Eternal Existence

Chapter 1125: Executing the Mission

"What a domineering sword energy, what kind of swordsmanship is this!" Seeing this scene, the eyes of the immortals of the Six Paths Sword Sect were bright. The Six Paths Sword Sect itself is famous for its swordsmanship, and the treasure of the sect is the supreme skill of the Six Paths Sword Classic. Seeing that Chen Feng can also perform this level of swordsmanship, their interest in Chen Feng has become even greater.

"Did you see what kind of swordsmanship the other party performed?"

"I can't tell, it should be self-created, but it should be created on the basis of a swordsmanship."

"To be able to create this kind of swordsmanship, this person has a high understanding of the swordsmanship. If he really joins our sect, it is not impossible to let him study the Six Paths Sword Classic."

"I think so too."

Chen Feng's face finally became solemn. The heavy calamity cloud had disappeared, replaced by a huge palm. This palm was shrouded by a layer of light golden light. The specific appearance could not be seen clearly, but the pressure energy it carried made Chen Feng's scalp throb.

"It's the hand of heaven, it's the hand of heaven!" At this time, all the immortals who had been watching Chen Feng's tribulation in Anhong screamed in fear and quickly retracted their spiritual consciousness. Even some of the cultivators who were close to him fled far away like lightning.

"So the danger comes from the hand of heaven." Chen Feng nodded, and understood in his heart that danger is not terrible, but unknown danger is the most terrible.

"The cultivators who can encounter the attack of the hand of heaven when they are tribulation are rare geniuses in a thousand years. It seems that I am such a person." Chen Feng smiled self-deprecatingly, his body bent and shook, and the unparalleled power conflicted from his body. With Chen Feng's loud shout, he raised his hands and tried to resist the suppression of the hand of heaven.

The huge golden palm slammed heavily on the ground, the earth trembled and boiled, and waves of shock waves swept in all directions. Wherever it passed, the earth cracked, and the mountains broke and turned into powder. The formation restriction arranged by Chen Feng only blocked half a breath before it completely collapsed.

"Not good! Take action quickly!"

The celestial beings who were originally afraid to step out knew that they could not endure it any longer, so they took action one after another and set up thick barriers to block the energy that was impacting from all directions. If these energies were allowed to spread, the mountains on all sides would be destroyed to no end.

"How is Chen Qing?"

After the heavenly tribulation disappeared, everyone remembered Chen Feng, and their faces changed.

"Even a mid-level celestial being cannot resist the hand of heaven with such power. If they resist it head-on, they will only be beaten to death. Moreover, Chen Qing does not seem to use any magic weapon."

"Alas! A rare genius in cultivation died in the heavenly tribulation. What a pity." Someone shook his head and sighed.

"Yes, too reckless. How could he pass the tribulation so easily?"

"I don't know what kind of heaven-defying technique the second son practiced that could actually attract this level of heavenly tribulation."

The heavenly tribulation disappeared for a long time without Chen Feng's breath. These cultivators all thought that Chen Feng was in danger.

"Hey! Something is wrong. I feel a slight power fluctuation." The person who spoke at this time was a high-level immortal. He came to the place where Chen Feng was undergoing the tribulation before he finished speaking.

The huge palm print completely flattened the place where Chen Feng was, and it became as hard as rock and as hard as gold and iron. However, there was indeed a large hole with a radius of ten feet in it, and a trace of vitality emanated from it. When everyone arrived, a strong vitality gushed out from the big hole, and the strength of the vitality moved the immortals present.


Chen Feng appeared in front of everyone. Although Chen Feng's clothes were a little tattered at this time, his body was more upright and more powerful. His eyes were moving, giving people a strong impact.

"Is this still a mid-level true immortal?" Everyone complained in their hearts. Chen Feng's fighting power could be treated equally with these people.

"Hello, seniors." Chen Feng said neither servilely nor arrogantly.

"Haha! You're welcome, Chen Qing, right? You have such strength and are equal to us. I don't care where you come from. I just want to ask you now, are you willing to join our Six Paths Sword Sect sincerely?" The speaker was a high-level celestial being. Chen Feng knew that the other party was called Jin Guang Jian Zun, who was a real high-level person in the Six Paths Sword Sect.

Chen Feng hesitated for a moment and said honestly: "To be honest with you seniors, I entered the Six Paths Sword Sect to avoid being hunted down by my enemies."

Everyone was not surprised, as if they had guessed this long ago.

"Although our Six Paths Sword Sect is becoming increasingly weak in strength, it is still somewhat famous in the entire fairy world. I don't know which force is the enemy that is hunting you down. Maybe our Six Paths Sword Sect can resolve it." After hearing Chen Feng's words, everyone did not take the matter over directly, but wanted to ask about it clearly.

"Sorry, I can't say it, otherwise it will cause trouble for the Six Paths Sword Sect. I have been in the Six Paths Sword Sect for some time. I have benefited a lot these days. Let me take my leave. I will definitely repay you in the future." Chen Feng said and bowed respectfully.

Seeing that Chen Feng was about to turn around and leave, Jin Guang Jian Zun still spoke: "Wait a moment."

"Senior, do you have any other instructions?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Since you have chosen to come to our Liudao Sword Sect, you will be a member of our Liudao Sword Sect in the future. If something happens to our disciples, of course the sect will be the backer. If you don't want to tell us about your enemy, we won't ask, but you must remember that you must ask for help from the sect when you have difficulties." Jin Guang Jian Zun said with a smile.

"Thank you, senior." Chen Feng nodded.

Then a token different from the previous one fell into Chen Feng's hand.

"From now on, you are an official disciple of our Six Paths Sword Sect. You will enjoy all the benefits of an official disciple. Practice well."

After these immortals left, Chen Feng couldn't help but laugh: "If I had just said that my enemy was from the Immortal Realm, these guys should have driven me away. It is normal for some with evil intentions to directly capture me."

Chen Feng still did not leave the Six Paths Sword Sect, but he just changed to a more high-end training cave, moving from the periphery of the Six Paths Sword Sect to the core area.

Having just advanced through the Tribulation, Chen Feng needed a lot of time to stabilize his realm and improve his cultivation. Therefore, Chen Feng hardly left the cave for the next time, and no one came to visit him. Besides practicing, Chen Feng was also building teleportation arrays. It can be used in case of danger. The more his cultivation improves, the more Chen Feng can feel the threat from the unknown.

"I don't know when all the threats will be resolved, and then I can return to the immortal world in a dignified manner. I don't know what happened to my father. Even if I haven't recovered my strength, I should send someone to pick me up. Could it be that I want to torture me? Train me.”

After stabilizing his realm, Chen Feng finally walked out of the cave, took on some tasks to earn merit points, and then exchanged them for something useful to him. In the process, Chen Feng accidentally obtained the third fragment of the Great Wilderness Cauldron.

Chen Feng's spiritual consciousness once again entered the fragments of the Great Wilderness Cauldron, and a vast, simple and domineering giant cauldron appeared in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. At this time, Chen Feng could already clearly see the outline of the Great Wilderness Cauldron, and could vaguely see it. There are some mysterious runes on Ding's body. If you want to see them more clearly, you will feel that they are not powerful enough.

Finally, there was the scene of the Great Wilderness Cauldron exploding. Chen Feng's consciousness once again shattered and dissipated. However, at the moment of dispersion, Chen Feng still saw that the Great Wilderness Cauldron exploded into one hundred and eight fragments. These fragments scattered in all directions. , disappeared into the long river of cosmic time.

"Of these one hundred and eight fragments, only two were obtained from the Six Paths Sword Sect, and one was obtained from the Chixiao Secret Realm. For the entire universe, three fragments can be found here. The scale is already very concentrated. Is it possible that this What's the reason?"

"Also, although the Great Wilderness Cauldron is a top-grade artifact, it has been broken for such a long time. Is there any power that can consume these fragments, or a powerful monk can refine these fragments."

Thinking of this, Chen Feng immediately knew how unreliable it was to collect all the fragments and reunite the Great Wilderness Cauldron.

Over the years, Chen Feng has been coming to the Six Paths Sword Sect for more than a thousand years. Except for entering the Chixiao Secret Realm once, there has not been much fluctuation, except for practicing.

If he had not received the designated task from the sect, perhaps Chen Feng would have continued to practice in the Six Paths Sword Sect.

A hundred true immortals left the Six Paths Sword Sect on a large flying warship. This was the first time Chen Feng left the Hunyuan Mountains since he entered the Six Paths Sword Sect. Although a thousand years have passed, there are still some who have been discovered. Danger.

The dispatch of hundreds of true immortals at one time was considered an exception in the Six Paths Sword Sect's history for thousands of years. From this aspect, it also proved the difficulty of this mission.

"The purpose this time is the Dead Soul City. In addition to arresting the thirteen traitors who betrayed the sect, we also need to find the Dead Soul Pearl. This task is very difficult. After success, each person who returns to the sect can get a thousand years of merit points. You can also study the sword techniques in the Six Paths Sword Code."

The speaker was one of the three half-step immortals. Although everyone exclaimed that the rewards were rich, what they were thinking more about was the difficulty of this mission.

Chen Feng knew more, because Chen Feng had noticed that there were several immortals secretly accompanying him.

"Things shouldn't be that simple. It seems that our hundred true immortals should be the bait. One hundred true immortals and casual cultivators account for half of them. Hey! This time the casualties will definitely be noticed."

"Dead Soul City, this is a good place."

Some of them seemed to rarely carry out missions of this scale. They were a little excited, a little excited, and a little curious. They talked and communicated with each other. Fortunately, the flying warship was big enough, and everyone was a monk, so they didn't feel noisy. Chen Feng When you close your eyes and rest your mind, you can let out your spiritual consciousness and appreciate the scenery outside.

"Chen Qing, right? I heard that you made a lot of noise during the Tribulation and attracted the attention of our seniors, so you made an exception and became an official disciple of our Six Paths Sword Sect." At this time, someone walked up to Chen Feng. In front of him, he spoke proudly and seemed not to take Chen Feng seriously.

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