Eternal Existence

Chapter 1417: Travel

"I!" The Golden Immortal wanted to say something, but Chen Feng waved his hand, and Chen Feng's clone No. 2 directly killed the other party.

"The effect of the battle puppet is not bad. Let's try the clone technique now." Chen Feng said, and once again separated a wisp of divine consciousness into the crystal clone No. 2. Then the powerful force stimulated Chen Feng to roar to the sky, and waves of power fluctuations swept around, and the Golden Immortals on the land of hundreds of millions of miles in the Changsheng Alliance were alarmed.

But then these people quieted down again, because everyone knew that this was the breath from the headquarters, and maybe some senior executives were practicing, so there was nothing to worry about.

"Too powerful." Chen Feng felt that he had never been so powerful before. With a tight body, boundless sea of ​​consciousness, and Taiyi Law flowing through his body, Chen Feng had a desire to fight Taiyi Golden Immortal.

This excitement lasted for a long time before it disappeared, bang bang! Two balls of purple flames exploded from his eyes, and then slowly melted into his body, revealing his eyes as deep as the sea, which gave people a sense of being alive.

"Let's go, Queen Mother, let's find a place to spar." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, sir!"

Chen Feng and the Queen Mother quickly left the area of ​​the Immortal Alliance, randomly found a place with few people, and then set up a barrier, and Chen Feng and the Queen Mother entered it.

"Go ahead." Chen Feng said.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The Queen Mother's blade foot shook, and two blade lights slashed at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng crossed his hands, and his palms turned into white crystal bones. With two bangs, the two blade lights disappeared, and Chen Feng just shook a little, and his hands were safe and sound.

"The power can be stronger." Chen Feng said as his figure disappeared, and the next moment IU appeared in front of the Queen Mother, clenched his fists, and directly bombarded the Queen Mother.

The mother queen's blade foot turned into a shield in front of him. The powerful force made both sides retreat a distance, but the mother queen's attack came soon. The long rope was pulled open and swept towards Chen Feng. One rope almost blocked Chen Feng's surroundings, and there was also a sword aura mixed in it.

Fighting head-on with the mother queen, Chen Feng felt a strong pressure, but the endless power in his body made Chen Feng full of fighting spirit. The skills and secrets that were difficult to perform in the past all emerged in his sea of ​​consciousness.


The longevity wings spread out, arcs flashed, and the ropes around were cut inch by inch. Chen Feng grabbed with both hands, and all the sword auras were caught in his hands, and then crushed directly.

Then the longevity wings vibrated, and then regarded the space as nothing, and fell directly on the mother queen, but then Chen Feng was enveloped by a powerful force, his whole body was heavy and sticky, and his speed dropped by more than ten times.

"It's a force field!" This thought flashed through Chen Feng's mind. Sharp bone spurs extended from his body, and chaotic power gushed out, interfering with the opponent's force field. However, before Chen Feng arrived and attacked, the stretched blade had already arrived in front of Chen Feng.


Chen Feng blocked his hands in front of him, his palms broke, and Chen Feng flew backwards.


The blade foot chopped heavily on Chen Feng. The longevity wings behind Chen Feng vibrated, and he wanted to leave here, but two long whips quickly whipped Chen Feng again.

Then two knife auras stood up on Chen Feng's neck one after another.

"Young Master, you lose." The Queen Mother said with a smile.

"Okay, I was careless, let's do it again." Chen Feng said, his hands stretched out suddenly, the space fluctuated, and a small barrier quickly formed, covering the Queen Mother, while Chen Feng held the bone spear and stepped on the longevity step to change his body shape, looking for a position to attack at any time.


The barrier sent by Chen Feng was shattered before it even got close to the Queen Mother. Before Chen Feng attacked, the Queen Mother roared and sent out a mental shock wave.

The bone spear in Chen Feng's hand melted directly and turned into a bone shield of immortality, blocking the opponent's shock wave, but Chen Feng's speed slowed down, and then he was approached by the Queen Mother, and her huge body hit Chen Feng heavily.

"Immortal Golden Body!" Chen Feng roared, and his body grew rapidly, up to a full 100,000 feet. The huge fist was completely covered with crystal-like bones and bombarded the Queen Mother.

"Hit." Seeing the Queen Mother being knocked away, Chen Feng was a little surprised, but then a powerful force acted on him, and then his whole body began to stiffen.

"So there is this trick!" Chen Feng then noticed that there was actually a Queen Mother behind him.

"It's a clone, no, it's the original body. The previous one was a clone." Chen Feng said, and the purple flames in his eyes jumped, forming purple-gold lines, which quickly flowed through his body, and then Chen Feng regained his freedom.

But at this time, the Queen Mother rushed to Chen Feng again, and two sharp blades slashed towards Chen Feng.

"Eternal Shield!"

Chen Feng pushed with both hands, and the energy surged. The heavy bone shield blocked in front of him, and there was a purple streamer spreading and covering. This was the power of the Taiyi Law.


However, with a bang, Chen Feng's bone shield of immortality was shattered. Chen Feng retreated step by step. His strong body was quickly covered with a thick layer of bone armor. He was not hurt, but soon, a small barrier trapped Chen Feng in it, and there were all kinds of chains around him.

"Young Master." The Queen Mother stopped attacking.

"Well, I lost again." Chen Feng shook his head and sighed. Speaking of this body, it was still very powerful. Although it was not as good as the Queen Mother, it would not be defeated so quickly.

Chen Feng knew that, on the one hand, his fit with this body was not perfect and he could not exert all his strength, and on the other hand, his fighting skills were not as good as the Queen Mother's.

The Queen Mother's clan was a fighter, responsible for fighting, and creation was only a part of it. Of course, Chen Feng's fighting skills were not comparable.

"Come again!" Chen Feng was refreshed, and felt that he had found a very good way to practice, that is, to fight with fighters. Why didn't he think of this before?

For a period of time, Chen Feng continued to fight with the Queen Mother. Soon, the degree of integration between his divine thoughts and this identity became higher and higher. Finally, Chen Feng calculated that although this clone was not as good as his first two combat puppets, it was not a problem to fight with the God King.

Three months later, Chen Feng stopped sparring with the Queen Mother, and this clone left the Longevity Alliance and went to other places in the fairyland. Chen Feng's No. 1 clone also left with him.

A God King and a God King, in Chen Feng's view, can go anywhere in the entire fairyland.

Chen Feng continued to refine other clones, but unfortunately, Chen Feng stopped soon because several necessary materials were gone.

However, during this period, another clone was refined, the fiery red crystal skull. After success, after a period of running-in, its combat power was even better than the white crystal skull.

And this fiery red crystal skull was left by Chen Feng to sit in the Changsheng Alliance. You should know that Chen Feng is only a half-step golden immortal. At this time, the clone at the level of the God Lord is left to sit in, and if something happens, it can be handled completely.

As for Chen Feng himself, he left the Changsheng Alliance. This time, Chen Feng did not bring others with him, nor did he alarm others. He left alone quietly. Of course, the two Taiyi Jinxian-level combat puppets and the mother queen followed Chen Feng all the time.

After all, with Chen Feng's current strength, he cannot run rampant in the fairy world. With combat puppets following him as guards, Chen Feng is more assured. As long as he does not encounter Taiyi Jinxian, the two combat puppets can protect Chen Feng from some difficulties.

The reason why he brought the Queen Mother with him was that she could give Chen Feng more help. Of course, Chen Feng also had some plans of his own. That was that Chen Feng was not too confident in the Queen Mother. The Zerg was too evil. Although there were restrictions left by the Longevity Tower, Chen Feng could not be 100% sure that there would be no problems. If the Queen Mother suddenly broke free from his control, wouldn't he suffer too much loss? You should know that the Devourer at the level of the God King that Chen Feng met before had always wanted to get rid of the Queen Mother's control.

Although he was worried, the Queen Mother had performed very well until now, so Chen Feng had to keep this idea in his heart.

Chen Feng changed his appearance casually during this trip. The two combat puppets followed Chen Feng on the left and right, expressionless, without a trace of breath, while the Queen Mother turned into a human, dressed in green, like a teenager, smiling and following Chen Feng.

This kind of dress was like a young man traveling with his entourage and guards.

However, only some cultivators with strong strength and good eyesight can see some of the real and fake. Among these people, whether they are immortal golden immortals, god kings, or even god monarchs, they are secretly shocked when they see Chen Feng and others, and then hide away from them without leaving any traces, not daring to provoke Chen Feng.

In the eyes of these people, although Chen Feng is only a half-step golden immortal, the followers around him are extremely powerful. Some high-level god kings or god monarchs can see the general realm of the mother queen, but the two combat puppets following Chen Feng are somewhat unfathomable.

What realm is it that makes the god monarch unable to see the real and fake? These people took a breath of cold air when they thought about it, and some people even began to speculate on Chen Feng’s identity and origin. It seems that there is no such a powerful young man in the fairy world.

Of course, some real masters dare not provoke Chen Feng, but it does not mean that there are no blind guys.

At first, looking at the reactions of some people, Chen Feng also laughed secretly, wondering if he was a little too ostentatious. Chen Feng even felt that a few strong divine thoughts swept over and immediately disappeared in panic.

But some of the things that happened next made Chen Feng feel a little funny.

The fairy world was originally a bit chaotic. Chen Feng walked along like this and finally attracted some trouble. Three gangs of robbers clashed twice because of the road. In this process, the mother queen took action and easily slaughtered all those who were looking for trouble. These people included some immortal golden immortals, so some cultivators with ideas became honest.

Even the immortal golden immortals would die if they came forward, so at least the God King would have to take action. Although there are some God Kings in the entire fairy world, they are not easy to see. You know, many large sects do not have immortal golden immortals sitting in.

"Is the fairy world so chaotic now?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Sir, according to the news that the insects returned, some Taiyi masters and some gods and kings ran out of the sealed land. Now the Dongji Fairy Palace is almost completely in ruins. If the fairy court had not sent a large army to guard it, it might not even be able to keep the territory." The mother queen said.

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