Eternal Existence

Chapter 1481 Success

"What is going on? Are they preparing a big move? Why do I feel something is wrong?" Chen Feng said as he dealt with the chaotic ancient thunder that was coming from all around. From the beginning to now, Chen Feng seemed to be simply crossing the thunder tribulation, but the power was not small. Chen Feng suddenly felt as if dozens of God Kings were besieging him.

At this time, Chen Feng was not so relaxed. He began to use some tricks, but in the end he could not stop it. Chaos ancient thunder began to come in front of Chen Feng, but it was absorbed by the Great Desolate Cauldron before it fell on Chen Feng.

"This tribulation is really interesting." Chen Feng smiled bitterly.

Next, without the Queen Mother reminding him, Chen Feng saw that the tribulation cloud above his head turned into seven colors, just like a twisted rainbow, but the terrifying pressure emanating from it made Chen Feng feel numb.

Chen Feng thought that the tribulation power in the colorful cloud should be no less than that of the God King. In this case, he really couldn't stop it without the help of magic weapons.

"Young Master, something is wrong."

When Chen Feng received the notice from the Queen Mother, he also noticed something was wrong. The Great Desolate Cauldron began to hum and make a sound of joy. A stream of light flew over from the depths of the universe. It was the next fragment of the Great Desolate Cauldron.

"The last fragment!"

Chen Feng wanted to jump up excitedly, and at the same time he understood what was going on with the colorful calamity cloud above his head, because that was not his own calamity at all, but was caused by the Great Desolate Cauldron.

"So my calamity is just those ordinary ancient chaos thunders, which is simple." Chen Feng said lightly.

Of course, if Chen Feng's words were heard by other half-step golden immortals, they would probably even want to die.


Chen Feng clearly heard the sound of the fragments melting into the Great Desolate Cauldron.

All the fragments of the Great Desolate Cauldron gathered together, and the powerful force was rushing rapidly. All the cracks and lines on the cauldron were perfectly integrated, and only the power was constantly increasing.

"Reshape the Great Desolate Cauldron!" Chen Feng shouted loudly, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, turning into a blood mist that enveloped the Great Desolate Cauldron, but it was soon absorbed by the Great Desolate Cauldron.

At this time, the colorful calamity cloud also started to move. Chen Feng saw the calamity cloud constantly wriggling, as if there were creatures in it. Then a mountain peak slowly descended. If it weren't for the colorful law power flowing on the mountain peak, Chen Feng really couldn't see what was so strange about this mountain peak.

"It turned out to be the innate law born in the chaos." Chen Feng sighed, and was a little worried in his heart. He didn't know if the Great Desolate Cauldron could survive.

If the Great Desolate Cauldron couldn't survive, hehe! All his efforts would be in vain.


The mountain peak was very slow at first and didn't bring much pressure to Chen Feng, but then it fell suddenly and hit the Great Desolate Cauldron.

Then Chen Feng only felt a black screen in front of his eyes, and then the whole person exploded.

"Not good!"

Chen Feng's will was shouting, and all the laws suddenly scattered and circled around, trying to gather Chen Feng's broken body, but unfortunately, the power that hit Chen Feng was too strong, and some laws began to break.

However, at this time, the Time Disc suddenly emitted a golden stream of light that enveloped Chen Feng, and then Chen Feng's broken body began to merge quickly. Then the Law of Time, the Law of Immortality, and the Law of Blood circled around Chen Feng, and Chen Feng's body finally recovered. Except for some fear in his eyes, even his face returned to normal.

"It's really terrifying!"

After returning to normal, Chen Feng hurried to see the Great Desolate Cauldron. Seeing that the Great Desolate Cauldron was fine, Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief. As for the mountain, it had turned into fragments, but at this time, another colorful mountain condensed and slowly descended.

"What kind of heavenly tribulation is this? Leave quickly." Chen Feng said as he flew out in a flash, but before he flew far, several lightning bolts struck Chen Feng and sent Chen Feng flying back.

At this time, the mountain fell down again.


Chen Feng screamed miserably.


Another powerful collision, Chen Feng's body exploded again, and the original mother queen, who was billions of miles away, shuddered.

The aftershocks of the first collision just now all affected the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother naturally knew the power of it, so now she could only pray for Chen Feng.

Sure enough, the Time Disk exerted its power, and Chen Feng returned to normal again. This time Chen Feng was surprised. The power of time enveloped him, and then Chen Feng walked out step by step. Thunder and lightning appeared, but he could only pass by. Sometimes even thunder and lightning passed through Chen Feng's body, but Chen Feng was safe and sound, not affected at all.

This is all the effect of the power of time.

Each step of Chen Feng is 100 million miles, and he walked tens of thousands of steps in one breath before stopping. Sure enough, the calamity cloud appeared above his head, and countless thunder and lightning bombarded Chen Feng.

"It turns out that my heavenly tribulation was affected before." Chen Feng said lightly. He was not very worried about his own heavenly tribulation, but was worried about the Great Desolate Cauldron.

This was the catastrophe encountered in the process of reshaping the Great Desolate Cauldron. Fortunately, it was far less than the heavenly tribulation during the previous advancement, otherwise it would definitely be broken.

Chen Feng opened his hands and floated in the starry sky. A large amount of lightning dispelled the darkness. Each lightning was like a huge dragon, constantly hitting Chen Feng.

Chen Feng did not use any tricks to attack, but just endured it. The heavenly tribulation was very strong, but compared with the degree of heavenly tribulation Chen Feng had encountered in the past, it was only average.

The lightning struck Chen Feng, emitting dazzling lightning. Chen Feng's body was still tough and undamaged. Finally, Chen Feng got a little annoyed, his body grew bigger, and he opened his mouth to suck. All the lightning immediately fell into his mouth.

Chen Feng continued this breath for a long time. At this time, he not only absorbed all the lightning, but also swallowed the calamity cloud into his stomach.

Chen Feng's heavenly tribulation ended, but it was not quiet, because the energy was sweeping in waves from afar.

The collision between the Great Wilderness Cauldron and the heavenly tribulation affected a trillion miles away.

Chen Feng's body slowly shrank, and the laws in his body were changing, becoming the real immortal laws, and the power in his body also became the immortal power.

Since the end of the heavenly tribulation, Chen Feng's body has been changing rapidly, qualitatively changing.



More powerful!

The energy sweeping in from afar was immediately diverted before it got close to Chen Feng, bypassing Chen Feng.

Seeing that Chen Feng's heavenly tribulation was over, the Queen Mother came to Chen Feng. With the leap of Chen Feng's strength and the change of the essence of life, the Queen Mother was also affected. Of course, this influence was good. After all, the Queen Mother was Chen Feng's natal pet. If the master had benefits, she could still benefit from it. It was just a little funny for a God to benefit from the immortal golden immortal.

Yes, Chen Feng is now an immortal golden immortal.

Immortality, immortality and indestructibility!

"Congratulations, young master, for entering the immortal realm." The Queen Mother said with a smile.

Chen Feng nodded, not too surprised, because this was just what he expected.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand, and the law of blood flew out, rotating rapidly in his palm, and blood power continued to enter it.

"I don't know what happened to this Changsheng Zhenjing. It has been instilling energy into me. Although I have become a real immortal body now, I can't bear it." Chen Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, because the law of blood in his hand began to grow again, and his body, which had just been sublimated, began to heat up.

You should know that the power that can be absorbed by the Changsheng Zhenjing comes from the Immortal Golden Immortal at least, and there may be many God Kings and God Lords in it.

"I hope it's not too outrageous." Chen Feng put away the Blood Law and looked at the Great Desolate Cauldron.

Fortunately, the Great Desolate Cauldron was still safe and sound, and Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mother Queen, do you think the Great Desolate Cauldron can succeed?" Chen Feng asked with a smile. .

"It shouldn't be a problem, because this is just a rebirth calamity, not an advanced heavenly calamity." The mother queen said.

"I hope so, at worst I will take action." Chen Feng's mind moved, and the fragments of the Time Disk appeared.

Looking at the Great Desolate Cauldron and then at the Time Disk, Chen Feng knew that the Time Disk would encounter this situation in the future.

The seven-color calamity cloud has not disappeared, and there are constantly seven-color peaks appearing, attacking the Great Desolate Cauldron, and finally cracks appeared in the Great Desolate Cauldron.

As the new owner of the Great Desolate Cauldron, Chen Feng clearly felt the condition of the Great Desolate Cauldron. With a shake of his hand, the Time Plate emitted the power of time, and a golden energy fell on the Great Desolate Cauldron, and then the cracks on the Great Desolate Cauldron healed quickly.

At this time, Chen Feng no longer cared whether he would attract the attack of the heavenly tribulation, but fortunately, the heavenly tribulation did not target Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was also relieved. Whenever cracks appeared on the Great Desolate Cauldron, the Time Plate would emit the power of time to help the Great Desolate Cauldron. After several times, the colorful calamity cloud finally disappeared. The Great Desolate Cauldron rotated rapidly in the starry sky, and the vast and ancient momentum emanated, stirring the four-sided galaxy. The powerful Great Desolate Cauldron was gradually awakening.


Feeling the news from the Great Desolate Cauldron, Chen Feng also became excited and quickly stepped forward. The power generated by the Great Desolate Cauldron did not cause any harm to Chen Feng.

Things went more smoothly than Chen Feng had imagined. The Great Desolate Cauldron did not stay for long before it quickly shrank and fell into Chen Feng's hands, making Chen Feng feel connected to the origin. The Great Desolate Cauldron became a part of Chen Feng's body, and Chen Feng became the real master from the new owner.

Because it was Chen Feng who reshaped the Great Desolate Cauldron, from then on the power of the Great Desolate Cauldron was Chen Feng's power, and Chen Feng's will was the will of the Great Desolate Cauldron.


Chen Feng exhaled, and the Great Desolate Cauldron slowly turned and turned into a stream of light and drilled into Chen Feng's body.

"The Great Desolate Cauldron was reshaped successfully. Now I also have a top-grade artifact. Now it's time to go back." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Young Master, don't be in a hurry." The Queen Mother suddenly said on the side.

"Why do you say that?" Chen Feng was a little surprised, otherwise the Queen Mother would have understood it immediately.

"Haha, Young Master has been in a happy state, but he has ignored the situation around him." The Queen Mother laughed.

Chen Feng nodded, then walked in one direction, because in the depths of the distant starry sky, there was a colorful auspicious cloud floating. Unlike the previous colorful calamity cloud, this colorful auspicious cloud was larger in scale.

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