Eternal Existence

Chapter 692: Collision

Two hours!

Three hours!

The cultivator who was at the front suddenly shook his whole body, and a trace of true energy emanated from his body.

Gravity increased again.

This time it did not increase suddenly, but gradually increased step by step.

After advancing hundreds of miles again, the gravity became 150 times, and then stabilized.

Chen Feng still seemed unaffected, but some other cultivators began to be unable to hold on, and even a cultivator from the Tianjian Sect was teleported out.

"Can you still hold on?" Chen Feng looked at Jian Xiaotian and asked.

In order to save energy, everyone kept their heads down and did not speak. Hearing this, Jian Xiaotian just nodded.


Jian Xiaotian's blood was steaming, and the Daluo battle body was opened again. Sure enough, his heavy body suddenly became light, and he took a few quick steps and walked side by side with Chen Feng.

"I hope I can hold on to the end. A nine-orifice golden pill that increases the power of a thousand years is a good thing." Jian Xiaotian said.

The further they went, the slower their progress became. After another hour, they only advanced a hundred miles.

Moreover, the gap in strength among the crowd was exposed at this time. There was a full 500 miles between the first and the last cultivator.

Half a day had passed, and the gravity had increased to 200 times. Several people were eliminated one after another. At this time, Jian Xiaotian was about to give up. Although the Daluo battle body was powerful, it was just opened up after all. Of course, the most important thing was that Jian Xiaotian's cultivation was still a little low, and the internal Qi was consumed too quickly.

Chen Feng frowned, waved his hand, and a stream of longevity Qi entered Jian Xiaotian's body. As the Qi flowed, Jian Xiaotian's whole body shook, his eyes were full of panic, and the consumed strength was restored to seven or eight levels.


Jian Xiaotian exhaled a breath of turbid air and looked at Chen Feng.

"Don't worry, this gravity is dispensable to me." Chen Feng said.

An hour later, Chen Feng once again injected a stream of Qi into Jian Xiaotian's body.

When he wanted to make a move for the third time, Jian Xiaotian stopped Chen Feng's action: "Forget it, don't worry about me, just speed up. If there is really a Nine-Aperture Golden Pill in front, you can't let others get there first."

"Then you." Chen Feng looked at Jian Xiaotian and was a little worried.

"Don't worry, although the magic weapon on me is useless, I still have some things on me." Jian Xiaotian took out a small medicine bottle.

"Sublimation Pill, a heaven-level pill, instantly restores all cultivation. I have a total of five, which should be enough." Jian Xiaotian said proudly.

"You have a lot of good things on you. Well, you guys should be careful. If there is any problem, I can come back at any time. Now I'll go to the front to take a look." Chen Feng said as he took a step, and his speed began to increase, one time, two times, and finally Chen Feng started running.

His speed exceeded everyone by a lot.

One cultivator after another was surpassed by Chen Feng. These cultivators only felt a flash in front of their eyes, and when they looked again, they could only see Chen Feng's back, and soon they couldn't even see his back.

"Who is this? How can he be so fast? Impossible."

"This is impossible. Could he have used the power of a magic weapon?"

"It's a cultivator from the Tianjian Sect."

"Stop him."

Seeing Chen Feng's speed, some people immediately became anxious. When Chen Feng surpassed more than 20 people, someone finally attacked Chen Feng.

"Stop it for me."

"Rivers are flowing!"

"Hungry tigers are hunting!"

Two cultivators attacked Chen Feng from the left and right. One of them used the river power. It was like a long river rushing between the moves, invincible.

The other used the grappling hand. The tiger-shaped phantom could directly capture and tear people apart.

One was a master of true qi, and the other was a master of body refining.

In addition to these two people, there were others who were eyeing them from a distance, and several of them were accumulating strength. Everyone made up their minds that it was the best time to take action here. If they couldn't kill Chen Feng, they would eliminate Chen Feng.

Facing the attacks of the two, Chen Feng did not dodge or fight back. He accelerated suddenly and crashed into them.

Bang! Bang!

This was the sound made by the opponent's attack landing on Chen Feng, but Chen Feng's momentum of rushing forward did not hesitate at all.

Bang! Bang!

There were two more collisions, and the two were knocked out by Chen Feng. At the moment of the collision, Chen Feng exerted all his strength and displayed the volcanic force he had recently developed.

So the bones of the two people were broken in many places when they flew out.

Because of the injuries, the two people could no longer withstand the gravity around them, so they fell heavily to the ground, their bones were broken, their internal organs were shattered, and under the strong pressure, large mouthfuls of blood gushed out of their mouths.


The power of space fluctuated, and the two were teleported out.

After dealing with the two people, Chen Feng suddenly used the Qilin Step, and his body moved sideways like a stone mountain hitting a cultivator again.


This was a cultivator from the God and Demon Cave. Seeing Chen Feng rushing over, he wanted to dodge, but he didn't dodge in the end.

So the sound of broken bones rang out. This cultivator was also teleported out.


Qilin Step dodged again, Chen Feng changed his route, and charged again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Chen Feng was like a humanoid monster, his figure swaying, and people were constantly knocked out. For a while, there were screams and curses everywhere, the sound of spitting blood, the sound of broken bones, and the sound of unwillingness to be teleported out.

Soon, Chen Feng was surrounded by nothingness. A total of eighteen cultivators were wiped out by Chen Feng.

Some cultivators hid far away as if they had seen a ghost.

"Too weak, I am a bit of a bully." Chen Feng shook his head and stopped, instead speeding up and moving forward.

Chen Feng didn't even warm up for the action just now.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng moved forward quickly, and soon his whole body turned into a thread. The cultivators in front of him saw Chen Feng's arrogant scene. Seeing Chen Feng rushing over, they hurriedly hid to the side.

Fortunately, Chen Feng didn't want to take action, otherwise there would be another collision.

Half a day had passed, and the gravity had increased to 220 at this time. In Chen Feng's opinion, since the gravity increased so slowly, it should be coming to an end.

"Elder Chen is so powerful, and his body is so strong." Seeing Chen Feng's actions, the Tianjian Sect cultivators were surprised and happy.

"With Elder Chen here, the Nine-Aperture Golden Pill should be fine."

At this time, there were still twenty people in front of Chen Feng. These twenty people were relatively fast, half of them were physical cultivators, and the rest were all cultivators with strong true energy.

However, although these people were very strong, they were still not good enough in Chen Feng's eyes. You must know that Chen Feng's current physical strength can counter the attack of the second-grade holy weapon.

If they really fight, these half-step human immortals can't break Chen Feng's defense even with the holy weapon, so Chen Feng feels like bullying.

"Forget it, if these people don't attack me, I will let them go." Chen Feng said in his heart. Although he promised Jian Xiaotian to kill these cultivators, Chen Feng actually felt a little bit of reluctance in his heart after killing many people.

"Hey, it seems that my heart is still not strong enough, but I still like to follow my heart." Chen Feng shook his head and surpassed the two again.

What surprised Chen Feng was that these cultivators in front of him didn't attack him, which made Chen Feng feel a little relieved.

"It seems that it was because of my previous move, but it's good this way. If I eliminate all these people in one go, there will definitely be some problems."

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Regardless of the increasing pressure around him, Chen Feng's speed is getting faster and faster, and his body is not stagnant at all.

Finally, Chen Feng surpassed everyone and rushed to the first place.

"Damn, how can this guy be so powerful." The one who rushed to the first place before was a big man with muscles as sharp as a knife.

This big man is from the God and Demon Cave. He practices the God and Demon Body Refining Technique of the God and Demon Cave, a very powerful body refining secret technique. The strength of his body is comparable to some natural spirits. He originally thought that this time he rushed to the first place. It was a sure thing, but he didn't expect that another dark horse would come out.

Moreover, Chen Feng's strength made this arrogant big man dare not take action. After all, the Nine-orifice Golden Pill is the most important, and there is no need to fight with the opponent now.

When Chen Feng left the second place thousands of miles away, the space in front of him shook and rippled, as if layers of water stood upright in front of him, forming a layer of light curtain barrier.

After Chen Feng passed through, he found that the scene in front of him had changed again.

In front of him was an empty cave, but the spiritual energy contained in it was very rich and a little chaotic.

Chen Feng soon realized that the spiritual energy around him contained immortal energy, evil energy, death energy, and some spiritual energy that Chen Feng could not distinguish. Chen Feng guessed that it might be the original energy of the person hidden in the dark.

"Yes, this Nine-orifice Golden Pill is yours." It was still a faint voice, and then Chen Feng suddenly had a golden pill in his hand.

It was the Nine-orifice Golden Pill that could improve his skills.

"Since you are the first to come here, as a reward, I can answer you a question." The voice continued.

"Only one question?" Chen Feng asked.

"Only one question."

"Who are you?" Chen Feng smiled.

"I am a wisp of consciousness left by the Tianju Immortal."

Chen Feng asked quickly, and the other party answered quickly. Chen Feng nodded, and then stopped talking, and began to study the Nine-orifice Golden Pill in his hand.

It was the first time that Chen Feng had seen this kind of elixir. It was golden in color, with nine tiny holes on it, and air was flowing through it.

Chen Feng opened his dark demon pupils and took a look. He felt that the Nine-Aperture Golden Pill contained a surging medicinal power, which was strong and heavy but not overbearing, and even revealed a hint of soft and warm coolness.

"Tsk tsk, just this one elixir can actually improve my skills by a thousand years, which is even more powerful than the bowl of immortal wine I drank back then."

"There is no time to refine it now, so let's start collecting it."

The monk from the God and Demon Cave also arrived in the next incense stick of time. Chen Feng was a little surprised by his speed.

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