Eternal Existence

Chapter 1419: Searching for Fragments

Chen Feng was somewhat satisfied that he got two materials he needed as soon as he came out. As for refusing and being polite, Chen Feng had no intention of doing so. If Di Mingzi had not taken the initiative to make friends with Chen Feng, if Chen Feng knew that the other party had something he needed, he might have snatched it.

Chen Feng's target was Tianshang City, and Di Mingzi had no specific purpose, so he followed him.

Tianshang City can be said to be the largest commercial city in the fairy world. Chen Feng's purpose of going there was of course to buy some things he needed.

Interestingly, on the way to Tianshang City, Chen Feng couldn't help but encounter trouble. Think about it, with Di Mingzi joining in, eighteen golden immortals as followers, this kind of pomp is rare in the entire fairy world, so even if someone is blind, they dare not provoke this group of people.

Although the fairy world has been fighting for years, many hidden masters have appeared, but the scene of more than a dozen immortal golden immortals walking together is still uncommon.

As soon as he entered Tianshang City, Chen Feng paused slightly, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect to encounter the fragments of the Great Desolate Cauldron here, and there are quite a few of them." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Speaking of which, Tianshang City is a giant city that is well-known in the entire fairy world. The whole city is blessed by the power of Taiyi. Ordinary golden immortals dare not make trouble here. Chen Feng didn't feel it before, but after entering Tianshang City, the Great Desolate Cauldron in his body immediately vibrated, emitting a sense of desire and summoning power. Chen Feng immediately felt several points of starlight flashing in Tianshang City, and Chen Feng knew that these stars were the fragments of the Great Desolate Cauldron.

The Great Desolate Cauldron, a top-grade artifact, failed to be promoted to a top-grade artifact and broke into 108 pieces. At this time, Chen Feng collected less than one-third of the fragments, but it can also exert some powerful power. It's just that Chen Feng has been cultivating himself in recent years and has not been able to search for the fragments of the Great Desolate Cauldron.

Chen Feng opened his eyes, and the power of the law flowed out of his eyes, locking the location of these light spots. After that, Chen Feng's consciousness moved, and a detailed map unfolded in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. This was the map of Tianshang City, and then the light spots unfolded on the map. Soon Chen Feng knew the specific location of these light spots.

"Daoyou!" Di Mingzi asked curiously.

"I found some things I need." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Really? That's really lucky." Di Mingzi smiled.

"Very lucky." Chen Feng also smiled, so he walked into the city. As for the guards at the door, they always maintained a respectful look. Although they didn't know where these people came from, they had a golden immortal as a guard. These two young masters must be extraordinary.

Soon, Chen Feng stopped and looked around. This street was full of pure shops, mostly selling some elixirs, magic weapons and other things used for cultivation.

Chen Feng paused for a moment, then walked into a shop.

The waiter was just a small earthly immortal. Seeing so many people coming in, he wanted to greet them, but then he felt his whole body stiff and couldn't move.

The other customers in the store also showed a look of fear in their eyes.

Chen Feng frowned. All this was caused by an immortal golden immortal behind Emperor Mingzi, because this guy released his own breath.

In Chen Feng's perception, the strongest cultivator in this store was only a primary heavenly immortal.


Emperor Mingzi said coldly, and the follower immediately restrained his breath.

"Emperor Mingzi, your men seem to be a little disobedient. Look how quiet my followers are." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Hehe!" Emperor Mingzi smiled and didn't say anything. In fact, he was cursing in his heart. Chen Feng brought a total of three followers, two of whom seemed to be puppets. It would be strange if they were not quiet.

Emperor Mingzi swept his eyes and soon all the things in the store were checked aside. There was nothing precious, so Emperor Mingzi looked at Chen Feng with some surprise.

Chen Feng grabbed it casually, and a meteorite-like thing fell into his hand in the corner of the store.

This meteorite is only the size of a fist, but it is extremely heavy and dull, and it is impossible to tell what it is made of.

"Who is the boss?" The Queen Mother stepped forward and said.

"My Lords, I am the boss of my shop." A middle-aged cultivator came out with difficulty and calm. This boss is a beginner immortal and the strongest cultivator in the entire shop. It is a coincidence that this middle-aged cultivator has only come twice in the past month, and this time he encountered this situation.

Although it is said that few people make trouble in Tianshang City, it does not mean that there are none, and this boss also has a strong backstage. Usually, some middle- and high-level immortals or half-step golden immortals come, and the middle-aged cultivators are full of confidence, but this time there are so many golden immortals, and the middle-aged cultivators are nervous.

As for how the middle-aged cultivator determined that these people were golden immortals, it was because there was a sensing energy stone in this shop, from the golden immortal to the human immortal, it could sense the general realm of the other party.

"How much is this meteorite? My son wants it." The Queen Mother asked indifferently.

"Sir, isn't this a meteorite?" the middle-aged cultivator said hurriedly.

"I don't care if it's a meteorite or not, just name a price." The Queen Mother shouted coldly.

"This." The middle-aged cultivator hesitated, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief, but then he became entangled again. This unknown material has been placed here since the store opened. The shop owners of all generations, including some Golden Immortal seniors, did not understand the origin of this thing, so it was thrown aside as an unknown ore.

If some immortals bought it, it would be nothing, but so many golden immortals bought it just for this ore. Even a fool could see that this ore was not simple. It was hard to explain why these golden immortals recognized the origin of this ore.

If it was sold, it might be a treasure, but if it was not sold, looking at the golden immortals in front of him, he would not dare to refuse.

"Name a price." Chen Feng said, a little impatient. The meteorite-like thing in front of him was indeed a fragment of the Great Wilderness Cauldron, but it was wrapped in prohibitions and illusions. The power of the top-grade artifact was not something that ordinary cultivators could penetrate, and ordinary immortal golden immortals could not do it.

"This." The middle-aged cultivator was still hesitating.

Chen Feng nodded, and the Queen Mother immediately stepped forward and stomped her feet heavily, and a shock wave swept out in circles.

The middle-aged cultivator who was closest to him was the first to be affected and was shattered in the shock wave. The shock wave continued to hit. Except for the boss, the shop assistants and other customers were all blown away. In the surprised eyes of Emperor Mingzi and others, the shop completely disappeared. As for the forbidden formations left by the Golden Immortal, they did not work at all.

"Let's go." Chen Feng shook his head. The meteorite in his hand had disappeared and entered Chen Feng's body. In one of the inner worlds, he came to the Great Wilderness Cauldron.


This inconspicuous meteorite burst into a dazzling light and made a violent explosion. A palm-sized fragment flew out, then rapidly grew larger, a full 100,000 feet, and then quickly shrank, and finally turned into a stream of light and merged into the Great Wilderness Cauldron.

These changes were actually completed in an instant. Chen Feng and others left calmly, not caring about the chaotic scene behind them.

"I thought Brother Dao would kill all these people." Emperor Mingzi said with a smile.

"I almost couldn't help it." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"This Tianshang City is very famous. We won't get into trouble if we do this." After all, this is another fairyland, and Emperor Mingzi still feels a little guilty.

"I can't care if there is trouble." Chen Feng said lightly, and then locked onto other fragments of the Great Wilderness Cauldron.

Sure enough, Chen Feng's previous actions alarmed the patrol troops in Tianshang City. Dozens of soldiers in bright armor came at the first time, but they didn't dare to take action. The strongest of these soldiers was only a celestial immortal, and most of them were true immortals. Wouldn't it be courting death to go forward.

"Report to the commander-in-chief?" said the captain of the soldiers.

"The commander-in-chief is only a half-step golden immortal, and the other party seems to be a golden immortal." Someone next to him reminded.

"Then it's not our business." The captain of the soldiers said.

Chen Feng certainly knew that the soldiers would be dispatched, but in order to get the fragments of the Great Wilderness Cauldron, Chen Feng didn't care about these things.

Soon Chen Feng stopped in front of a luxurious and huge building.

"It's an auction house! Are you here to auction some things?" Emperor Mingzi asked curiously.

"There are indeed things I need here. Whether I need to buy it depends on the situation." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Then Chen Feng walked in directly. Someone wanted to stop him. The Queen Mother stepped forward and sent out a breath. The other person immediately became cold all over, like a sculpture, and watched Chen Feng and others walk over.

"There are two fragments here, one is slightly larger." Chen Feng thought in his heart.

"What do you want?" At this time, the senior executives of the auction house were alarmed, and two immortal golden immortals came up to greet them.

The two golden immortals looked at Chen Feng and others while secretly complaining. It was obvious that these people came with bad intentions. The most important thing was to look at their strength. Their auction house couldn't afford to offend them.

"Your auction house has what I need." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Haha, so that's the case. It just so happens that our auction house has an auction today. I will arrange a VIP box for you, and I will definitely satisfy you." One of the golden immortals said with a smile.

"I think you misunderstood. We are not here to participate in the auction. I just said that you have what I need here." Chen Feng said lightly.

"This." The two golden immortals looked at each other and understood that the other party was looking for trouble.

"Haha, this is not good." One of them said with a stiff face.

"What's wrong with that? Get out of the way and don't block my son's way." The Queen Mother waved her hand, and two ropes quickly tied up the two immortal golden immortals.

There was no power to resist at all.

The two men were still shocked after Chen Feng and others disappeared.

"Is it the God?"

"Yeah, I think it's more powerful than the God King."

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