Eternal Existence

Chapter 4574 Shocking Treasure

However, as the blood light surged, the wounds on the creature's body quickly disappeared, and a bloodthirsty rage swept towards Chen Feng.

Then a creature covered in blood light rushed towards Chen Feng, and there were two groups of inky black colors in the blood light. Chen Feng knew that they were the other party's eyes.

In addition to cultivating the energy of blood, the other party also had other means. These two groups of black were the purest destructive power.

Chi Chi!

The black light stretched out, like two flying swords sweeping towards Chen Feng.

The other party just locked Chen Feng and had no intention of attacking Qi. And Qi had no intention of attacking, just standing aside as if watching the fun.

However, as Qi's eyes flickered, the other party screamed, and the blood light around him began to shake, and even a little loose, obviously suffered a serious injury.

Chen Feng and Qi joined forces, the result can be imagined, even if this creature has some means, it will end up being seriously injured, and may even be beaten to death.

In fact, even if Qi did not intervene, Chen Feng alone could have won a quick victory. The process was just accelerated.

"The Great Way of Blood is of some help to me." After Chen Feng blew up the opponent, he used the Devouring Technique to plunder the opponent's essence and some laws.

Chen Feng did not want to kill the opponent. After the opponent escaped, Chen Feng did not chase him. He just received the plundered energy into his own Great Way.

In any case, although this fight was very fast, it also made everyone see the strength of the newcomers. The originally fierce fight became a little slower, but then it returned to its previous state.

Here, it is not only the fight between adventurers, but the most important thing is the fight with this universe.

"Let me see what good things are here." Chen Feng used the pupil technique to sweep back and forth. The heavy chaotic energy became thin and transparent in Chen Feng's eyes. Things that were hidden very deeply also gradually surfaced, and Chen Feng could not hide them at all.

If it was just pure chaos energy, Chen Feng believed that it would not attract so many Hunyuan Jinxians. After all, chaos energy has a great benefit to one's own chaos body. Although it is also good for other lives, the degree is somewhat reduced.

Moreover, there is no idea how many universes there are in the entire free space, and large universes are also countless. There is no need to squeeze here.

After Chen Feng's exploration, he really found some things. It was because he saw the target this time that Chen Feng's eyes showed a strange look.

"So everyone is robbing such a thing. Do we want to participate?" Qi asked.

"That's natural. Get the thing first, and then study it carefully. I feel that some things are really beyond my expectations now." Chen Feng said.

"We want this thing." Since they have made up their minds, the two will no longer do it like before, but choose to take the initiative.

Chen Feng took the lead, and Qi cooperated on the side.


A Hunyuan Jinxian who was blocking in front was knocked out by Chen Feng.

This Hunyuan Jinxian was very powerful, with a strong body and powerful magic power. Who would have thought that he would be beaten back by Chen Feng in one go?

His huge body kept rolling, and it was unknown how far he flew.

Then Chen Feng punched another Hunyuan Jinxian and made him retreat again and again. Then he started boxing and attacked all the beings present.

"Where did this guy come from? He is so arrogant! He doesn't know whether he lives or dies."

"He actually attacked all of us at the same time. I don't know where he got the confidence. Does he want to be alone in the spiritual treasure? In this case, fellow Taoists, let's join forces to kill these two newcomers first."

"Since this fellow Taoist has come to this universe, we should join forces to fight against the origin of the universe. There are many good things here. There is no need to fight to the death at the beginning. You have offended everyone by doing this. No matter how strong you are, you can never be the opponent of all adventurers."

The Hunyuan Jinxians who were originally fighting at the scene expressed their own opinions. Of course, most of them naturally wanted to get rid of Chen Feng and Qi.

In fact, this is normal. In this case, anyone would make the same choice.

"Since there are many benefits here, then let me take these things in front of me, and you go grab other things." Chen Feng said so.




During the communication between the two sides, everyone was busy, and all kinds of attacks and means were thrown at Chen Feng, but they were all smashed to pieces by Chen Feng.

With abnormal defense, super strong attack power, and Qi's cooperation, Chen Feng's state at this time was simply sweeping without fear.

Of course, the reason why he succeeded so arrogantly was that the things he needed to rob this time were more important. Otherwise, even if it was replaced with an origin-level magic weapon, Chen Feng would only look at it a few more times and would not rob it.

It was not a suitable thing for Chen Feng to rob a magic weapon with so many Hunyuan Jinxian, especially in the face of the pressure of this universe.

"I want this thing, all those who know what's good for you should get out of my way, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude, I will let you know how cruel the result this time will be." Chen Feng walked out of the opponent's restraints, his eyes flashing, and trapped an opponent.

Then he looked at other opponents. During this process, there were several powerful will attacks, but they were resolved by Qi before they got close to Chen Feng.

Not only that, Qi also launched a counterattack. Of course, the souls of several powerful Hunyuan Golden Immortals were injured, and their reaction speed was slowed down.

In a battle of this level, even the slightest bit can affect the situation of the battle, so Chen Feng's successive attacks directly drove back the affected opponents.

Then Chen Feng rushed directly to an area wrapped in layers of seals.

This is Chen Feng's true purpose.

If we fight these opponents to the end, it will be a huge consumption and burden for both Chen Feng and Chen Feng.

The previous fights and fights were all for the ultimate gain. If you can defeat these opponents, then spending the minimum cost to get what you want this time is the most correct way.

After defeating the first level of these beings, the next thing to do is to face the pressure of the universe in this area.

The seals around the thing we are looking for this time are naturally left behind by this aspect of the universe.

The method of sealing Chen Feng was to break it with force.

Powerful power of destruction burst out from Chen Feng's body, and the seal was cut neatly, but it was not cut through at once.

Chen Feng continued to advance, and at the same time he kept taking action, but the Hunyuan Golden Immortals who were repelled by Chen Feng rushed forward again.

Qi suddenly stood in front of everyone and did not see what methods Qi used. All the Hunyuan Golden Immortals present were attacked.

After they came to their senses, Chen Feng had already arrived in front of the thing and reached out to grab it.

Seeing this scene, everyone knew that the previous series of battles were in vain, and this time the things fell into the hands of these two outsiders.


At this moment, a strong power fluctuation suddenly erupted, forming an unprecedentedly powerful power shock wave centered on Chen Feng's location.

This wave of force was so powerful that all the Hunyuan Golden Immortals present were frightened. They couldn't resist it and retreated continuously, with various expressions in their eyes.

Even Kai's eyes showed surprise, and he also retreated under various forces.

"This guy is definitely unstoppable."

It was because they felt the power of this power that the Hunyuan Golden Immortals present had such thoughts.

None of them thought that Chen Feng could resist it, and they secretly felt lucky in their hearts.

If he were in this situation, he would definitely end up being shattered to pieces, and he felt comfortable thinking about it.

Chen Feng was indeed having a hard time, but it was not as serious as everyone imagined.

"Good guy, he was almost shattered to pieces." Chen Feng walked out.

At this time, Chen Feng's body was in tatters, his flesh and blood collapsed, and bones could even be seen in some places.

But as Chen Feng moved step by step, the powerful land of life extended from his body, and Chen Feng's injuries also recovered quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The new flesh and blood quickly submerged the exposed bones. As the energy rolled in, golden light flashed, and Chen Feng returned to normal before long.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the Hunyuan Golden Immortals present were filled with incredulity. Everyone knew how powerful the power just now was. It can be said that all the Hunyuan Golden Immortals present did not think they could block it. strength.

Even if you use all means, even if you use magic weapons to resist it, you can't resist it. So why does the being in front of you have such a powerful body?

"Even the Chaos Body shouldn't be so powerful."

Everyone is a well-informed and discerning person. They can naturally see Chen Feng's chaotic body, and they can also see that Chen Feng did not use magic weapons to resist just now, but relied on his pure body.

After being shocked, everyone quickly looked at Chen Feng's hands, but Chen Feng's hands were empty now. As before, the things had disappeared.

Obviously, it should have been put away by Chen Feng.

"Where is that thing?" someone asked.

Although everyone was still watching with eager eyes, no one took the initiative like before. The scene just now showed Chen Feng's power.

In other words, Chen Feng is abnormal in defense. Such a powerful energy impact cannot affect the opponent, but if everyone attacks together, Chen Feng can resist it.

With this thought, everyone will naturally understand what to do next, and no one will continue to work hard foolishly.

However, I am still very unwilling and want to see the changes and final results of things.

"That thing ran away. The other party's power was too strong, and I was also attacked by the will of the universe at that time. I had no power to take it back. It's really depressing to say that."

"I put in so much effort, but in the end I got nothing." Chen Feng said.

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