Eternal Existence

Chapter 1115: Chixiao Secret Realm

"This person does have some hidden means. With these magic weapons, he can still kill some high-level true immortals. However, it is a bit difficult to escape from the hands of the immortals?" These people are immortals, and they are extremely wise. They will not believe Chen Feng so easily. Of course, they will not let go of a genius like Chen Feng.

"I don't know how you escaped?" After thinking about it, these immortals felt that it would be better to ask directly.

"Xingyuan Sect encountered some troubles. Without the suppression of pseudo-artifacts, I think it will be no problem to escape." Chen Feng said lightly, with a hint of displeasure on his face.

Sure enough, after seeing Chen Feng's expression, the suspicion in the hearts of these immortals was reduced a lot, but there were still some knots in their hearts, fearing that Chen Feng was not sincere in joining the Six Paths Sword Sect.

"This time, we will report your contribution to the sect truthfully. Our Six Paths Sword Sect will not treat any disciple who has contributed to the sect unfairly." After thinking about it, Tiandao Shajian said seriously and sincerely.

"I hope so." Chen Feng said lightly.

"You don't believe what I said?" Tiandao Shajian's face darkened.

"I have joined the Six Paths Sword Sect for a while, and I know a little about the way the Six Paths Sword Sect does things, otherwise I would not be transferred here." When Chen Feng said this, he found that the expressions of these people were a little embarrassed.

"In order to win me over, the Black Star Lord agreed to teach me the secrets of the three Star Yuanbao Records. What a pity, what a pity." After hearing this, the faces of several immortals became even darker.

According to the meaning of these immortals, they want to transfer Chen Feng back to the sect, focus on training, win the other party's heart, and make Chen Feng a core disciple of the Six Paths Sword Sect.

At first, Chen Feng also wanted to agree, but after thinking about it, he refused.

"Since it is a mission of the sect, I'd better stay here for a hundred years."

Chen Feng also has his own ideas. Although there is a threat from the Changsheng Heaven, the star spirit stone mine here is still somewhat tempting to him.

Under Chen Feng's insistence, these people had no choice but to agree that Chen Feng would continue to serve as a guard, but his level was raised to become the captain of the guard. In addition, two celestial beings were left to guard the spirit stone mine and protect Chen Feng. Moreover, the teleportation array had been restored, so he could contact the sect at the first time if anything happened.

Chen Feng's life returned to peace again. Except for the occasional visits from other cultivators, even some direct disciples were very respectful when they saw Chen Feng. Although they were a little jealous of Chen Feng, no one dared to provoke Chen Feng in the fairy world with the strongest strength. The several deacons who had been secretly ordered to make Chen Feng look good also became honest. Even in that war, Chen Feng could be regarded as having saved everyone's lives.

When the Six Paths of Killing Sword returned to the sect, in addition to reporting Chen Feng's affairs, they also struck some forces that secretly attacked Chen Feng.

Of course, Chen Feng knew nothing about these things, and Chen Feng didn't have so much energy to pay attention to these things. After returning to peace, Chen Feng had been absorbing the spiritual energy from the depths of the mine to practice.

In the tenth year of guarding, the Brilliant Starry Sky Map finally advanced to become a divine weapon. Only another ten years later, the realm gradually stabilized, and Chen Feng also completely comprehended the secret. It turned out that this was a treasure map left by a celestial being. Chen Feng had figured out the exact route, but now was not the time to leave. Chen Feng planned to wait until he was out of danger.

Besides, the protection left by a celestial being was not too tempting for Chen Feng.

In the fiftieth year, the Sun God Needle was also successfully promoted to a divine weapon.

In these years, several magic weapons such as the Chaos Chain in Chen Feng's body were promoted to pseudo-divine weapons, and some magic weapons such as the Sky-piercing Spear were promoted to the best-grade divine weapons.

And because Chen Feng took a lot of longevity fruit and refined a lot of longevity energy in the longevity wood, the secrets of the Longevity Sutra were increasingly revealed to Chen Feng, and a series of longevity weapons such as the Longevity Sword were also at the top of the best-grade divine weapons, and could break through to the level of pseudo-divine weapons at any time.

Chen Feng's goal is to upgrade all the immortal weapons and magic treasures to the level of artifacts, so that the immortals of the immortal family can't threaten him at all.

And Chen Feng has some ideas in his mind. By then, he doesn't know what level the immortal tower can be restored to, unless the golden immortal takes action.

Golden immortal!

Chen Feng has a headache when he thinks of the golden immortal. Although it is not out of reach for Chen Feng, it is not something he can contend with in a short time. Before he can contend with the golden immortal, it has always been a mountain floating above his head, which can fall down at any time.

In the past fifty years, Xingyuan Sect did not launch an attack, and Liudao Sword Sect launched two attacks on Xingyuan Sect after replenishing its manpower.

Chen Feng did not participate in these two small-scale wars. In these years, Chen Feng has been devouring the spiritual energy in the spirit stone vein, and even the immortal tower has absorbed a part of it.

Fortunately, the immortal tower did not fancy the spirit stones here, otherwise it would be swallowed up in large quantities, and I am afraid that this vein would not be enough to devour even if it was hit several times more.

"Brother Chen, Steward Wang wants to see you." Chen Feng had just practiced for a while when Shanhe Lay Buddhist came over.

"What do you want to see me for?" Chen Feng was a little confused. This Steward Wang was the one who was hostile to him just now. Later, he also found out that this person and Wang Yunxiao were both from the Wang family. However, because of an incident on the battlefield, Steward Wang never came to provoke Chen Feng again, and was even a little respectful.

"I don't know, but it seems that several disciples have come to the sect, which may be related to this matter." Shanhe Jushi has completely positioned himself as a follower in these years. Chen Feng has not treated him badly. He occasionally gives him pointers and even takes out some elixirs or small secret techniques, which has made Shanhe Jushi's cultivation progress rapidly in recent years. This also confirmed Shanhe Jushi's mind to follow Chen Feng.

"Well, let's go and have a look." Chen Feng nodded and returned to the station.

As soon as he returned to the station, he saw Deacon Wang leading two young cultivators waiting for him with a smile. The two young cultivators were clearly Wang Yunxiao and Shura Sword Immortal. Together with Deacon Wang, the three of them were high-level True Immortals.

"Haha, meet Brother Chen, I'm sorry to come to visit you. I hope Brother Chen doesn't mind." Wang Yunxiao took the lead to greet him.

"You're welcome." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Today, my younger brother has set up a banquet. I hope Brother Chen can do me the honor of chatting." Seeing Chen Feng's expression, Wang Yunxiao cursed in his heart, but the smile on his face did not diminish at all.

"No problem, thank you for your help." Chen Feng also smiled.

"No trouble, no trouble."

The place they chose was the courtyard of Deacon Wang. As one of the leaders of the station, Deacon Wang's courtyard was much more beautiful and defensive than the residences of these guards.

"I, I toast to Brother Chen. We have offended you before. This time, we brothers are here to apologize to you." Wang Yunxiao and the other two were very humble, while Chen Feng sneered secretly, wanting to see what the other party wanted to do.

"It's just a misunderstanding." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, it's a misunderstanding."

When the banquet was about to end, Wang Yunxiao suddenly said, "By the way, I wonder if Brother Chen has heard of the Chixiao Secret Realm?"

"I'm here." Chen Feng laughed in his heart, but still said, "I haven't heard of it. I used to be just a casual cultivator. I only knew how to practice on weekdays, and I didn't know too much about the things in other regions of the fairy world."

"The Chixiao Secret Realm is in the Hunyuan Mountains, at the junction of several major forces. In fact, these are not important. The important thing is that the Chixiao Secret Realm is the inner world left by a Golden Immortal." Wang Yunxiao said while looking at Chen Feng's expression.

Sure enough, Chen Feng was moved.

"Left by the Golden Immortal?"


"If that's the case, wouldn't many people want to go in?" Chen Feng said curiously.

"Of course, but the Chixiao Secret Realm is guarded by the four major forces, and it is extremely difficult for other cultivators to enter." Wang Yunxiao said proudly.

Chen Feng was silent. In fact, Chen Feng knew a lot about the Six Paths Sword Sect. He knew that what Wang Yunxiao said was true. However, cultivators from other forces could also enter, but they had to pay a huge price. This was the same as the secret realm encountered in the Eternal World, but the levels of the two were different.

The inner world left behind by a Golden Immortal was basically a universe. The things left by the Golden Immortal, even if they were just some fragments, would make the Heavenly Immortals break their heads to snatch them.

"I wonder if Brother Chen has any idea of ​​entering it to explore?" Wang Yunxiao asked with a smile.

"Can I?" Chen Feng asked hesitantly and pleasantly.

"Haha, I can get a quota for Brother Chen." Wang Yunxiao laughed and was secretly proud.

"My cultivation is shallow, so I'm afraid it will be dangerous to enter it." Chen Feng soon calmed down again.

"Haha, our sect has true immortals entering it every year. Some people get opportunities in it, and their cultivation increases greatly after coming out. Besides, we can join forces to enter it at that time, which can be regarded as a care." Wang Yunxiao said with a smile.

"Thank you for your kindness, brother. When can I enter?" Chen Feng was of course interested in the secret realm left by the Golden Immortal. Although he knew that the other party had bad intentions, Chen Feng did not take it to heart.

"Anytime is fine. I have a pass token here." Wang Yunxiao said, taking out a palm-sized jade token with an ancient word "Ling" engraved on it.

"Is this the token to enter the Chixiao Secret Realm?"

"Not bad."

"Okay, thank you, brother, but I will stay here for a hundred years, and then I will look for you."

"No problem."

After talking about it, Wang Yunxiao and Shura Sword Immortal said goodbye. The two came here specifically for Chen Feng.

Back to the residence, Chen Feng laughed. In addition to avoiding being hunted down, he came to the Six Paths Sword Sect for some other reasons, such as learning some secret techniques of the Six Paths Sword Sect. As for the Chixiao Secret Realm left by the Golden Immortal, Chen Feng had heard about it a long time ago. He was thinking about using enough merit points to exchange for the opportunity to enter in the future, but he did not expect that this opportunity would fall on his head so quickly.

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