Eternal Existence

Chapter 1163 Defeating the Half-Step Golden Immortal

"A combat puppet at the level of a half-step golden immortal." Chen Feng's eyes flickered faintly as he quickly analyzed the data of the combat puppet in front of him.

Like the ones encountered before, this battle puppet was also refined by human monks, but its autonomous consciousness was wiped away, leaving only the fighting instinct.

Although it was finally concluded that the opponent was just an ordinary half-step golden immortal with no special bloodline, Chen Feng still felt breathless under the strong pressure.

Although he had fought against Jinxian in the past, it was under the protection of the Eternal Life Tower. Now that the Eternal Life Tower is no longer around, and the Blood Gathering Bead and the Brilliant Starry Sky Map have also been taken away by clones, Chen Feng can only rely on his own strength.

Chen Feng's thoughts were all spinning. While observing the opponent, he also secretly used a confusing illusion. However, the opponent rushed over before he could complete it. Before he even made contact with Chen Feng, he felt like he wanted to turn around and run away.

Secretly running the Immortal Self Charm to stabilize his mind, he pushed his hands in front of him, and then there was a crash. Chen Feng's whole body was shaken and he flew backwards. Before he could control his body, the opponent came to Chen Feng again. , and punched Chen Feng heavily to the ground.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and five divine thunders of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth flew out, and the force generated by the explosion caused both sides to fly away.

"It's really powerful. Facing the Half-Step Golden Immortal is like a child to an adult, but I can still accept the opponent's attack power." Although he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, a fist mark appeared on his chest.


The Half-Step Golden Immortal appeared in front of Chen Feng again, and he still punched Chen Feng. The opponent did not take out a magic weapon, but the simple attack also contained immortal power. The destructive energy entering Chen Feng's body could It has been preserved and is difficult to dissolve.

The mental state constantly suppressed Chen Feng, which made Chen Feng's reaction speed slower. After Chen Feng adjusted, the opponent's attack had already fallen on him.

The Changsheng Wing behind him vibrated violently, and each vibration dissolved every bit of the opponent's power. Chen Feng's hands moved with difficulty. As Chen Feng's fingers moved, strange lines continued to tangle and outline, and the people in front of him were drawn. The attack intensity of the Half-Step Golden Immortal also began to decrease, and its speed also slowed down.

"The art of sealing immortality." The movements in Chen Feng's hands finally stopped, but patterns intertwined appeared in his eyes again, forming a barrier and trap surrounding him.

"The art of immortality barrier."

Chen Feng finally had time to take a breath, but it was only in the blink of an eye. By the time Chen Feng had a long sword in his hand, the other party had already broken the shackles around him and regained his freedom.

A sword light roared out, one turned into two, two turned into four, spinning from four directions and passing through the half-step Golden Immortal Cave.

The long sword in Chen Feng's hand was blackmailed from everyone before. It was a low-grade artifact. It contained the path of bloodthirsty and the avenue of killing. It had strong attack power. Chen Feng immediately selected it from many artifacts.

However, before the four sword qi came close to each other, an arc-like golden light emitted and shattered one after another.

After breaking it, the golden light struck and cut towards Chen Feng.


The long sword slashed into the golden light, causing violent vibrations. The immortal power was transmitted into Chen Feng's body along the long sword, causing cracks to appear in Chen Feng's internal organs.

Ding ding ding!

After a series of collisions, Chen Feng took several steps back, and finally shattered the golden light. However, the half-step golden immortal's eyes flashed, and he launched a soul attack on Chen Feng.

"Just in time, soul-suppressing spell." Chen Feng shouted, his energy and energy suddenly increased, and a soul-suppressing talisman flew out with bright light, colliding with the opponent's attack.

"Soul condensation!"

Chen Feng shouted softly, and his somewhat scattered consciousness immediately gathered together, and the soul fire burned even more vigorously. Chen Feng continued to stimulate the acupoints in his body, and finally the Douzhi acupoint suddenly opened, and Chen Feng's fighting will continued to rise. , a full improvement of ten times.

The emergence of Dou Zhi acupoint caused a chain reaction, and the six major acupoints of Jing, Qi, Shen, Blood, Chong, and Li responded suddenly. Under the powerful force, Chen Feng's spirit became clearer and he could grasp the battle more clearly. situation and route.


The long sword seemed to be slashed out lightly, but it was in front of the opponent in an instant. After opening the Dou Cave, the effect of the same power exceeded the previous three levels.

In fact, Chen Feng knows that this does not mean that there is really a point of fighting in the body, but that after cultivating to a certain level, the sublimation of the realm, the transformation of strength, and the understanding are also the results of condensing the true law after becoming a true immortal. Things that do not exist can be created. This is the ability of creation. Every monk who opens up the inner world can do this.

In the following battle, Chen Feng no longer retreated blindly, and sometimes his counterattacks could hurt the opponent. Finally, the opponent's iron fist hit Chen Feng, and the long sword in Chen Feng's hand was inserted into the opponent's chest.


Then the low-grade artifact-level long sword exploded in the opponent's body. The half-step golden immortal's vitality dropped instantly. Chen Feng spread his immortal wings behind his back and flew past quickly. Two thin lines appeared in the space. The half-step golden immortal's vitality dropped instantly. Two cracks first appeared on Bu Jinxian's body, and then turned into cracks. Finally, chaotic golden energy was projected from them, and then fell apart.

As the Eternal Wings advanced, this magical art also showed unusual destructive power. It was unknown that it could travel through time and space, and its cutting ability was no less than that of a divine weapon.

A little bit of starlight flew out and landed in Chen Feng's hand, gathering into the shape of a small sword.

"Unfortunately, this inferior divine sword has only 20% left after the self-explosion, but I have enough divine weapons on me." The Changsheng Sword flew out and swallowed the small sword.

Chen Feng took a short rest and entered the 95th palace.

After defeating a half-step golden immortal, Chen Feng knew that it would be difficult to increase his strength. In the future, he needed to comprehend the laws of the great way and improve his realm. After all, there were too many laws refined in Chen Feng's body. Although he could exert some of his strength, Chen Feng did not grasp the essence of them. The most powerful one of them, the immortal law of the golden immortal, was not something Chen Feng could comprehend in a short time.

The huge difference in realm cannot be compressed by talent.

"I don't know what this level is." The Douzhi Cave was constantly expanding, and Chen Feng kept a strong fighting will.

While Chen Feng was exerting all his strength to break through the level and madly improve his strength, the Changsheng Tower was fighting with his opponent in a desolate universe.


A golden hand penetrated the entire starry sky. Wherever it passed, the galaxy was in chaos, and a large number of stars were destroyed. I don't know how many lives died.

This golden hand seemed to be made of gold. There was no golden light, but it seemed more condensed and powerful. Every bit of it was full of explosive power.

This is the real golden immortal, the immortal existence in the universe.

The target of the golden hand was a nine-story tower that was constantly floating in the starry sky. From time to time, a trace of light blue flashed on the dark yellow tower. Facing the attack of the big hand, it kept dodging and seemed to be at a disadvantage.

"Changsheng Tower, you can't run away." A vast breath like the prehistoric world came out, just like the real overlord in the universe, and only sound waves could destroy planets.

"Hahahaha, you little guy also want to attack me, you are simply ignorant of life and death." The voice of the tower became more majestic, like an old man who had experienced billions of years.

"The Tower of Immortality, this is not the same as before. If it were before, you would be the supreme being, and I would be an insignificant little fellow in front of you. But now, you should understand that there are so many people who are plotting against you. After all, I am also a member of the Immortal Realm, and I am qualified to own the Tower of Immortality." The golden hand disappeared, and a middle-aged man in a green robe appeared in the starry sky. This man's huge body was across the starry sky. He would disrupt the galaxy by walking casually, and his palms would destroy everything, create the world, and create life.

"Hahahaha, you are qualified to own the Tower of Immortality, what a joke. There are so many Golden Immortals in the Immortal Realm, and you can't even get a number." The Tower of Immortality laughed wildly.

"Since you are a member of the Immortal Realm, you dare to attack me. This is a sin that will destroy you both physically and spiritually." The invisible wave hit, crossing time and space to come to the front of this Golden Immortal, but this man was like a thousand-year-old reef in the flowing water, and he did not move at all in the face of the impact.

"It's useless, Changsheng Tower. For this opportunity, I have spent billions of years of cultivation. No matter what, I must succeed." Jin Xian said as he strode forward, crossing several galaxies in one step. A strangely shaped longbow appeared in his hand, and it exuded the breath of death all the time before it was pulled open.

"It's the Soul-Sorrow Bow. Tsk tsk, I didn't expect you to borrow this artifact, but the Soul-Sorrow Bow is only a mid-level artifact. You don't even dare to move in front of me." Changsheng Tower laughed.

"That was before." Jin Xian shouted and pulled the longbow in his hand. There was a bow but no arrow, but this longbow made a soul-stirring long whistle, disrupting the universe and the stars. A gray-black long arrow was condensed, with densely flashing spells on it. This was an arrow formed by the fusion of the longbow itself and the power of Jin Xian.


The long arrow instantly arrived in front of Changsheng Tower, and then a white palm appeared, easily pinching the long arrow full of destructive energy.

A bright and sunny boy appeared with a smile, holding the long arrow in his fingers and shaking it lightly, the long sword was tempered and turned into starlight.

"You are the spirit of the Longevity Tower." Jin Xian's face changed, and things seemed to have changed.

"I am the tower."

The Longevity Tower and the bright boy slowly overlapped and merged together, and a terrifying aura suddenly emanated, instantly covering the entire star field.

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