Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 2259: Chaos Tides

"The Great Yi Legion is indeed in the battlefield of the gods and demons. The Zerg army has already encountered the Great Yi Legion. From the perspective of combat power, it is definitely the Great Yi Legion. The strength is obviously greater than that of other forces. Various war weapons, It is no different from Da Yi. It can be confirmed." The battlefield of the two worlds opens.

Naturally, the Eternal Night Demon Soldier swept over and played a dominant and key role on the battlefield. During the war, the demon soldiers swept the world, and it was quickly determined that the main force of the Great Yi had already stepped into the battlefield of the gods and demons. It was not false.

This completely assured Yong Ye.

"The plan can continue."

"The main force of the Great Yi has entered the battlefield of the gods and demons. Now in the headquarters of the Great Yi Xiantian, it is no longer able to attack the outside world and cannot affect the overall situation. They will not know that when the Chaos tide comes, the evil disaster will completely erupt. At that time, it was our carnival feast."

Many strong men in Yongye couldn't help but burst into laughter.

The battle of Tianjiao completely restrained the Tianjiao of the Eternal World. Now the battlefield of the two worlds is open. Once again, most of the elite troops of the Eternal are transferred out and entered into the battlefield of the gods and demons. Invisible, in the Eternal World, their combat power is greatly weakened. .

Of course, this is not a complete emptiness, but in a state of over-defense and under-attack. The power that was originally one has been scattered. The threats this brings will naturally be greatly reduced, and will not have too much impact on their plans in the future.

"The battlefield of the two worlds has been opened, and most of the elites have been mobilized to go. The next step should be the Chaos Tide. The moment when the evil disaster completely erupts, I don't know what kind of posture the Chaos Tide will come in. In the eternal world, Will there be other powerful people who know about the tide? If they know, why didn't they inform the heavens and the earth, and send information to the heavens and ten thousand clans. Or they do not know about the tide."

In the Fairy Court of Great Yi, Yi Tianxing was also secretly pondering.

Look up to the void.

It is said that there are two possibilities, but in fact, I can be sure that the real top figure in the eternal world must know these things, chaotic tides, and hide it from others. How can it be hidden from the eternal heaven, the heaven knows, then in fact, in a certain To a certain extent, it means that other top powerhouses will also know.

This kind of thing has not been told to the major races, which seems a bit strange.

Logically speaking, it is impossible not to notify.

Still, there is another mystery.

Looking at the void meaningfully, various thoughts turned in his heart.

In fact, this time, Yi Tianxing is wrong to blame Tiandao. Chaos tide is triggered when the two worlds merge to a certain limit, or even break through to a brand new boundary. In this process, the arrival of the tide is, in fact, eternal Tiandao cannot be grasped, it is Yongye Tiandao that really controls the initiative. If Yongye Tiandao is willing to invade directly from the source, there is no doubt that the next second is the arrival of the Chaos Tide.

If you want to wait, let alone a hundred years, you can stay for thousands of years.

This thing is for Eternal Night to take the initiative. Eternity is instead wishing to have more time to strengthen its own heritage, easily, where would be willing to initiate a comprehensive collision. Therefore, even if it is in front of your eyes, the eternal heaven does not directly send a message.

Always maintain within a limit range.


Time, unconsciously, one year has passed.

In the mountains, the battle of Tianjiao became more and more fierce. Many Tianjiao gained good luck and soared into the sky. Every day, there were new Tianjiao rising, and some Tianjiao fell in the battle. On the battlefield of the gods and demons, during this year, there was no news at all, but I also knew that the battlefield was very tragic. Every day was spent in the war. The battlefield was red with blood, and countless corpses were everywhere.

This year, the 13th of October, 179th year of the Eternal Calendar.

Suddenly, the sky of the eternal world dimmed without warning.

An unspeakable repression emerged out of thin air.

"All beings are alert, the tide of chaos is approaching, this is a disaster, and it is also an opportunity. All beings can do it for themselves."

In the void, an invisible heavenly sound emerged out of thin air, and quickly swept all around, covering the entire eternity.

"What, Chaos Tide is coming."

"How come there is no news at all before this, Chaos Tide, this is a change that will only occur after the two realms have reached a new stage, which means that the origins of the two realms will be completely entangled, and they will no longer be able to be divided and indecisive. Winning will never end."

"Have you reached this point?"

After listening to the countless powers, their faces changed drastically.

This situation is changing too fast. I originally thought that even if it were to come, it would not be so fast, and it would not give an opportunity for eternal growth. Yong Ye is completely menacing.

Wow! !

In the void, a gust of wind blew up without warning, followed by a terrible wind roar.

This kind of wind, nothing at first, does not seem strange.

However, the winds together did not mean to stop, but at a speed that could be clearly felt, they continued to increase, as if they were going to continue to stack up, turning into a hurricane, like a hurricane. The strangest thing is that this gust of wind does not blow in any direction. It is irregular. It not only comes from the void, but also comes from all things in the sky and the earth, gushing out of the earth, and coming from the rivers. , Roaring from the sea.

That feeling is as if it came from outside the world. Infiltrated from heaven and earth.

This kind of wind has never been seen before.

The breath conveyed in the wind is very strange. It seems that I can feel the rhyme of various laws, but it is very messy, completely different from what I usually feel.

cold! !

A deep coldness swept the world along with the gust of wind. This coldness did not make the earth frozen or snowed, but it made all creatures instinctively feel a kind of cold from their bones, a piercing pain in their hearts, They are vaguely cold. This kind of cold is simply impossible to resist. No matter where you are, how many warm clothes you wear, or how powerful forbidden barriers you have, they are all useless.

There is no stopping the chill.

This kind of cold is treated equally. It doesn't matter if you are powerful or ordinary people. What I feel is the same.

"What's going on, even the magic power can't get rid of the chill."

"This cold seems to come from the bones, and it cannot be resisted at all. It follows the strange wind, the tide, is this the chaotic tide in the sound of the heavens. However, this is just a gust of wind, where is the tide, if the tide is not there? Come, what kind of situation will we face next."

The heavens and thousands of races raised their eyes to look at the void, their faces a little ugly.

The tide is definitely not like this, it is just a precursor.

But now it is so terrible that many people can hardly imagine what the tide will be like and what kind of disaster it will bring.

In the territory of Dayi, there are no hundreds of surnames, and there is a panic in their hearts.

brush! !

However, in the next second, I saw that a stalwart figure appeared out of thin air above Dayi, like a heavenly emperor, patrolling the square, it was Yi Tianxing. When he saw him, all the surnames in the entire Dayi felt Then, the anxiety in my heart seemed to disappear all at once. What replaced it was an inexplicable stability.

"No need to worry, this is the process I must go through when I merge with eternal night. Chaos tides will not cause harm to all beings in the world. On the contrary, there will be great opportunities. I hope all people can grasp the opportunities."

Yi Tianxing didn't say much, just a brief reassuring sentence.

But with just one sentence, all the people in Dayi became settled one after another. The anxiety on their faces was swept away. Instead, they were curious about what kind of harvest this chaotic tide would come.

With the strong wind.

Suddenly, waves of invisible ripples continued to emerge, countless creatures, in the next second, they felt that the vitality of the world outside their bodies unexpectedly began to increase, and the magnitude of this increase was quite astonishing. Beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"The vitality of heaven and earth is increasing, and this increase is so fast."

"Look at it, the ginseng plant in our pharmacy is growing fast. It was a hundred years old, but now it has become a thousand-year-old and is still increasing."

"Lingquan, look quickly, there is a linger spring over there, the spring eye was born from the ground, the spring water in this spring eye actually emits heat, this is a hot spring ling spring eye."

"That ordinary jujube tree has turned into a spirit jujube tree. Look at it. They are all fiery red jujubes, each of which contains pure aura. It must have a great taste and various magical benefits."

In the next second, countless monks discovered that the surrounding world had begun to undergo earth-shaking changes.

When I saw ordinary grass, it suddenly turned into a weird spirit grass. Ordinary medicinal materials have thousands of years of medicinal properties instantly. There are small hills, and it will skyrocket crazily in the next second, reaching a height of thousands of feet, which can be called a change of heaven and earth.

"Tide, UU Reading This is the chaotic tide that has a dramatic impact on the world. The tide is produced by the fusion of the two worlds. What stirs is the power of boundless chaos. The air of chaos blows into the eternal night. , Fusion of the power of the laws of the two worlds, smoothed the violent and erosion of the chaotic air, but became a kind of good fortune, sweeping the world, any creature will have the opportunity to obtain opportunities, within the chaotic tide, there are fragments of the law, endless rhyme , The purest origin. The acquisition of heaven and earth and all things will undergo transformation. That monk, it should be the same."

Yi Tianxing felt the drastic changes taking place between heaven and earth.

A thought quickly flashed through his mind.

The mind is placed in the territory of Dayi.

Sure enough, this kind of change can indeed happen to people.

It was amazing to see that someone suddenly had a tingling pain in their eyebrows, and an inexplicable black unicorn grew out of the unicorn. The unicorn was still shining with metallic luster, and the light flashed, bursting out a dark divine light, piercing the sky.

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