Eternal Existence

Chapter 1108: Moving Forward

Others were flying fast, but Chen Feng and Shanhe Jushi were moving forward step by step. It seemed slow, but each step could cover a distance of a hundred or a thousand miles. Wherever they passed, as long as there were precious spiritual medicines and treasures, they would be looted by the two.


Two blood lights attacked Chen Feng and Shanhe Jushi from the left and right. These two blood demons were more powerful than the ones they had encountered before. They hid their breath and looked for opportunities to attack fiercely.


Chen Feng waved his hand and a black sword of destruction appeared. The blood demon turned into pieces in the sword light without even a scream.

The waist badge on Chen Feng's body trembled slightly, and there were fifty more merit points in it.

At the same time, Shanhe Jushi also dealt with another blood demon, but the space fluctuated, and countless tentacles suddenly appeared, blocking the surrounding space in the blink of an eye. Each tentacle stabbed at the two like a steel needle.

"It's a vengeful spirit." Shanhe Jushi's face changed.

Chen Feng slashed the long sword in his hand, and the light of destruction swept around in circles. At the same time, the merit points of Chen Feng's waist badge began to rise rapidly.

"One thousand." Chen Feng smiled. Just now, he wiped out all the resentful spirits around him with a sword.

"Top-grade immortal sword!" Shanhe Jushi looked at the long sword in Chen Feng's hand with a trace of envy in his eyes.

The long sword in Chen Feng's hand was the Immortal Sword of Slaughter. This kind of Immortal Sword of Slaughter was more precious than other immortal treasures. In fact, the Immortal Sword of Slaughter had reached the level of a pseudo-artifact in Chen Feng's hands. In order not to attract attention, Chen Feng used secret techniques to suppress it to the level of a top-grade immortal weapon. Even so, it was a rare treasure for these casual cultivators.

Seeing Chen Feng holding a top-grade immortal sword, Shanhe Jushi was envious and felt more at ease. This kind of sword of killing was the nemesis of these evil things.

"I didn't expect that there would be so many evil things with the continuous flow of cultivators entering. It's a pity that there are not many spiritual medicines and divine objects." The two have walked a million miles. Although they have killed a large number of blood demons and resentful spirits, apart from the continuous increase in merit points, there are not many really useful things.

"I don't know how big this chaotic battlefield is. There are many powerful evil things in it. There are many places that even celestial beings cannot reach, and so far there are creatures from the demon world and the underworld that have not appeared."

Chen Feng held the sword in one hand and moved forward freely and freely. Shanhe Jushi's face changed from surprise to solemnity, and finally became more fearful.

A bone demon as tall as ten feet suddenly drilled out from the ground. The whole body of this bone demon was burning with blue flames, and there were vortices in its eyes. He held a long sword in his hand. As soon as it came out, the strong breath made Shanhe Jushi retreat again and again. This bone demon was very powerful, and Shanhe Jushi was no match at all.

Facing the attack of the bone demon, Chen Feng just slashed with a sword, and the huge bone demon immediately fell apart, and even the trace of life fire was immediately extinguished.

Before Shanhe Jushi could breathe a sigh of relief, two more bone demons emerged from the ground, and at the same time, several powerful vengeful spirits began to extend their tentacles in the void.

"Brother Chen, are we too deep? Let's leave here." Shanhe Jushi's face turned pale. If he had come alone, he would have died ten times.

"No hurry, no hurry." Chen Feng said lightly, swinging the long sword in his hand continuously, and waves of sword energy swept around. No matter how many opponents there were, they were strangled cleanly.

Chen Feng's merit points have exceeded 10,000, and Shanhe Jushi has also exceeded 1,000. This feeling of fear and pleasure made Shanhe Jushi's expression constantly change.

This level of threat is dispensable to Chen Feng. If it weren't for taking care of Shanhe Jushi, Chen Feng would not even want to take action against these evil things. Chen Feng is looking for a powerful demon cultivator, and it would be best to find the royal family of the demon world, because Chen Feng wants a more complete swallowing magic skill.

As Chen Feng's cultivation level improved, he became more and more eager for the Heaven Devouring Demon Art. Chen Feng himself was a chaotic body, which could devour and refine everything in the universe. Although the Heaven Devouring Absorption Technique was overbearing and against the sky, it lacked a trace of demonic nature. What Chen Feng wanted was to practice the Heaven Devouring Demon Art to supplement this point. The Heaven Devouring Demon Art and the Heaven Devouring Absorption Technique were combined with each other, and with his own chaotic body, Chen Feng was sure to take a different path. If he wanted to kill his way back to the Changsheng Heaven Realm and go further on the road of cultivation, Chen Feng would break the existing situation.

The Changsheng Tower was so powerful back then that it was almost broken into pieces. Chen Feng didn't want this to happen again in the future, so all he had to do was to become more powerful.

Chen Feng had an intuition that there would be some powerful beings in this space, and perhaps there were things he wanted.

More and more evil things were killed by Chen Feng, and in the end, Chen Feng had a strong murderous aura rising to the sky, which could be sensed a million miles away.

At this time, Shanhe Jushi was stunned and almost lost his consciousness. At the beginning, Shanhe Jushi thought Chen Feng was very powerful, but he didn't expect that Chen Feng was so powerful all the way.

This is not the strength of a true immortal at all. Could it be that he has hidden his strength? Thinking of this, Shanhe Jushi's eyes lit up, but soon dimmed again. It is better to pretend that he doesn't know some things, so as not to bring himself a fatal disaster. Now it is good. He doesn't say anything and can still benefit from it.

After making up his mind, Shanhe Jushi's mind settled down.

Chen Feng was fighting with two Hades. These two Hades were very powerful. They were covered with heavy bone armor with ancient patterns. There were blue flames in their eyes. They held spears made of bones. Every time they attacked, there were boundless and strange changes, which contained the mysterious laws of the great way and the will of the underworld.

At this time, Shanhe Jushi had already hidden far away. This level of fighting was not something Shanhe Jushi could get close to. If he was not careful, he would be killed by the aftermath of the fight.

"These two Hades are close to the strength of celestial beings. They should be figures like the Hades Emperor and the Underworld God in the underworld cultivation, but they are still not the opponents of Senior Brother Chen. Could it be that Senior Brother Chen is a celestial being?" Shanhe Jushi guessed in his heart.

Chen Feng did not use other magic weapons, but only a slaughtering immortal sword to suppress the two Hades. After several rounds of fighting, the long sword in Chen Feng's hand quickly swept across, and the sword energy storm rushed out, and the two Hades' hard bone bodies were turned into fragments.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and two balls of blue nether fire fell into his hands and merged into one. This ball of nether fire was the essence of the nether general. If it was someone else, even if they could absorb it, they would have troubles.

However, for Chen Feng, this ball of blue nether fire was a very good supplement. Chen Feng had already cultivated to the level of the fire of immortality, and he needed to devour more soul fire to make progress.

"Congratulations to Brother Chen for killing the nether general." After everything was calm, Shanhe Jushi stepped forward.

Chen Feng nodded, feeling a little bored. This level of nether general could not put any pressure on him at all. Chen Feng did not even use 10% of his strength.

"I have gained a lot along the way, and it is time to find a place to rest." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Shanhe Jushi was relieved. Although he did not do much these days, the pressure on him was not light.

In fact, what Shanhe Jushi wanted most at this time was to leave the chaotic battlefield and return to the Liudao Sword Sect to practice in peace. The merit points on him were enough to exchange for some necessary things.

Chen Feng quickly found a cave and began to move forward after ten days of rest. No matter what kind of creatures blocked him, he was killed by Chen Feng.

Even a blood demon of the celestial level died in Chen Feng's hands. Shanhe Jushi was not calm again and began to beg Chen Feng not to move forward.

Chen Feng ignored Shanhe Jushi. He finally felt some pressure and could not retreat no matter what. Besides, Chen Feng also wished that there were more blood demons, and the blood beads were waiting to be advanced.

After killing a large number of Hades, the demon cultivators finally appeared, and they appeared in groups, so at the same time, the Hades also appeared in large numbers.

Chen Feng's wanton killing finally attracted the opponent's revenge. Chen Feng's face was a little solemn. This time there were hundreds of opponents. Even a celestial being would feel a headache when encountering such a situation. Shanhe Jushi was already pale with fear.

"When did the Six Paths Sword Sect have such a powerful disciple? Friend, what's your name?" The other party did not take action immediately, perhaps waiting for more power to come.

"How do you know I'm a disciple of the Six Paths Sword Sect?" Chen Feng asked with a smile, his expression was indifferent, and there was no panic.

"Brother Chen, it's time to leave, it's time to leave." Seeing that Chen Feng had no intention of escaping, Shanhe Jushi could not bear it any longer.

"Do you want me to escape?" Chen Feng responded immediately.

"Of course, the opponent's power is too strong, we are not opponents." Shanhe Jushi wanted to scream in fear.

"Of course I can escape, but that would be terrible." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Shanhe Jushi: "....."

"You two have the badges of the Six Paths Sword Sect, but the skills you are using are clearly not the Six Paths Sword Sect's skills. You should be a casual cultivator from other places. I have never seen such a powerful casual cultivator. Even the War Immortal can't do this. You are hiding your strength." The demon cultivator who spoke had a round pupil at the center of his eyebrows, and a stream of light shot out, trying to see through Chen Feng's true and false.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and it was also a pupil technique. Then this demon cultivator retreated repeatedly, and the pupil at the center of his eyebrows had closed, and blood kept flowing out.

"Dark Demon Pupil! Where did you come from?" The demon cultivator shouted, and seeing this scene, other demon cultivators and dark cultivators were ready to move and would take action at any time.

"You haven't practiced the pupil technique yet." Chen Feng laughed.

"You are so arrogant, boy! Do you think you can escape now?" A tall dark cultivator waved the bone spear in his hand, and balls of dark fire rose up. Hundreds of dark cultivators immediately formed a battle formation, and the terrifying aura rushed towards Chen Feng.

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