Eternal Existence

Chapter 703: The Eighth Level of Heavenly Beings

Pah, pah, pah!

The three human-shaped lightnings responded to each other, continuously bursting out dazzling lightning, and the three human-shaped lightnings also took out weapons at the same time.

Three spears flashing with lightning were condensed, and waves of killing energy rushed directly into Chen Feng's mind.

"How can these human-shaped lightnings have such a strong fighting will." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"You have to understand where this place is. This is the battlefield of immortals. I don't know how many people died in the battle that year, and they are all masters for you. It's not easy to condense some of the fighting will of these people in their lifetime with the fragments of the laws of heaven here." Ta suddenly spoke at this time.

"Fighting will."

"You can also say it's the fighting spirit."

"You mean I'm fighting with those dead immortals." Chen Feng laughed.

"If that's the case, you would have been defeated long ago. Although it's the opponent's fighting spirit, the power is not enough." Ta sneered.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

At this time, three human-shaped lightnings had already launched an attack on Chen Feng at the same time. Three lightnings squeezed Chen Feng in the middle, and the sharp breath made Chen Feng's hair stand up.

"Heavenly Finger!" Chen Feng quickly sent out three finger forces after clearly grasping the opponent's moving route.

Ding Ding Ding!

Chen Feng's finger force was easily picked up by the opponent, and three lightning spears were already in front of Chen Feng.

"Qilin Step." Chen Feng's body was like a swimming fish, and he suddenly jumped out of the cage, then turned around and stepped on one of the human-shaped lightnings.

This step seemed to compress the surrounding space under Chen Feng's feet. This was the fighting intention that Chen Feng cultivated from the meteorite of the sky.


A human-shaped lightning was stepped on and flew away by Chen Feng's feet. Just when Chen Feng wanted to smash the opponent in one go, the attacks of the other two human-shaped lightnings had arrived.

"What a fast speed." Chen Feng drew an arc with his arms to block the opponent's spear, but the powerful force still knocked Chen Feng out.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng quickly circled in the air for several times, his body suddenly paused, and then shot out, the true energy in his body gushed out like the Yangtze River.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Chen Feng used all the fighting skills he had practiced to fight with the three human-shaped lightnings, and the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dim, and the energy generated even made the calamity clouds in the sky turbulent.

"Humph, although I don't want to say it, but this kid does have some potential. I'm afraid there will be few opponents at the same level, but he is still far from being my new master. If he can't surpass me in strength within 10,000 years, then I will leave. This is also the condition left by the old master." The wind and thunder double-headed dragon said.

"Haha, of course." The hellhound laughed.

In fact, the hellhound still didn't have much doubt about Chen Feng. All this came from the will deep in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. It was too strong. Just a wisp of will made the hellhound have no idea of ​​resistance.


Chen Feng was sent flying by a spear, but Chen Feng laughed. The opponent had a hundred combat skills and rich combat experience, just like a living person. This process made Chen Feng very happy. As the battle became more and more intense, Chen Feng also felt that his strength was more condensed and his combat experience became more sophisticated.

Only by fighting can one become stronger faster, and Chen Feng finally realized it.


Chen Feng took a step forward and performed the Longevity Step, and appeared directly behind a human-shaped lightning. Although the Longevity Step was only practiced in one style, it had already surpassed the Qilin Step.

The Longevity Step was more mysterious and more elegant. One step forward had a sense of great freedom and omnipotence.

"Longevity Handprint!"


The human-shaped puppet was directly shattered, and all the energy, laws, and fighting spirit will were all integrated into Chen Feng's body.

"What kind of footwork is this?" The hellhound and the wind and thunder double-headed dragon were all surprised and looked at each other. Although Chen Feng's Longevity Step was still very naive, the mystery and meaning in it made the two know that this was not an ordinary secret method.

"Could it be a fairy-level secret method?"

"Another one." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing as he felt the benefits absorbed into his body.


The calamity cloud was shaking, and two more human-shaped lightnings landed, this time forming a four-elephant force to surround Chen Feng.

Clap, clap, clap, clap!

Lightning flashed, and the four human-shaped lightnings had lightning power between them, and they quickly formed a four-elephant barrier.

Chen Feng immediately felt the strong pressure hitting him in waves, trying to crush him.

"I'll do it first!"

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Longevity Spear appeared in his hand. He stepped on the Longevity Step and went directly in front of a human-shaped lightning, and stabbed the spear in his hand fiercely.

Clap, clap, clap!

Who knew that this time the Longevity Spear stabbed into nothing, and then there was a crackling lightning in front of Chen Feng.

"Huh, weird." Chen Feng quickly retreated, and his body shook and stabbed at another human-shaped lightning again.


It stabbed into nothing again.

Chen Feng was really surprised. It turned out that the Four Symbols Barrier formed by these four human-shaped lightnings could achieve a teleportation effect within the barrier.

"I don't believe it." Chen Feng waved his hand, and another Longevity Spear appeared.


The Longevity Spear flew out of his hand and pierced through a human-shaped lightning like lightning. Sure enough, the human-shaped lightning figure disappeared in a flash, and appeared in another direction the next moment.

"I knew it would be like this." Chen Feng moved quickly and stabbed with the Longevity Spear in his hand.

Sure enough, this time the human-shaped lightning did not dodge, but thrust the spear in his hand and attacked Chen Feng. At the same time, the other two human-shaped lightnings also came over, leaving only one human-shaped lightning to preside over the Four Symbols Barrier.

Snap, snap, snap!

After a series of fights, Chen Feng was beaten back again and again. Three against one, and there was still one who did not take action.

Chen Feng took a hit and pierced a human-shaped lightning in a way of exchanging injuries for injuries.

With a bang, the human-shaped lightning exploded, but soon condensed together and returned to the previous position, and a blood hole appeared on Chen Feng's chest.

However, this blood hole healed quickly and recovered as before.

"If you can't kill it, you can recover." Chen Feng frowned, feeling that things were a bit tricky.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

At the moment when Chen Feng was distracted, the two human-shaped lightnings launched another attack.

His figure kept changing, and his eyes flashed with light, trying to catch the opponent's flaws. Finally, Chen Feng seized the opportunity again and broke up a human-shaped lightning. However, as Chen Feng thought, the human-shaped lightning that was broken up quickly recovered.

"If you want to deal with these guys, it seems that you have to break this four-element barrier." Chen Feng saw the key to the matter clearly.

"But how can you break this barrier?" Then Chen Feng was surrounded and constantly attacked. Even if he broke the opponent, he would recover quickly, which made Chen Feng a little helpless.

"It's not easy to persist until now under the siege of four immortals, but it's probably not that easy to break this four-element barrier." The hellhound said.

"Sky-breaking Fist!"

Chen Feng exerted his attack power to the peak level, with an attack power of 200 million pounds, but the surrounding barriers only shook a few times and did not break at all.

"Do you want to use magic weapons? Forget it, it's not time yet."

"In that case, Zhoutian Domain."

With a bang, the power of the domain emanated from Chen Feng, sweeping around continuously. The two human-shaped lightnings were knocked out as soon as they rushed up.


The power of the domain kept changing, forming two huge water and fire palms, which quickly grabbed the two human-shaped lightnings, making them unable to break free in a short time.


Another human-shaped lightning rushed over, but also fell into the domain.

Now only one human-shaped lightning controls the Four Symbols Boundary.

"Okay, now!"

"Mountains and Lakes Seal!"

Chen Feng's hands kept changing, and finally pushed hard. The big handprint condensed by the power of mountains and lakes whizzed out, directly submerging the last human-shaped lightning in it.


The human-shaped lightning exploded, snapping, snapping, cracks appeared in the Four Symbols Boundary, and finally broke with a bang.

The power of thunder and lightning, the will of heaven and earth, the power of the barrier, and the will of the fighting spirit all entered Chen Feng's body.

The Four Symbols Barrier was finally broken, and now only three human-shaped lightnings were left.

"I wonder if there are any more human-shaped lightnings coming?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

However, Chen Feng was soon relieved. Apart from the three human-shaped lightnings that launched the attack, there was no other situation.

"In this case, it is not easy to get rid of the three of you." Chen Feng's current state is that he is getting braver and braver. He has not consumed his strength due to the long-term battle. On the contrary, because the power hidden in his body has been developed, Chen Feng's combat effectiveness has risen steadily.

Not long after, the three human-shaped lightnings were broken one by one by Chen Feng, and then the calamity cloud disappeared, and the thunder calamity ended.

The substantial fluctuations descended, and Chen Feng successfully promoted to the eighth level of the heavenly man realm, but this time Chen Feng's gains from the calamity were too much, and he could not fully absorb them in a short time.

Chen Feng sat motionlessly on the ground and entered a deep level of cultivation. The power that he liked was easy to refine. Even if it could not be refined, it could be temporarily stored in the body and left for later refining. However, the perception of the laws of heaven and earth, the essence of the fighting spirit, and the mysteries of thunder require Chen Feng to strike while the iron is hot and comprehend in a short time.

As for the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Flood Dragon and the Hellhound, they stood guarding honestly. With these two demon fairy guardians, Chen Feng's comfort could be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

This time, the time for cultivation was very long. Time kept passing, day by day, and a month passed quickly. Chen Feng was still practicing motionless, like a stone man.


On this day, suddenly there were waves in the space. Feeling this wave, the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Flood Dragon and the Hellhound immediately became alert, and doubts flashed in their eyes.

"What's going on? It seems that there is something going on?"

"Use your Nether Eye to check it out and you will know."

"Okay, let me see." The Hellhound nodded, and the Nether Eye on his forehead opened, and the blue and dark eyes penetrated the void and swept across the distance.

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