Eternal Existence

Chapter 4540 Interesting

The Wheel of Destiny behind him could not attack Chen Feng, and he was not Chen Feng's opponent. Now Chen Feng's side had another powerful existence, and Wanjie Zhenjun actually wanted to reconcile with Chen Feng.

Under various circumstances, Wanjie Zhenjun wanted to leave.

Bang! Bang!

At this time, the two cultivators of the Xianyou clan were also seriously injured.

Originally, Qi could have been on his side, but at the critical moment, the Gate of the Beginning of the Immortals still attacked and directly left the two cultivators.

"Hehe." Chen Feng sneered, and the Gate of the Beginning of the Immortals wanted to continue to attack but was blocked by the Gate of Time and Space.

Since no one is taking action, it is better not to break the rules. If you have the ability, you can also find helpers to deal with Chen Feng.

After thinking about these, Chen Feng did not stop him and let Qi continue to attack.

The target this time is of course Wanjie Zhenjun.

"It seems that fellow Taoist really doesn't want to let me go." Wanjie Zhenjun said calmly.

"That's right. Everyone knows what happened. You don't need to say so much. Maybe we could have become friends at the beginning, but since you chose to attack me, the ending is doomed. If you offend me, you must either be strong and live well, or die at my hands." Chen Feng said with a smile.

At this time, the situation has stabilized. In Chen Feng's view, the overall situation has been decided. Wanjie Zhenjun can't escape, but Chen Feng is still on guard against the Wheel of Destiny behind Wanjie Zhenjun.

"My fate should not die here." Wanjie Zhenjun laughed.

"Why do you still want to borrow the power of the Wheel of Destiny." Chen Feng sneered, and then saw a raging flame burning on Wanjie Zhenjun's body, and the power of the Wheel of Destiny really emerged behind him.

"This is indeed the power of the Wheel of Destiny, but the Wheel of Destiny did not attack. This is the other party's own practice. The Wheel of Destiny is generous and actually gave him the core power. In this way, I'm afraid you can't kill the other party." The Gate of Time and Space secretly said to Chen Feng.

"If you can't kill him, you have to injure him severely. You want to get away with it after offending me. How can it be so easy?" Chen Feng felt the aura of Master Wanjie rising straight up, knowing that the other party really had special means to improve himself, but Chen Feng continued to attack.

At the same time, Chen Feng's other magic weapons also rushed out of the field and surrounded Master Wanjie.

Even if Master Wanjie used the power of the Wheel of Destiny, the final result was that he still had to find a way to escape.

Master Wanjie's strength has become very powerful, which is a way of overdrawing himself.

Even if he can escape this time, he will be seriously injured.

However, seriously injuring his vitality is much better than dying here. Being able to escape with his life is the best choice.

"Can you escape? I told you before that it's not a good thing to get involved rashly. Now you know you missed it."

"Actually, I'm very curious. It stands to reason that you can cultivate to this level and have some vision. Why are you all so confused? I actually made such a big scene. How can it be so easy to deal with?"

"What's more, I have helpers, very powerful helpers." Chen Feng said that he had come to the front of Wanjie Zhenjun.

At this time, the aura of Wanjie Zhenjun was not weaker than Chen Feng, but Chen Feng still launched such a big attack.

Because Qi's means on the side had been applied to Wanjie Zhenjun.

Who is Qi? This is an existence above Hunyuan.

Surpassing Hunyuan Jinxian, although he has not recovered his strength now, some of the means he has used are not something that Hunyuan Jinxian can easily resist.

Sure enough, Wanjie Zhenjun was affected, and Chen Feng punched through Wanjie Zhenjun's body with a fierce punch.

Wanjie Zhenjun's body was burning with flames, and there were layers of defensive means inside and outside his body.

But it still didn't hit Chen Feng's fist, because this time Chen Feng was determined to kill with one blow. In addition to mobilizing his own strength, he also used the power of the magic weapon, plus the power of destruction he had mastered before. The various powers were superimposed together, and the attack power that erupted was probably not something that even such an existence dared to resist.

So the body of Wanjie Zhenjun was pierced, and the wounds were still spreading rapidly, as if he wanted to blow up Wanjie Zhenjun's body in one fell swoop.

In fact, this was also Chen Feng's idea and goal, but these wounds were blocked by the opponent's power before they spread to the entire body of Wanjie Zhenjun, and then these wounds healed quickly.

However, before they were completely healed, a halo fell from the sky and directly enveloped Wanjie Zhenjun.

This was Qi's method.

Moreover, the magic weapons that Chen Feng had arranged around him before also formed a thick barrier, encircling Wanjie Zhenjun layer by layer in the middle.

These magic weapons not only played a role in encirclement, but also launched some attack methods.

In the blink of an eye, Wanjie Zhenjun was riddled with holes.

The injury this time was no easier than the one Chen Feng had just punched.

"What kind of skill is it to use external forces?" Wanjie Zhenjun said while spitting blood.

"Haha, I think this is also a skill." Chen Feng said with a smile.

It's embarrassing to say these words at this time.


Another punch fell, and Wanjie Zhenjun was torn into pieces. Chen Feng began to constantly mobilize various forces to wipe out the broken body.

This is to wipe out the opponent bit by bit.

"Hey! Such a powerful existence, if I refine and absorb it, it can also enhance my magic power. But now I'd better store the refined power first and find an opportunity to absorb it later." Chen Feng didn't want to grind the other party into ashes in vain, otherwise, wouldn't his previous efforts be in vain.

But at this moment, Chen Feng felt dazed, and some loopholes appeared in the magic circle around him.

Some of the bodies of Wanjie Zhenjun took the opportunity to escape.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed with strong murderous intent. The situation just now was not caused by Wanjie Zhenjun, but the Wheel of Destiny attacked from outside.

Directly attacking Chen Feng, the purpose is to rescue Wanjie Zhenjun.

This situation has happened before, but it was blocked by the Gate of Time and Space. I didn't expect that this time it would violate the rules again.

A figure emerged from the Gate of Time and Space, and the Evil Swamp seemed to roar, and the Source of Creation was also looming.

They were originally invading the Source of Wanyuan, but now they have allocated more power.

Begin to suppress the Wheel of Destiny.

"Master Wanjie has been injured, please spare his life." Chen Feng heard the will from the Wheel of Destiny.

"Haha!" Chen Feng just sneered and did not respond.

The Gate of Time and Space was still suppressing the Wheel of Destiny, but they did not directly attack.

A beam of light shot towards Chen Feng. Chen Feng thought about it and reached out to grab it.

This beam of the original power of the Wheel of Destiny was considered as compensation for Chen Feng, but it also wanted Chen Feng to let Master Wanjie go.

"I'm afraid this is not enough." Chen Feng said lightly, and continued to refine the body left by Master Wanjie.

At the same time, Qi also wanted to chase Master Wanjie.

Another beam of light appeared, Chen Feng put it away again, and then said with a smile: "In this case, I will let him go, but it's hard to say if I meet him again next time."

Hearing Chen Feng say this, Qi stopped chasing, but Chen Feng did not return the broken body of Master Wanjie who was trapped to the other party, but refined it into pure power bit by bit and put it away.

That is to say, Master Wanjie only escaped part of his body. This time, he was seriously injured. It is hard to say when he will recover in the future.

"I have accepted this place." Chen Feng hated the Wheel of Destiny in his heart. The other party attacked again and again, which clearly showed that they did not take him seriously. Under such circumstances, he could not force the Gate of Time and Space to fight.

In the final analysis, his strength was not strong enough. If he had reached the level of the Gate of Time and Space, he could have killed Master Wanjie directly, even if the Wheel of Destiny pleaded for him.

Although Chen Feng was angry, he knew that it was useless even if he was angry. In the eyes of the Wheel of Destiny, he was not even worthy of the stage.

Perhaps if the Gate of Time and Space did not support him, the Wheel of Destiny might have attacked directly and wiped him out.

"I don't know if this invasion of Wanyuan is a good thing or not? Although I got a huge benefit, I also had some enemies. And they are powerful enemies. But if you think about it again, it is normal to have enemies. If there are no powerful opponents and no pressure, then the next practice is really meaningless." Chen Feng could only comfort himself in this way.


The source of Wanyuan shook a little, as if something exploded, but no sound was heard, only the depths of the soul captured it.

Chen Feng knew that it might be the movement made by Emperor Wanfeng.

Sure enough, the restraints around Emperor Wanfeng disappeared.

Just disappeared out of thin air.

When Emperor Wanfeng appeared in front of him again, Chen Feng felt a strong pressure.

"Congratulations to Daoyou for your success!" Chen Feng stepped forward to congratulate.

"The reason why I was able to succeed this time was thanks to Daoyou's help, but I can't help Daoyou next time, because I have reached an agreement with the source of Wanyuan." Emperor Wanfeng said.

"This is natural." Chen Feng knew about this a long time ago, and there was nothing to be disappointed about.

It's just that Chen Feng was a little emotional. Emperor Wanfeng still became above Hunyuan, and he didn't know how strong he was now.

Chen Feng couldn't tell the other party's strength at all. At the beginning, he could still feel some pressure, but as the breath of Emperor Wanfeng was restrained, Chen Feng felt that Emperor Wanfeng seemed to be out of the source of Wanyuan.

Independent Wanyuan Source, or transcending Wanyuan Source.

"But although I can't help you invade Wanyuan Source, I can help you solve some troubles." Emperor Wanfeng said so, his eyes swept back and forth at the vast and free space, and the powerful pressure swept across the space of unknown distance.

The soul of life hidden in the dark felt that it was about to dissipate, and fled after fear.

Chen Feng suddenly felt that the invisible pressure was much less.

"Hey, if only Emperor Wanfeng could break through earlier, maybe he could really completely deal with Master Wanjie."

"And now that Emperor Wanfeng has broken through, I'm afraid my opponents won't dare to show up again. It's a bit disappointing, but having a friend above Hunyuan is also a good thing for me." Chen Feng's thoughts kept flashing, analyzing what was going to happen next.

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