Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,239: Fighting all the way

Chen Feng did this for his own purpose. Now the whole starry sky was in chaos, and he didn't know what would happen to the Eternal World.

If it had been attacked by the killers, these people could still help.

This was Chen Feng's wishful thinking. In fact, Chen Feng also knew that if the killers rushed up on a large scale, these life worlds would not be able to stop them at all, and in the end, all the creatures would die and become a dead place.

"These guys, why don't they do anything else? They actually opened such a passage. According to ancient records, there was once a fairyland that was destroyed by these killers. I don't know how many killers will come out this time, and to what extent they can reach?"

"But it's fortunate that these destroyers came out later. If they came out earlier, I would not have ascended to the fairyland at that time, and my strength would not be enough. The best result would be to escape in the universe."

"I am here."

At this time, Chen Feng's two clones stood back to back. Except for the different dress, they looked the same. To others, they were twin brothers.

The two clones were able to hold on until now because there were many monks around. These monks formed a circle and formed a defense line. When someone was tired or injured, someone would immediately replace him. When there was a loophole in the defense line, someone would immediately fill it up. In this way, they took turns to defend the defense line. This is one of the reasons why everyone has persisted until now.

"Someone is coming to kill, it's a master." At this time, someone saw Chen Feng.

"Daoyou, come in quickly." Someone shouted.

Chen Feng just smiled, holding a stone spear, and walked in big strides. Any killer who approached him would be torn to pieces.

However, Chen Feng still entered the defense circle. After seeing Chen Feng, everyone immediately turned their attention to Chen Feng's two clones.

"Could it be that the brothers of these two people are here?" Many people had this idea in their minds, but some people showed thoughtful eyes.

The two clones looked at each other, turned into a stream of light and drilled into Chen Feng's body, then Chen Feng closed his eyes, and the breath on his body began to flicker unsteadily. After a long time, Chen Feng opened his eyes, and a trace of vicissitudes flashed by.

At this moment, Chen Feng not only gained strength, but also his perception and realm.

"It seems that it is time to overcome the tribulation again." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"So those two are clones!"

"That's good, a master has come."

"So what? Even if a golden immortal comes, it may not help. I am afraid that few of us can survive."

Seeing the situation just now, everyone knew what happened. They were surprised and happy, and talked about it. Everyone had some understanding of the strength of the two clones, so wouldn't the original body be stronger? Moreover, everyone saw clearly that Chen Feng was fighting outside with a spear in his hand.

Chen Feng could kill in, so he could also kill out. Many people had some hope in their hearts, and some people were very pessimistic, after all, there were too many killers here.

"Hello everyone." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Don't dare, I will need to rely on fellow Taoists next." Someone said politely.

Chen Feng's eyes swept around and quickly took in the situation around him.

There are actually a thousand cultivators here, most of whom are celestial immortals, and some are half-step golden immortals. There are only a few true immortals, but most of them are in low spirits, and some are injured. It seems that they have persisted for a long time.

"No golden immortals." Chen Feng frowned, and soon relaxed his brows. So far, he has not encountered a killer of the golden immortal level, but these people may not persist until now.

According to the memory of the clone, Chen Feng knew that there were nearly 10,000 cultivators here at first. Some of them rushed out, and most of them were killed by the killers.

"It's a pity that so many cultivators didn't rush out. These are all good resources." Chen Feng shook his head and sighed.

With a stab of the stone spear in his hand, a space channel appeared, but the channel was very unstable and disappeared quickly.

Chen Feng was a little surprised and continued to act, but there was still no effect.

"Daoyou, it's useless. The other side has a killer who interfered with the space here. Otherwise, we wouldn't have dragged it on until now. After all, some people will break out." A half-step golden immortal said.

"Then there is no other way. We can only break out step by step." Chen Feng said lightly. According to Chen Feng's original plan, he would leave immediately after finding his clone, but these people had some friends and comrades of the clone, so they could not leave at will.

Chen Feng was still worried about the situation in the Eternal World, so he couldn't help but sigh.

"Okay, everyone, I think we should reach an agreement." Chen Feng suddenly spoke.

"Agreement!" Someone was puzzled, not understanding what Chen Feng would say at this time.

"Next, I will do my best to help you rush out. I mean, if, if you really rush out, I hope you can go to the Eternal World with me, because I want to protect it." Chen Feng said lightly, but the voice made everyone hear it clearly.

"Humph!" Someone sneered.

"Who do you think you are? Even the Golden Immortal dare not say this."

"This is a joke in itself. Although your strength is good, maybe you can rush out, but it is impossible to take us out together. Even the Golden Immortal can't do it."

"Hey, are you kidding me?"

As soon as Chen Feng spoke, there was a burst of laughter.

"In that case, I'll take my leave." Chen Feng was not angry, just a little regretful.

"Fellow Daoist, I can agree to your terms, but it may not be that easy to rush out."

"Hey, it's better than waiting to die here."

Seeing that Chen Feng was about to leave, some people suddenly became anxious. Even a glimmer of hope is much better than despair.

"Tsk tsk, I don't agree. I'm afraid that when I help, some people will not appreciate it." Chen Feng sneered and swept his eyes over the crowd. Once these people are out of trouble, they will probably leave this place immediately.

However, Chen Feng still couldn't give up these people. The previous proposal was just made out of helplessness.

"I can swear a heart demon oath. As long as the Taoist can take me out, I will definitely go to the eternal world. It's better to be trapped in the world of life than here." Some people couldn't bear it anymore.

Since Chen Feng appeared, there have been several casualties.

"Whether you can keep the agreement depends on your character. Forget about the heart demon oath." Chen Feng shook his head and took out the soul-destroying bow.

"Middle-grade artifact!"

Everyone exclaimed as soon as this bow came out.

"Everyone, just follow me." Chen Feng said as he sent out three sword beams in a row, and then the three most powerful killers exploded.

Next, Chen Feng's figure flashed and he was outside the defense circle. The Changsheng Sword circled around and killed the killers who dared to approach. The Soul Bow in his hand sent out sword beams one after another.

In a few breaths, the high-level killers killed by Chen Feng reached dozens. The pressure on everyone was relieved, and then some hope rose.


The sluggish momentum began to surge.

"Follow me and there will be a way to survive." Chen Feng shouted loudly and sent out ten arrows in one breath. These ten arrows suddenly merged into one, just like a star that accelerated its destruction and burst out with powerful power. After a collision, the hundreds of killers blocking the front were transformed into clones.


Everyone was encouraged and their momentum was raised again. Some people even improved their realm at this time.

Chen Feng led the way with the Soul-Slaying Bow in hand, followed by dozens of Half-Step Golden Immortals, followed by Celestial Immortals, and a few True Immortals were left behind and soon torn into pieces by the Killers.


A Killer wielding a scythe suddenly turned into a body pierced through, and the crystal core in his body was shattered.


A Killer the size of a hill with the strength of a Half-Step Golden Immortal was turned into an idiot without independent consciousness by Chen Feng's soul attack.

Although these Killers possessed the purest killing power, they were still living beings after all. How could they stop Chen Feng's soul strangulation that could rival that of a Golden Immortal?

The number of Killers who died in Chen Feng's hands increased directly. When the number exceeded one thousand, there was still no way out. All they could see were the dense and endless brutal Killers.

Looking back, Chen Feng's heart suddenly beat violently, and in a burst of running, nearly one hundred of the one thousand cultivators were lost.

Chen Feng didn't think about whether it was right or wrong at this time, because Chen Feng himself had no way to retreat. He could only rush forward with these people. Maybe he could get out and get a glimmer of life, or he might gradually disappear in the killer frenzy.


Chen Feng shouted, and the arrow flew out, piercing through ten killers in one breath before disappearing, and then punched out, and the golden fist print pushed forward for tens of thousands of meters.

Chen Feng didn't care whether the monks behind him could keep up, but just used various means to keep rushing forward. He didn't know how long he rushed, and how many killers he killed. When he turned around again, there were less than 500 monks following him, and there was still no end in front.

"The number of killers has increased again." Chen Feng sighed, slowed down a bit, and then a huge bone knife fell over.


Chen Feng was a little surprised, and let the bone knife cut him, and the sword of immortality flashed past, piercing through an inconspicuous humanoid killer in front of him.

"Close to the strength of a Golden Immortal." Chen Feng was a little worried. Could it be that the masters among the killers began to appear?

"Daoyou, how far do we have to go before we can rush out?" Someone shouted.

"I don't know either." Chen Feng said lightly, and rushed forward again.

"Daoyou, are you lying to us?" Faced with the threat of death, someone continued to shout.

"Shut up." Someone immediately scolded.

"If anyone doesn't want to follow, they can withdraw." Chen Feng said, but he was not slow to act. Soon, dozens of killers were killed.

"Well, fighting to death is much better than waiting to die." Someone comforted himself in this way.

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