Eternal Country

Chapter 227: Life and death

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"I actually let a man, or that disciple hug him, am I crazy?"

There was a thought in Zhaoyue's mind.

It felt incredible in my heart. This was definitely not something I should do. What man could get into the eyes of her invitation to the moon and was held by the man, but he did not give up resistance.

When secret thoughts emerged, he shook his head secretly and didn't think any more. Running the work method, urges the body's true qi, also begins to refining the cold in the body, and accelerates the degree of dissipating the cold.

Even Moonlight Butterfly is also recovering fast.

Time passed quietly.

Under Jin Peng's footsteps, unconsciously, he had already left the area covered by the cold wind. The bitter cold wind seemed to be gone forever, but the cold air that swept through it still cannot be ignored, and his life may be eroded at any time.

Yi Tianxing has long felt that the cold in Yueyue ’s body has been dissipated for a long time, but Yueyue always keeps her eyes closed, and I just do n’t wake up. I feel funny, but I have n’t opened my eyes.

If 'wake up', I'm afraid I have to scream and kill again, so it's better not to 'wake up', nephrite is pregnant, Yi Tianxing can't wait for this process to be longer, this kind of fragrant thing , I believe that every man is an unanticipated thing.

Feeling the tender body that has become soft, a pair of plump stickers on the chest, the feeling is really the ultimate enjoyment. You can even feel the fieryness from the arms of Jiao Zhongjiao.

Swipe! !!

It wasn't long before I got out of the cold wind area. Above my head, there were no sharp signs of sharp air-breaking sounds. When I looked up, Yi Tianxing's eyes flashed a horror. In the sky, there were dense ice cones and ice blades everywhere, falling from the sky. Each one flashed a sharp cold mang, and it fell quickly. With each hit, the body of the monk of Shenhai Realm could be directly penetrated.

A stone falling from high altitude can kill ordinary people, not to mention ice cones, sharp ice blades, falling down, and more horrible. Above, there is a terrible force of ice, which is definitely not ordinary Can compare with hail.

This is like a series of battle arrows fired by archers, with a deadly threat.

The key point is that the range covered by these ice cones is extremely wide. It is almost impossible to avoid the attack range of these ice cones, whether it is forward or backward, and there is no way to dodge.

Ding Ding Ding! !!

The first ice cone that fell down can be directly penetrated by glaciers and directly inserted into the ice.

Can be called a three-pointer. You can feel the impact of these ice cones, and their terrible sharpness.

howl! !!

Jin Peng exploded at the first time. In a loud whistle, the two feathers kept waving, turning into feathers like swords, chopping down the falling ice cone and ice blade.

Ding Ding Ding! !!

Each ice cone was cut off, and a handle ice blade was broken. But the condensed plume is also constantly dissipating, crushed by falling ice cones. Those ice cones are large and small, small and thick thighs, and large ones are the size of adults, even larger than adults. Smashed like a small iceberg.

It looks like a sky-fall.

The picture is full of shock.

At this moment, above the track, a colorful divine light broke through like a shooting star. The speed is as fast as lightning, passing directly through the waterspout, and on the glacier, it is fast moving in the cold wind.

On the competition platform, Xiaosha brother said excitedly: "The quick man has won the lucky egg. This is not an ordinary egg. It is called the Lucky Rainbow Bridge. It spans thousands of miles and can send the lucky person directly to the other end of the Rainbow Bridge. There is no need to experience any danger at all, it can be said that no matter how much falls in front, it can also catch up directly at the next moment. Accidents are everywhere, and surprises are everywhere. There is insufficient strength and luck to make up for. "

This lucky rainbow bridge is definitely the best of all the traps. The distance of thousands of miles can directly save several disasters. Appeared unobstructed all the way to an extremely long distance, the advantages obtained by others desperately will be leveled at once. This is luck.

Luck is here.

"However, accidents are really everywhere. The end of the Rainbow Bridge seems to be in the scourge of the ice blade where the ice cone ice skates are located. It is not a good thing. After luck, it will be unlucky."

Mrs. Black had very thief eyes and said with a sneer.

Sure enough, the end point of the Rainbow Bridge is in this ice blade area, not far from Yi Tianxing.

The glow outside disappeared and two figures appeared on the glacier.

At a glance, the ice cones and icy blades swept across like a storm.

"Brother Li, be careful." A woman's face changed, and her two knives danced wildly, turning them into a ball of light, chopping off the ice cones and ice blades, but the power of the ice contained in it was in the double A layer of cold ice crystals condensed on the knife. With great strength, the two knives were directly broken, and a sharp ice cone penetrated through the woman's chest hole instantly.

The ice cone came out from the back.

The blood was like a spring, and when it came out, it turned into scum.

"San Niang."

Who came here was Li Guang and his female companion. Seeing San Niang's body pierced with ice cones, her face showed sadness.

"Brother Li, you must come to me. San Niang will always be waiting for you." San Niang heard, trying to show a smile, said hard.

"Rest assured, in my life Li Guang, if you do n’t marry San Niang, no matter where Niang Niang is, I will definitely find you no matter how long it is. Do n’t forget, we have been tied to each other by the old red line, even if they are separated No matter how far away, it can produce induction. I will definitely find you. You must wait for me. "

Li Guang took a deep breath, his face full of firmness.

That month-old red line is the treasure that San Niang got. When tied to men and women, they can have a wonderful connection. Even if they are far apart, they can also have a wonderful fate, allowing each other to meet and achieve. An enviable marriage.

However, Everlasting Big 6 is too vast, and it is definitely not easy to find each other.

It is even possible that both sides will not be able to meet if they die.

Of course, the existence of Yuelao Red Line has created a wonderful relationship between each other, and the fate of each other has begun to intersect. Sooner or later, there will be a chance to meet.

San Niang turned white and disappeared in Li Guanghuai.

"The relationship between Brother Li and this girl is really enviable. It is so lucky to be able to find a woman who loves you here. It is so lucky to die in the game, but it is only the end of the game, not the real death. In the future After all, there is a chance to meet. "

Yi Tianxing also nodded secretly in his heart.

Jin Peng came to Li Guang, setting off a gust of wind, bringing out the wind blade, crushing the ice cones around him. Li Guang was also included in the protection.

"Yes, the end of today is a new beginning. San Niang left, and I stayed there, and it didn't make much sense. It won one's heart, and it wasn't separated from each other. Life and death went together." Feeling free and easy, Shen Sheng said: "The surname of Daoyou."

"Yi Tianxing, a Xuanhuang town is established in my hand. If Brother Li comes to the neighborhood in the future, he can come for a while, and I will bring out good wine and food to entertain Li. I wish brother Li to find your wife soon."

Yi Tianxing's face was positive, and he said decisively.

Already knew his options, but nothing stopped. This prevention is useless.

"Treasure the people in your eyes."

Li Guang smiled and looked at the moon invitation in Yi Tianxing's arms, and nodded.

There was no hesitation anymore.

Go straight out.

Out of Jinpeng's defense range. Standing proudly on the glacier. The ice cones that swept across the face did not dodge, did not evade, raised their heads and raised their chests, and faced the imminent death without change.

Huh! !!

In a crisp and crisp sound, Li Guang's entire body had been pierced by an ice cone. At the next moment, the body completely turned into white light and disappeared from the secret place.

"What a lover, it's a bit of a bone. A man."

Inviting the moon in Yi Tianxing's arms opened her eyes and detached directly from her arms. The moonlight butterfly grew again in the moonlight, supporting her body.

"Am I not a man?"

Yi Tianxing said with a smile.

"Hum, you"

Yue Yuebai gave Yi Tianxing a glance, and said coldly, "At best, I'm a disciple."

Although he was a disciple, he didn't really do it.

Obviously, this attitude has changed dramatically.


A ribbon appeared in Zhaoyue's hand. With a wave of his hand, the ribbon, like a dragon, collided with the surrounding ice cones and ice blades, but the moment they came into contact, those ice cones began to turn around strangely, and hit the other ice cones around them. , Very mysterious and weird. The ribbons are light and fluttering, but can make the ice cone falling from the sky easily reverse the direction and hit other ice cones. This kind of power that reverses the universe has mysterious truth and charm.

"Budo really!"

Yi Tianxing's eye pupils were slightly condensed ~ ~ The colored ribbons radiated from the ribbon were a pure martial arts true meaning. graft. This ability to use Rou Kegang to turn things around is magical.

The essence of moving flowers and flowers is a magical combat technique that leverages strength.

In Yueyue's hands, he was fascinated and realized the essence.

Ding Ding Ding! !!

boom! !!

Yi Tianxing didn't open his mouth, waved his war spear directly, and bombarded the ice cones that swept around. The war spear is straight and forward, and each spear is straightforward, and the falling ice cone is punctured and crushed accurately. The true energy and strength contained in the war spear make the war spear truly indestructible. When it touches, the ice cones are crushed into powder slag.

(To be continued.) Announcement: Biquge APP is online and supports Android and Apple. Please pay attention to WeChat public account to download and install: appxsyd (press and hold for three seconds to copy)

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