Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,297: Infusing Energy

If ordinary people drink this kind of spiritual liquid, their life span will increase dramatically immediately, and they can be promoted to the realm of human immortals without cultivation.

The seemingly inconspicuous birds and beasts, and the various fish in the clear pond, all have profound cultivation. Each one can become a powerful or overlord in the fairyland if it runs out.

Not to mention the neat medicinal fields, even the wild grasses on the cliffs have been cultivated into spirits under the nourishment of the spiritual laws here.

"Bingxing, what do you think now?" The female cultivator who spoke was wearing a blue dress without too much embellishment, but her appearance was extremely beautiful and her temperament was excellent, which made people dare not look directly at her.

This female cultivator was called Haiqing County Lord, and the two female cultivators beside her with the same extraordinary temperament were Mingru and Yanran. These three women all had the status of county lords. They were not only powerful, but also had extraordinary origins and had vast fiefdoms. They were all important figures in the royal family.

As for the female cultivator called Bingxing, she was better than these three county lords in terms of appearance, temperament and cultivation.

Because this female cultivator was the saint of Changsheng Palace.

There are only three saints in the entire Changsheng Palace in this generation, Bingxing is one of them, and the other two saints are Zhuiyang and Guyue.

Bingxing has a perfect appearance that is extremely exquisite. Due to the practice of the exercises, there are stars in the depths of her pupils, which gives people a psychedelic feeling. Even if someone sees Bingxing's eyes, they will quickly get lost in them. Sometimes even acquaintances like Princess Haiqing dare not stare at Bingxing's eyes casually.

Bingxing is the saint of Changsheng Palace, but she also has another identity, that is, Chen Feng's fiancée, and this marriage contract is still designated by the Lord of Changsheng Heaven.

"What can I think, just let it go." Bingxing said lightly.

"Haha, really let it go, I heard that you have been secretly inquiring about Changtian's news in recent years." Haiqing said with a smile.

"It's just inquiring, I didn't intervene, and it's not my turn to intervene in this situation." Bingxing said casually.

"It seems that you want to give up Changtian, so it's good. Changtian has such a thing, and it's also a good opportunity for you to get rid of it." Princess Mingru continued.

"Get rid of it, why do you want to get rid of it." Bingxing finally showed a smile, this smile was like fireworks blooming, like spring breeze, which made the three princesses stunned.

"Bingxing, what do you mean." Haiqing was a little surprised.

"The engagement was appointed by the Realm Lord, I will not violate it, and Changtian is very suitable for me." Bingxing's face returned to calm.

"Bingxing, why do you have such an idea? This time is a good opportunity. Changtian has offended the Elders, and he must be dead. It's time for you to get rid of the engagement." Princess Haiqing said anxiously.

"Hehe, I didn't plan to take action. If Changtian died like this, the engagement would naturally disappear." Bingxing said with a smile.

After hearing this, Haiqing and the other two looked at each other, not understanding what Bingxing was thinking, but if Bingxing didn't take action, it meant that Changsheng Hall didn't take action, so Changtian would really die this time.

For the strength of the Elders, the three princesses still knew very well, even if Changtian was a God King, he couldn't change the situation in front of him.

After that, the three princesses stood up and said goodbye.

Bingxing was the only one left in the valley. At this time, Bingxing sighed and waved his hand. A mirror of ancient style appeared in front of him. The pictures in the mirror kept flipping. It was all the situations that Chen Feng encountered since he entered the Changsheng Heaven Realm. Even the picture of Chen Feng being trapped in the Twelve Gods Heaven Array was extremely clear.

Obviously, this mirror is a very high-grade magic weapon, and ordinary artifacts cannot reach this level.

"Hey! Maybe I can't intervene this time, but it doesn't mean that our Changsheng Hall can't intervene. The Elders are now more and more involved." Bingxing said with a flash of starlight in his eyes, and it was unknown whether he had murderous intent.

Chen Feng didn't know that his every move was seen by his fiancée. Even the restrictions of Wuya Peak did not block Bingxing's prying.

However, Chen Feng was extraordinary after all, and he had the Changsheng Sutra in his hand. He still felt something wrong, but even if Chen Feng pushed his cultivation to the extreme, he couldn't find the root of the problem.

"It seems someone is spying on me." Chen Feng thought of this and secretly activated the Heavenly Seal. The power of the Heavenly Law blocked the surrounding void, and the feeling of being spied on disappeared.

"Sure enough, someone is spying on me, but I don't know who it is?" Chen Feng relaxed and began to practice.

Chen Feng was in Changtian Peak, where he lived when he was a child.

Chen Feng was born with a chaotic body, and he had powerful magic power and a strong body at birth, so he quickly divided a treasure land closest to Wuya Peak for Chen Feng to live in. In addition to Lei Long's eight personal followers, there were also thousands of soldiers guarding, two Golden Immortals sitting in charge, and several dark souls.

It can be said that if there were no changes, Chen Feng would be the biggest playboy in the Changsheng Heaven Realm, rampant in the Changsheng Heaven Vein, and no one dared to stop him. He didn't want to encounter layers of obstacles when returning to his home like this.

But no matter what, Chen Feng came back. After seeing many familiar faces, Chen Feng locked himself in the yard. The thoughts in his sea of ​​consciousness were disturbing, and Chen Feng couldn't calm down with his current cultivation.

In the end, he cast the Immovable Self Mantra, which calmed him down. Then Chen Feng entered a state of cultivation because he didn't think about other things.

Because Chen Feng knew that there would be even greater difficulties waiting for him.


In the valley of Changsheng Palace, the mirror in front of Bingxing flickered, and Chen Feng's figure disappeared.

Bingxing showed a look of surprise on his face, but soon returned to normal.

"It should be the power of the Heavenly Dao Seal."

"This guy has strong combat power, but he is not a Golden Immortal after all." Thinking of this, Bingxing's eyes began to flicker, and then he quickly made up his mind.

"It seems that I need to lend him a hand." Speaking of this, Bingxing stretched out his finger and drew a line, and then a stream of water was pulled up from the Changsheng Pool deep in the Changsheng Palace, and it went into the mirror in front of it, flowing continuously, seemingly endlessly.

At this time, Chen Feng was studying the power of the Heavenly Dao Seal. After using it before, Chen Feng felt that the Heavenly Dao Seal was not as simple as he thought, and there should be many wonderful uses. If he could study it out and master it completely, then it would play a vital role in the next battle.

In Chen Feng's view, this kind of thing is something that even the God King would be afraid to retreat.

At this time, Chen Feng began to secretly mutter that the Immortal Tower was too ruthless when he was crossing the tribulation, resulting in only a small part of the power of the Heavenly Dao Seal.

Of course, if the Immortal Tower knew what Chen Feng was thinking, it would definitely curse.

Chen Feng even thought that it would be great if he could continue to encounter the Heavenly Dao Seal the next time he crossed the tribulation, but Chen Feng knew that this possibility was very small, because on the road of cultivation, all cultivators could only encounter the Heavenly Dao Seal once at most.

After research, Chen Feng finally figured out some of the principles of the Heavenly Dao Seal. The energy in it was nothing. With Chen Feng's ability, he could get some power of the Heavenly Tribulation to supplement it. What made Chen Feng feel the most miserable was the Heavenly Dao Law in the Heavenly Dao Seal.

This is the most critical part of the Heavenly Dao Seal.

Energy is easy to find, but the law is hard to find. It can be said that the law is both the core and the framework. Without the Heavenly Dao Law, no matter how much energy there is, it is useless.

"This is a bit troublesome. It is extremely difficult to condense and construct the Heavenly Dao Law with my current realm. Although there is hope, it is really too small." Chen Feng smiled bitterly.

The Heavenly Dao can be used to break, but using one's own power to simulate and construct it is another matter. In Chen Feng's opinion, no one can do this, unless this person's strength can ignore the Great Dao and can be on par with this universe.

However, Chen Feng has collected the Heavenly Dao seals for his own use, which is why Chen Feng has a little confidence.

With a little confidence, Chen Feng chose to take action. Chen Feng's method is very simple, that is, to analyze the Heavenly Dao seal from the most subtle point. Although it is very slow, it is also the most direct and effective means.

Chen Feng does not want to completely analyze the Heavenly Dao seal, as long as he can find a way to replenish the loss of the Heavenly Dao seal.

Just when Chen Feng entered the state of full spirit, a strong energy rushed to Chen Feng and poured into Chen Feng's body.

A feeling of comfort quickly spread throughout the body. Chen Feng was a little surprised at first, but he was even more surprised after figuring out the matter.

The place where Chen Feng is is that even the Golden Immortal cannot attack, even the God King has to spend some means, so who is it that does this.

However, when he felt what was poured into his body, Chen Feng's expression was a little strange.

Because Chen Feng knew what was going on.

"It turned out to be the effect of the Great Thousand Mirror. No wonder it can ignore the restrictions here. I think the previous peeping feeling was brought by the Great Thousand Mirror." This thought flashed through Chen Feng's mind.

"But in this way, the Heavenly Dao Seal can even block the power of the Great Thousand Mirror." Thinking of this, Chen Feng was a little surprised.

But soon these endless energies impacted Chen Feng and he had no time to think about these things. He began to devour and refine the energy entering his body frantically.

"The energy in the Longevity Pool is really good." Chen Feng's chaotic physique played a powerful role. No matter how much energy there was, Chen Feng would absorb it all at the first time.

Chen Feng's body was like a bottomless pit, connected to another world. These energies that could burst ordinary golden immortals were just a tonic for Chen Feng.

"It's worthy of being a chaotic body!" Bingxing's eyes flashed with a strange light. Changtian's situation was even beyond his previous guess.

Finally, Chen Feng's body reached a certain limit, and the speed of absorbing energy began to slow down. However, Chen Feng's mind moved, and the energy that entered his body was poured into the inner world.

In this way, the energy was in short supply.

"Too slow." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Huh!" Bing Xing heard Chen Feng's voice, and immediately snorted coldly, and pointed his finger again, and another stream of water flew out of the Changsheng Pool. In this way, two streams of energy were poured into Chen Feng's body.

"Huh! Cool." Chen Feng roared, the power in his body was steadily rising, and the inner world was expanding rapidly.

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