Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,233 Star Core

The fist-sized star core is continuously emitting the power of stars, supporting the entire Xingyuan Realm. However, the energy emitted by this star core is several times that of usual, and it is still accelerating. It will soon erupt like a volcano. Because the energy is too strong, there is only one way to release it completely, that is, self-destruction.

The guardians of Xingyuan Sect knew that they were going to lose, and they actually used this trick. Chen Feng was shocked. If he hadn't found this place, once this star core exploded, the entire Xingyuan Realm would be destroyed. At that time, I don't know how many cultivators who invaded this place would be able to escape. Maybe the Golden Immortal would be fine, and maybe some of the Half-Step Golden Immortals would be able to escape, but many Heavenly Immortals and True Immortals would all die here.

In this way, it would be a major blow to the Six Paths Alliance, and it would be an unbearable pain for Chen Feng.

However, since Chen Feng discovered it, everything could be stopped. The big hand stretched out, the flesh roared, and the chaotic physique emitted a wave of gravity.

It was easier than collecting magic weapons. This star core was grabbed by a big hand, and then the restrictions in it were removed by Chen Feng's soul fire. The next moment, the star core drilled into Chen Feng's body and melted into his heart. Chen Feng's heart beat vigorously. Every time it beat, a stream of energy would be washed down from the star core, and then flow through Chen Feng's body along the blood. Chen Feng did not feel uncomfortable, but felt that he would become stronger every time his heart beat. This is the heaven-defying part of the chaotic body. As Chen Feng's realm improved, he gradually began to show his heaven-defying and domineering side.

According to Chen Feng's calculations, this star core will take a long time to melt, and by then, Chen Feng's overall strength will leap to another level.

For a cultivator like Chen Feng who has a chaotic body, as long as he can find more origin fragments, it will be more effective than any other way of cultivation.

You must know that some origin fragments contain the laws of heaven, and as long as they are absorbed, they can gradually comprehend them. It's just that it's easy to find the origin energy, but it's difficult to find something that satisfies Chen Feng.

In Chen Feng's opinion, if he could find a few more fragments of the origin similar to this star core, he could defeat the Golden Immortal with his physical strength.

The heart was not beating fast, ten times slower than before, but every beat was full of power, bringing with it a powerful force.

Chen Feng liked this feeling of power, and more importantly, the energy contained the power of the world's origin law. If he could comprehend it, it would be of great benefit to his cultivation.

In addition, this is a relatively pure star power, whether it is tempering the body or purifying the soul power, it has different wonders.

"It seems that after the situation stabilizes, we still need to go to the outer space to venture. The fragments of the origin are difficult to find, but it should be easier with my chaotic physique." After getting the benefit, Chen Feng derived some ideas in his mind.

After this star core was collected by Chen Feng, the entire star world began to become fragile without the maximum energy supply, and the forbidden array began to stop operating.

More cultivators from the Six Paths Alliance rushed in, and the Star Realm had become full of loopholes. When Chen Feng reappeared on the ground, he felt that the entire Star Realm was in chaos, but the soldiers of the Six Paths Alliance were still in order, so he knew that the overall situation had been settled.

Taking a step forward, Chen Feng arrived in front of the Black Water Demon Eye.

"How is it, is there anything unusual?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Everything is calm, eh! You look a little wrong." The Black Water Demon Eye's eyes suddenly condensed and stared at Chen Feng closely.

"Not right, what's wrong." Chen Feng said with a smile, and his heartbeat returned to normal.

"Strange!" In the end, the Black Water Demon Eye shook his head. Without using the pupil technique, he could not see through the situation in Chen Feng's body.

"The overall situation here has been decided. I don't know what the situation is with the Immortal Killing Pavilion and the Immortal Sword Sect now?" Chen Feng smiled and changed the subject. If the Black Water Demon Eye really got serious, the star core in his heart might be seen through.

"In fact, the power of Xiansha Pavilion and Xianjianmen is stronger than that of Xingyuan Sect, but without the support of Dongji Xiangong, they can't stop our attack. Occupying the territory of Xingyuan Sect will alleviate the pressure of resource shortage in the alliance. I suggest to start a war against Xiansha Pavilion and Xianjianmen immediately, otherwise it will give them time to plunder cultivation resources." Black Water Demon Eye thought for a while and said.

"That makes sense. I think so too. Now there are more and more cultivators in the alliance. If you want to develop quickly, you can't sit back and eat up all the resources. If you attack Xiansha Pavilion and Xianjianmen, the territory is enough for the time being." Chen Feng thought about it, and his mind moved. Shaxian and Tiezhen quickly came to Chen Feng.

"Young Master!"

"I plan to let you lead the team to attack Xiansha Pavilion. The other party is a killer organization. Although the number of cultivators is not too large, it is more difficult to deal with, so you have to be careful to deal with it." Chen Feng ordered.

"Yes, young master, don't worry, we have almost figured out the situation of Xiansha Pavilion." Shaxian said confidently.

After the two left, Dark Night Demon Dragon and Xuanfeng came to Chen Feng again.

"You two lead the team to attack Xianjian Sect. You must be steady and take it step by step." Chen Feng ordered.


"Attack two major sects at the same time. Isn't the battle line too long?" Black Water Demon Eye said hesitantly.

"Don't worry, Dark Kirin will mobilize some dark world cultivators to come here in the near future, and I got the news that a force will come to our Changshengtian soon." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's about right." Black Water Demon Eye nodded.

"I haven't finished yet. Although there will be people coming from our Changshengtian, I don't know if they are enemies or friends." Chen Feng continued.

"What!" Black Water Demon Eye jumped up directly.

"Young Master!"

At this time, Killing Ghost quickly came to Chen Feng.

Although Chen Feng is the leader of the Six Paths Alliance, these cultivators of the Changsheng Clan still call Chen Feng Young Master.

"Is there something wrong?" Chen Feng asked.

"Xianjianmen was captured by someone. It was done by Changhentian and Taihuangtian." Killing Ghost said in a deep voice.

"Hey, after all, I am also the leader. These two forces did not report their actions to me, but they actually snatched the fat meat in front of me." Chen Feng sneered.

"Did you fight with the other party?" Chen Feng asked again.

"We did, and several brothers were injured." Killing Ghost replied.

"That's easy. Withdraw the people first and concentrate on dealing with the Xiansha Pavilion. We'll talk about it after we deal with the Xiansha Pavilion." Chen Feng said this and gave a series of orders.

"Mo Tong, what do you think?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"The influence of Changhentian and Taihuangtian is not here, but they chose to attack Xianjianmen at this time, which means that they also got the news of the chaos in Dongji Xiangong, and they are deliberately provoking us. I don't think this matter is that simple." Heishui Mo Tong thought for a while and said.

"Of course it's not that simple. I was able to become the leader before because I showed great strength. Now the other party must think that their strength is stronger than ours. What is the other party's basis? It's nothing more than getting reinforcements. Compared with the fairy world, these heavens are also our biggest opponents." Chen Feng sighed.

"It's a pity that I don't have enough strength now. It would be great if I could become the leader of the Black Water Department." Although Heishui Mo Tong also has a group of forces, and recently there are more golden immortals coming to join him, but compared with Chen Feng's forces, it seems a little weak. After all, Chen Feng has the framework of the Six Paths Sword Sect and several powerful golden immortals sitting in charge.

"You are already a Golden Immortal now, and the position of the leader of the Black Water Department will be yours sooner or later." Chen Feng laughed.

"Let's go, are you interested in going to take a look?" Chen Feng continued.

"It's good to go and take a look. I just want to see what the other party is doing." Black Water Demon Eye nodded.

The situation here does not need the two to intervene. There are naturally people to arrange the attack on the Immortal Killing Pavilion. The two leaders went directly to the Immortal Sword Gate.

In fact, speaking of the Immortal Sword Gate, it is also a very ancient force in the immortal world. It has its own foundation and strength to be called the Immortal Sword Gate.

I remember that the first immortal cultivator Chen Feng met when he was wandering in the Eternal World was from the Immortal Sword Gate. The other party practiced the art of flying swords and rode on the void array platform. He had an extraordinary temperament and a fairy style, but in the end he died after Chen Feng.

There are mostly sword cultivators in Xianjian Sect, and their overall strength is similar to that of Liudao Sword Sect, and a little stronger than Xingyuan Sect. Although the territory they occupy is not the largest, it is rich in resources, with many spiritual veins, immortal mountains, and blessed lands. It can be said that these three sects have been swallowed up by Chen Feng many times in his heart. Now that he knows that they have been snatched away by others, he sneers on the surface, but in fact, he has infinite murderous intentions in his heart.

In Chen Feng's mind, no matter where the other party comes from or how he was born, as long as he dares to go against him, he will pay a heavy price.

The two of them are very fast. They can advance hundreds of millions of miles a day by walking casually. At this time, the two of them are flying in the sky, feeling the sharp wind and the aura filled with faint sword intent around them.

"It is worthy of being a region that has been managed by Xianjian Sect for many years. Whether it is mountains and rivers or plant creatures, even the flowing aura has sword intent integrated into it." Chen Feng said as he stretched out his hand and grabbed it. A huge mountain below shook, and then the sword power soared into the sky, as if the mountain had turned into a huge sword.

With a wave of his hand, a plant flew up and landed in Chen Feng's hand. The plant was not big, only about one foot high, but the leaves it grew were sword-shaped, with streams of light flickering on them. From a distance, it looked like a small sword.

Chen Feng waved his hand lightly, and several sword energies broke through the air.

"Tsk tsk, even an inconspicuous plant has such power, not bad." Chen Feng praised repeatedly.

"Let's take a look at the situation here." A stream of light shot out of the Black Water Demon Eye, and the stream of light melted into a smooth mirror, and soon a picture flashed.

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