race, even Daqin ca n’t compare with it. This must be admitted. fact. Praised by this existence, it would be impossible if there were no waves in the heart.

"I don't know how to help Prince Su, Lu Xiang came to my day, what's the matter."

Yi Tianxing smiled lightly and asked quietly.

"I heard that Dayi Shengting was the first dynasty of my human race. Nowadays, human race is difficult, and all the tribes are standing up, but the human race is only one of them. There are hundreds of people who are displaced and miserable. To jointly fight against foreign enemies, strengthen the dynasty, bless more people of the human race, and enhance the luck of our human race. Once the alliance is reached, Da Qin and Da Yi, no matter which side encounters the enemy, the other side will send a strong army to come to support. Grow together and be strong together. "

Lv Buwei stepped forward and said with congratulations.

Allied, this is one of the fundamental purposes of the Daqin mission. Nowadays, Daqin and Dayi are not enemies themselves. They are both human races. Before there is no absolute conflict of interest, naturally, alliance is definitely the best way. Once an alliance is formed, if something happens, they can rely on each other and support each other. There is even interoperability, which has huge benefits for both parties.

Civilization itself is growth and development in communication.

"An alliance is indispensable, and it is also a human race, and Daqin is also the mainstay of my human race."

Yi Tianxing smiled and nodded, saying yes. Daqin's willingness to form an alliance is naturally a good thing. In the invisible, increasing the external background, can also have a greater confidence for the various races. Why not do it.

"I heard that Prince Saint Yi has a grown-up prince under his age, and his talents are peerless and amazing. After hearing this, Emperor Qin of the Great Emperor Qin was very pleased. Under the emperor, Princess Huayang won the Yuanman, with a gentle temperament and a good appearance. Good character, virtuous and virtuous, but a good match. I do n’t know if the Holy King may wish to marry this marriage. "

Lv Buwei said with a smile.

In his speech, Daqin's intention to become a relative of Dayi's children is not concealed. At any time, the relationship of in-laws is a big connection between the two forces. Don't look like some children's plays, but in fact, it is the most Reassuring method.

"Getting married?"

Yi Tianxing heard it, slightly flustered, and then said with a smile: "It is good to be able to marry Da Qin. This Saint King naturally has no opinion, but for the children, this Saint King has always followed their own wishes, If Ziyang agrees, the Holy King will naturally be happy, but if he is not willing, I will not force it. This is their own life, their own choice. How to do it, how to live it is their own business. So, this matter, in principle, this Saint King agrees, but whether they can finally get married is only up to themselves. This Saint King cannot be decided in a single word. "

This point, he is still quite enlightened.

It is the fundamental principle that Dayi does not cut the land, does not pay money, and does not have a relationship. Of course, this kind of in-law who does not have too many interests naturally has no reason to refuse to block. Dayi's princess, a royal woman, is definitely not close. But Ruyi Ziyang's own marriage, willing to marry the princess, there is no need to block, they have a certain degree of autonomy. You can choose the one you like to get married.

This point, Yi Tianxing respects their choice.

Of course, after the choice, they have to bear the final consequences.

It is still the same sentence, life is their own, he is only responsible for supporting them to grow up, how to live in the future, what kind of achievements, then look at their own, Yi Tianxing will never arrange them at will Life. This is a minimum respect for children.

"Well, when the mission returns to Daqin, the Holy King will let Ziyang go with him, go to Daqin to meet Emperor Qin, and meet with Princess Huayang in person. If the two are really destined, then it will be natural, if not. Fate can also represent my great change and ally with your Congress. "

Yi Tianxing said after he pondered.

"It's so good, if they can get married, they will definitely become a good story in my human race."

Lv Buwei heard that he was overjoyed and said it was feasible.

There is also a plan in my heart. As long as Yi Ziyang goes to Daqin, even if she does not meet with Huayang Princess, then Daqin is not only a princess. There are countless women in Daqin's age, and there are many noble girls. There are always objects that can be seen by him. In-laws are bound to be stable, and Daqin has patience.

This matter has not been properly arranged.

"Well, since that is the case, it is so settled."

Yi Tianxing nodded and finally determined.

"This, Yi Shengwang, Fusu has a relentless request, I hope the Saint King can agree."

Fusu suddenly said.

"Prince Fusu please tell me."

Yi Tianxing's eyes fell on Fusu and said.

"Fusu heard about the Great Immortal Academy, which gathered hundreds of schools, many schools, talents, and many talents. It is the premier human holy place in my human race, so this time, I also want to go to immortality. I want to study in the academy for a period of time, and I hope that the Holy King will allow it. "

Fusu took a deep breath and said slowly.

Can feel the yearning in his heart. For the Palace of Immortality, it is indeed very eager to enter it, to learn about it, where is the forefront of Dayi's thinking, and can really feel the inheritance of Dayi's changes.

Can enter it, is a great opportunity.

Can understand the history and details of Dayi in more detail.

"Yes, the Immortal Academy faces the entire human race, but mortal races can enter it, and Prince Fusu will naturally be among them. Wait a moment, the courtesy department will do specific matters for you." Yi Tianxing nodded with a smile. There are no restrictions on this.

The purpose of the establishment of the Immortal Academy is to inherit the fire of civilization for the human race, as long as the corresponding qualifications are achieved, entry and exit are not prohibited.

Not long after, the Daqin mission left, and the Dachao meeting later dispersed.

At the same time, a piece of news was quickly transmitted to the big fairy cities in Dayi, and notices were also posted in the fairy city to appease the people and calm the people. To appease the matter of the Blood Heaven Dao Zun, the thing that Dayi will not rain for a hundred years is directly informed without fear.

After the meeting, I saw that the four gods of wind, rain, thunder and lightning began to control the figure of God, appearing in the sky of Da Yi, wherever they went, thunder and thunder, all the thunder and light, the sky was covered with clouds, and the heavy rain was scattered to the earth, Rain started on a boundary.

Only this point, instantly let the repressive breath in the territory of Dayi sweep away, and most of it disappeared.

Even if there is no rain, I am prone to be able to rain, and I can still ensure a smooth weather.


Han sea area, the underwater palace.

The Dragon Palace is still gorgeous, majestic, and the huge Crystal Palace, which can be seen, belongs to the splendid civilization of the Dragon race. Of course, inside and outside the Crystal Palace ~ ~ can see that there are still a large number of shrimp and soldiers, guarding the Quartet, and the majesty of the Dragons, can still allow few people in the surrounding waters to dare to invade. It's just that the Dragon Clan seemed to fall into silence, and it was no longer easy to leave the Dragon Palace. For the surrounding aquariums, it will not interfere easily.

Seems to be in a state of laissez-faire.

In the Dragon Palace, you can see that there is still constant singing and dancing, and there are countless mountains and sea flavors, which is extremely luxurious.

Various kinds of rare agates are scattered all over the seabed and countless.

The wealth of the Dragon Palace is unimaginable in the world.

In the hall of the Dragon Palace, you can see at this moment that Ao Lie, the current king of Hanhai Dragon, is sitting on the dragon chair while drinking and watching the songs and dances below. The dancing poses of the mermaids are stunning and fascinating.

From Ao Lie's face, it seemed that he could not see any other emotions.

In the eyes of, the original aspirations have become dull.

Next to, the tortoises accompanied each other on the left and right, eyes narrowed and half awake.

"Report, report Your Majesty the Dragon King."

A crab came in from outside the hall and shouted: "There is a big messenger outside the dragon palace, and Princess Qing also came back together, and has entered the dragon palace with a large number of strange treasures."

"What? Three sisters are back, and there are big messengers?"

Ao Lie heard that his plain eyes flashed a moment of light, and suddenly stood up and said loudly: "Please, please please Princess Three and the Emissary to the Dragon Palace, notify them, and immediately greet the Three Princesses to the Dragon Palace with the highest courtesy. Visiting relatives must not be neglected, otherwise, be careful of your dog's head. "

There was a trace of excitement in the voice of.

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