Eternal Existence

Chapter 111: Crazy Devouring

This tornado is not simple. It is condensed from the purified void power, which contains the power of the best immortal weapon. It can destroy everything wherever it passes, and even meteorites and planets cannot stop it.

Under the riot of the void energy around, even the chaotic power that extended out began to shake violently, with a tendency to break free from Chen Feng's hands, but Chen Feng was even more surprised. The more violent the opponent was, the more chaotic it was, and the more beneficial it was for the chaos chain. It has only been a short time since he came in, and the power of the chaos chain has increased. Chen Feng can clearly perceive the extent of the increase.


A sword light flashed, and the condensed sword aura cut straight through, simple but domineering, directly cutting this tornado, and Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The tornado that was split in half was pulled into the Longevity Tower before it had time to completely dissipate. This kind of void power condensed into an attack is dozens or hundreds of times stronger than the scattered condensed power around.

"Although no one wants to come in, I have already released the power of the curse. I think it is enough for the other party to drink a pot. I didn't expect that the power of the curse is so magical, silent, and hard to defend. Now I start to miss the corpse of the True Immortal again. What a pity." Chen Feng shook his head and waved the Zhengtian Sword to Biqing.

With an extra immortal sword in hand, Biqing's body became more solemn in the Eye of the Void. The two swords crossed and swung out, and the two sword blades flew out like a crescent moon. Wherever they passed, several attacks were cut off.

"Watch me." After entering the level of half-step True Immortal, Huoyunlong's combat power has also reached a perverted level. With a wave of his hand, a smooth fire blade like a mirror was easily cut off a Void Blade that was rushing over.

"The attack is too weak." Huoyunlong laughed loudly, not knowing whether it was because of his own strength surge or because he looked down on the opponent's attack.

At this time, the extended chaos chain changed again. It was unknown what material the chain was made of. It was almost undamaged in the knife-like power of the void, and the spikes that grew out were still devouring the energy around it. Even Chen Feng himself could not figure out how long the chaos chain was at this time. Chen Feng thought that it should be a million miles long.

At this time, the chaos chain shook slightly, and a burst of energy was stimulated from the inside. First, a fast-rotating vortex appeared at the top of the chain, a black hole, madly devouring the energy around it, ten times faster than before.

Then the second vortex, the third and fourth, the fifth and sixth, the chaos chain seemed to be blooming like flowers. Soon, there were more than tens of thousands of black vortices blooming on the chaos chain. At first glance, it seemed that there were more black holes in the chain.

"Hey, we were sucked into the vortex, and now we are using the vortex to devour the opponent's power." Chen Feng suddenly laughed. At this time, Chen Feng saw a long dragon formed by the power of the void constantly drilling into the black hole above the chaos chain. The power of the chaos chain was constantly increasing. Of course, the energy that could not be absorbed temporarily still entered the Longevity Tower along the chaos chain.

Although the chaos chain swallowed a large amount of the opponent's energy, the result of doing so was to further stimulate the immortal weapon Eye of the Void, the Eye of Threat. The Eye of the Void reacted and automatically attacked Chen Feng and the other two, making the pressure on the three people huge.

In the space outside the Eye of the Void, several cultivators gathered together. These people were all immortals, but there were not many real top masters. At this time, these people looked at the black hole below and talked about it with a frown.

"When will Lord Demon Emperor arrive? It's been a while."

"Hmph! Lord Demon Emperor and Lord Tianhong True Immortal must have something more important to do, maybe they're looking for a divine weapon."

"Almost. Only treasures of this level can alarm the other party. Although the Eye of the Void in front of us is of the highest quality, I don't know if it can be taken seriously by the two adults."

"Even if the two adults don't come, we have to invite half-step True Immortals. Four people have been killed by the other party just now. We'll die if we go down."

"I hope these six can be of some use."

There were six high-level immortals standing around the huge black hole. These six immortals started to refine this supreme immortal weapon a few days ago, but they haven't gained much so far. At this time, they are barely mobilizing the power of the Eye of the Void to attack Chen Feng and the other two.

"It seems to be quite tough. Chen Feng has the Longevity Tower on him. How can he be so easy to deal with? These people are really useless. It has been several days, and they have not subdued this immortal weapon. It is better for me to do it."

"You! Forget it, you forgot the few people who were strangled before."

"Everyone, pay attention, someone is coming again."

"What level?"

"Haha, just three beginner immortals, I will go out to deal with them, a few small fish."

"I'll go."

The two of them left the secret realm almost one after the other. As expected, three immortals broke through the space. Speaking of it, these three people were unlucky enough. They felt the power fluctuations transmitted from here from a million miles away. They knew that the secret realm was born, but they were sniped before entering the secret realm.

"Two of me, one for you." The demon world immortal acted the fastest, killing two people in the blink of an eye. He wanted to kill the third person, but saw a flash of sword light, and the third person was killed by the immortal world cultivator.


The two snorted at the same time and turned to return to the secret realm.

This secret realm of unknown origin is controlled by the demon world and the fairy world, of course, it can also be said that it is controlled by the Tianxiao Palace. Now the fairy world and the demon world have been truly united, but although they are allies, there are still frictions between the cultivators of the two sides. The fairy world cultivators look down on the demon world cultivators, and the demon world cultivators despise the fairy world cultivators from the bottom of their hearts.

However, just when the two wanted to enter the secret realm, a cultivator directly tore through the space, holding a halberd, with flames all over his body steaming, and from a distance it looked like the sun was burning the earth.

"Who is it!"

"No, it's a high-level immortal!"

The two cultivators were only mid-level immortals. At this time, their faces changed under pressure and they immediately accelerated their return speed, but the cultivator holding the halberd quickly stepped forward, swept the halberd in his hand, and the fairy world and demon world cultivators were directly swallowed by the halberd, and died without even a slag.

"Really weak, not challenging." The man shook his head.

"You are so shameful. You killed two middle-level immortals. You are bullying the weak." The space was torn apart, and another cultivator appeared. This cultivator held a long sword, his long hair was flying, and there was a vertical eye between his eyebrows.

"I just like to bully the weak. Huang Dao, I feel a strong crisis."

"Tian Ji, I feel it too. Do you think we should go in?"

"There must be gains if there is danger. The crisis this time is so strong, there must be great gains. Do you think it's too risky for us to go in like this?"

"It's a bit risky, but even middle-level immortals dare to enter. If we don't dare to enter, won't we be laughed at? Otherwise, you take the lead and I will follow closely."

"How can this be possible? Why don't you go in and take a look first."

The two looked domineering and powerful, but they still argued for a while before entering at the same time. As soon as they entered, they suffered the fate of Chen Feng and the other two and were quickly swallowed into the Eye of the Void.

"Two guys who are looking for death!" Seeing the two people being swallowed by the black hole, the demon cultivators started to curse. They just lost some people, which made them want to kill Huang Dao and Tian Ji themselves.

"These two people are dead. They will definitely be strangled to pieces. I just don't know where these two people came from. I say to you, everyone in the fairy world, you are knowledgeable, do you know where these two people came from?"

"Starry sky wanderers!"

"Bullshit, these two people don't have the smell of wanderers at all."

"You are the one who is talking nonsense!"

"Okay. Stop arguing. Someone else is coming. Everyone, be careful. This secret realm has been out for several days. Why haven't the masters of your fairy world arrived yet?"

"Didn't you say that there are several masters in the demon world? Why don't you make them clear?"


Just as the two sides were arguing, a demon from the demon world suddenly transformed and roared. His huge body was like a small mountain. He opened his bloody mouth and rushed directly to the cultivators from the fairy world.

"What's going on? You demons are crazy."

"It's the power of the curse, the power of the curse transmitted from the Eye of the Void, it's Chen Feng who's causing trouble."

"Damn it, how could this guy have a treasure that curses the world?"

"Don't worry about it for now, everyone stay away, and work together to control this guy."


At this time, the face of a fairy in the fairy world also twisted, and a trace of black air ran around under the skin, which looked extremely weird.

Bang bang! Bang bang! Bang bang!

Soon the two sides started fighting, and at this time there were cultivators from the outside world coming in, and the whole scene became even more chaotic.

At this time, Chen Feng was still controlling the chaos chain to devour the surrounding void energy. In Chen Feng's view, the energy stored in the Longevity Tower was enough for the chaos chain to absorb and refine for a period of time. At this time, the chaos chain was constantly circling and twisting in the void power, and the devouring vortex had increased to 100,000, and it was still increasing, which means that the chaos chain was acting as a transmission carrier at this time.

"You two, can you still resist?" Compared with Biqing and Huoyunlong, Chen Feng was extremely relaxed.

"No problem! But this is not a solution. I can only last for a while. The power of this Eye of the Void is getting stronger and stronger." Huoyunlong said.

"Don't worry, someone else is coming." Chen Feng said, and the chaotic chain in his hand shook. Two entangled forces emanated, pulling out two monks from the void.

These two monks, one holding a halberd and the other holding a long sword, just look pale and blood red, their expressions are constantly erratic, and it seems that they are tortured by the power of the void.

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