Eternal Country

Chapter 401: Colosseum of Death

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Witness Yi Tianxing and Zhen Youde's continuous trading of Zhenlong's remains.

Both Cai Yan and Mu Guiying were stunned. Although they have become monks, they also know that there are too many races on the eternal continent. There are too many races and countless. It is not surprising that there are dragons, but the legend left by the true dragons in their impressions is too profound. Now buy the body of the true dragon in front of them, and the meat of the dragon is weighed by weight.

The impact of this kind of picture is a little big.

This big deal is even more shocking.

Not everyone can deal with tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of eternal coins and remain indifferent.

"Good thing, sure enough, Zhen Daoyou here is really a rare treasure. The quantity is so enviable."

Yi Tianxing secretly gave a big sigh of relief when he completed this transaction. With all the key items in the body of this true dragon, the five core fate of the body, and the necessary treasures of heaven and earth, almost completed, the rest, even if there are vacancies, is not a major event, you can collect Then, it can be replaced with other items. Does not cause much impact.

Once the five core destinies are all condensed, the goals that need to be accomplished in this destiny situation are almost complete. You can make Xiu leap forward without hesitation.

"What treasure is this?"

Continue to visit, a scarlet stone contained in the ball appeared in front of his eyes. A strange **** texture appeared on this strange stone. It seemed to be able to see the blood and blood flowing through. Those blood-colored textures are like shuttles and veins of blood vessels.

"This is a blood stone. It will be bred in areas that have experienced war and even fallen into a powerful life. A large amount of blood and fine blood penetrates into the ground, and is created by nature, condenses together, draws essence, and nurtures. , Which contains majestic qi and blood, sperm, if it absorbs and refines, it can temper the body and the blood. Let the blood evolve. It is very precious, and it is only one of them. "

Zhen Youde smiled and introduced.

"It turned out to be a blood stone. I don't know how many eternal coins are needed." Yi Tianxing heard, and there was a faint light in his eyes. I immediately remembered that he had previously obtained a magical secret. To open up life, you need a rare treasure such as blood stone.

"This is a mysterious treasure at the highest level of Xuanjie. It is of great value. Moreover, it is very difficult to conceive it. It is organic and indispensable. The price is naturally not low. If this is what Taoist wants, even 50,000 eternal coins. How do you look. "

Zhen Youde said with a smile.

In fact, the number of blood stones is not much, it is not much, but the conditions for formation are very difficult. For example, they can often be found in ancient battlefields, and once formed, they may not be one or two. But it cannot be denied its preciousness.

"Okay, the deal !!"

Yi Tianxing made a decisive decision.

He had other plans to get blood stone.

"You want bloodstone, don't know if you want a blood lotus. At that time, the place where the bloodstone was found was in a blood pool, and that blood pool also gave birth to a blood lotus. This is a very precious elixir. For tempering The flesh, the alchemy and the alchemy are treasures. "

Zhen Youde narrowed his eyes and took Yi Tianxing to a shelf.

Pointing at the opening of a ball, this ball is a very peculiar preservation method. It is called a vacuum membrane, a vacuum bubble, and a vacuum ball. It can be called by any name. It is a peculiar thing called phaseless jellyfish. Bubbles spitting out of water. This bubble is a vacuum bubble. This vacuum bubble is very magical. After it is spit out, it will condense into small transparent beads by itself. The transparent beads are very soft, but if they touch other objects, they will The item was bound and wrapped in. There doesn't seem to be any space inside, as long as the item is not very huge and is wrapped in, it will become the size of a fist.

It can be said that it contains a mustard ability to accept the void.

But one of the biggest drawbacks is that the bubble can only be used once. Wrapping the item inside can keep the item in a peculiar state. It can be stored in a state for a long time without changing, just like being in a vacuum. Even if it is a steaming dish, when you put it in, take it out, it is also steaming, and it is no different from when you put it in.

The problem is that this is a one-time use. After putting it in and taking it out again, the vacuum ball will collapse directly. Like foam, it will disappear and disappear into invisible form. Can be called a very strange treasure.

In particular, the vacuum ball, the phaseless jellyfish sprayed out is like eating and drinking water, the hen lays eggs. It's very easy. I spit it out every day. It's not precious at all. As long as you find phaseless jellyfish, you can get energy continuously. Even if it is disposable, its effect is still conceivable.

In the vacuum ball referred to by Zhen Youde. It can be seen that a blood lotus that is extremely bright and bright like blood appears in front of it. The lotus is lifelike, with **** flashes on it. It seems to feel a strong machine with pure power.

The blood lotus, in the ancient battlefield, has a large number of killing places, born in the blood pool. It is transformed by ordinary lotus seeds under the blood's tempering. It is five hundred years old, five hundred years bloom, and five hundred years have formed a lotus. , Grow a lotus seed. Can be picked. It has such wonderful effects as tempering the flesh, quenching the blood, and strengthening the essence and blood. Mutated again, it is possible to transform into all-spirit blood lotus. Grades and grades.

The step elixir is a treasure that is hard to find.

"How many eternal coins does this blood lotus need? Do you still have lotus seeds in your hands? If so, I would like a few." Yi Tianxing asked quickly.

"The blood lotus grade has reached the middle grade. The price is naturally extremely precious. It is not priced at two hundred thousand eternal coins. As for the lotus seeds, there are indeed a few, even one thousand eternal coins."

"Okay, I want it. I want five lotus seeds."

Yi Tianxing heard and didn't bargain. Nodded directly to promise.

The blood lotus was taken away. As soon as the blood lotus seed was in its hands, it was put into Dantian's life for the first time and planted in the spiritual field. The rest didn't matter, plant it first.

With the increase in the amount of various kinds of medicinal materials planted in Dantian Mingqiao, Lingmi, and elixir, the rate of expansion of Dantian Mingqiao is also increasing. The emitted medicinal properties are huge for Dantian Mingqiao and the expansion of spiritual soil. Help.

There is also a considerable increase in the maturity of elixir.

This is also anyone who awakens Dan Tian's life skills, and will definitely build his own spiritual garden. Plant enough heaven and earth elixir, spiritual fruit. The key is. Dantian's fate reaches a certain level, bringing together a large number of heaven and earth elixir, spirit fruit, and the emitted medicinal properties, condensed together, can not only spur the expansion of Lingtu Lingtian, but also create and produce a paraquat. This paraquat is divided into nine turns. Once it reaches nine turns, it is the supreme treasure of the sky. It is not inferior to the legendary nine-turn Jindan, even more amazing.

Take Dantian Mingqiao as a furnace tripod, Baicaobao medicine as a major medicine, years as a fire, and fortune as a work. The birth of paraquat is definitely among the elixir. Moreover, without any impurities, it is absolutely ten percent in one birthday.

This is the magical difference of Dantian Mingqiao.

Of course, in order to give birth to paraquat, we need to let Dantian Mingqiao plant a huge amount of heaven and earth elixir. Ling Gen. Gathering a hundred herbs. Conceived.

The more precious elixir is planted in Dantian Mingqiao, the higher the rank of Baicao Xiandan. In the face of the elixir of blood lotus, how can you not get it. After missing it, I don't know how long to wait.

It's just money, something outside of you. Getting what you want is the most important thing.

"What other elixir seeds, precious treasures. Take them out. I'll buy them if they are appropriate."

Yi Tianxing said full of atmosphere.

I'm a hero, it's just wayward.

Regarding such a hawker, Zhen Youde would refuse, and the eyes with long laughter could not see it anymore ~ ​​ ~ Without hesitation, introduced various elixir to Yi Tianxing. In this way, Yi Tianxing has no less than a hundred kinds of medicinal materials and elixir not in Dantian Mingqiao. Among them, the yellow order is the main one, and the number of the xuan order is scarce, which is very few. But this is another big expense.

Unconsciously, they have come to the counter.

The counter is transparent. Like previous glass showcases.

The items inside are divided and each one is placed separately, but can be clearly seen from the outside. What can be placed here is the most precious and precious item in the shop.

"Put on the counter are some heaven and earth treasures collected by Zhen at these times. They were born from the beginning of the birth of heaven and earth. Each one is extremely amazing. It has infinite potential. And it is very rare Anything is priceless. "

Zhen Youde came to the counter and said proudly.

These strange treasures are the treasures of the town shop.

Any one can be cultivated into a spiritual treasure, even a treasure. Even more incredible realms.

"What is this one? It looks like a building."

Yi Tianxing's eyes first fell on an unusual treasure that was obviously a building. The building also looked a little weird, even showing a blood red color. The dark red color seems to see the blood on it. Like an arena.

Old and vast. Exudes a wild atmosphere.

"This piece is an architectural treasure called the Colosseum of Death. It was born from heaven and earth. It has incredible power. It is not just a battle between a beast and a beast. It can also be a fight between a beast and a beast. . But the rules are cruel. Once in, only one can leave the Colosseum alive. The loser can only die. There is no second result. "

When Zhen Youde looked at the Colosseum of Death, he also showed a hint of fear.

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