Eternal Existence

Chapter 4597: Creation

"Even if the Origin River wants to protect him, it can't mobilize too much power. The key is that it can't deal with me. This alone is enough, so if we really want to take action next, I will do it alone. If the Sword God and others intervene, they may be retaliated by the Origin River."


In the perception of several people, this universe is shrinking again. In fact, if you look at it from a sufficient distance, this universe has already turned into a huge fireball.

"If you can refine and absorb this entire universe, how powerful will it be?" Chen Feng thought about this, and then laughed again.

If it is not a mutant universe, the other party will not evolve cosmic life, then it can really do this.

But now even if Qi recovers to his prime, it is impossible to do this.

"Qi is still in it now. It seems that there are some gains, but there are also some risks in doing so. It is easy to be targeted by cosmic life. But think about it. Qi can survive in the source of all sources, so this scene should not be a big problem." Chen Feng waved his hand and cut a crack in the universe again, and then established contact with Qi.

"I just have some insights now, so it will take some time. It is really dangerous in the universe now, so you better not come in." Qi responded, and at the same time passed on the situation in the universe he had learned to Chen Feng.

In this way, Chen Feng had a clearer understanding of the situation in the universe.

"In that case, then don't go in. This will also avoid a direct confrontation with the other party. Maybe they won't bother me in the future." Chen Feng had a feeling.

Although he had gained some benefits in the universe before, collected some of the origin of the universe, and even collected the origin of the universe, if he didn't make a move from now on, this universe would not bother him even if it really evolved into life.

It can be said that this is the best result.

Chen Feng naturally didn't want to cause more trouble. Even if there were some benefits in front of him, Chen Feng would not take action to collect them.

After thinking of this, Chen Feng stopped the swallowing technique.

Although there is a lot of chaotic energy here, Chen Feng didn't mean to plunder it. Of course, the most important thing is to see the situation.

Chen Feng was unwilling to provoke the existence above Hunyuan unless it was absolutely necessary.

As Chen Feng stopped, the previously broken outer mold area of ​​the universe also resumed its closed state.

The Hunyuan Jinxian who had just asked Chen Feng for help did not speak again. In fact, Chen Feng also knew that the other party had his own master and protection, so it should not be dangerous.

However, Chen Feng looked at the phantom of the Origin River again, thinking that if the other party was still in the universe and did not come out, once the universe life really became Hunyuan, it would still be possible to kill the other party.

"If it is on the top of the universe above, that is the best choice, and it also saves me from taking action in the future." Chen Feng said.


The universe is still shrinking, and the flames emitted are getting more and more, and it has really turned into a big fireball.

And as the universe shrinks, this universe has become more stable. Even if the internal collapse is severe, the outer periphery of the universe is integrated.

"It seems that the other party has mastered the rhythm, and the evolution process is perfect. It is much stronger than the original universe life. Is this the result of mutation?" Chen Feng grasped something.

He knew that the other party's evolution this time would most likely succeed, because the Gate of Origin had not made any movement so far, and other powerful beings had not made any moves.

Of course, Chen Feng could communicate with the Gate of Origin, but Chen Feng thought about it and did not do so.

This was also the real Hunyuan above in the free space that he had encountered. If it was suppressed by the Gate of Origin, it would be a pity.

"Let's see what the situation is. After all, I have cultivated the cosmic runes with the help of this universe and gained some benefits. I should thank the other party." Chen Feng could only comfort himself in this way.


The outer membrane of the universe exploded, flames rolled, and several monks rushed out. In the chaos, a huge hand could be seen chasing in the chaos behind.

A monk who fell behind was caught by the hand.

The sword light suddenly rose and cut off the hand. The monk rushed out, and lost half of his body in a short time.

Just as he was about to rush out of the universe, the monk was suddenly attacked by something. His body shook, fear appeared in his eyes, and then energy rolled, drowning the monk.

He never came out again.

"It seems that the situation inside is getting more and more dangerous." Chen Feng said.

These cultivators were able to rush out because of the joint efforts. The last one was captured again.

After these Hunyuan Jinxian came out, they quickly gathered together, but they did not run too far, but stopped at a relatively safe place from this universe.

"If this group of universes really take action, this distance is not safe at all." Chen Feng said.

"What happened inside, fellow Taoists?" Chen Feng asked.

Although these Hunyuan Jinxians who had just escaped were wary in their hearts, they still chose to communicate with Chen Feng.

After all, everyone is an adventurer, so they should share the same hatred and the enemy, and these Hunyuan Jinxians also think that they are not so easy to bully, and they are not too worried about Chen Feng and others taking action.

"This universe has mutated, and real life has been born. Now this universe is shrinking. Once it succeeds, it will become an extremely powerful life, and this huge universe will become its body." One of the Hunyuan Jinxian said so.

"It is indeed a bit surprising to say so. So what should fellow Taoists do next? Stay here to watch the fun, or leave here quickly? After all, I see that fellow Taoists have some conflicts with this universe. If the other party holds a grudge, it will definitely continue to attack several fellow Taoists." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The other party hesitated a little, but still said: "Let's take a look at the situation here first. If we leave now, we will always be unwilling."


The two sides were communicating about the universe, and suddenly a crack was broken, and another powerful Hunyuan Jinxian rushed out.

The reason why the other party rushed out was because he performed swordsmanship, and the powerful sword energy made the Sword God a little excited.

This is a fellow Taoist, and everyone is practicing the great way of sword.

However, the Sword God did not know the other party, and the other party looked like it was not easy to approach, so the Sword God did not take the initiative to step forward.

"It seems that the situation of the adventurers here is worrying. They have all started to use their own means to escape from this universe. If they can't get out, then they may never get out again." Chen Feng said.

"Fellow Daoist Qi should be fine, right?" Sword God asked.

Chen Feng shook his head: "Of course, there will be no problem. He has his own reasons for not coming out now. I have communicated with him just now, but there is no danger. If this situation continues, I think Fellow Daoist Qi will be out soon."

As time goes by, this universe is still shrinking, but it is not as smooth as before. From time to time, the outer membrane explodes, or a region of the universe collapses.

Some powerful lives have escaped.

Of course, the ability of the Hunyuan Jinxian to escape depends on its own strength, but the life that can escape before the Hunyuan can only be said to be lucky.

Indeed, some Daluo Jinxian escaped, but these Daluo Jinxian rushed into the free space in panic. How many people can survive?

"I didn't notice that there are so many lives here before." Chen Feng said curiously.

"It is a super large universe after all. Even if the environment is bad, there will still be some life on the whole." Jiemie said.

"That's true." Chen Feng nodded. He hadn't thought so much before.

Some Daluo Jinxian actually chose to seek refuge with Hunyuan Jinxian, but the Daluo Jinxian who did so was generally not very strong, and basically no Hunyuan Jinxian would look down on them.

Chen Feng's heart moved. These Hunyuan Jinxians looked down on him, but he needed some life.

Daluo Jinxian, in fact, is not weak.

There are actually not many Daluo Jinxians in the Savage Universe, not to mention that Chen Feng is still opening up other territories, and there are not enough manpower. Even if there are ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times, it is not enough. Even if he can open up a universe, it is very easy for Chen Feng to find a new ownerless universe.

"Junior hopes to follow the seniors." A group of Daluo Jinxians flew towards Chen Feng and others, stopped after a certain distance, and saluted respectfully.

Chen Feng could see that these Daluo Jinxian were basically native life forms in this universe, and they all practiced the Great Way of Fire.

In fact, their strength was quite good, and they were above the average level in the entire free space.

Jiemie and the others would naturally ignore these Daluo Jinxian.

Chen Feng said lightly: "Come here."

Then he waved his hand, and these Daluo Jinxians fell in front of Chen Feng. Chen Feng looked back and forth, and these Daluo Jinxians were clearly seen.

Without waiting for the other party to thank him, Chen Feng reached out again, and these Daluo Jinxians fell into Chen Feng's palm.

Although they were a little surprised that Chen Feng took in these Daluo Jinxians, Jiemie and the others didn't say much.

Seeing this scene, other Daluo Jinxians who had ideas also asked Chen Feng to take them in.

Chen Feng did not refuse, and soon took in a large number of Daluo Jinxians.

Although some Daluo Jinxians were arrogant, they had to put down everything in front of Hunyuan Jinxian. It was not shameful to put down their status in front of Hunyuan Jinxian.

Moreover, these Daluo Jinxians are not stupid, and they can see how powerful Chen Feng is.

"Thinking back to the time when I collected tens of millions of cultivators from the Land of Life, they were far inferior to these Daluo Jinxians. Although these Daluo Jinxians came here because they were desperate, they can't do anything under my command." Chen Feng thought to himself. In fact, at this level of Chen Feng, he no longer took Daluo Jinxians seriously. At this time, collecting Daluo Jinxians was certainly to expand the power under his command, but in fact, it was just like that if he didn't have them, he wouldn't regret it.

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