Eternal Existence

Chapter 1214 Dongji Immortal Palace

After listening to Chen Feng's order, the mutated dragon did not hesitate and directly punched through the passage to travel through long-distance space. For Jin Xian, this was all a small feat.

"This time I killed five golden immortals of the other side. I think the other side will be more restrained. With Heng Ri back to take charge, there should be no problem. Next, we should go to the other side's lair to have a look." Chen Feng and An Qilin looked at each other, and then Quickly disappeared in place.

After the mutated dragon returned to the Hunyuan Mountains, it directly transformed into its true form. Its huge body rushed into the opponent's camp. After several rounds of rolling back and forth, it shattered the opponent's energy cannon and quickly entered before the opponent mobilized the Golden Immortal clone to attack together. In the big formation.

Sure enough, with Jin Xian in charge, the scattered military morale of the Six Paths Alliance gradually gathered together.

"The opponent no longer has energy cannons, but they still have a large number of soldiers. They will definitely not retreat. I wonder how long this situation will last?" Dafeng said with some worry.


At this time, the door of space suddenly shook, and the breath of the black water demon pupil came out of it.


Gale just hesitated for a moment before deciding to open the door to space.

The Black Water Demon Eye rushed out first, followed by a steady stream of monks. Da Feng and others were stunned at first, and then became surprised.

"They are reinforcements from the Demon Realm, the Underworld and the Blood Realm, as well as some ghost cultivators. Haha, our situation can be solved now." Tunri laughed.

"Something is wrong." Dafeng's expression changed.

"That's not right, these are not reinforcements, they are deserters." Black Water Demon Eye said with a wry smile. At this time, everyone discovered that almost all the monks who came through the space gate were injured and had weak breaths. They were clearly a disabled team.

"Escape!" Tunri's eyes widened in surprise.

"The demon world has been defeated, with more than half of the casualties, so we can only retreat here. Two of the brothers I brought with me were also killed." Heishui Demon Eye sighed. Although there were only two people who died, they were both at the level of half-step golden immortals. For Heishui Demonic Eyes, It is also a big loss for Water Demon Tong.

"The other party won't catch up." This is what Dafeng is most worried about.

At this time, the Six Paths Alliance itself cannot be protected, and the formation may be breached at any time. If the demon world attracts opponents again, the result will be self-evident.

"Forget it, this just shortens the time of defeat." Gale finally shook his head.

At this time, Chen Feng and An Qilin came to Xingyuan Sect again and entered the underground compressed world.

"I was ambushed here at that time. I think this teleportation array should be able to lead to Dongji Immortal Palace." Chen Feng pointed to the small teleportation array in front of him and said.

"Think about it, this is very dangerous. The headquarters of Dongji Immortal Palace, the strongest force in the eastern region of the Immortal World, will have a narrow escape from death after being teleported there. Those who are unluckier will end up with death or no life." An Qilin said.

"Then I hope you are lucky." Chen Feng said and walked into the teleportation array. Dark Qilin shook his head and walked in. At this time, Dark Qilin could already use the power of the dark world to fight against the enemy, even some veteran golden immortals. None of them are the opponent of Dark Qilin.


The teleportation array was activated, and the two entered the passage intertwined by time and space.

"We're almost at the end."

"Jump out!" Chen Feng said as yin and yang energy surged out from his eyes, intertwined, and opened a hole in the space passage with a bang, and then the destructive power submerged the two of them, and the entire space passage was also It shattered one after another, and finally even the teleportation array at the beginning exploded with a bang and turned into pieces.

"what happened?"

"There's an invasion."

"find out."


Several powerful thoughts penetrated the space, swept continuously, and finally disappeared.

"so close!"

Chen Feng and An Qilin fell from the sky. With their strength, they were still a little embarrassed in the chaotic space.

"This is a passage blessed by the Golden Immortal. Moreover, the structure of the Immortal Realm is tight and the space is stable. It is dozens of times more powerful than the outer starry sky." Chen Feng said while using the Qi on his bracelet, and finally the whole person seemed not to exist. This space is average.

Of course, the Dark Kirin's concealment skills in charge of the dark world are even better than Chen Feng's.

"I wonder if this is the Dongji Immortal Palace?" Chen Feng's gaze swept across, and inch by inch of land and space gradually extended in Chen Feng's consciousness.

Chen Feng quickly determined that this might be the Dongji Immortal Palace due to the endless towering buildings, the vast and noble spiritual energy of the immortals, as well as the running spirit beasts and neatly lined up soldiers.

"Find someone to check it out."

An Qilin and Chen Feng acted at the same time, and their consciousnesses penetrated into the consciousness sea of ​​the two patrolling soldiers one after another.

Soon the two men regained their consciousness, but the two soldiers knew nothing. However, Chen Feng and An Qilin finally got some information they wanted to know.

"Sure enough, it is within the sphere of influence of Dongji Immortal Palace, and it is also in the core area. This saves some trouble."

"In that case, let's split up and go faster."

Chen Feng and An Qilin nodded to each other, and then quietly hid in the space.

The purpose of the two is to disrupt Dongji Immortal Palace, but to achieve the level of causing Dongji Immortal Palace to withdraw its troops, a lot of turmoil is needed. Although Chen Feng and An Qilin are powerful and can join forces to kill Jinxian, they do not. It has reached the point where it can compete head-on with Dongji Immortal Palace.

Therefore, after some discussions and planning, Chen Feng and An Qilin planned to attack several places in Dongji Immortal Palace.

These places are extremely important to Dongji Xian Palace. As long as some unrest breaks out, most of the power of Dongji Xian Palace can be restrained.

Black Fang Prison, an important prison in Dongji Xian Palace, holds various prisoners and villains accumulated over billions of years, and is heavily guarded.

Immortal Spirit Spring, this is a truly heaven-defying place. The small spring gushes out the power of the origin of the fairy world, and there will be immortal power involved in it. Chen Feng speculates that those powerful soldiers who suddenly appeared were cultivated from here.

Lingbao Xian Palace, built in imitation of the treasure house of the fairy court, contains a set of countless magic weapons, and all the cultivation materials of Dongji Xian Palace are piled up in it.

In addition to these, Chen Feng also found out a more secret thing, that is, there is a mysterious sealed place in Dongji Xian Palace. No one knows what is sealed. Maybe it is a powerful beast, or maybe it is a peerless villain, or it is a passage to a strange place.

The fragmented news Chen Feng got was just some legends, but Chen Feng believed that this matter was true.

These places are the targets of Chen Feng and Dark Kirin this time. They are the best and fastest places to disrupt Dongji Xian Palace, but they are also the most difficult places to succeed.

According to the intelligence obtained, these places are guarded by a large number of elite soldiers and are also guarded by Golden Immortals. In addition, there are layers of forbidden magic arrays that are difficult to defend. Even if a Golden Immortal comes in, it is easy to be discovered.

So Chen Feng has been very careful in his actions. In this process, Chen Feng constantly invades the sea of ​​consciousness of the soldiers, and the information he gets is all the same.

Chen Feng knows that if he wants to get some useful information, he needs to find more powerful soldiers, but Chen Feng dare not take risks. Maybe there are forbidden marks left by masters in the other party's sea of ​​consciousness. Once the other party is alarmed, it will be bad.

A powerful divine thought swept across and directly covered the entire Dongji Xian Palace. Chen Feng performed a secret technique and merged with a spiritual tree beside him. This divine thought swept three times in a row, but in the end, Chen Feng was still not found.

"The immortal divine thoughts of the Golden Immortal." Chen Feng knew that although the other party's divine thoughts had swept across, it would take some time for it to completely dissipate because of the immortal power. If some people were not careful, they would be discovered by the other party as long as they moved slightly.

Chen Feng was very patient and waited until a long enough time before he started to act.

However, after Chen Feng acted for a while, the second divine thought appeared again. This time, the divine thought was changed, but it was still the Golden Immortal.

This time, Chen Feng melted into a rock, and at the same time, he muttered in his heart that there were many Golden Immortals in the Dongji Immortal Palace. If everyone sent out divine thoughts to sweep across, it would be a bit troublesome for him to make trouble here.

When the Golden Immortal's divine thoughts scanned for the third time, Chen Feng couldn't help but say: "This is not a solution. I wonder how Dark Night is doing?"

On the one hand, Chen Feng was worried about the situation of the Six Paths Alliance, and on the other hand, he had to avoid the divine thoughts of the Golden Immortals. In addition to the endless hidden magic arrays, Chen Feng suddenly felt that coming here was not a good choice.

"Could it be that I have to go back like this? In this case, I can't stay in the Hunyuan Mountains." Chen Feng's mind was full of thoughts.

At this time, the immortal divine thoughts that swept over suddenly became fierce, rolling like waves.

Chen Feng was startled, thinking that the other party had discovered him, but this golden light swept over and rushed to the distance.

Then countless restrictions emerged, a golden light shot up into the sky, and then was blocked by a thick layer of sky. The golden light that bloomed continued to expand in the air, and soon occupied half of the sky. More divine thoughts appeared, constantly sweeping, wave after wave, interweaving into a dense silk net. Chen Feng dared not be careless at all. In this situation, he would be noticed by the other party if he was not careful.

Strong fluctuations came from a distance, and Chen Feng was surprised and happy in his heart. It seemed that a guy like him broke in. He didn't know why he was exposed. At this time, he was fighting. In Chen Feng's opinion, the one who could alarm so many immortal divine thoughts must be at least a golden immortal.

"It's not Dark Night. Hey! There's more than one person. Great! The stronger the person, the better." Chen Feng waited for a while, then appeared from the void, grabbed the loophole in the immortal silk net, and disappeared in a flash.

The fighting noise of the other side was getting louder and louder. A large number of soldiers had been mobilized. The defense level of Dongji Immortal Palace had declined a bit, which was convenient for Chen Feng to act.

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