Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 640: Li Daitao

Before Yi Tianxing, they said they were going to Devil's Island, but at that time, no matter whether it was a little bird or Mulan, they did not believe that statement, they thought it was an excuse to find at will, and now they say carefully in Yi Tianxing come out. Even if they are, they have to believe that they really show their surprise, and at the same time, they value Yi Tianxing's strength even more.

Not a top powerhouse, it's impossible to speak up to Devil's Island.

It is naturally a good thing for such strong men to stay and deal with the Desert Devil Band.

"Since the Kao threatened to steal you directly from the barracks, no accident will occur. Otherwise, the reputation of the Desert Devil Band will vanish as a result. For how Kao stole you, Yimou is really interested. "

Yi Tianxing smiled indifferently.

"Well, thank you Yi Daoyou."

Hua Mulan nodded and said, "Yi Daoyou went to Devil's Island, but there are important things. According to the information I know, as long as Devil's Island enters, no living person has left. If not necessary, I advise Taoist friends. Let ’s think about it. This dangerous place is still to be repaired and explored. ”

Devil's Island is really a dangerous place, a life-limiting zone, weird and unpredictable. No one knows what's inside.

She also didn't want to see the strong among the two races buried in Devil's Island so meaninglessly.

"There is no need to persuade this. We have to go to Devil's Island, and that is why we have to go. Moreover, even if Devil's Island is so powerful, it may not really allow me to be buried in Yi Tianxing."

Yi Tianxing smiled calmly and said calmly.

Between the looks, but with a firm belief.

Now that he has made a decision, he will not change it easily unless he has to.

He chose not to be uncertain. Critical moments can still save lives.

Immediately, the two talked again, and Tian Tan talked, and during the conversation, Yi Tianxing also had a simple understanding of General Valley. According to Hua Mulan, in the General Valley, there are millions of soldiers. These are professional soldiers. Soldiers who have experienced battlefields. Only a part of these soldiers joined the four generals in the valley. A state of freedom.

They will not easily join any forces if they don't meet the people who really subjugate them.

They have no country, no home, no object of loyalty. What he has is just a duty and a belief as a soldier. Lost the country and the loyal monarch, they are not only at a loss, but also an indescribable feeling, as if they have lost their direction. Instead, it is not easy to be loyal to others again.

Said to be General Valley, in fact, this is a group of soldiers who have temporarily lost their faith, lost their direction, and are lost in confusion.


After talking for a while, the camp became silent.

Both Yi Tianxing and Wushuang Gui quietly operated the exercises, carried the true elements, absorbed the vitality of the heavens and the earth, deepened their cultivation a little, and strengthened the origin of life and consciousness. The same is true of Mulan. As she cultivated, the fragrance of flowers was faint in the air. It's unconscious to be intoxicated.

Time flicked, when time was approaching noon.

Suddenly, all I saw was that Mulan, sitting side by side, disappeared so strangely that the whole body had no symptoms.

Even in the practice, Yi Tianxing and others' attention still did not relax them at all. At the moment when Mulan disappeared, he immediately noticed that the closed eyes opened instantly.


The little bird's face changed greatly, and he shouted loudly.

"No, this is the method of the mob band. In the past, the mob band used to use this weird method to take away the target directly, silently, without any signs. It just disappeared for no reason. There was not even a trace of resistance. It was taken away directly. "

Wushuang Ghost looked dignified and said flatly.

"It's a weird method. This should be some kind of magical power. When it disappears, although it is very vague, it still cannot avoid a trace of rhythmic movements from the channel rhyme. However, this magical power is really weird."

Yi Tianxing suddenly got up and quickly came to the position where Mulan had originally sat.

Gaze glanced at the past.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and scratched the ground.

Amazingly, you can see that a grain of sand appeared in the hands.


Wushuang Gui saw it and said puzzledly.

"This sand is very common. It's everywhere in the Golden Desert. The quantity is uncountable. It doesn't seem strange to appear anywhere. Is the general's disappearance related to this sand?"

The little bird showed doubt, and said with anxiety on his face.

"This grain of sand is not available before, but it suddenly appeared after General Hua disappeared. The magical power used by the Devil Band should be some kind of replacement that can be used by Li Daitao."

Yi Tianxing flashed a light in his eyes and said flatly.

"You mean, the thieves replaced the general with a grain of sand, and the general appeared in the original place of the grain of sand, and the grain of sand also appeared in the place of the general. Replacement of each other is like a momentary transfer. "

The little bird was not a fool. From Tian Yixing's words, he immediately responded.

Although this may feel a little ridiculous, in the world of practice today, any magical power may appear, and no strange or strange thing will feel strange. It's so weird. Hua Mulan disappeared under her eyelids when she saw it with her own eyes. Even if it is such a ridiculous thing, I have to believe it.

"Although I don't know what the magical power is, it is clear that it is a substitution technique. This is definitely not wrong. However, if the replacement technique is based on the strength of the opponent's cultivation, it is absolutely impossible for people who are too far apart to perform magical powers. , It must be nearby. Look for it, look for it immediately. "

Yi Tianxing said quickly.

The little bird did not hesitate and rushed out of the camp.

"Everyone obeyed, the general was gone, and immediately went to find it. Every 100 people were in a team. Please find me separately, and send a signal immediately after finding it. In any case, find me the **** thieves and find the general back. Come."

"You go east ..."

"You go south ........."

"Fast and fast, give me the fastest speed to move. Whoever dares to carry mud and water, military disposal."

Orders were quickly conveyed to the entire army.

Rumble! !!

The ground shook violently, and the army quickly dispersed, looking for them in all directions.

No trace of wind and grass could escape the army's eyes.

"Sir, what shall we do now? Let's find it together."

Wushuang's face also became very ugly.

Under his guard, the protected person disappeared so blindly.

This feeling made his face hot. This is simply not putting his unparalleled ghost in his eyes. Chiguo's face. Whether intentionally or not, he was on the line with these thieves.

"Don't find it, I suddenly thought of one thing, those gangsters may not necessarily be on the ground, why is it impossible to be underground. With their slyness, maybe they are now under the camp. They dug out the channel and opened it Underground space. Perform the replacement technique underground. Move General Hua directly to the underground. "

Yi Tianxing's eyes flashed, looking at the almost scattered army in the barracks, suddenly a thought flashed.


Upon hearing this, Wushuanggui immediately agreed: "The lord gave way and let me open a crack directly from here. If there really is underground space, let them be buried completely below. See if they can't come out."

When the voice fell, the iron chain flickered coldly and suddenly loosened. The entire body began to double again. It is more than two feet tall, like the same true little giant. His face was bleak, his muscles surging like a dragon. A majestic burst of qi and blood erupted instantly, and behind him, a puppet figure of a strong unicorn ghost king emerged again, and the air of qi, such as the ghost and god, came down.

boom! !!

A pair of iron chains are wrapped around Wushuang Ghost's fist, and one fist blasted heavily towards the ground ~ ~ This fist completely exploded with hundreds of thousands of kilograms of terrorist force, which bombarded the ground, especially, this is a desert A huge roar rang naturally. The ground trembled violently, and the sand began to collapse on the spot.

It seems that the surrounding desert, under the terror of this fist, completely triggered a quicksand of sand. The yellow sand around him was swallowed wildly, swarming towards the ground.

After the punch, Yi Tianxing and Wushuang Gui stood in the air at the same time.

Although quicksand was terrible and swallowed up everything around him, it did not affect them.

"This is not quicksand, it is a ground subsidence. It really is hollow below, there is space inside. With one punch, you will directly break the underground space barriers, and the yellow sand on the ground will naturally fall down."

Yi Tianxing stood in the air and looked at the vortex below him.

Just a few breaths of the vortex, you can see that the hollow began to appear in the middle of the vortex. You can follow the hole and see the vortex going down and a space appears.

Looking down the vortex, I suddenly saw that in the underground space, the yellow sand formations, a Mulan in a battle armor holding a long knife in his hand, were working with a young man in white with an evil smile on his face. Men strangled together.

A slender soft sword in the hands of men. The figure is like a ghost, and the soft sword is unpredictable, both hard and soft. Infinite change. That sword exudes a shocking beauty. Bloom like flowers. It is so gorgeous that people can see that their minds are attracted to that kind of beauty, and they must directly meet the beauty of the blooming flowers.

Begonia, peach blossom, chrysanthemum, peony ...

Each sword has a completely different charm.

In fact, this is transformed by the sword light, or even by the sword. Once it is affected by the mind, in the beauty of the blooming flowers, it has already died, and it is not even known how to die.

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