Eternal Country

Chapter 369: Private ownership

"Since then, Xuanhuang Town has only been responsible for the area. The residents are not safe. They do not provide free supplies. The resources needed are obtained by themselves. They can obtain amazing family wealth. They are still poor. They rely on their own capabilities to set up congee sheds. To provide minimum protection to those who have just entered Xuanhuang Town. "

A notice appeared directly in the eyes of the people.

Naturally, there were readers who spoke quickly to read the contents of the notice.

Word of mouth.

In an instant, the entire town of Xuanhuang had become unknown and unknown.

Someone laughed on the spot and said, "Okay, okay, okay. It ’s so good. I finally waited until this day. I am an ancestral craftsman. I made gold and silver jewelry, all kinds of jade carvings, stone carvings, jewelry and pearl flowers. I also said that this technique is not known to be used. Now it seems that this is the foundation of my life. All my cultivation resources depend on this technique. "

A middle-aged man is full of self-confidence, his face frowning, and very excited. His craft is to make all kinds of gold and silver jewelry. Although exquisite, in the troubled times, this kind of craft is of no use. It can not make money or rations. Really useless.

Now finally wait until this day, when the private ownership is open, everyone can confidently earn a living and get food, this technique is useful. Now the town has a strong strength and can ensure the safety of the town. For the past three months, although there are fierce The beast monster smashed. However, the beast was blocked outside the Iron Blood Great Wall and killed directly. The beast was insurmountable and was easily killed by the arrow tower magic tower.

Safe in town.

Now it's open and innovative. It's natural for a woman to love fine jewelry, such as gold and silver jewelry. Now that she has settled down, she will definitely eat without worry. This is the foundation of life.

"My opportunity has come. I thought that before the Cataclysm, I was a well-known underwear designer in the country who designed many best-selling underwear. Even if they entered the eternal continent, not many women could resist the appeal of perfect underwear. Not to mention , I have the piece of heaven and earth that I got in my hand. It is seamless with my skills. It is a perfect match. Fortunately, I have not lost that treasure. This Xuanhuang town is now also in the eternal continent. It ’s a safe place. It ’s also a good thing to settle here. I do n’t like the killing and killing. There are interesting designs there. ”

There was a hint of joy in the eyes of a young woman, and she seemed to have a strange intellectual temperament. Also overflowing with a kind of confidence. After hearing about open private ownership, I have started to figure out how I can live a better life in town. All she can rely on is her craftsmanship and talent.

As a woman, she knew that women were the least resistant to their clothes. Everyone will like beautiful clothes. Beauty is common to women, and monks are no exception.

The women's clothes in the town are too monotonous now. Underwear is still in the bellyband, this is not good, it is very bad, you must correct it.

"I heard that in Yi Tianxing's mayor's mansion, there is a strange treasure called a cloud loom, which can weave a peculiar mat of brocade. Now we have woven a lot. It is said that this brocade is better than any previous cloth. It ’s all magic. Not only is it gentle, but it ’s very comfortable to wear on the body. With such a cloth, the clothes will be more exquisite. ”

The woman murmured expectantly.

The cloud loom has not been overly concealed, and some of the brocades have also been woven, but they have not been released immediately. Now the private ownership will definitely circulate.

There are many such people.

Many people originally felt that they had extraordinary abilities, but before they could not fully exert them. Now they have released their restrictions and become self-reliant, and they can have a better life. Get more food

Without hesitation, some people have already started to go to the Wanbaodian. With their natural card, they have received a bag of rice and ten eternal coins. The current place of residence will not change for the time being. As long as there are men and women marrying and forming a new family, the deed will be issued to obtain their own residence. To receive a copy of the supplies, there are records on the destiny card.

These are directly entered into the star network.

If you can watch it, you can find that there are hundreds of thousands of small stars in the star network now shining with a lot of information. Everyone receives meritorious service, and even other information, will be recorded in the Star Network and become a historical record, which can be consulted at any time. For now, after receiving the materials, there will be a record on the Tianji card, it is impossible to pretend to receive the second time.

This method has no flaws and no flaws.

It can be said to be very advanced.

"Eternal coin, this is eternal coin. I can feel that there is pure energy in it. As long as I am willing, I can absorb refining and become my own cultivation. There is a mysterious power on it that can increase The speed of cultivation, in my hands, feels God's eyes are clear, really amazing. "

Some people were carrying a bag of rice and holding ten eternal coins in their hands. Stand outside and watch carefully.

On the eternal coin, the eternal and dark yellow ancient fonts make people feel a kind of vastness. Zhangkou blew towards the top, and the holes gave out crisp and pleasant crisp sounds. It was very beautiful, and the inside was perfect for everyone's currency. Aesthetics. Love is born in my heart.

Hold it in your hand. Almost addicted.

Not many people have been able to buy eternal coins before.

Holding it in my hand now can feel the weight of it, and the joy in my heart is very strong. You know, one eternal coin can be exchanged for one hundred pounds of rice. With these ten eternal coins, you won't starve to death. Moreover, you can use this capital to make money and earn more. Food became the first start-up fund.

"It turned out to open the resources directly, so that the entire town of Xuanhuang was transformed towards privatization. It is so bold that everyone issued ten eternal coins. In the town, according to our understanding, there are already more than 400,000 people. This expenditure amounted to more than 4 million eternal coins. It is incredible, it is an incalculable and powerful heritage. "Some people in other villages saw that they could not help but take a breath.

"If we were also the people in Xuanhuang Town, it would be nice to be able to receive ten eternal coins for free. How can we not encounter such a good thing. But now that the people have money in their hands, they will definitely come to buy things. Pass it back and let the village prepare more special products and transport them to Xuanhuang Town. This time there are special products, and they will definitely not worry about selling them. "

Some people are overjoyed.

People have money in their hands, and they will definitely spend it, even if it is a part, millions of eternal coins, even if they only get a part, it is an unimaginable wealth.

"Even ordinary people issue eternal coins. This is to really promote eternal coins to become the most mainstream currency. It is awful, really awful. The status of eternal coins will never be shaken in the future."

Someone just shook his body and saw the hidden meaning inside.

The eternal coin has completely turned into money and is completely circulated in the town. The significance of that representation is really amazing. It means that the town already has enough heritage and sufficient eternal coins to support this operation. The impact of this is really too great

The privatization process is under way under the auspices of Huang Chengyan and others.

There is the deterrence of the army, the original kindness, and even the reason that the human heart originally wanted to go to private ownership. This kind of transition is proceeding quickly and smoothly. In particular, many people immediately took eternal coins, went to buy some materials, and started making various items. Ready to show off.

At the moment, in the core space.

Yi Tianxing's figure appeared directly in space.

"The cash cow has grown so high. It's not easy."

Yi Tianxing looked at the cash cow standing in the void. It can be seen that the money tree is already four or five meters high, and its branches have become thicker and longer. It was shining with gold and white light. In the void, you can see that snow-white eternal coins appear out of thin air, converging on a cash cow. Add bricks to it.

Wow! !!

With a slight movement, on the money tree, you can see that each eternal coin that has been transformed into gold falls from the tree. Collided together, it made a crisp sound, fell to the ground, and piled up like a mountain. This is a renewed accumulation of pure energy. Can continue to circulate.

Along with it, there are white and black beads, one by one, such as Ming jewelry.

"The speed of converging the will is more than two or three times faster than before. This should be the benefit of the real circulation of the currency ~ ~ Formerly, more than 400,000 people can Thousands of wishing beads and thousands of magic beads are gathered. Now this is two or three times faster. One day, maybe two or three thousand wishing beads and magic beads can be gathered. This benefit is really too great. Now. "

Feeling the desire and desire gathered on the money tree like a trickling stream. The speed of condensed beads and magic beads is too fast, as if there is living water at the source.

"The eternal coin has the magic rosary in it, and it can completely make the most sufficient reserve. In this case, I hope Lizhu can give me all the refining and casting the fairy city."

Looking at the dense wish beads, Yi Tianxing took the initiative and made a decision without hesitation.

One by one, the wish beads flew up, turned into liquid in the magic flame, disappeared quickly, and merged into the supreme embryo.

It can be seen that, at the most marginal position of the embryo, a series of jade-like rays circulate. In a small area, at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, it condenses from the illusion into a substance, and a crystal jade color emerges. It looks as if it was cast from flawless white jade. Approximately five meters in size becomes substantial. It is a real embryo.

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