Eternal Existence

Chapter 1121: Golden Immortal Flesh and Blood

Chen Feng practiced while observing the cultivators who came here like him. Soon, several years passed. Some people practiced here quietly like Chen Feng, some people couldn't bear it and wanted to leave, and some people wanted to enter the hinterland of the mountain, but without exception, all of them were killed.

One of the cultivators was a mid-level immortal. This person was very powerful, so powerful that Chen Feng was moved. According to his strength, he could have slaughtered a large number of soldiers from the outside world, but a sword of destruction that flew from nowhere directly turned this mid-level immortal into ashes.

This not only frightened the other cultivators, but even Chen Feng was shocked.

"Not good! It actually killed a mid-level immortal in seconds. If I had taken action before, wouldn't I have died?" Thinking of this, Chen Feng was sweating.

"Let's practice with peace of mind."

However, after practicing for decades, Chen Feng was still a little worried.

"The other party should not keep us trapped here, but if they are trapped for a million years, I will definitely not be willing." Chen Feng's mind was in a mess and he could no longer practice.

"Your mind is in turmoil." At this time, Fairy Hongru appeared, and walked into the cave step by step, like a ball of fiery red cloud floating in.

"Is this the way you treat guests in Xiaoyao Palace?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"I can practice here with peace of mind. Is there any better place than here?" Fairy Hongru smiled like a flower, and the gentle look in her eyes had long disappeared, replaced by coldness and indifference.

Chen Feng nodded, and then his eyes suddenly lit up, and the dazzling divine light pierced into Fairy Hongru's sea of ​​consciousness.

"You!" Fairy Hongru just exclaimed, and her expression became dazed, but soon Fairy Hongru's expression became complicated again.

Chen Feng suddenly launched an attack, and indeed made Fairy Hongru lose her soul, but just when Chen Feng wanted to search Fairy Hongru's sea of ​​consciousness, a ball of golden light suddenly appeared in Fairy Hongru's sea of ​​consciousness. With just a light shout, Chen Feng's consciousness suddenly exploded, just like when he observed the Great Wilderness Cauldron before.

"It's the mark left by the Golden Immortal." Chen Feng was in extreme pain, but he still punched out quickly. Fairy Hongru fell far away like a kite with a broken string. After getting up, she wanted to use the killer move, but the golden light flashed again in the sea of ​​consciousness. Fairy Hongru hesitated for a while and left angrily.

"Let you live a little longer."

Chen Feng gathered his scattered consciousness bit by bit. If it weren't for the many times he had trained before, and the fire of immortality he had cultivated, Chen Feng would have been completely destroyed just by that blow.

"It's really dangerous."

It took Chen Feng ten days to recover to normal. During this period, Fairy Hongru appeared again. He wanted to attack but held back.

"The other party didn't kill me. It seems that I am still useful." Chen Feng felt at ease. If he really provoked the Golden Immortal to attack, it would be useless even if he had the immortality tower. He would only die. Once again, Chen Feng felt the unpleasant feeling of not being able to control his life.

"It's really abominable. From the beginning to the end, it was all in the other party's calculation. I wonder what this Xiaoyao Palace is going to do in the end by using means to get so many outsiders?"

In this way, Chen Feng practiced in the cave for another ten years. During this period, a large number of cultivators entered this place. "

This day, things finally changed. A high-level celestial being came to lead eight middle-level celestial beings. After they arrived, they used their magic power to gather all these outsiders. Chen Feng did not struggle, but he felt a trace of crisis in the dark.

Some people wanted to struggle but were killed on the spot, and the remaining cultivators became honest.

"Take it away! "

Chen Feng secretly counted and found that there were hundreds of foreign cultivators in the valley where he was. They were flying rapidly in the air under the control of the other immortals. Soon Chen Feng found more cultivators joining them. Chen Feng was stunned at first, but soon realized that these people came from the same place as himself, but were imprisoned in other places.

Soon there were more than 10,000 cultivators. Among them, the lowest level of cultivation was a true immortal, and the highest level was a mid-level immortal.

First, a rainbow appeared in the air, and then it suddenly exploded, turning into countless silk threads, each of which could bind a cultivator, and then these cultivators were horrified to see a dark hole at the end of the silk thread, which swallowed everything in darkness, making people feel that their souls were about to be sucked away at a glance.

"What is this thing! "

Everyone instinctively felt something was wrong. At this moment, the captured monks seemed to have become fish meat. They wanted to resist, but the silk thread that bound their bodies was extremely solid. It seemed to contain a trace of the power of the immortal law. No matter how these people struggled, it was useless.

Chen Feng was also struggling, but he gave up after struggling for a few times, because Chen Feng knew that even if he broke free at this time, he couldn't escape. It would be better to go in and find a new opportunity.

Although the silk thread was weak, no one could break free. Chen Feng gave up struggling and only felt the time passing. Then, the front suddenly went black, and Chen Feng knew that he had entered this unknown cave.

The strong bloody smell stimulated Chen Feng's eyes to turn blood red immediately. After entering this place, Chen Feng began to face the crisis of losing his mind. He was in a sea of ​​blood, and everything in front of him was blood red.

Chen Feng exerted all his strength to keep a trace of clarity in front of him, but the blood in his body began to drain.

The soul fire continued to burn, and the cave god's eyes were also used to the extreme. Chen Feng finally saw where he was.

There was a thick blood light all around, and something was constantly wriggling in the blood light. At the same time, the other party emitted a very strange power, devouring and corroding all his vitality.

"Where is this place?" Chen Feng opened his eyes wide, and at the same time a little starlight exploded, turning into a starlight barrier to wrap himself up.

"This is flesh and blood!" The voice of the tower sounded in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and at the same time a force was injected into Chen Feng's body, making Chen Feng's confused soul become clear.

"Flesh and blood, yes, it is flesh and blood. Am I in the body of some living creature, and the other party wants to digest and absorb us all." The divine light in Chen Feng's eyes suddenly mixed with a faint golden color, which immediately pierced through the blood light, and saw that the powerful power in the tight flesh and blood surged again.

"It is indeed flesh and blood. Hey! No, my pupil power has increased again, and it actually contains a trace of the power law of a half-step golden immortal." Chen Feng was just a little surprised, but soon turned into surprise. Of course, the power of the Longevity Tower was involved, but part of it was the power of the half-step golden immortal that had been sealed in the body for millions of years.

It seems that as time goes by and the power grows, it can slowly absorb and refine some of it.

"I think it is also the strange beast raised by the Xiaoyao Sect. It regards us foreign cultivators as nutrients. It didn't attack directly, and secretly used some psychedelic traction techniques to attract us. The means are quite insidious." Thinking of this, Chen Feng punched hard. This punch Chen Feng burst out with all his strength, and even exploded an immortal weapon. The mighty power exploded like a volcano, enough to destroy a planet, but the blood light in front of him kept shaking, dissolving Chen Feng's power completely.

Chen Feng didn't believe in evil and attacked again. This time, Chen Feng not only blew up several immortal swords, but also used the power of the artifact, and finally broke the blood light in front of him. The powerful force poured into the flesh and blood, but the face was swallowed and absorbed without a ripple.


The flesh and blood squirmed, and the blood light reappeared. Chen Feng's face changed. He wanted to attack, but he stopped after thinking about it.

"If you don't understand the situation, you will act recklessly. Even if you are ten times or a hundred times stronger, you can't get out." At this time, the tower spoke.

"What kind of creature is this?" Chen Feng's face looked very bad.

"You should ask what level of creature this is." The tower said lightly.

"This time, 10,000 cultivators were swallowed, including many celestial immortals. Could it be that this creature is a high-level celestial immortal, no, the strength of a half-step golden immortal." Chen Feng thought about it and was even more surprised.

"It's not a half-step golden immortal, it's a golden immortal." The tower's words made Chen Feng's only hope fall through.

"Golden Immortal, doesn't that mean that I can't get out this time?" Chen Feng opened his eyes wide.

"That's not necessarily true. A Golden Immortal is a Golden Immortal, but he is an injured Golden Immortal. Otherwise, he wouldn't need you cultivators to serve as meat. And according to my calculations, things shouldn't be that simple. There must be other changes."

"An injured Golden Immortal is also a Golden Immortal. We can't deal with him. By the way, what kind of changes are you talking about?"

"How should I know?"

"You don't know, and you're still talking." Chen Feng was a little annoyed.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll calculate it." A palm directly tore open the blood light, deeply grabbed into the flesh and blood, and pulled it hard. A piece of flesh and blood was torn off, and a strong power fluctuation emanated from the flesh and blood. Chen Feng's protective barrier was broken, and his body was severely damaged.

The flesh and blood like a hill fell into the Longevity Tower. Chen Feng immediately felt the Longevity Tower sink, and he knew that the weight of this piece of flesh and blood was beyond his imagination.

The torn gap squirmed for a while and then returned to normal, and the blood light reappeared.

"Tower, when can you figure it out?" Chen Feng recovered from his injuries while resisting the corrosion of the devouring power around him.

"This is the flesh and blood of a golden immortal. I need some time."

"Then what should I do? How about I hide in the Longevity Tower."

"Why are you so stupid? Don't you realize that this is a good place to practice? The flesh and blood of a golden immortal, this is something that is hard to come by in billions of years." The tone of the tower was a bit disappointed.

"The flesh and blood of a golden immortal is good, but don't forget that I am just a small true immortal." Chen Feng quickly retorted.

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