Eternal Existence

Chapter 5107: The excitement is not so good

Chen Feng was affected, his will was somewhat confused, and the Avenue of Death could hardly suppress it.


With a bang, Chen Feng was knocked out by this death life.

Then this death life launched a crazy attack on Chen Feng.

After Chen Feng used the long sword and the sacred mountain, he was still at a disadvantage, and he was at a disadvantage from the beginning.

Chen Feng could break the opponent's defense, and this death life could also break Chen Feng's body.

However, Chen Feng quickly got rid of this situation of being beaten, but before Chen Feng could breathe a sigh of relief, this death life rushed up again.

Through the simple fight just now, Chen Feng had some understanding of this death life.

The opponent's combat experience seemed to be a little insufficient, otherwise, the series of attacks just now could continue for a while, and it would not be so easy for Chen Feng to get rid of the opponent's attack rhythm directly.


Chen Feng left a deep sword mark on this death life, but the next moment he was hit by a breath of death.

Chen Feng retreated again and again, watching this death life take the opportunity to kill him again.

Chen Feng released a series of avenues, which were like ropes, binding the dead life from all directions.

It actually trapped the other party for a short time.

Chen Feng directly urged the sacred mountain to suppress from top to bottom.

"I want to see how much strength this life born later can exert from this body?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng has basically confirmed that the life in front of him is not the real dead life.

In other words, the original dead life has fallen, but the other party's body is very powerful, so a new life was born the day after tomorrow.

Because of some special reasons, or the other party has not really taken over this body completely, so he has been sleeping here.

The death breath released is also to protect itself. Only when the outsider really comes to its front, will it wake up and attack to solve the outsider.

Chen Feng doesn't know if there has been any life that has come to this step before. Even if there is, it will most likely die in the hands of this dead life.

After figuring this out, Chen Feng relaxed a little. Although the life born for the second time could control this body, it was still a little worse than the original owner, and its strength could not be restored to its peak state.

However, it was still very powerful. At this time, Chen Feng released so many powerful avenues, but he could only barely trap the opponent. If it were not for the suppression of the God Mountain, Chen Feng's avenue would have begun to collapse.

Even now, it can't last long.

Sure enough, under the counterattack of this dead life, the powerful death breath began to invade Chen Feng's avenue, and finally some of Chen Feng's avenues were wounded and loosened.

However, Chen Feng released new avenues, and those wounded avenues were also repaired quickly.

After the previous rules were sorted out, Chen Feng's avenue was more perfect, more spiritual, and easier to operate than before. Even if it was damaged, it could be quickly repaired.

A substantial death breath rushed up to the sky, just like a volcanic eruption, and actually blocked the falling God Mountain.

"This life's strength has surpassed almost all the above-Huanyuan that I have seen. The key is that the opponent is now using only the means of death. If the opponent can burst out some magical powers, or use some other magic weapons, it will be more difficult to deal with." Chen Feng did not dare to take it lightly at this time.

You must know that the combat power that Chen Feng has burst out now is already very strong. In addition to not using the origin, he uses two magic weapons at the same time. In the realm above Hunyuan, most people can't stop Chen Feng.




This dead life seems to have boundless power in its body. Under the continuous bursts, Chen Feng's avenues are also broken one by one.

When the last avenue is broken, Chen Feng suddenly steps forward and the long sword in his hand fiercely stimulates the opponent's body.

Then Chen Feng fully stimulates the power of the long sword in his hand, and the sword energy shoots out, constantly expanding the wound of this dead life.

Then Chen Feng used the devouring technique to plunder the opponent's death power.

But before Chen Feng could absorb much, he was hit by the death will that erupted from the opponent and retreated repeatedly.

The huge wound on the opponent's body was also healing rapidly, and the speed was as fast as Chen Feng's chaotic body.

[In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to the permanent source, Huanyuan as soon as possible]

Then the death power erupting from the opponent's head suddenly became stronger, and it actually rolled the sacred mountain out.

At the moment when the sacred mountain rolled, this dead life rushed towards Chen Feng.

It can be seen that the opponent's combat experience is getting richer and richer.

"If we continue to fight, the opponent's combat power will be greatly improved. So should I continue to fight with the opponent?" Although Chen Feng was beaten back by the opponent, he was not panicked. At this time, Chen Feng was very confident.

At this time, Chen Feng still had a lot of things to consider, and what direction should the next battle go.

Just thinking about it, the opponent finally performed a kind of death magic, and this time Chen Feng felt a strong crisis of death.

Chen Feng was not surprised but happy. The opponent in front of him finally did not disappoint him and developed the true power of this body before its death.

This time, Chen Feng really thought he was going to die, and his soul almost collapsed.

It was like his soul was scattered. If Chen Feng hadn't used means to protect his sea of ​​consciousness in advance, he would not be able to resist the opponent's magical power with his own strength.

"With just this move, most of the Hunyuan above will fall. No wonder a few dead lives can slaughter dozens or even hundreds of Hunyuan above. It turns out that there are such powerful magical powers."

Chen Feng was also shocked. The reason why he took the risk to fight with the opponent this time was because Chen Feng had an intuition.

Maybe he would encounter those dead lives in the future, so this is a good opportunity to hone in advance.

Understand the opponent first, and then you can defeat the opponent.

If you can't even solve the life born after the opponent's death, you may be killed by the opponent when you encounter death in the future.

After fighting with the opponent for several rounds, Chen Feng felt that the opponent's combat power had indeed improved again.

And Chen Feng also began to do his best to constantly stimulate his own combat power, and at the same time began to use the repaired avenue.

The long sword in his hand is also indestructible, which can bring some threats to the dead life in front of him.

When Chen Feng was fighting, Yuan Yi came to this area quietly.

It was just that he was well hidden, so Chen Feng did not notice Yuan Yi's arrival.

And Yuan Yi did not get too close, but even so, he could observe the scene of Chen Feng fighting with his opponent.

"It's a pity that I didn't find a dead life here now, but the strength of this dead life is really strong, and the strength of this adventurer is also very strong. This fight is really exciting. I wonder what the result will be?" Yuan Yi showed curiosity in his eyes.

At this time, Yuan Yi suddenly disappeared from the spot, and when he appeared again, he had arrived in front of a Hunyuan Above, which scared the other party.

"This Taoist friend, the front is very dangerous, you should leave quickly." Yuan Yi advised kindly.

"It is indeed very dangerous, but I want to see the excitement." This Hunyuan Above said so.

"Sometimes the excitement is not so good-looking. As a Taoist friend, you should leave." Yuan Yi said.

"Who are you? What does it have to do with you whether I leave or not? I see if you want to pick a fight?" The man above the Hunyuan said with some dissatisfaction.

Yuan Yi did not waste words with the other party, but waved his hand. The space in front of him fluctuated, and the man above the Hunyuan was directly moved to an unknown place.

For a period of time, the other party did not appear again, and he knew that the other party was moved far away.

"Such a wonderful fight, how could it be disturbed by others?" Yuan Yi said in a low voice.

At this time, the strength of the dead life became stronger again. Although he was stabbed by Chen Feng, he took the opportunity to knock his identity away.

Moreover, the breath of death formed a thread, which enveloped Chen Feng like a thousand threads.

After Chen Feng cut off these sights with a long sword, he found that his Shenshan was also trapped.

"Is this a special method or a special magical power?" Chen Feng was confused at this time, but he knew that this opponent was getting more and more difficult.

I thought the opponent's combat power would soon be capped, but who knew that the potential was so great and had not been fully tapped.

In this case, I can only fight with the opponent for a while.

Chen Feng was not in a hurry, but Yuan Yi, who was watching secretly, was a little anxious for Chen Feng.

"He is not really a match for this death life, right? Then should I intervene? And how long will they fight?" Yuan Yi said.

Just when Yuan Yi was anxious, another Hunyuan Above was alarmed.

This time, two Hunyuan Above came, and they looked quite powerful. The other party had practiced, so naturally they were also on the Avenue of Death.

After coming, they didn't want to watch the fun, but wanted to participate.

This made Yuan Yi very dissatisfied.

I was watching the fun here, how could I let someone mess up?

So Yuan Yi stopped the two Hunyuan Above, and at first he tried to persuade them kindly, but the two Hunyuan Above didn't take Yuan Yi seriously.

It seemed that the two sides were about to clash.

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly rolled over.

It turned out that the battle just now was too fierce, and Chen Feng was actually knocked out by the death life, and fell right in front of the people who were watching the fun.

Yuan Yi was frightened directly. It was too late to hide it at this time. He just attacked the dead life.

"Daoyou, I'll help you." Yuan Yi shouted.

At this time, the dead life followed closely and was attacked by Yuan Yi. Yuan Yi's attack was not strong, but it was a bit strange. It actually slightly changed the action route of this dead life.

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