Eternal Existence

Chapter 687: Strange Lake

In the middle of this lake that seemed peaceful but was actually extremely dangerous, there was a piece of flat land. A group of people were trapped on the flat land, including Wen Shaoxiu and several others.

Moreover, these monks are fighting desperately. On one side are the monks of the Tianjian Sect headed by Wen Shaoxiu, on the other side are several monks led by Shenmodong. Of course, there is also one who is staying out of the matter and watching from the side. Of course, are these people real? Staying neutral is unknowable.

"Ten thousand swords and rivers!"

At this time, Jian Zhikong seized the opportunity and launched a big move. The sword energy billowed, forming a rushing river, rushing forward in a mighty manner, destroying everything in its path.

Immediately, a monk was hit, and his whole body continued to disintegrate in the sword energy river, and finally fell into the lake, causing some splashes and then dissipating.

"The Great Mudra of Gods and Demons!"


A monk from the Divine Demon Cave made a violent handprint that hit a monk from the Tianjian Sect, so the monk flew out and fell to the lake.


Wen Shaoxiu was extremely fast. He stretched out his hand and grabbed hard, using suction force to pull the opponent back from the air.


But just at this moment, the water surface exploded, and a strange fish sprang out of the water. A red light swept through it. The monk was immediately drawn into his mouth, and then the strange fish got into the water and disappeared.

The sudden change caused the two warring parties to immediately withdraw their attacks and stop fighting. Even the monks watching on the side began to be nervously alert.

"Is it a monster? Everyone, be careful."

"You can't fly here. The power of your soul is suppressed so much that you can't check what's going on in the water."

"This is terrible. The water in the lake is so corrosive that it can corrode even sacred objects. If you fall, you will definitely die. Plus, there are powerful monsters in the water. Hey, it seems that we are going to die here. ”

"That's not necessarily the case. Since we have been teleported here, there will be a glimmer of hope after all. But the most important thing right now is that everyone should not fight among themselves. Put aside any grievances and resolve the immediate matter first, and wait until it is safe. Let’s fight to the death.”

"Hey, that's for the best."

After a brief exchange, the Tianjian Sect and the Divine Demon Cave stopped fighting for the time being, but in order to prevent accidents, the two sides still distanced themselves.

There are a total of eight people on the Heavenly Sword faction, two of whom are from the Qin family and the Wang family, nine on the God-Demon Cave side, and thirteen on the neutral side. Except for two of the monks present, the others are at the ninth level of heaven. Without exception, everyone is half-step into the realm of immortality.

Seeing that the two sides did not take action, the thirteen neutral people were also a little regretful. After all, if they came here from the same sect, they might be enemies. The Heavenly Sword Sect's God and Demon Cave was so powerful that if the two could fight, both sides would suffer. For The best outcome for these people.


One of the monks took out a ninth-grade flying sword and threw it into the lake. There was a hissing sound, bubbles emerged, and the flying sword burned and dissipated, as if the lake had the ability to decompose everything. .

"Even the holy weapon was corroded when it entered it just now. What does it mean if you still have a treasure?" someone next to him said with disdain.

"What do you know? Although my flying sword is just a treasure, it is made of extremely hard meteorite iron. In terms of hardness, even some holy weapons cannot compare to it. It's just a pity now."

"Low-level holy weapons are not good. I don't know how high-level holy weapons are."

"Hey, the situation is unclear now. Even if someone has a high-level holy weapon, they won't take it out. Besides, this place is very weird. It limits the ability to fly, and there are some other restrictions. Maybe even high-level holy weapons can't be used. leave."

"The evil spirit contained in the lake here is many times stronger than above, and the strange fish that can survive in it are not simple."

"I'm just a little strange. Since there are strange fish in the water, why don't they attack us?"

"I'll try!"

As one of the monks spoke, he stepped forward and punched hard. The force of his fist exploded in the water, and water splashed everywhere. Water droplets fell all over the sky towards everyone. Some monks who could not dodge were immediately corroded with pieces of skin and flesh. Among them, One person was in the worst condition, even his arm was penetrated by the lake water.

"court death!"

"Who told you to move your hands randomly?"

"This lake water has a strong corrosive effect. Are you a fool?"

The monks who were injured by the lake water took action one after another. The person who punched just now was quickly seriously injured. If not for everyone's dissuasion, this guy would have been killed.

"Hey, at least it illustrates one point. Although the lake water here is highly corrosive, it cannot corrode palm power and true energy." Someone said at this time.

Everyone's eyes lit up after hearing this. Yes, although everyone can't fly, they are all monks with advanced physical skills and strong physical bodies. Naturally, there are some means to travel long distances without flying.

"It seems you can try to get out of here."

"Forget it, it's better not to take the risk and wait and see."

Everyone was talking about it. Although they were trapped on the island-like flat land, at least now it seemed that there was no danger if they stayed where they were.

So although everyone was a little anxious, no one took the lead, but there were also many people who were meditating secretly, seeming to be thinking about something.

Whoosh whoosh!

Half an hour later, a bright light suddenly rose from the ground, and three more monks were teleported in. These three monks were surprised to see so many people here. After questioning, I found out that these three people were also inadvertently teleported after entering the crack.

"It's a bit strange, why are all of them teleported here?"

"Could it be that someone secretly arranged it?"

"Hey, so many people are arranged together, there must be something bad going on, and it's in such a dangerous place, I don't care, I have to find a way to leave here."

At this time, someone finally couldn't bear it anymore, and his figure was like a sharp arrow, and he quickly jumped out from the flat ground.

If it were in the outside world, these monks could easily jump hundreds or thousands of meters with their pure physical strength.

But it's different now. The restrictions here are too strong, containing the laws of space. This monk only jumped out ten meters and began to fall.


At the moment of descent, this monk had already prepared, and he slapped out with a palm, splashing water, and this monk jumped forward again with the help of the rebound force.

He rushed forward for a distance, launched the palm force again, and rushed forward with a swaying figure.

This situation is the same as the situation of a cultivator who can't fly and refines the body to cross the river, except that this person's internal energy and physical body are more powerful.

"Okay, get out quickly."

The monks who stayed on the flat ground all stared at this monk. Everyone was a little nervous, and they all wanted to see if this person could get out.

"I'm afraid it won't be that easy." Wen Shaoxiu thought to himself.

There were many monks who had the same idea as Wen Shaoxiu. Everyone was teleported to a place. If they could leave easily like this, it seemed a little too easy.

Seeing that the land outside the lake was getting closer and closer, the monk's face had already revealed a look of joy. As long as he made a few more palms, he could leave.

But at this moment, something strange happened. A whirlpool of a foot in size suddenly appeared on the calm water surface. This whirlpool was black and spun rapidly, making people feel dizzy at a glance.


A suction force was emitted, easily swallowing the monk into it, and then the whirlpool disappeared, and the water surface returned to calm again, without even a circle of ripples.


"What was that just now, a whirlpool."

"Could it be caused by a strange fish?"


Everyone was dumbfounded. Although everyone guessed that this guy would not go out so easily, this situation was still somewhat unexpected.

"Sure enough, we can't leave, but it shouldn't be the whirlpool caused by the strange fish, it may be caused by the prohibition here."

"Hey, let me try!"

At this time, another monk took action, and a long spear flew out of his hand and threw it into the distance.

The whirlpool did not appear, but several cracks appeared in the space, as if a thread flashed, and then the long sword was cut into pieces and scattered in the lake.

"It seems that we can't get out." Someone began to sigh.

"What is the purpose of trapping us here? Could it be to feed the fish?"

"Maybe we can find something on this flat land."

Knowing that they couldn't get out, they finally began to pay attention to this flat land again, hoping to find something. Of course, more monks were waiting quietly. Everyone was secretly conserving their energy to deal with the situation that could happen at any time.

"Don't waste your energy. Just wait patiently. I think since so many people have been gathered together, there will definitely be follow-up measures." Wen Shaoxiu said.

"I'm afraid there won't be any follow-up measures." Jian Zhikong smiled bitterly.

"You can't fly here. There are strange fish in the water, and there are elusive man-eating whirlpools. Even the teleportation talisman has lost its effect. If there are no follow-up measures, the result will be that when our spiritual stones are exhausted and the evil spirits here cannot be absorbed, we can only wait for death."

"It will probably take ten or eight years to exhaust our spiritual stones. Maybe by then I will break through to the realm of human immortals."

Whoosh! The space vibrated, the light bloomed, and two more people were teleported over.

"This immortal battlefield is large enough. I didn't expect so many cultivators to come here. It seems that they should be affected by some mysterious power." Someone guessed so.

At this time, Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian also encountered some troubles.

At this time, the two were being besieged by a group of mutant bats. Each of these bats was as big as a goshawk, with a dark body and a slight luster. With wings spread out, there were sharp bone spurs whizzing through the space.

Sharp fangs, scarlet eyes, and a strong aura of death emanating from their bodies.

Unlike the monsters they had encountered before, although these bats contained a strong aura of evil, they were all intelligent, and even had a high IQ. They also knew how to use tactics to attack Chen Feng and the others.

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