Eternal Existence

Chapter 1211 Dark Night Magic Cannon

The Black Water Demon Eye went to rescue but was caught in the battle and couldn't get out. The Six Paths Alliance was quiet for two days, and finally faced the attack of the army again.

This time, the enemy's army was larger in number. Although no Golden Immortals were dispatched, the number of Half-Step Golden Immortals and Celestial Immortals had already made Dafeng and others frown.

"Ask other forces for help in the name of the leader."

"There will definitely be no reinforcements."

"It's just a show. Maybe a miracle will happen and reinforcements will really appear."

"Let's do it. I didn't expect that coming to the Immortal Realm would involve more wars than participating in the Heavenly Realm." Tunri said and took the lead in leading people to rush out.

"Gather the disciples, let's do it. We must do our best this time." Dafeng was very fast and soon faced two Half-Step Golden Immortals alone. Even so, the opponent still had some extra Half-Step Golden Immortals.

In a war where Golden Immortals do not participate, Half-Step Golden Immortals are the highest combat power.

Although Xingyuan Sect, Xianjian Sect and Xiansha Pavilion also dispatched a large number of soldiers, most of the high-end combat forces were combat soldiers sent from Dongji Xian Palace. These people were of high quality, far superior to the Liudao Sword Sect. As for other casual cultivators, they were even worse. Only the cultivators of the Changsheng Clan could compete with them. Chen Feng's guards in the past, such as Tunri, were also masters in the Changsheng Clan. Tiezhen and others came from the Wuya Legion and were also masters who had been tempered through thousands of hammers. In terms of combat power, they were even better than the combat soldiers of Dongji Xian Palace, but they were not as many as the other party. As a result, the battle situation was a little bad.


A feather flew out of Dafeng's body, emitting a faint cyan-gold color. It was extremely fast. It flashed past, and a half-step golden immortal was pierced through the body. Then the color on the feather became much lighter, but it flashed again and drilled into the body of the second half-step golden immortal. This time it exploded directly in the other party's body.

After killing two half-step golden immortals in a row, the cold-blooded soldiers around were all chilled and involuntarily avoided Dafeng. However, with the disappearance of his life feather, Dafeng also suffered some backlash. His face turned pale and his breath became disordered.

"Do it!"

The two half-step golden immortals attacked at the same time, setting up a barrier to block Dafeng. At the same time, hundreds of heavenly immortals joined forces to attack, and the fierce power overwhelmed Dafeng.

The killer shook his body and lifted Dafeng out. At this time, Dafeng was seriously injured and his vitality declined.

"You are too desperate." The killer waved the long sword in his hand, and the sword light swept out, and several heavenly immortals were cut into two.

"There are too many half-step golden immortals on the other side. I just want to kill some." Dafeng's body roared, and the wounds on his body quickly disappeared, and his life breath began to rise.

"You burned the origin." The killer exclaimed.

"It's not the origin. It's an elixir of immortality that I spent a lot of money to get. It's an elixir of immortality refined by a golden immortal." Dafeng's aura is still growing, and it has exceeded his own level.

"You actually have such a good thing, do you have any more? Lend me one." Shaxian shouted.

"How can I give such a good thing to others." Dafeng said, holding the shadowless sword and rushing into the opponent's camp.

"Tunri, do you have any scorching suns? Take them out and blow them up." Tianwu shouted. At this time, the opponent's cultivators rushed up densely. If Tunri could release a scorching sun, at least dozens of celestial immortals could be blown to death.

"Do you think my scorching sun can be refined so easily? I have only refined one since I advanced to the half-step golden immortal, and I used it last time." Tunri was besieged by several people and was also seriously injured.

These half-step golden immortals are like this, so the celestial immortals and true immortals with slightly lower realms are even more dead and injured. For the Six Paths Alliance, every death or injury is a loss, and the Six Paths Alliance, which is in the process of development, cannot afford the loss.

"Or we can mobilize the power of the dark world."

"No, this is our last strength, and we can only use it at the critical moment."

"In this case, I can't hold back." The two sharp feet left the body and spun rapidly, containing the way of killing and the great way of gold. Wherever they passed, they were indestructible. In an instant, more than ten immortals were killed, and then a half-step golden immortal was cut into two pieces, and then he was stopped by two half-step golden immortals.

"You are really fighting." Tunri shouted.

Each of the universe beasts, Tunri, Dafeng, and Tianwu, has a supernatural power and a trump card. They will not use it unless it is absolutely necessary, because once it is used, there will be some costs.

Tunri's scorching sun has an amazing destructive effect, but it requires Tunri to use a lot of time and energy to nourish and condense. Every time he takes out a scorching sun, it is equivalent to throwing out a powerful artifact to self-destruct. Every time he throws one, it is also painful for Tunri.

The same is true for Dafeng's natal feathers, which are infused with Dafeng's spirit. Although they are powerful, they consume a lot of energy every time they are used, and in serious cases, they even affect the origin.

Although the natural feet thrown by the Tianwu have amazing lethality, it takes a lot of time to grow the same natural feet again.

Being able to force the two beasts to use their strongest means shows that the current situation is already very serious.

"Six Paths of Samsara Formation!"

At this time, the six people of Tiandao Daojun also formed the most powerful killing formation in the Six Paths Sword Sect. The power of the Six Paths of Samsara circulated, and the huge light circle continued to expand and sweep across, actually restraining ten half-step golden immortals, and on this basis, strangled two half-step golden immortals and dozens of heavenly immortals.

After all, these six people are veteran half-step golden immortals. Once they burst out, they are still very powerful. At least they shocked Dafeng and others. Although Dafeng and others came from the immortal world, after all, the time to enter the half-step golden immortal was too short. , accumulating foundation is not enough.

Tie Zhen Mingyue and other eight half-step golden immortals also formed a battle formation. This battle formation looks simple, but it comes from the Sutra of Immortality. The attack power is not too outstanding, but the defense ability is good. Eight people can block ten people. Come the siege of the Half-Step Golden Immortal.

Although everyone has restrained some of the opponents, they still cannot change the situation. The opponents dispatched too many people this time. Even the Six Paths Alliance dispatched immortals. This is a real desperate effort.

"I can't stand it any longer. It's time to let our partners in the dark world take action."

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The power of the dark world finally came out, and the darkness occupied a large area of ​​the sky. However, at this time, the dark world monks did not join the battlefield as soon as they came up. Instead, they took out six huge energy cannons, and six thick beams of light of destruction roared. It rushed out with impact and blasted into the opponent's camp, causing large areas of damage.

Six energy cannons bombarded three times at once, causing more casualties than the number of people killed on the battlefield. "It's the Dark Night Magic Cannon. There aren't many such things in the dark world. How could it appear here." The Xingyuan Sect's army finally became confused.

These six dark night magic cannons are all refined by the Golden Immortal. When used with full force, they can be fatal to the Golden Immortal. Especially when used in war, they can maximize the effect, but the energy consumed is too much. It's so big. Just three times just now, all the energy was consumed.

Then thousands of powerful monks in the dark world came with powerful auras, especially the numerous creatures in the dark world that transformed into their own bodies, which looked extremely huge, covering the sky and the sun. The weakest ones in this force were They are Heavenly Immortals, half-step Golden Immortals to the level of dozens. When joining the war, they just charge and kill again and again. These dark world monks have been suppressed for too long, and the accumulated strength and murderous intention can only be released through killing.

As a result, the other party retreated. Although the monks of Dongji Immortal Palace suffered a certain degree of casualties, they retreated in an orderly manner. The three families with the most serious casualties were the Xingyuan Sect. The quality of the monks from these three families was not as good as that of the Six Paths Alliance. , was completely in chaos under the bombardment of the Dark Night Magic Cannon, and was later almost massacred one-sidedly by the rush of creatures from the dark world.

However, after killing one thousand enemies and injuring eight hundred, the Six Paths Alliance also suffered heavy casualties. Most of the Half-Step Golden Immortals were seriously injured. Fortunately, no one died. This surprised Dafeng and others, but the Tianxian and True Immortals suffered casualties. The number of people was a bit too large. A certain number of monks were killed in both the Immortal Heaven Realm and the Moro Heaven Realm. After repelling the opponent, before they had time to be happy, seeing the battle report made the atmosphere of the entire alliance become depressed again.

"We defeated the opponent this time, and the entire Six Paths Alliance was almost crippled. So next time, if the opponent attacks again on this scale, will we be able to withstand it?" Many monks have this idea, this kind of The spread of ideas can easily destabilize the morale of the army. Since the beginning of the war, monks have been fleeing from the Six Paths Alliance. Among them, the majority are casual cultivators, followed by small alliances.

This phenomenon is bound to happen, and even Chen Feng can't stop it here.

"I wonder how the young master is doing." After the fatigue passed, everyone thought of Chen Feng and couldn't help but become worried again.

The war in the Six Paths Alliance has come to an end, and Chen Feng is still fighting with his opponents in a space.

In a series of battles, Chen Feng and his opponent had changed the fighting venue several times. The four Golden Immortal clones that surrounded and killed him had long been taken care of by Chen Feng, but a Golden Immortal that appeared later almost seriously injured Chen Feng.

However, after a brutal fight, the golden immortal was seriously injured by Chen Feng. Then the unknown golden immortal began to escape, and Chen Feng locked onto him and kept chasing him.

Being able to hunt down a Golden Immortal is an opportunity that Chen Feng would never miss. Every Golden Immortal clone is a huge gain, not to mention a Golden Immortal with pure immortal power.

Of course, to be able to seriously injure the Golden Immortal, Chen Feng also paid a price. He used the power of Chaos Annihilation and the Immortal Glare. The power accumulated in the eyes of the Cave God was almost exhausted, and he self-destructed several artifacts, including the Immortal Heavenly Sword in his hand. There are cracks and gaps. Of course, compared with killing a golden immortal, all this is worth it.

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